I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 239 Chapter 240 Murder, Robbery, Arson, and Kamen Rider

Seeing the eccentric in a black special suit swaggering in, the flower-armed man and Scarface were dumbfounded, showing an unrealistic sense of absurdity.

In the middle of the night, wearing such a shameful outlandish outfit and breaking into a meeting of violent gangs, what kind of psychosis is this? Could it be that we were drunk?

"Justice is enforced! Hand over all the money!"

The flower-armed man and Scar looked at each other a few times, and burst out laughing at the same time.

"Ahahaha! Okano, besides Kagawa who played Manzai, did you also invite a clown to perform?" Scarface patted the table, laughing so hard that tears came out.

Okano, the flower-armed man, is also dumbfounded.

"Could it be that the homeless man who loves his neighbor is poor and crazy, and he comes to stroke the tiger's beard?"

"I'll say it again, take out all the money! This is to help the weak, it is a just cause, and it can also atone for sin." Kamen Rider said solemnly.

"I don't want to be ruthless, let alone kill people. As long as you take out the money, I will leave."


A group of Yakuzas in the store burst into laughter immediately.

"Is there a mental hospital near our neighbor?"

"Who is this, do you think you are a superhero?"

"This special suit is Kamen Rider! Kamen Rider is also a superhero."

Kamen Rider is indeed a Japanese national IP, even in Yakuza, there are fans.

"Brother Hegang, I'm sorry to let you watch such a farce." The man with flower arms waved his hand, and the two Yakuza boys behind him walked out.

"Break the leg of this lunatic and throw it in the trash."

"Before driving this pervert out, take off his helmet, I want to see what he looks like." The man with the scar snorted coldly.

The two Yakuza boys were gearing up and surrounded Hero Tosu with a smile.

"Let me meet the so-called Kamen Rider for a while."

"I'll come first."

A man put on a boxing stance, obviously with a little fighting background, and a straight punch hit Hero Tosu's abdomen quickly and hard.

"Wait a moment……"

Hero Tosu turned sideways in a bit of embarrassment, dodging the straight punch of Yakuza's younger brother, but that Yakuza refused to let go, and punched Hero Tosu several times, one of which hit Hero Tosu's shoulder, forcing He took a few steps back.

"With this little ability, you also came to rob the violent group. You really underestimated our violent group."

"Fucking left hook!"

The flower-armed man and the scarred face also looked at the leisure time of watching the show, sitting on the chairs and commenting.

Although under the blessing of extraordinary power, Hero Tosu's strength is far beyond normal, with rough skin and thick flesh, the punch just now was nothing more than a tickle for him. But he didn't have fighting experience and no intention of being ruthless, so that the younger brother Yakuza also took advantage.

As long as the Tosu hero is willing, he can immediately eject the black tentacles of Earth Resentment, and kill all Yakuza present on it.

However, unlike the killing spree in the Matori-gumi, Hero Tosu was there to protect the Tosu mother and daughter and eliminate future troubles, but now he is here to steal money, and has no grievances with Yakuza of the Kodokai.

In Tosu Hero's view, even the Yakuza of the violent gang is not guilty of death, and even if he steals money, he will kill.

"I'll say it one last time, take out the money, and I'll turn around and leave! Don't force me, I'll send you all to the hospital." Hero Tosu threatened fiercely.

"No, I laughed so hard! This is much more interesting than Kagawa's shit manga!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The flower-armed man from Hongdaohui laughed and said:

"Since your performance is so funny, it's not that I can't reward you with some money. How much do you want?"

"Ten million!"

"Hahahaha! No, I can't help it anymore! I haven't laughed so happily for a long time."

The flower-armed man wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and quickly waved his hand:

"Originally, I just wanted to break your leg, but now it seems that I can't let you go so easily. But in the future, all kinds of cats, dogs, and psychopaths will come to attack our Hongdao Society, and it will be troublesome."

It was a few Yakuza younger brothers who rushed forward with grinning grinning.

"Master 'Kamen Rider', since you come out to fight for justice, you must be mentally prepared, don't blame us for being cruel."


