I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 213 Chapter 214 The Yoyogi Police Station blew up!

"Mt. Miaomu, a giant python tens of meters high, and a sage performing Kabuki...so that's how it is, that's how it is."

In the Yoyogi Police Station in Shibuya District, Tokyo, a middle-aged police officer who looked older and a little bald took off his reading glasses, nodded, and smiled on his fat, round face.

Well, go on, I'm listening.

Seeing the questioning police officer showing a kind and amiable expression like a doctor in a mental hospital, Mineko Yuki's anger suddenly rose.

Anger value +1!

Well, she also knew that this experience was too unbelievable, and they still entered Miaomu Mountain with their souls, without any evidence, and their empty teeth were naturally not convincing.

After Yuki Fengzi last night, other patients who were sent to the general hospital also woke up one after another.

The hospital and the Yoyogi Police Station were overjoyed.

After all, it was not a trivial matter that seven people passed out together in Yoyogi Park. No matter how much the hospital tested, they couldn't find the cause, and the Yoyogi Police Station was also very nervous, fearing that it might be an attack like a poison gas leak.

After being checked by the hospital and confirmed that the seven people were in good health, they were taken to the Yoyogi Police Station to cooperate with the investigation in the early morning of the next day.

In fact, Mineko Yuki did not want to make this experience public, but she was not the only one whose soul was involved in Mt. Miaomu. There were many people with mixed opinions, so it was a matter of course that it was leaked out.

It is indeed incredible that seven people had the same dream at the same time.

But judging by common sense, compared to sleepwalking in another world, it may be more realistic for seven people to fabricate lies together for some reason, or have collective hysteria.

The Yoyogi Police Station also had this in mind, so they separated the seven of them and interrogated them individually.

"Miss Yuki, your testimony does not contradict Ms. Hamada. Then, Miss Yuki, you will turn into a frog, right?"

The fat middle-aged police officer who asked the question picked up the notes left by the previous people, flipped through them a few times, and asked.


The little police officer who was taking notes buried his head on the table, his shoulders kept shrugging.

The middle-aged fat police officer glared at him directly.

We are the police, no matter how funny, we can't laugh!

Even though he thought so, a smile appeared in the eyes of the middle-aged fat policeman.

Anger value +1!

"Can I go to the toilet?" Yuki Mineko showed a distant yet polite smile on her face.

"Of course, Miss Yuki, please."

Yuki Mineko and the others were not suspects and were not handcuffed. She got up from her seat, went out and closed the door, and she could hear laughter from inside through the door.

"These psychopaths, hahaha——!"

Anger value +1!

So angry!

Her eyelids twitched a few times, feeling her fists were hardened, so she could only pretend she didn't hear it.

Walking out of the inquiry room, Mineko Yuki walked a few steps to the lounge outside, and saw the man with glasses and the fat woman sitting there silently.

Only the yellow-haired young man surnamed Taguchi was nowhere to be seen, perhaps he was also being questioned.

"Miss Tong Gu, are you finished?" The fat woman saw Yuki Mineko coming out, and asked impatiently.

"Ms. Hamada, not yet, I just went to the toilet." Yuki Mineko said.

"When will the interrogation at the police station end? It's Golden Week now, so I don't want to spend my precious holidays in the police station." The fat woman complained sadly.

Several people looked at each other, and the air suddenly became a little heavy.

Even though he was just taking a walk in Yoyogi Park, he went to another world, Mt. Myogi, in a daze, and is still trapped in the police station.

What the hell is going on? !

"The seven of us fell into a coma at the same time in Yoyogi Park. It's really weird. It even made the news, and netizens talked about it. It's justified to be questioned by the police station." The man with glasses put down his phone and shook his head .

"When will I be able to go home? My baby must be starving now."

The man with glasses sighed. He didn't know if today would be over. After being silent for a while, he finally couldn't help but said:

"You said that we traveled to Mount Miaomu... and Immortal Ziraiya, is it true? Could it be that we have a collective hallucination?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Mineko Yuki blurted out immediately, and subconsciously raised her right hand, on which there was the dark blue imprint left by Jiraiya after her treatment.

