I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 179 Chapter 181 Magic Power

Most of the volunteers in the secret laboratory of Yokosuka Port are death row prisoners who awakened their free will and voluntarily sacrificed their lives for the country under the "sincere persuasion" of the CIA.

These volunteers have traveled thousands of miles, leaped across the ocean, and worked tirelessly for the cause of the United States. What kind of spirit is this?

Although the volunteers of the United States were full of crimes and crimes in the first half of their lives, they finally woke up and realized the noble sublimation of personality through self-sacrifice. It was really moving to tears.

If it is such a volunteer, General William is very confident that as long as he sees the dawn of the success of the Wolverine project in the White House, he will definitely pass his application all the way, as many as he wants.

But if you switch to children between the ages of ten and fifteen, the problem is a bit trickier.

After all, it is not a hundred years ago when Indian children could be justifiably taken away from their parents and stuffed into monastery schools, which was called enlightenment.

"Among the illegal immigrants detained at the US-Mexico border, there are more than 70,000 children..."

A thought frightened even him flashed through General William's mind.

No, no.

In this case, even General William himself would have to take some political risks.

Maybe it will become a handle and be attacked by political opponents.

Furthermore, General William is a devout Christian, and the Mexican immigrants detained on the border are basically Catholics, and they don't want to put mental pressure on themselves.

"Officer Mori, I will leave the task of finding volunteers of the right age to you."

If it is a heretic, then there is no problem, General William glanced at Section Chief Sen, who had a pleasing eyebrow, and ordered.


Mr. Mori had an unbelievable expression on his face, and then he was embarrassed, very embarrassed.

"General William, this, this..."

"Mr. Mori, the volunteers for the laboratory have always been provided by our United States, and now it's time for Japan to contribute."

One of the reasons why the laboratory does not use local materials in Japan is that there are too few executed prisoners in Japan.

Although Japan still retains the death penalty in name, the ministers of justice of all dynasties have cherished their feathers and refused to sign the execution book easily until it is delayed to the next one.

The Asahara leader, who was notorious for the sarin gas attack, was also hanged 20 years later.

Japan's death sentence standard refers to the Yongshan standard, that is, the death penalty will only be imposed if three or more people are killed. Therefore, all the death row inmates in prisons have committed major tragedies that have caused a sensation in the society and have been closely watched by the media, so it is not good start.

In comparison, there are 2 million people detained in prisons in the United States, including private prisons with chaotic management and poor conditions. Dozens of black ghosts and drug addicts disappeared without anyone noticing. .

Volunteers in the United States in particular, especially black male volunteers, have another great advantage.

It's a simple family relationship.

I don't know who my father is, nor do I know if I have children.

Simply perfect.

"Officer Mori, think about who you work for."

Seeing that Mr. Mori seemed to be trying to shirk, General William said with a straight face, without any hesitation.

"The results of the Yokosuka Port Laboratory are shared by our two countries! This is a common cause of the two countries, and the Metropolitan Police Department should understand it."

"I see."

Section Chief Mori moved his Adam's apple with difficulty, and closed his eyes.

Human experimentation with executed prisoners and human experimentation with innocent children are two different concepts.

He thinks he still has some conscience, but since he has taken refuge in the United States, he can't allow himself to refuse.

"May the Lord forgive our sins! Amen!"

General William closed his eyes and prayed again, then dropped all the mental pressure and showed his eyes.

"The alarm is off! Let's go to the previous volunteer to see the latest progress."

Naturally, there was a special recovery unit in the research institute to clean up the mess after Area A and Area D were wrecked by Wolverine. General William led his people to a medical room on the second floor of the basement.

The girl who was treated by Dr. Satomi before was lying on a CT scanner surrounded by a group of medical staff.

Soon, the test results will come out.

"Volunteer No. 127 gained 5.9kg in 16 hours on the premise of not taking in nutrients. The bone hardness was more perfect than expected, and there was no bone mutation in the previous experimental records, which pierced the body and caused death." A sign." The project supervisor held the report card and read energetically.

The increase of matter out of thin air is enough to overturn Newton's coffin, but the people in the laboratory are completely familiar with it.

If you only use your previous experience to analyze the mysteries of the extraordinary, then you are asking for trouble.

"Then is there a Mana (magic power) reaction detected in her body?" General William asked quickly.

Although the human experiments of the superhero project are progressing slowly, the Yokosuka Port Laboratory, which has gathered the world's top brains, is not completely ignorant.

Scientists have discovered that in the monster's body, there is a special energy produced by cells. This energy does not obey the law of physical conservation at all, and can create matter out of thin air. A series of supernatural powers of the monster need to be driven by this special ability.

Although in the information provided by the Metropolitan Police Department, there are monsters who call it Youqi, but the laboratory still named it Mana, which is magic power.

"Unfortunately, not."

Several professors and doctors in white coats whispered to each other before the project director said:

"However, the bone structure of volunteer No. 127 is very stable. It can be said that it has successfully passed the second stage and entered the third stage. According to the project's prediction, mana should be born in the volunteer's body in the fourth stage."

"I hope so. The experiment process must be accelerated!" General William ordered.

After the Wolverine riot tonight, the terrifying superpowers displayed made General William feel lingering fears, and at the same time, he became more and more enthusiastic.

The hard and tough bones are the absolute defense against any physical attack. Once an attack is launched, the indestructible bones are the strongest spear!

This extremely physically aggressive superpower is very much in line with the tastes of the United States military, and it is much stronger than those fancy fire-breathing and water-breathing.

As long as the experiment can enter the fourth stage, the United States can also continuously create invulnerable and destructive super soldiers!

"Report, there is an emergency call from the Metropolitan Police Department, and it is for Section Chief Mori."

When Section Chief Mori entered the Yokosuka Port military base, he was going to hand over his mobile phone.

I saw a laboratory guard read:

"Not long ago, at 0:13, a big explosion occurred on the outskirts of Saitama Prefecture! A battle between Akatsuki's transcendent 'Itachi' and an unknown monster was observed."

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