A yakuza came out of nowhere to grab him, and locked Tosu Hero's arms from behind.

The remaining Yakuza rushed up and punched and kicked Tosu Hero.

"I told you, don't force me!"

Bang, bang, bang, several Yakuza flew upside down, hit the wall and staggered, reckless.


Originally, there was still a playful look of cat and mouse, but the flower-armed man and Scarface were stunned for a while, and the Tosu hero who broke free from the restraints rushed forward without giving them any time to react.


The remaining Yakuza boys screamed and punched to deal with it, but in the blink of an eye, they were crushed by Hero Tosu with absolute strength and speed, and knocked to the ground by Wang Baquan, groaning endlessly.

In addition to the Kagawa master group performing Mancai on the stage, the only ones standing in the store are the unbelievable man with the flower arm and the scarred face.

This strange man in a ridiculous special suit beat six or seven Yakuza all over the ground in a flash. Is this really a superhero?

"Who are you? Isn't our Hongdao Society..."

The face of the flower-armed man changed drastically, and he opened his mouth to speak harshly, but the Tosu hero in front of him stretched out his arm, pinched his throat, and couldn't utter a word immediately.

"Money, I want money! Take out all the ill-gotten gains you have earned out of conscience!"

Hero Tosu turned the flower-armed man's face, and said word for word.


Seeing that the situation was not good, Scarface had already oiled the soles of his feet and was about to leave secretly. At this moment, Hero Tosu raised his palm and slammed it heavily on the table.

"Creak creak!"

The table let out an overwhelmed scream, and was smashed into two pieces, and the cups and saucers on it fell to the ground.

"Don't act rashly! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" After seeing the strange power of the Kamen Rider, Scarface raised his hands in a sensible way, and obediently stood with his back against the wall.

"Get the money out."

Hero Tosu let go of his palm, and the red-faced man with flower arms panted for a while before saying flatteringly:

"Brother, I have hundreds of thousands of yen in my wallet, so I should just make a friend."

"I don't want that little bit, I want ten million!"

"But I really don't have that much! These days, it's really a recession, and the gangs are so poor..." The man with the flower arms began to cry about being poor.

Hero Tosu wasn't used to him either, he grabbed one of the little fingers of the flower-armed man and snapped it off with a snap!


The face of the flower-armed man was distorted in pain, his lips were cyanotic, and beads of sweat ooze from his forehead, but even so, he insisted that he had no money, and wept bitterly:

"If it's...hundreds of thousands, one million, I can still think of a way...ten million, yes...really not...that much."

Hero Tosu couldn't help hesitating for a moment, maybe the Hirodo Society really couldn't afford this huge sum of money?

He couldn't help but look at the scarred face of the other group, he should be asked to support the cause of justice.

"Rich, rich, rich!"

Scar's face suddenly felt bad, and he quickly yelled: "This bastard Okano is full of bad water, and he even took over the lucrative shops in Toida Xindi, how could he have no money. He has a safe on the second floor , there must be money in it."

Dao Scar betrayed the flower-armed man without changing his expression or beating his heart.

"Baga! How did you know?!" The man with the flower arm changed his expression.

These scumbags like Yakuza really don't cry when they see the coffin, and they can't even believe a word they say.

Hero Tosu slid up the flower-armed man with one hand, and walked aggressively towards the Kagawa master Mancai group on the stage.

With a knife in his backhand, he slashed at the back of the other man's neck, knocking him out.

"I'm just an entertainer who plays comics for the bosses. I'm not a member of a gang at all. Just treat me like a fart and let me go."

The rest of Master Kagawa had no such arrogance in the club before, relying on the relationship of Hongdaohui to show off his might, and collapsed on the ground, begging bitterly.

"Where were you this morning until noon?"

"I, I have been called to the store by Okano-san since the morning..."

Although Master Kagawa wondered why this Kamen Rider weirdo asked this question, he still answered honestly.

Seeing Master Kagawa's expression that didn't seem to be fake, it seemed that the stalker was not him, and Hero Tosu also knocked him out with a hand knife.

"You follow too! Don't think you can escape."

