I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 230 Chapter 231 Tailed Beast Jade? False flash?

The armed squad and the fifth section operatives who were on guard also reacted quickly, some of the barrels were turned around, and Director Shimazaki was intercepted.


There was a shot.

Director Shimazaki strangled Suzuki Maika's neck with one hand from behind, and fired a gun into the sky with the other hand, then pressed the muzzle of the gun against Suzuki Maika's chin from below, and said with a hostile face:

"Get out of the way, I want to go in! Otherwise, I will kill this woman!"


"Let him in." Grace's face was gloomy, and she was not expecting this situation.

Grace glanced at Suzuki Junhui quietly, and saw that Suzuki Junhui, who had a lively face before, was expressionless, her eyes were dark, and a cold and terrifying aura gradually permeated.

Damn, have you turned back into an evil spirit again...

Director Shimazaki has already held Maika Suzuki as a hostage, and slowly walked over step by step.

"Director Shimazaki, do you know what you are doing?"

Uncontrollable anger surged in her chest, and Grace's blue eyes almost burst into flames. She stared at Director Shimazaki firmly, and said every word.

"Your Excellency, Special Commissioner, I just want to save my son Dagui." Director Shimazaki asked with a sneer: "You want to use my son as a sacrifice and make some ulterior deal with that monster. As a father, I do this Is there any problem doing it?"

Grace's face was clouded and her lips were pressed together.

She was too hasty. Grace never cared about the Shimazaki father and son, treating them as abandoned sons who could be consumed at will. Unexpectedly, the bond between Shimazaki father and son is so deep, and Director Shimazaki dared to go against his superiors, backlash against his master, and completely disrupt the overall plan.

It's not that the Japanese are the most collectivist. How can Director Shimazaki not consider the overall situation?

What he lost was only a son, what the Metropolitan Police Department lost was the opportunity to control extraordinary creatures!

"Director Shimazaki, please calm down a little bit. We will find a way to get the best of both worlds..." Grace's blunt tone softened.

"Special commissioner, don't use these sweet words to deceive me now. I have been a police officer all my life and don't know the virtues of you big men? The only thing I can rely on now is this gun in my hand. gun!"

The director roared, the barrel of the gun pressed against Suzuki Maika's chin, shining with a cold light of steel.

"Tell your men to get out! Or I'll shoot you!"

"Investigator, do you want it?"

The captain of the tactical team leaned close to Grace's ear and whispered.

At this angle, at this distance, they were absolutely sure to shoot and kill Director Shimazaki before he could react.

Looking at the M360J police gun on Suzuki Maika's chin, Grace shook her head.

Although Japan's various revolver guns have been ridiculed as "even if you can't kill it from seven steps away" and "you can't break through the defense if you wear a padded jacket", but at zero distance, it is still possible to headshot.

If Director Shimazaki was shot, and he accidentally pulled the trigger with his finger when he fell down, causing Suzuki Maika to die here, there would be no room for redemption.

For a while, Grace didn't dare to act rashly.

"Except for the 'Swordfish' team, all the police officers from Section 5 and the local police station are evacuated!" Grace ordered.

"Didn't I say everyone?" Director Shimazaki said dissatisfied.

"This is the biggest concession I can make!"

Grace said with a frosty face.

When negotiating with hostage-taking violent terrorists, unconditional concession is the most stupid kind.

With so many people pouring into the detention room at once, it seemed a little crowded. Once a conflict broke out, it was inconvenient for the tactical team to do anything.

Moreover, compared to the sailfish team with assault rifles and other heavy weapons, the firepower of the pistols of the fifth class members is also insignificant, and the local police are even more in the way, taking this opportunity to send them all out.

Seeing that the blond commissioner was so determined, Director Shimazaki frowned and didn't insist anymore.

The operators of Section 5 and the people from the Obama City Police Station walked out one by one.

Several local police officers glanced at the director with complicated expressions. Director Shimazaki is considered to be capable and popular in the police station, but he did not expect to be so unwise.

As soon as the local police officers went out, they were disarmed by the fifth section and taken to the conference room of the police station to be detained.

After Director Shimazaki's betrayal, Grace has lost trust in the local police and secretly ordered Section 5 to temporarily detain them.

"Damn it! To point a gun at Wu Xiang, does this deserve to be a policeman?!"

