I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 225 Chapter 226 My brother-in-law is an elite of the Metropolitan Police Department!

"Uh, my head hurts... I drank a little too much."

In the early morning of the next day, Daiki Shimazaki, with the vanity of a hangover, hurried all the way to the Obama City Police Station not far from home.

Along the way, many tourists pointed at Daiki Shimazaki and laughed while covering their mouths.

Is there anything wrong?

Daiki Shimazaki followed the sight of passers-by and took off the police cap on his head.

Only then did he find out that in his haste to go out, he took the wrong hat, and what he had in his hand was a green mermaid festival travel commemorative hat.


Daiki Shimazaki raised his arm and wanted to throw the cuckold on the ground, but then he thought that there were still people staring at him, and it was inappropriate to litter the trash, so he could only crumpled it up and stuffed it into his trouser pocket.

Relying on the director's father's relationship, Daiki Shimazaki found a job at the Obama City Police Station.

On weekdays, Shimazaki’s father can still turn a blind eye to fishing for three days and two days to dry nets, but if he continues to catch fish at the mermaid festival where the police force is scarce, Shimazaki’s father will also get angry.

Just at eight o'clock in the morning, Daiki Shimazaki impatiently turned off the alarm clock on his mobile phone and opened his sleepy eyes, only to realize that he was more than ten minutes late.

Daiki Shimazaki didn't care about washing, he took out the police uniform from the closet and put it on, grabbed a hat and put it on his head, and rushed out.

Unexpectedly, he took the wrong green hat.

This is not a good sign.

After walking to the Obama City Police Station with his thoughts in mind, Daiki Shimazaki unexpectedly found that there were few people in the police station.

Is it because there are more tourists this year than in previous years, has the police force been dispatched in advance to maintain the order of the festival?

As soon as Shimazaki Daiki entered the police station with a puzzled face, the police officers and clerks who saw him all looked at him with strange expressions.

Do I have any questions, the green hat has already been taken off?

Daiki Shimazaki rubbed his head, confused.

"Shimazaki, why are you still here?" A police officer who had a good relationship with Daki Shimazaki asked with a delicate expression.

"I'm coming to work." Monk Shimazaki Daikijoji was puzzled.

"That's right, you don't know yet." The police officer patted Daiki Shimazaki on the shoulder with sympathy:

"Your girlfriend You Jiazi died in love with someone else and committed suicide by crossing the sea!"

Daiki Shimazaki's face turned green.

According to the police officer's message, Shimazaki hurriedly drove to the scene of the incident.

Although it was still early and the Conch Beach where the two bodies were recovered was relatively remote, there were still some tourists gathered outside the cordon to watch curiously.

Fortunately, the surrounding police officers knew Daiki Shimazaki's face. Although his "boyfriend" was not sure if he was the victim after his current girlfriend and other men died in love, they also let him enter the cordon.


The corpses of a man and a woman hugging each other tightly on the beach, although their faces were swollen and deformed after being soaked in sea water, Daiki Shimazaki recognized them at a glance. They were Yukako and Yamamoto who both belonged to the yacht club!

His face turned blue, his feet gave way in fright, and he fell to the ground.

In the pocket, the crumpled green hat also slipped out.

"No, it's impossible! How could Yu Jiazi commit suicide?"

"Shimazaki, I'm sorry by the way."

An elderly police officer in his forties sighed, and pulled Daiki Shimazaki, who was limp on the ground, to his feet:

"According to the police call we received, your girlfriend You Jiazi died with her childhood sweetheart in the sea near Hailuotan at 10:05 p.m.... No, there was an accident."

The older police officer had already conducted a simple autopsy. Both of them died of drowning, and their hands and feet were so tightly intertwined that they were like Siamese twins, they couldn't be separated at all.

According to the testimony of witnesses at the scene, it was You Jiazi who took the initiative to hug the man and fell into the sea together.

The elderly police officer with a vicissitudes of life couldn't help thinking about a lingering love tragedy.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! I don't believe it!" Daiki Shimazaki threw off the police officer's hand, knelt on the beach, and screamed heart-piercingly.

The older police officer also thought that Daiki Shimazaki was too sad and couldn't accept it for a while, and he didn't care about his offense.

