I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 241 Chapter 242

"The criminal suspect Hoshishima Kazu, male, 33 years old. He was born in Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture. After graduating from the Prefectural High School Information Processing Department, he came to Osaka Prefecture alone. After 15 years, he is now A programmer at a software development company."

"The current residence is Room 403 of Mutsuki Apartment in Dotonbori, Osaka Prefecture. On March 1 this year, Moribe Mamiya moved into Room 401 of Mutsuki Apartment. Hoshishima Kazu noticed that the new neighbor on the fourth floor was a single woman, and I go out every night and come back in the morning, and I am still alone, without the breath of a male companion or family."

"When Hoshishima Gatsu was one year and 11 months old, he accidentally fell into the bathtub while being held by his mother in the bath, and was scalded by the hot bath water, leaving a large red scar on his right hand and right cheek. In school During this period, I was bullied and excluded by my classmates, and gradually formed a low-esteem and sensitive personality, unable to communicate with women normally. But deep down in my heart, I desperately longed to have a girlfriend, so I conceived a plan to kidnap Mamiya Moribe in my heart. "

"After a series of preparatory work such as tracking and purchasing kidnapping equipment in the early stage, Hoshishima Kazu plans to carry out the plan to kidnap Moribe Mamiya within the Golden Week. Hoshishima Kazu used hacking methods a few days ago to send the camera of Mutsuki's apartment to It's black."

"At 11:05 a.m. on May 4th in the fourth year of Reiwa, when Mamiya Moribe opened the door to go out, Hoshishima Gatsu, who had been in ambush for a long time, suddenly rushed into the house and locked the door behind him. Mamiya Moribe Immediately, he resisted fiercely and called for help, but Hoshishima Kazuo covered his mouth and nose with his hand and pushed him to the wall. The other hand was holding a kitchen knife and was about to kidnap Mamiya Moribe to his room. Jumped out of the window of the building, fell and was seriously injured and sent to Osaka General Hospital.”

"The police have found candid photos and a series of kidnapping tools from the room of Hoshido Gazin. Hoshido Gatsu confessed to the crime."


"Thanks for your hard work."

In a room in the Osaka Prefecture Police Headquarters building, Uchiha Xianmen nodded to the reporting police officer, and smiled at Tosu Hero:

"Mr. Tosu, we have arrested the criminal suspect who assaulted Ms. Moribe. Are you satisfied?"

Hero Tosu glanced at Uchiha Senmen with a complex expression. This Uchiha police officer from the Metropolitan Police Department was really resolute, but in just half a day, he locked the prisoner and arrested him!

If only the police in Japan were so efficient.

"How long will the criminal be sentenced?" Hero Tosu asked after a long silence.

"I haven't dealt with criminal offenses for a long time, but according to my experience, stalking, attempted kidnapping, and serious injuries are about fifteen years." Uchiha Xianmen thought for a few seconds before replying: "If If something happens to Ms. Moribe in the ICU, the sentence will be increased to twenty years."

There was a dark look on Hero Tosu's face, and he clenched his fists involuntarily.

In other words, is it possible for a scum like this to be released from prison in just ten or twenty years?

Are Japanese laws protecting good people or criminals? ?

"Yes, can you... give a heavier sentence?"

"Mr. Tosu means... life imprisonment? Or, death penalty?" Uchiha Xianmen said meaningfully.

Hero Tosu's face changed for a while, he opened his mouth, and finally said hesitatingly: "I, I hope this kind of person can stay in prison for the rest of his life."


Hero Tosu couldn't help but feel a little ashamed. If his daughter Tosu Hanazero had been hurt to this extent, he would definitely tear the prisoner into pieces. Less than equal treatment as her own daughter.

"And Mr. Tosu, this is a social investigation around Reiko Hanyu, um. Or rather, Reiko Moribe and her family."

Uchiha Xianmen took a thick stack of documents from the assistant's hand and handed it to Hero Tosu.


Hero Tosu took it, and after carefully browsing it, he covered the scroll and sighed, once again he was worthless for Mr. Shoubu.

This report records in detail Reiko's past experience from childhood to adulthood, and the old accounts before marrying Moribe-kun, such as the title of the movie she went to sea for, and which shop she worked part-time in Feitian Xindi, were also investigated. Turned upside down.