"Seven people had the same dream. Is it possible? And on the way to the police station, we also talked. The experience in Mount Miaomu can be matched."


The man with glasses nodded. If he was the only one who experienced this, he could still deceive himself and say that it was Nankey Yimeng.

However, the seven people who did not know each other visited Mt. Miaomu together in their dreams, and they could still recall all the details after waking up. How could there be such a coincidence.

"It would be great if we didn't travel through the soul, but through the body! In this case, maybe we can take a few photos with the mobile phone as evidence."

"Looking at the police officer's appearance, he doesn't believe us at all." Someone said indignantly. "Not only kept laughing, but also asked me if I had a history of mental illness or a family genetic history of mental illness!"

"That's right, they asked me that question too."

"What kind of service attitude, I want to complain! A group of tax thieves!"

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Yuki Mineko's face, because she was also a member of the tax thieves.

Fortunately, they haven't found out that they have concealed their real names, otherwise it would be even more embarrassing.

A group of people chattered and began to discuss, and their expressions gradually became excited. Because of the same experience and being suspected by others, they resonated with each other, and there was a faint tendency to form a group.

Mineko Yuki sighed, and returned to the inquiry room after going to the toilet.

Sure enough, after answering a few questions from the fat police officer, he began to ask cryptically if Mineko Yuki had been under a lot of mental stress recently, and whether her family had seen a psychiatrist.

"It's not that we don't believe you."

The fat police officer also expressed regret that this is a necessary process and there is no malicious intent.

Although she had been mentally prepared, Yuki Mineko couldn't help the blue veins bursting out on her forehead.

"No." Yuki Mineko gritted her teeth and replied.

Then asked a few more questions, and finally the middle-aged fat police officer pushed the completed transcript in front of Mineko Yuki.

"Miss Yuki, take a look, if there is no problem, just sign."

The middle-aged fat police officer hesitated for a moment before reminding him:

"Miss Yuki, I took a look at your information. You are now a student of the Police Academy of the Metropolitan Police Department, and you can also be regarded as our colleague. And you are also an adopter of the Type I exam, with a bright future."

The exam before entering the police academy is equivalent to the civil service exam.

After passing the exam, you will be a civil servant.

Taking the Police Academy of the Metropolitan Police Department as an example, the recruited students are divided into two categories, one is the Type I examination for college graduates, and the other is the Type III examination for high school graduates.

A police officer employed in Category I needs to spend 6 months in the Police Academy of the Metropolitan Police Department, 3 months of workplace practice, 2 months of further study, and 4 months of on-site practice. A total of one year and three months can be officially employed.

Type I adopter police officers, although they are not in the professional group, are promoted much faster than hard-working Type III police officers.

Police officers of category I adopters are eligible to take the promotion examination for more than one year after taking up the post, and become inspectors after passing it; police officers of category III adopters need 4 years.

"This transcript will definitely be shown to the leaders of the Police Academy of the Metropolitan Police Department. Please be careful." The middle-aged fat police officer said meaningfully.

Yuki Mineko blinked, and immediately understood his reminder.

This absurd transcript, which is like a fantasy, may affect the evaluation of the Police Academy of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Yuki Mineko groaned for a while, with a dignified expression, and finally signed the record.

"Okay, that's it."

The middle-aged fat police officer handed over the transcript to the young police officer on the side to file, and then led Yuki Mineko out of the inquiry room to the outside lounge.

"Everyone, it's been a hard day for everyone. The interrogation at the police station ends here. You can go home, but don't wander around this week. We may ask you to interrogate again." The fat police officer announced.

"Where's my boyfriend?" asked the young woman named Lucky.


While the fat middle-aged police officer was hesitating, a very capable-looking police officer came over and whispered something in his ear.

The fat middle-aged police officer who had been smiling all the time suddenly changed his expression.

He turned his head and asked the police officer a few words in a low voice. After getting a definite answer, his expression became more serious.

"Sorry guys, you can't go."


No one knew why the fat police officer suddenly backtracked.

