I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 149 Chapter 151

"This is to prevent people from adopting stray animals on impulse, and then dislike the trouble and abandon them."

Seeing that Naruto Uchiha was still a student, the staff members flashed such a look in their eyes, and explained in a neutral manner.

He has seen many people like this who adopt cats and dogs in the stray animal center on a whim, but they usually only have three minutes of enthusiasm.

Raising cats and dogs is not an easy task. Feeding, injections, cleaning, and taking them out for a walk, etc., require considerable money and time costs.

Most of the stray animals on the street are abandoned by irresponsible owners.

Only those who pay will be cherished. Paying money to the stray animal center or pre-purchasing a year's dog food in advance can effectively dissuade those adopters who are impatient.

"Excuse me, how much is it?" Naruto Uchiha didn't know about this regulation at all, and naturally he couldn't show the dog food order receipt.

"Thirty thousand yen."

Naruto Uchiha blinked.

This number is neither too much nor too little.

But Naruto Uchiha didn't bring that much money with him, and he wanted to whore for nothing.

There are very few stray dogs on the streets of Tokyo, unlike crows and pigeons that can be seen everywhere, and Naruto Uchiha can't go to the streets to catch them like the first psychic beast Yadai.

At this moment, in the yard behind the stray animal adoption center, a staff member wearing a mask and protective clothing walked out, with a motionless little yellow dog on the cart in his hand.

"This dog was caught yesterday. It was alive and kicking, but it stopped moving today." The staff member wearing a mask sighed.

"It can't be dog plague. It should be dealt with as soon as possible."

This kind of situation has been seen a lot in stray animal adoption centers, plus they have to deal with unclaimed cats and dogs by themselves every now and then, no matter how sentimental they are, they will become numb.

As soon as the staff wearing masks pushed the trolley out of the gate, the little yellow dog jumped off the trolley, running wildly and fast.

"This dog is pretending? How is this possible?" The staff was surprised.

The dirty little yellow dog stopped halfway, looked back, there seemed to be a hint of cunning in the dog's eyes, the wet black nose snorted, and it wriggled the dog's buttocks and ran fast. Disappeared around the corner of the street.

"We were tricked by a dog." The staff was annoyed and funny.

Naruto Uchiha was also a little surprised, this little yellow dog looks very smart.

"This dog is so spiritual, is it also a stray dog?" Uchiha Ming asked.

"It should be that this dog appeared near here half a month ago. Our ambulance station has observed it for a long time, but we didn't find that it has an owner."

The staff was a little strange, but also answered casually:

"It took several times to catch this little yellow dog, but I didn't expect it to run away in the end."


Naruto Uchiha closed his right eye, nodded, thanked him and walked outside.

The staff frowned.

It seems that the adoption was also given up because of the transfer fee.

After all, for high school students, 30,000 yen is not a small number.

After the little yellow dog escaped from the stray animal adoption center, he ran for several streets in one go, sticking out his pink tongue, panting tiredly.

There happened to be a park here, and the little yellow dog ran over, put his two front legs on the tap water fountain, and stuck out his tongue to lick the spouted tap water.

There were a few children playing in the park, and the accompanying mothers were a little nervous when they saw the little yellow dog running in.

But the little yellow dog is not big, and he didn't bark or bark. He didn't look threatening, so he felt relieved.

At the same time, outside the park, an uncle in casual clothes walked by with a large black Tosa dog.

The uncle stopped halfway, put the dog leash under his arm, took out the cigarette case and lighter from his pocket with both hands, put a cigarette in his mouth, and started to light.

"Woof! Woah! Woah!"

The black Tosa dog looked at the little girl who was building a sandcastle in the park, and suddenly broke free from the leash, barking crazily, and ran towards the little girl.

"Mother! Mother! Dog, bad dog!"

The little girl burst into tears immediately, and the mother who was chatting with other housewives heard the crying and turned her head immediately, and was about to rush to protect the child in shock, but it was too late.

At this critical moment, the little stray yellow dog suddenly rushed out, grinning at the black Tosa dog twice its size:


The black Tosa dog saw the little yellow dog that came out on the way, and didn't bother to chase the little girl, so he stopped and yelled at the little yellow dog.

"Wow woof!"

"Wow, woof woof——!"

Tosa dogs were originally medium-to-large dogs used for fighting dogs, and they were not shy towards small yellow dogs, let alone a dog that relied on others. The black Tosa dog had an owner behind him, so it was even more courageous.

"Baga, where did the wild dog come from! How dare you come to provoke my Heijin Wan, you really want to die!"

The smoking man suddenly became furious, picked up a stone from the ground, and threw it at the little yellow dog.


A rock the size of a baseball hit the little yellow dog's head, and his skin was ripped open immediately, and blood flowed down.

"You wild dog, you know how powerful I am! My purebred Tosa is worth 10,000 times more than a string dog like you."

The smoking man picked up another stone from the ground, held it in his hand, raised his head and grinned triumphantly.

Suddenly, a gray thing fell from the sky and landed in the man's mouth.

"What is this? Very fresh, very..."

The man chewed a few times, and when he raised his head, he saw a crow with shiny feathers and a circle larger than ordinary crows hovering above his head.

"This is bird droppings, bah bah bah... oh-!"

The man's face turned blue immediately, and he knelt on the ground and retched.

The barking Tosa dog wanted to take advantage of the little yellow dog's injury to go up and bite, but for some reason, it whimpered suddenly, then ran out with its tail between its legs in a desperate manner.

Regardless of its owner.

The stray little yellow dog took advantage of this gap and fled towards the depths of the park.

The little yellow dog ran for a long distance before stopping. It looked backward, but no one or dog was catching up.

The little yellow dog stuck out his tongue and licked the blood from his head, then found a softer grass, lay down on it, and curled up his body into a ball.


Suddenly, the little yellow dog's ears pricked up alertly, and the dog's head raised.

"The sense of smell is really keen, and you can even find me who is invisible with the transparent escape."

Naruto Uchiha appeared silently in front of the little yellow dog, squatted down, and stretched out a hand:

"How about it, do you want to be my dog?"

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