I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 164 Chapter 166


All the debtors were caught off guard by the flashy scene, and the first victim appeared at an unexpected speed!

The monster stretched out its sharp claws, dug out the bloody heart from the chest cavity of the corpse, held it in both hands and began to chew.

Only when the monster started to stop to eat did everyone in the ring see the monster's true face.

It was a two-meter-tall monster with disheveled hair and half-meter-long white bristly hair all over its body. It looked like a white gorilla walking upright. But the muzzle protruded like a mouse, with sharp fangs, making a terrifying chewing sound.

"What kind of monster is this time!?"

The debtors changed their faces in horror, and the two groups were frightened.

"Go! Go!"

Hyoudou Huichang blushed and danced with a microphone in his hand.

"Is the spear in your hand an embroidery needle? Don't hurry up and stab it to death."

"You scammer! This is not an animal at all! This is simply a monster, which is different from what you said!"

The sharp-nosed young man among the debtors shouted into the stands.

"That's because you are ignorant, who said that monsters are not animals?"

President Hyoudou picked out his ears jokingly, and sneered: "Old man 'Shirajiro' hasn't fed for five days, and one or two human internal organs can't satisfy him. If you don't attack now, wait If Shirajiro is full, he will have no chance."

The long-haired monster named Shirajiro had already swallowed the heart in its hand, and then stuck its pointed head into the chest of the corpse, gnawing at the internal organs.

The belly of the deceased bulged and shrank, looking very scary!

Shirajiro didn't seem to pay attention to the humans present at all, he gobbled it up on his own, completely exposing his back in front of the debtors.

"Everyone, listen to me, we can only do our best now! Even monsters are flesh and blood, and they will die if they are pierced by a spear."

The young people cheered on the other debtors.

The nickname of the terrifying erect ape is not in vain. The primitive people hundreds of thousands of years ago used simply processed spears to hunt mammoths, and countless large wild animals were extinct. Even the giant whales in the ocean were not spared. .

The throwing guns in the hands of debtors are not simple spears made of wood or stone tools by primitive people, but metal weapons made of steel, and the lethality is even more terrifying!

As long as it is still a carbon-based organism on the earth, it is impossible to block the throwing of the steel spear with horny skin and cortical tissue.

"I'll count one, two, three. When the time comes, let's throw the spear together! Think about the 10 million yen. As long as this monster is killed, everyone will get 10 million yen!"

It was this young man who suggested to the debtors to choose to throw guns before, and now he showed extraordinary courage in the panic-stricken crowd. The debtors nodded their heads as if they had found their backbone.




Following the young man's loud shout, everyone threw the steel spears with all their might.

Some of the seven or eight spears hit the stone wall and smashed a spark, and some directly penetrated into the ring made of loess for a full tens of centimeters.

Although the accuracy is not very good, the victory lies in the large number, and three spears hit Shirajiro beautifully.

But before the debtors had time to welcome him, Shirajiro's originally soft white hair had turned into hard thorns, just like the armor of a hedgehog.

The one-meter-long steel spear could not penetrate Shirajiro's body at all, but was embedded in the thorns,


Shirajiro yelled in pain, and pulled out a spear from his back. The tip was still stained with blood. With his strong and powerful arms, he bent the iron spear immediately.

With a growl, it threw another person down with lightning speed, and immediately bit off his neck.

"No! This monster is not something we can kill!"

"Run away!"

These debtors were scared out of their wits and ran away with their heads in their arms.

Originally, they were not professional soldiers, but just a group of scumbags who gambled wildly and prostituted themselves. Their morale, inspired by money, melted instantly after seeing the horror of monsters.

"Quick, let us go!"

"The ten million, I don't want it, I give up!"

"Open the door!"

The debtors rushed to the side of the auditorium where Chairman Hyoudou was, shouting excitedly.

"Shut up, you bastards!"

President Hyoudou picked up his cane and slammed it on the bulletproof glass with a deafening noise, instantly suppressing the din from the audience.

"In order to get rid of the arrears, there is still a total of 10 million yuan. It is your subjective wish to participate in this event. Now that you have discovered the danger, you want to give up halfway. How can there be such a good thing in the world!" President Hyoudeng looked cruel said hotly.

The big figures of the Black Emperor Society around him also had cruel smiles on their faces.

At the same time, Shirajiro dragged another person away, and the long cry of the victim before his death made all the debtors shudder.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I will definitely pay back the money I owe you! So please be merciful and let me go!"

Those in debt knelt on the ground and wept bitterly.

"I will definitely pay it back, even if it is to steal or grab it, I will pay it back later!"

"Sorry, give me another chance!"

Seeing this, the others also knelt on the ground and begged bitterly.

"Trash, don't apologize! Don't kneel!"

President Hyoudou's beard and hair were all stretched out, with a sickly crazy expression on his face, he was furious and loudly scolded:

"No matter what happened, you all apologize immediately! As long as you say sorry, everything will be fine, and all the charges will be cleared, right? Plus you kneel down and sit down, thinking that others should forgive you, otherwise it is Wicked man, all of you trash think like this!"

"In this country, as long as you apologize and kneel down, it seems that any problem can be solved, but I tell you, the old man will never approve of that nonsense!"

President Hyoudou scolded for a while, and after wantonly venting, he leaned on the wheelchair panting heavily.

Even the senior members of the Black Emperor Society and the black-clothed bodyguards beside him were too frightened to even breathe.

"But no one told me to be merciful, even if I treat hopeless trash like you, I am willing to give you another chance!"

After regaining his breath, President Hyoudou looked like he was enjoying the show.

"Some of you will definitely survive, maybe even two if you're lucky."

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