"Taguchi is a pseudonym. He has confirmed his identity. He is a drug dealer in the police department. He also admitted that he took drugs yesterday morning. He is now in police custody."

"Impossible! It's impossible for my boyfriend to do such a thing!"

Fat police officers' reactions to women have become commonplace, and the families of many prisoners were kept in the dark, and they couldn't believe it in the end.

"So you can't leave for the time being. Our police station will take you to Tokyo General Hospital for a blood and hair test." The fat police officer glanced over sharply.

"Do you suspect that we are as high as Taguchi? That's why we have the illusion of traveling to another world?" Yuki Mineko suddenly understood.

"Miss Yuki, you can't say that, it's just a necessary procedure."

The fat middle-aged police officer spoke in an official tone, but looked at Mineko Yuki with regret.

How can a beautiful woman be a thief.

Suddenly, Yucheng Fengzi's chest seemed to be blocked by something, rising and falling.

Compared to the statement that the seven of them traveled to Mount Miaomu and met a fairy, the fat police officer is obviously more willing to believe that the few of them were hallucinations produced by smoking high together.

Although she said that she was not afraid of the slanting shadow, as long as she checked, she could wash away the suspicion, even so, it still made her heart hold back a cloud of evil fire.

Damn, how angry!

Anyway, no one would believe their words!

The heat in her body made Yuki Mineko feel more and more unbearable, as if some heat surged to her chest, but she couldn't vomit or swallow, which made her feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Woo..." Mineko Yuki's face flushed, sweat poured down, and she groaned in pain.

"Miss Yuuki, are you alright?"

The fat police officer was taken aback. Yuki Mineko's exposed skin was like burning charcoal, and she was sweating profusely.

"Woo, woo—"

It was as if there was something hot and beating, and it was stagnant in my heart, and I couldn't spit it out.

But I couldn't spit it out, and it was throbbing in my throat and chest!

At this time, Fengzi Yucheng suddenly remembered the handprints given to her by the lecherous fairy, and put her hands together involuntarily, made a few gestures quickly, and took a few seals.


There was a fire in his chest that was about to rush up, Yucheng Fengzi was startled, avoided the crowd at the nick of time, opened his mouth and vomited towards the ceiling.

The Art of Fireball!

A ball of fire exploded on the ceiling, sending sparks flying.


The fluorescent lamps on the ceiling were bombed into pieces, and shards of glass fell from the ceiling.

Everyone squatted down subconsciously and stretched out their hands to hug their heads. Fortunately, no one was injured.

The fat police officer lying on the ground stared dumbfounded at the scene, unable to recover for a long time, feeling that his three views were shattered like fluorescent lamps.

Mineko Yuki spitting out flames like a fire dragon?

Could it be that what these people said before was really not just crazy talk after getting high?

"Miss Yuki..."

The fat police officer came back to his senses, and was about to say something to Yucheng Fengzi, but after Yucheng Fengzi spit out the fireball, black smoke came out of his mouth and nose, he closed his eyes, and fell to the ground powerlessly upside down.

"Notify the hospital immediately!"

"And the Director!"


Shibuya District.

Yoyogi Park, which has been open for free all year round, was abnormally closed in the afternoon.

Some tourists who came from other places to visit Yoyogi Park excitedly took advantage of the golden week. Before they reached the main entrance of the park, there was a sign of the construction team standing at the entrance, and there were several unsmiling people wearing hard hats. Workers, keep them out.

"What, is Yoyogi Park still closed for construction?"

"That's right, isn't it open to the public in the morning? Why is it closed in the afternoon. I didn't see any sign on the official website of the Tokyo City Government?"

"Could it be related to yesterday's mysterious coma. It seems that dozens of people were inexplicably unconscious in Yoyogi Park. It seems to be a gas leak."

"It's terrible! Let's change places."

The tourists who rushed to nothing, seeing the workers with cold faces and strong bodies, did not dare to force their way in, and could only leave in dismay in the end.

In Yoyogi Park, a large group of police officers and scientific researchers are carefully inspecting every plant and tree where Mineko Yuki and others have passed out.

"Does it really exist? A passage to another world?"

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