He was also a little emotional, originally the director's son had a mediocre reputation in Xiaobin City, he was said to be a frivolous playboy, but he did not expect to use deep affection, which was touching.

"Move the two corpses away first. The director has already spoken, don't let this accident affect today's mermaid festival."

The older police officer decided to let Daiki Shimazaki calm down by himself, and began to direct other police officers to dispose of the corpse.

Daiki Shimazaki knelt down on the ground in shock, his back was already soaked in cold sweat, and the sea breeze blew the bone-chilling cold, which also made him jolt and wake up a little.

He didn't believe that a money-worshiping girl like You Jiazi would commit suicide together with a poor boy like Shanyuan.

The bizarre deaths of the two reminded Daiki Shimazaki of the curse of the mermaid that Yu Jiazi had been talking about during his lifetime.

Is it possible...


"Beep beep..."

Trembling, Daiki Shimazaki took out his mobile phone and called Ryuji Haga, but he didn't get through anyway.

"Damn it, why didn't you answer the phone?" Daiki Shimazaki couldn't help cursing in a hurry.

He thought for a while, and quickly opened the group chat formed by the yacht club in the line.

Because Daiki Shimazaki is very tired of Yu Jiazi's chatter, he added her to the blacklist, and only now did I see the last message of her account:

"The judgment of the mermaid will come soon!"

The mobile phone slipped from the palm of his hand and fell straight on the sand. Daiki Shimazaki's heart seemed to be grabbed by something, and it was difficult to even breathe, and his face was as pale as a dead person.

"Fanghe Ryuji, could it be..."


Even though it was the most grand annual mermaid festival in Xiaohama City, the police were overstretched to maintain order, but in the Xiaohama City Police Station, a group of police officers stayed silent in the conference room.

"In addition to Yu Jiazi and Yamamoto who drowned in Conch Beach, Ryuji Haga and another member of the yacht club, Aki, were also found drowned at home."

After listening to the police officer's report, Director Shimazaki of the Obama City Police Station's eyelids twitched.

The police officers below also had ugly faces. Four people were inexplicably drowned in one day, which was not a trivial matter anyway.

And it's still at the time of the Mermaid Festival. If it spreads out, it will be a devastating blow to the tourism industry of Xiaohama City!

"Hakata Ryuji drowned in the bathtub in the bathroom, and the other person drowned on the sink in the toilet. There are obvious signs of homicide, and the possibility of accidents is basically ruled out."

According to the vital statistics of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the number of people who drowned in bathtubs in Heisei 30 was 5,398.

Because the temperature difference between the room temperature and the hot water in the bathtub is large, it is easy to cause drastic changes in blood pressure, and then form a so-called heat shock reaction such as myocardial infarction, resulting in falling into the bathtub and drowning when bathing or getting up.

Unlike his whole body soaked in the bathtub due to accidental drowning, Fanga Ryuji lay on the edge of the bathtub, only his head was immersed in the water and drowned, and there were obvious signs of struggle on his hands and feet.

"Leaving aside the other woman who drowned in the sink, it is not easy to drown a man like Ryuji Fanga in the bathtub in his prime. Any residue found, in our judgment, should have been a crime committed by two or three adult men."

"Have you found anything else?" Director Shimazaki asked with a sullen face.

"Takaji Yoshiga had signs of desperate struggle outside the bathtub for a long time before his death, indicating that he was conscious. Of course, this is only a preliminary judgment, and the specific results will have to wait for the autopsy."

In a small city police station like Obama City, of course, there is no forensic doctor. If you want to conduct a legal autopsy, you must send it to the Fukui Prefectural Police Headquarters.

The police officer who reported quickly introduced the situation in the case, and announced that these people were all survivors of the yacht accident that year, and the last piece of information was also released.

"The judgment of the mermaid will come soon!"

When they heard the word 'mermaid', the expressions of several older police officers including Director Shimazaki changed.

The young police officer turned a blind eye to this and reported impassionedly:

"There is no doubt that this is a serial murder case! It is related to the yacht accident five years ago. Someone is using the name of mermaid revenge to create an atmosphere of terror and massacre the survivors."

"Officer Shimazaki, who belonged to the same yacht club as the four drowned people, is undoubtedly the next target!"

All the police officers attending the meeting couldn't help but look weird, and looked at Director Shimazaki.

Everyone knows that Daiki Shimazaki is the director's son.