Tosu Hero also took the two of them to the second floor of the izakaya with the idea of ​​getting Scarface to sponsor them if there was not enough money in the safe.

In a hidden corner of the room on the second floor, Hero Tosu found a safe.

Although the flower-armed man still wanted to struggle to the death and denied it in every possible way, but after Tosu Hero gave him a little pain and threatened him with death, he finally gave in and spit out the password.

Opening the safe, it was full of stacks of blue-gray banknotes.

Hero Tosu couldn't help but widen his eyes, a lot of cash, at least tens of millions of yen!

He couldn't help but feel ecstatic, with so much money, Shoubu Zhengong's medical expenses must be enough.

Hero Tosu took out a backpack and began to plunder the cash in the safe.

After stuffing several bundles of banknotes into his backpack, he reached into the safe and took out a palm-sized plastic bag filled with white powder.

"This is……"

Hero Tosu's pupils shrank, and his body froze.

"go to hell!"

The flower-armed man who was still lying on the ground moaning, took out a dagger from his trousers, got angry and stabbed Kamen Rider's back from behind.


After a successful blow, the flower-armed man refused to let it go, he pulled out his dagger and stabbed it wildly, and the black cloak behind the Kamen Rider was stained red with blood.

"My money, my money! No one can take it away!"

The flower-armed man had been stabbed many times, and his face was still splattered with blood. With his blood-stained hands, he pushed the Kamen Rider aside, holding the backpack full of banknotes tightly.

Scarface glanced at the Kamen Rider who had shown his power before but now fell to the ground, and sighed with emotion that there is a high wall between the unarmed and the armed, no matter how powerful it was before, it is just a corpse now.


He quickly lost interest, looked at the backpack in the hand of the flower-armed man with greedy eyes, and swallowed.

"Okano, you can do it, you have saved so much money!"

The flower-armed man also calmed down a little. He vigilantly put the dagger horizontally in front of him, his face darkened and said:

"The money is not mine, but the shops in Feitian Xindi, which have not yet been handed over to the running water in the club."

"If the money is gone, my life will definitely be lost. And the Hongdao Society will definitely pursue it to the end, and it will never stop!" The flower-armed man warned pointedly.

Okano, a bum, dare to say that those shops in Toda Shinchi don't make money!

Although Scarface was extremely jealous, he also knew that the money was hot, and he might burst his stomach if he swallowed it alone.

He glanced at the plastic bag containing white powder on the ground, rolled his eyes, and said with a smile:

"Okano, why didn't you tell me you sold this kind of thing? We are classmates in junior high school, we have been friends for many years, and there is this crazy corpse, do you need my help? I know there is a good crematorium field."

The flower-armed man had an ugly face. Whether it was selling contraband in private or killing someone, it was not a trivial matter. If such a handle fell into Scarface's hands, he would definitely bleed a lot.

"Hegang, don't you bastard just want to take advantage of the fire?"

The flower-armed man said reluctantly: "The stores in Feitian Xindi, I will transfer them to you at the end of the month, without any delay!"

"That's what you said!" Scarface immediately cheered up.


The flower-armed man's heart is bleeding, and it's all because of this lunatic in a special suit!

He gritted his teeth and said: "Come and help me remove this corpse, I have to dismantle him into pieces with my own hands and throw him into the incinerator to vent my hatred!"

"I'm coming!"

Scarface walked over excitedly, at this moment, his face changed drastically:

"What kind of monster is this?!"

From the wound on Kamen Rider's back, slender and smooth black tentacles protruded densely.

The Kamen Rider stood up staggeringly, countless black tentacles pierced out from under his robes, baring their teeth and claws in the air.

This weird and frightening scene reminded Scarface of the black iron nematodes that came out of parasitic praying mantises that he had seen when he was a child by a pond in the countryside!

"I obviously don't want to kill anyone anymore! But why are you forcing me!"

Black tentacles shot out one after another, directly wrapping the man with the flower arm and the scarred face into two black cocoons. After a while, there was a creepy scream from inside.

Five minutes later, a raging fire broke out in the corner of Ai Lin 2-chome, and the flames shot up to the sky!

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