Namiyu Sakaki looked at Director Shimazaki indignantly, and was worried about Maika Suzuki who was being held hostage.

Although she really didn't want to leave like this, but she also knew that she was just a burden here, Sakaki Namiyu clenched her fists and could only walk out.

Most of the people in the detention room dispersed at once, leaving only Maika Suzuki, Director Shimazaki and Grace who were held hostage, and a dozen or so members of the Swordfish Armed Squad.

"Dad! Help me!"

Daiki Shimazaki, who was suspended in the air by the tentacles of the octopus, looked at the savior-like expression and shouted excitedly.

"Dagui, Dad is here, no one can hurt a single hair of yours."

Director Shimazaki hijacked Suzuki Maika, confronted Suzuki Junhui, and shouted fiercely:

"You monster, look who this is! Release my son quickly, or I will kill your sister!"

Suzuki Junhui's eyes were as deep and dark as a cold pool, and a pile of octopus tentacles under him wriggled randomly, as if his heart was not at peace.

"Hurry up and release him! Suzuki, tell your sister to release him! Tell your sister to save you!"

Seeing that Suzuki Junhui had no intention of letting go, Director Shimazaki became anxious, and repeatedly poked Suzuki Maika's chin with the muzzle of a gun.

Grace, who was watching from the side, was terrified, afraid that the police gun would go off like this.


Suzuki Maixiang just didn't say a word, with tears in her eyes, staring at Suzuki Junhui in a daze.

That's right!

Even though she became half human and half 'fish' like she is now, she still recognized at a glance that this was her biological sister Suzuki Junhui!

"Monster, do you really not care about your sister's life?"

Grace's eyelids twitched, and she looked at Suzuki Junhui uneasily, wondering if it was her illusion, Suzuki Junhui's expression was still extremely indifferent, but a faint red light had already appeared on the surface of her body.


Dagui Shimazaki fell to the ground with a heavy weight. He didn't care much, and ran to the back of Director Shimazaki, trembling with fright.

"Daddy! Daddy!"

"Don't be afraid, Dad is here."

Director Shimazaki felt distressed when he saw it.

"Director Shimazaki, you should let Suzuki Maika go now. Don't make the same mistakes again and again, there is still time to turn around!" Grace said eagerly, suppressing the panic in her heart.

"Are you kidding? How could you just let people go like this! Letting people go now, will our father and son's lives be saved?"

Director Shimazaki asked confidently, even with an orderly tone.

"Your Excellency Commissioner, please prepare me a car... No, prepare me a helicopter with at least four seats."

"Helicopter? What do you want to do! I can't do it!" Grace immediately refused.

"Do you think I don't know how powerful your department is!? You can even mobilize warships, how can you not do such a small thing!"

Director Shimazaki's eyes were red, his expression changed, he grabbed Suzuki Maika's face and yelled.

"Otherwise, let this woman die together with our father and son!"

Damn it, this bastard is still thinking about taking hostages and escaping in a helicopter. What the hell is he trying to do? Where did he think he could escape to!

An unprecedented sense of oppression suddenly enveloped Grace, and she couldn't help shivering.


From Suzuki Junhui's throat came a low, beast-like grunt, and a bright red and ominous blood appeared on his body surface, and even gradually climbed up his cheeks.

"What's this!?"

Taking advantage of Director Shimazaki's surprise, Suzuki Maika's eyes flashed sharply, she opened her mouth, and caught off guard, she bit on Director Shimazaki's tiger's mouth!

"it hurts!"

As soon as the arm was loosened, Suzuki Maika wanted to take advantage of the gap to break free and escape.


After a gunshot.

Suzuki Maixiang fell to the ground, she covered her throat with one hand, with blood dripping between her fingers, she stretched out the other hand towards Suzuki Junhui.

"……elder sister……"

Suzuki Maika's mouth was bleeding, she turned her head and closed her eyes, and her outstretched hand dropped feebly.

"Dang, clang, clang," Director Shimazaki looked at the brass bullet casings rolling on the ground with disbelief, and then looked up at the muzzle of the gun that was smoking. Even he had a dull expression on his face.

Why can't I use my fingers?


A roar of rage and grief came from Suzuki Junhui's mouth, and the tentacles of the octopus under him whipped indiscriminately.

The dark red tailed beast coat had already covered its head, and its originally pretty face looked like a demon with fangs.