Director Shimazaki's eyes flickered, his face was cloudy and uncertain.

"The serial murderer may be related to Suzuki Junhui, who died in the accident five years ago. The motive for the murder may be to blame the survivors of other yacht clubs. We can investigate from this direction." The young policeman showed excitement Said.

"As for the trial of the mermaid, it's just a smoke bomb released by the murderer to confuse the direction of the police's investigation. Don't take it too seriously." The young policeman was very confident.

According to his experience of watching thousands of episodes of Conan and Kindaichi, this so-called mermaid is just someone playing tricks behind his back.

This weird and bizarre serial murder case fascinated him, a fan of reasoning.

If it can be cracked, it will definitely make him famous, and maybe he will be touted as a famous detective in the Reiwa era!

"Ahem, what the Yamashiro police officer said is good. We should start the investigation from Suzuki's network." Someone recalled: "Suzuki, I remember that her parents seem to have passed away, and there is only one younger brother or younger sister? It seems that they have also moved away. Bar."

"It's my younger sister, Maika Suzuki, she returned to Xiaohama City yesterday."

Director Shimazaki frowned. If someone really committed the crime, it's okay to say, but I'm afraid it was something similar to the bottom of Wakasa Bay back then...

But up to now, he can only be treated as a living horse doctor. After all, Daiki Shimazaki is his only son, and he, the father, has to take care of it for him if he made a big mess.

"Suzuki's younger sister is now in the 'Hailan House' fisherman's homestay. Shancheng, take a few people and invite her to cooperate with the investigation." Director Shimazaki said with a long breath.


Although he didn't know how the director could know such detailed information, the young policeman still raised his chest and saluted.

A few old police officers who had experienced the shipwreck five years ago had thoughtful expressions on their faces.

The director actually knows Suzuki's sister's whereabouts like the back of his hand, does it mean that the rumors back then were not without wind and waves, Daiki Shimazaki really put...

But they are all old fritters, and they are very sensible and hide their doubts deeply in their hearts.

"The trial of the mermaid is really interesting, can I listen to it too?"

While Director Shimazaki was arranging tasks for the police officers, the door of the meeting room was pushed open, and a blond foreign woman in a black slim suit walked in.

The blonde woman was over 1.7 meters tall, with a delicate face. Although there was a smile in her tone, her blue eyes were sharp and bright, and she exuded an unquestionable courage.

"Who are you? How did you break into the police station?"

Before the words were finished, unsmiling men in black suits poured in from behind the blond girl, with bulging waists, exuding a sharp temperament that was completely different from that of a police officer.

Director Shimazaki's face changed, and he recalled a few mysterious people who came from Tokyo five years ago, and there was a familiar aura about him.


Another greasy man with a tie squeezed in from the door, and gave orders to Director Shimazaki unceremoniously:

"Shimazaki, all investigations are now entrusted to this special commissioner from the Public Security Department of the Metropolitan Police Department! Do you understand?"


"Investigator Grace, do you think this is okay?" the mayor of Xiaohama rubbed his hands, nodded and bowed to the blonde girl.

The blonde nodded calmly.

Half an hour later, Nami Ryu Sakaki, who was "invited" to the Obama City Police Station, lost her temper with the police officers.

"You say that Wu Xiang is now the number one suspect in the murder case? How is this possible? She has been with me since yesterday."

"Miss Sakaki, with your smell of alcohol and the testimony of the Sabar clerk that you were drunk until you were helped back, I'm afraid you can't provide an alibi for Miss Suzuki."


Nami Sakaki choked for words.

"Anyway, Miss Sakaki, please stay at the police station for the time being and cooperate with the investigation."

Nami Liu Sakaki said unconvinced: "How long will it take? We are here to visit the Mermaid Festival, so we don't have that much time to spend in the police station."

"I don't know about that." The policeman said with a smile on his face.

"Your Obama Police Station is so unreasonable, bullying outsiders, my brother-in-law will not ignore it." Sakaki Nami said angrily: "My brother-in-law Uchiha is an elite of the Metropolitan Police Department!"

"Who are you?"

The blond-haired, blue-eyed foreign woman who was listening raised her chin slightly, her flaming red lips curled up and asked with a trace of hostility:

"What's your relationship with Uchiha Police?"

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