I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 182 Chapter 184

Yamanashi Prefecture, Mount Fuji.

On the southeast side of Fuji Five Lakes Jingji Lake, there is a large half-moon-shaped virgin forest, which is called Aokigahara Tree Sea, which is a famous suicide sanctuary in Japan.

It was just at dawn, the sky was about to be bright, and it seemed dark but not dark. The forests of the Aokigahara Sea of ​​Trees were swaying in the shadows, full of strange shadows, and it was particularly scary.


A cry from an unknown animal caused the two men who were digging a hole in the ground with a shovel to shiver and look at each other.

"Why does this sound sound like a wolf?" One of them was a little uneasy.

"You idiot, the wolf in Japan has long been extinct, maybe it's a wild dog or something?"

Beside the big pit, sitting on the floor was a middle-aged man wearing a straight shirt and trousers, with short dyed yellow hair and a black beard around his mouth. His face was indifferent, and his eyes were shining brightly.

"It's almost dawn, don't stop! Dig the hole deeper, if it is picked up by animals, it will be troublesome."

"Brother Ku, there may be troubles in other places, but this is the suicide forest, and no one cares about one or two extra corpses." One of the men who were digging a hole said with a smile.

"I'm not discussing with you! This is an order!"

The bearded man named Brother Ku glanced over and said coldly.

The two people in the pit quickly kept silent, rolled up their cuffs, sweated profusely, and dug hard.

Judging from the exposed black tattoos of the two, it is obvious that they are not good people, but garbage like Yakuza.

"Brother Ku, the digging is finished."

"No, it's not deep enough, dig again!"

The two Yakuza could only keep digging down with a bitter face.

Soon, a large pit with a square of two meters and a depth of more than one meter was dug.

"Forget it, that's it."

Brother Ku took a look and wasn't very satisfied, but seeing the two Yakuza exhausted and panting, and didn't want to dirty his trousers, he could only make do with it.

"Hey, Tosu! It's time to wake up!"

A black sack more than one meter long sat under Brother Ku's buttocks, and blood was still oozing from a corner of the sack.

Brother Ku stood up, raised his brand-name leather shoes, and kicked hard at the sack!


There was a muffled hum from the sack.

Brother Ku unbuttoned the sack, revealing a face with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

The person inside the sack was tied up and gagged. Although his face was covered with bruises, he was thin and timid. He was completely different from the fierce Yakuza outside.

The white shirt on his upper body has been stained red by the blood flowing from his face, and a tie is still tied around his neck.

Looking at his appearance and temperament, he looks more like a timid middle-aged office worker.

"Tosu, look at this big pit that has been dug, this is the last chance for you!"

Brother Ku ripped off the sock from the thin office worker's mouth, dragged his hair to the big pit, and forcibly pressed the office worker's head down.


The emaciated office worker let out a series of screams, which took a while to subside.

"Quickly tell me! Tell me honestly, is the young master's disappearance related to you? Or has he been killed by you!"

Brother Ku grabbed the thin office worker's hair, turned his face towards him, and asked viciously.

"Oh, let me go... Mr. Ku, I really... don't know..."

The emaciated office worker burst into tears and stammered begging for mercy.

"Fart! The last time the young master appeared was in your daughter's rental house! And you went to your daughter's rental house that day, how dare you say you don't know?"

Brother Ku sneered, and punched the thin office worker on the nose.

"Forgive... life... woo woo..."

Nosebleeds splattered, and Brother Ku's shirt was stained with a few drops.

"Fuck, my new AOKI! How dare you stain my clothes!"

Brother Ku suddenly became enraged, fisting and kicking like crazy, hitting the thin and weak office worker viciously one after another.

"Help, help!"

Not knowing where the strength came from, the thin office worker suddenly let out a hasty cry for help.

"Tosu, do you know where this is? This is Aokigahara, no one will save you even if you scream!"

Brother Ku said with a grin.

Suddenly, there were rustling sounds in the woods not far behind.

"who is it?"

The suspicious Brother Ku immediately became alert, and looked over with cold eyes, but there was nothing there.

"You, go and have a look."

He randomly assigned a Yakuza boy, who walked over with a sad face, took a flashlight and looked around for a few times, but found nothing.

Maybe it was a small animal scurrying past, or the wind blowing or something.

Brother Ku calmed down a little, and continued to punch and kick the thin and weak office workers.

"Quiet, Tsuna."

Naruto Uchiha, who was hiding in the dark, silently stroked the dog's head of the ninja dog Tsunayoshi, and conveyed his meaning to it through the connection of spiritism.

After Naruto Uchiha wiped out the Earth Resentment Monster in the suburbs of Saitama Prefecture, his pupil power and chakra were consumed a lot.

Knowing how to behave, he naturally wouldn't go after another cart of monsters in such a hasty manner.

Although the possibility of capsizing the gutter is almost non-existent, Naruto Uchiha became more cautious after the change of the red moon.

Naruto Uchiha found a place to rest for two hours, and after recovering his pupil power and chakra to nearly full state, he summoned the ninja dog Tsunayoshi to continue tracking.

This chase was from Saitama Prefecture to the foot of Mount Fuji in Yamanashi Prefecture.

Naruto Uchiha has also heard of Aoki Mori's reputation as a suicide holy place.

Naruto Uchiha found the abandoned container truck on the side of the road, but when chasing into Aokigahara, Tsunayoshi's nose suddenly couldn't catch the smell of monsters.

Aoki Mori belongs to the erupted magma zone of Mount Fuji. The underground is rich in iron ore, which leads to abnormal magnetic field and compass failure.

However, the abnormal magnetic field is unlikely to affect the sense of smell of Ninja Dog Tsunayoshi.

Naruto Uchiha immediately promised a lot of benefits, such as Tomahawk steak, top dog food, little bitches, etc. Tsunayoshi was drooling and his tail almost broke.

But no matter how hard it tried, the smell of the monsters stopped after entering Aokigahara.

What is so strange about Aokihara?

Or is it that the other mysterious monster that captured the monsters in the shelter has some special ability to block the smell of monsters?

Although today can be regarded as a fruitful harvest, not only a full 500 points of ninja jade burst out from the Earth Grudge Yu monster, but also the LV1 Earth Grudge Yu Art.

It is really a very powerful esoteric ninjutsu to steal the heart of others, but to be honest, Naruto Uchiha is a little disgusted by the black tentacles and limb transformation of the Earth Resentment Technique.

Like Orochimaru ninjutsu, you have to transform yourself into a human and ghost.

It really doesn't match Uchiha's family name!

Naruto Uchiha didn't want to go back home so simply, but took Tsunayoshi around the sea of ​​trees in Aokigahara.

Tsunayoshi, the ninja dog with a keen sense of smell, immediately smelled the smell of fresh human blood, and brought Naruto Uchiha here to watch a good show.

Yakuza killed people and buried them?

Brother Ku again tortured the thin and weak office worker viciously. The office worker already exhaled more gas and breathed less, but even so, he still didn't change his words when he was dying, and murmured "I don't know" and "Forgive me" What.

"Bring things up."

Brother Yakuza on the side came over carrying an iron bucket.

The iron bucket was filled with ice cubes, and inside the ice cubes was a severed hand and foot.

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