I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 169 Chapter 171

"The self-proclaimed horned monster seems to have an immortal body. When the bullet hits his body, he is stunned. And slender black tentacles came out from the holes in his clothes, and directly pierced the bodyguard sent by the old man. .” The elder of the Hyoudou Society showed a bit of fear on his face.

After seeing the power of Kakuyuki, President Hyoudou could only put away his thoughts that he shouldn't have, and honestly bought the little octopus monster from Kakuyuki.

After several negotiations, they spent another 300 million yuan to buy Shirajiro in the arena.

Of course, just to be on the safe side, Chairman Hyoudou would not appear on the field in person every time a transaction was made, and he arranged for another confidant to be in charge of this matter.

"The old man didn't tell Orochi Higuchi about buying youkai, but after several contacts, the old man discovered that Kakuyuki seemed to know Orochi Higuchi."

Ignoring the pistol bullets, it's still really extraordinary.

The few cadre-level monsters that Naruto Uchiha came into contact with that were born more than ten years ago could not ignore bullets.

This monster called Kakuyuki is very likely to be a big monster of the Higuchi Orochi class.

It's a pity that I became very murderous at the time, and I killed Higuchi Orochi in a short time. If I used Sharingan to control it, I might be able to get more information.

But it doesn't matter, after Naruto Uchiha opened the Sangouyu Sharingan, even if there are ten or eight big monsters of this level, he will not be afraid.

"My lord, the old man has explained all the truth without reservation and in every detail. You can see my sincerity!"

Chairman Hyoudou's wheelchair was still hanging in the air, and he managed to take a look below. The tragic scene of corpses in the arena and Shirajiro staring at him made his lips turn white with fright.

"You are very honest about the origin of the youkai purchase. But Higuchi Orochi and the information about the location of the organization, you haven't said anything yet."

"These things. Of course, the old man will tell you everything, but can you promise to spare my life?" President Hyoudou licked his lips and tentatively asked.

Being old and cunning, he also saw that Naruto Uchiha came for Orochi Higuchi's organization, and the information about Kakuyuki, a monster dealer, was just a matter of grabbing grass and beating rabbits.

That being the case, information about the Higuchi Orochi organization is his amulet and must not be disclosed at will.

Otherwise, if it loses its use value, it will undoubtedly kill itself.

"Are you playing tricks on me?" Naruto Uchiha said coldly.

"Don't dare! I just want to live a few more days, so I have to do it. I hope you can understand, as long as you can spare the old man's life, whether it is the information of the Higuchi Orochi organization, or the family property that the old man has accumulated for decades, the old man They are all willing to offer it with both hands to make atonement."

"Hehe, it sounds very tempting."

Uchiha Naruto suddenly laughed for some reason, and then said curiously:

"I heard from Butler Kurosaki that Higuchi Orochi promised to perform the technique of immortality for you, but you need your own grandson as a sacrifice. Is there such a thing?"

"This..." President Hyoudou stammered for a while, and cursed in his heart at the same time.

It turned out that it was Kurosaki that trash who provoked this god of death!

Using a living person as a sacrifice, this kind of spell is extremely evil, let alone using one's own "grandchildren" as a sacrifice. It is impossible to imagine the attitude of this extraordinary man when he finds out!

But now, seeing that this extraordinary man has learned so many things, he can't be fooled by lying, so he can only admit it honestly.

"It's the old man who was confused for a while! The old man has sincerely repented, and he has made a clean break with the monster from now on. The Houdeng family and Hei Di will be willing to regard the adults as the masters, and do the work of dogs and horses!"

President Hyoudou said with an extremely humble attitude, his tone was forceful and full of firmness.


Naruto Uchiha sneered, he didn't believe a single word of Chairman Hyoudou's nonsense, let alone that he would repent.

Even if he wants to find someone to be a dog among the Japanese dignitaries, Naruto Uchiha will not pick the old dog President Hyoudou, not only because he thinks it is dirty, but it will be a matter of time before this old dog bites back.

"The art of immortality? Actually, I can too." Naruto Uchiha said with a malicious smile on his face.

President Hyoudou's face was puzzled, and then there was a strong hope. Could it be that it was a turn of events?

"My lord, you..."

In President Hyoudou's cloudy eyes, there was a light of hope, but then it froze instantly. Naruto Uchiha let go of his hand, and President Hyoudou fell together with the wheelchair.


President Hyoudou only felt top-heavy and dizzy, and then there was a sharp pain, his eyes went dark, and he lost consciousness.


When Chairman Hyoudou woke up, he found himself in a mansion that was both familiar and unfamiliar, with a luxurious banquet table in front of him, and familiar faces floating before his eyes.

"Why does this mansion look so familiar? And didn't the old man be thrown from the stands by the superhuman monster? Why am I still alive?"

President Hyoudou stretched out his hands, and found that both palms had regained their youthfulness, and the original dense wrinkles had disappeared.

He stood up in disbelief, and unexpectedly found that his feet, which had been unable to get off the ground for more than ten years, regained consciousness.

It's impossible, it's impossible!

President Hyoudou caressed his clean and smooth face, and the silver knife on the dining table reflected a young face, which was the appearance of President Hyoudou when he was young.

With an expression of disbelief mixed with ecstasy, he grabbed the shiny tableware, looked at his own face, and laughed out loud in surprise:

"Hahaha, I'm actually rejuvenated!?"

"What the hell are you doing? What are you crazy about?"

Everyone at the table looked at President Hyoudou as if he had seen a ghost.

A middle-aged man in the lead glared at Chairman Hyoudou, and a lady in a luxurious dress and a young woman who was as beautiful as a flower looked at him worriedly.

Only then did Chairman Hyoudou discover that these people were his parents and wife.

Even a bloodless and tearless person like him can't help being in a trance when he sees his family members who have been lost for many years.

"Today is the day to entertain General Herrington. You will be insane here, but it will kill the whole family!"

"What year is this year?" President Hyoudou asked quickly.

"Showa 20th year!" Father said coldly.

In other words, I am only in my twenties now.

Um? In the 20th year of the Showa era, isn't this the year when the iron hooves of the American imperialists set foot on Japan?

And this day turned out to be the day to entertain General Herrington!

In order to avoid the liquidation after the war, the Hyoudou family tried their best to curry favor with the occupying army, and for this purpose, they also offered Chairman Hyoudou's mother and wife. President Hyoudou was also forced to play the shamisen on the sidelines for fun.


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