I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 167 Chapter 169 Special Treatment

Vice-President Hosoda took the lead, and the other high-ranking members of the Black Emperor Guild, like movie kings, burst into tears in an instant, accusing President Hyoudou of disregarding human lives.

"You... how dare you..."

President Hyoudou's face suddenly changed, and he picked up his cane and hit Vice President Hosoda on the head.

The vice-chairman, who has always been submissive, snatched the cane, with a dignified expression on his face:

"Now that things are going on, do you still want to threaten us with violence and power? I have made up my mind, and I can no longer collude with Houdou!"

"That's right, me too."

The big figures of the Black Emperor Society are scrambling to draw a clear line with Chairman Hyoudou.

"Fart, you bunch of rubbish, didn't you all enjoy watching it just now." President Hyoudou laughed back angrily, and counted them one by one with trembling fingers.

"There are also the previous human horse races and medieval torture performances. Aren't these all the ghost ideas presented by you, Hosoda. Now that things have happened, you still have the face to say that it has nothing to do with you?"

"I really regret it, I shouldn't have succumbed to your despotic power Hyoudou and done these things without conscience!" Vice President Hosoda burst into tears on his fat face, and his face was full of sincere repentance.

"In order to atone for my sins, I will surrender to the Metropolitan Police Department! And I will donate all my assets to establish a charitable fund for the families of the victims and all those in need."

"Speaking is better than singing. You just saw that the situation was not good and wanted to use sweet words..." President Hyoudou scolded angrily.


There was a deafening bang, and an iron-blue arm hit the bulletproof glass, and the indestructible bulletproof glass shattered in response.

"That's enough, I don't have time to watch your dogs bite dogs!" Naruto Uchiha said with a cold face.

On the right fist, it is a rock-like green-gray color.

Earth escape, earth spear!

This is an earth-dun ninjutsu that combines offense and defense, which can increase the hardness of the body to the diamond level, and its lethality and defense are astounding.

"I'm not here for the dead, President Hyoudou, I'm here for you."

Naruto Uchiha raised a shallow arc on the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile:

"President Hyoudou, I regret to tell you one thing. The immortality that Orochi Higuchi promised you may have to be postponed indefinitely."

President Hyoudou's pupils shrank, and his expression was a little flustered, but he showed a bit of that.

The old man just said, how can a majestic Transcendent stand up for a group of untouchables, he must have something to do with Transcendent, that is, he came here for monsters.

And from the tone of the Transcendent, the fate of Higuchi Orochi might not be good?

In this case, my dream of eternal life will disappear in smoke!

President Hyoudou's face was cloudy and uncertain.

But the most important thing now is to overcome the difficulties in front of us.

"All this time, you have been the monster that protects the organization, right? Tell me all about the monster's stronghold!"

Naruto Uchiha raised his eyes and suddenly looked aside.

The next moment, a monster with loose white hair jumped from the arena to the audience stand.

"Also, what's the matter with this monster? Did you get it from Higuchi Orochi? It looks like it hates you." Uchiha Naruto said with great interest.

Shirajiro stared at two blood-red eyes, the fangs in his mouth were grinding, and he stared at President Hyoudou unkindly.


President Hyoudou's heart skipped a beat, his right hand subconsciously grabbed the shock remote control in his pocket, and turned his head to look at Naruto Uchiha.


Grinning his teeth, Shirajiro approached the members of the Black Emperor Society, and the long white hairs behind him began to squirm like tentacles, baring their teeth and claws.


The big figures of the Black Emperor Society backed away in fright, and were about to run away with their heads in their hands.

"Get off!"

Naruto Uchiha opened his scarlet Sharingan, and with a turn of the Sangodama in his eyes, Shirajiro's eyes glowed red, and the stunned man stood up, jumped down the stage, and returned to the arena.

"Thank you for your help!"

"My lord really has boundless mana. With a stern voice, you can drive away demons and goblins!"

"Gods and Buddhas are alive, that's all!"

Vice President Hosoda and other high-ranking members of the Black Emperor Society showed flattery and flattery, and flattery came one after another.

"Get off!"

Naruto Uchiha remained unmoved, and spit out a few words coldly from his mouth.

"what do you mean……"

The higher-ups of the Black Emperor Society were a little taken aback.

"I tell you to get off too! Don't you guys like to watch sideshows like Battle Royale, so how can you not experience it for yourself?"

"Your Excellency, don't make such jokes..." Vice President Hosoda was sweating profusely, and forced out a few words from his mouth.


Naruto Uchiha sneered.

Of course, he couldn't believe such a lame excuse that the group of people from the Black Emperor Society blamed President Hyoudou for all their faults.

Naruto Uchiha's spiritualization technique can clearly see the color of the soul. These big figures of the Black Emperor Society are all filthy and pus-black. party up.

Of course Naruto Uchiha knew that these people would not jump down honestly, so he could only send him a ride himself.

With a few flashes of his figure, he kicked everyone out of the stands except Chairman Hyoudou.


"it hurts!"

There were cries of pain one after another, and the Hei Dihui, who were normally tall and well-dressed, all fell down with bruised noses and swollen faces.

Falling from the three-meter-high stands onto the arena was not fatal, but when they regained consciousness, they realized what a dangerous situation they were in.

Shirajiro, the monster, was salivating, watching them covetously.


Someone screamed in fright, and was about to run away like hell. The white hair on Shirajiro's body was tied up in a bundle, and he was pulled to the side, biting off his neck.


After Shirajiro killed this person, he didn't take out the internal organs to eat as before, but left the body and rushed towards other high-level members of the Black Emperor Society.

The screams are endless!

No matter how hard the members of the Black Emperor Society escaped, it was useless, but within two or three minutes, most of them were bitten to death by Shirajiro.

Naruto Uchiha was condescending, watching the killing under his feet indifferently.

"This is no longer hunting, but massacre! I really don't understand, what's so good about this one-sided massacre?"

Naruto Uchiha pushed Chairman Hyoudou, who was sitting in a wheelchair, to the edge of the stands, hanging in mid-air.

"President Hyoudou, I gave you special treatment. You don't want to go down and play battle royale with that monster, do you? You can't run after all."

"Can you answer my question?"

President Hyoudou was trembling, his whole body was trembling, his face was pale, and his mouth was trembling, but even so, he still kept his mouth shut.

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