At this moment, everyone has a sense of crisis that is imminent.

"Dagui, run!"

Director Shimazaki gritted his teeth, pulled up his limp son, and was about to flee through the door.


A black flash of light pierced Shimazaki and his son directly!

The stumps of broken arms and colorful internal organs were scattered on the ground, and a head rolled to Grace's feet. The expression on it was still full of astonishment, as if he didn't realize that he was dead.

"What's that black light like shelling?"

Grace looked at the big hole that had been blasted through several walls and could even see the street view, and she paled in horror.

This power is even more terrifying than anti-tank guns!

"Whirring whirring!"

Wisps of white steam came out of the mouth of 'Suzuki Junhui'.

Now it can no longer see its original appearance that is similar to a human being. It is completely a monster whose upper body is a beast and the lower body is an octopus tentacles!

An octopus tentacle flicked over and rolled up Suzuki Maixiang. "Suzuki Junhui" looked at the blood-stained sister in front of her, raised her head and let out a grief-stricken roar.


The ceiling was shaken to dust, as if a firecracker had exploded in the ear canal, her head was buzzing, and Grace covered her ears with a face full of pain.

'Suzuki Junhui' held Suzuki Maika tightly in her arms with the tentacles of the octopus, raised her head, and there seemed to be some bloody liquid dripping from her eyes.

With its violent and murderous eyes, it swept across everyone present, and then a kind of violent and heavy pressure that made people almost feel suffocated was pressed heavily on everyone.

Oops! Suzuki Junhui is about to go berserk!

"Miss Suzuki, your sister is still saved!"

Grace was sweating profusely, and began to speak in a hurry.

In consideration of the possibility of a conflict, Inspector Grace, in addition to lurking a special team armed with heavy weapons, also arranged for an emergency medical team to be on standby nearby.

Suzuki Maika was just shot in the throat by a bullet. With the modern emergency level, even if her throat was cut, as long as she was sent to the hospital in time, she would be saved!


But 'Suzuki Junhui' has completely lost his mind, and his roar is full of beastliness.


Finally, someone couldn't bear the pressure, shouted to embolden himself, and the assault rifle in his hand began to spew out bullets one by one.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Clang clang clang!"

After someone fired first, the chain reaction was normal, and other tactical teams also started shooting at the same time.


Grace opened her mouth, trying to say something to salvage the situation, but gave up.

The current situation is imminent. Suzuki Junhui has become like a wild beast and has completely lost the possibility of communication after he ran away. At this time, he is still tied up and dare not shoot.

"Free fire allowed!"

Grace took out her pistol, found a cover, and poked her head out to observe the battle.

'Suzuki Junhui' stretched out thick octopus tentacles, which clung to the body, like a huge octopus ball.

The bullets were riddled with holes in the octopus' tentacles, but no one knew what was going on inside.

Several people took off the grenades and threw them.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Amidst several loud explosions, dust rose, but the Sailfish team did not dare to be careless, and continued to reload and shoot forward.

Suddenly, a beam of black flash cut through the smoke and dust, blasting several members of the Sailfish team who were hiding behind the bunker along with the wall behind them.


Then, black flashes shot out one after another, and in an instant, the Sailfish team had more than half of their casualties.

Even hiding behind a thick bunker, there is no sense of security, and the bunker will be bombed in one go, and the remaining people will be scared out of their wits and lose their fighting spirit.

"Retreat! Retreat!"

There was no need for Grace, the on-site commander, to order. Some people's morale had already collapsed and they began to flee.

Seeing that the situation was irretrievable, Grace decisively ordered to retreat, and she was ready to make a profit.

This kind of monster is no longer something ordinary special forces can deal with. It must be attacked with heavy punches and heavy artillery bombardment!

Just as Grace was looking for a suitable gap to retreat, she heard an unusual sound of breaking through the air with keen ears, and she rushed to the side.

"Ping pong pong!"

Grace was pulled out in embarrassment, and an arm-thick octopus tentacle of "Suzuki Junhui" penetrated Grace's abdomen!

Picked up in mid-air like a broken doll, blood poured down.

Will die here?

She is so unwilling, she obviously just wants to...

Grace's lips were pale and dizzy from the massive blood loss.

With a "poof", a cold light flashed, and a figure flashed over, and the octopus' tentacles were cut off with bare hands!

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