Reiko confessed the list of concubines after marriage, including the cowherd named Hanyu, there were seven of them.

"I hope these people will be punished as they deserve."

Instead of Moribe-kun, who was wearing several green hats and committed suicide with hatred, Hero Tosu believes that the hammer of justice must be brought down to these mistresses.

Uchiha Xianmen frowned, but immediately stretched it out and nodded.

"as you wish."

Fornication is not considered a crime in Japan, and the law has nothing to do with them, but among these concubines of Reiko, the highest-status is just the general manager of Osaka Shinhei Industry, and the others are nothing but scumbags.

For example, the cowherd has a record of fraud and sexual assault.

For such scum, Uchiha Xianmen will not be merciful, and it is just a matter of lifting their hands to look over old accounts and send them to prison for a few years.

"As for that woman, send her in too!"

Hero Tosu's eyes flashed with struggle and hesitation, and finally he gritted his teeth with a ferocious face.

Originally considering Moribe Mamiya and another young daughter who was still in the ICU, Tosu Hero wanted to let Reiko go, but after thinking about it again and again, he still couldn't forgive the culprit.

If Moribe-kun were still alive, he would probably do the same.

To punish those sinners who hurt Moribe-kun and Moribe Mamiya, and to comfort Moribe-kun's spirit in heaven, is the first thing Tosu Hero asked the Metropolitan Police Department to do.

"How is Moribe Mamiya doing now? And her sister..."

"We have dispatched the best doctors in Osaka Prefecture to treat the Moribe sisters. Please rest assured Mr. Tosu." Uchiha Xianmen comforted.

"But Mamiya Moribe is still in the ICU, and her life and death are unknown. Her younger sister has a rare disease, and it is said that it is difficult to treat." Hero Tosu was worried like an old father.

"Mr. Tosu, among the strange people and strangers recruited by the Metropolitan Police Department, there are also existences with extraordinary abilities like you, and among them are doctors who can live and die."

In order to dispel Hero Tosu's concerns, Uchiha Xianmen revealed something to him.

"I will apply to the higher-ups for Dr. Satomi to treat the Shoubu sisters. As long as Dr. Satomi takes action, the crisis will be saved."

"Then I will trouble you, Mr. Uchiha."

Hero Tosu said with gratitude on his face.

At the same time, the Tosu hero is also sincere and fearful. As the saying goes, if you have nothing to do, you must rape or steal. If you want to take it, you must give it first. The government's preferential treatment for him must be due to the power of the evil god he obtained from the Aokigahara tree sea .

Can this kind of evil and terrifying power really be controlled by humans?

I don't know if he made a mistake in taking the step of turning to the government, and there is no possibility of going back on his word now.

At this time, a black suit came in and whispered a few words in Uchiha Xianmen's ear.

"Yeah, I got it."

Uchiha Xianmen turned his head to Hero Tosu, and said in a friendly tone: "Mr. Tosu, the helicopter to Tokyo is ready. According to our agreement, the helicopter will stop in Shizuoka City. When the time comes Tosu-san will be able to reunite with his family."

Hero Tosu became excited when he heard this.

Meeting Tosu Hanazero and the child's mother was the third condition he proposed.

Originally thought that they would never have a chance to see their mother and daughter again after being exiled to the end of the world, but now it is finally a bright future, and Tosu Hero couldn't help but shed tears.

But in the next second, Tosu hero stretched out his left hand to touch his right ear in shock, and put his left hand in front of his eyes again.

There are extremely conspicuous stitches of black tentacles on the right ear and left wrist, and one can even feel the black tentacles moving in the body.

After climbing out of the sea of ​​trees in Aokigahara, I can no longer be regarded as a human being. To snatch the hearts of others and peel off the faces of dead people is simply a monster in human skin!

Can he still use these hands and this body to hug Hua Ling and the child's mother?

"Mr. Uchiha, forget it, let's go directly to Tokyo."

Hero Tosu held his left wrist with his right hand with a face full of pain, closed his eyes and said.

Uchiha Xianmen looked at Hero Tosu with some doubts, his eyes swept over Hero Tosu's right hand that covered the black stitched wound on his left wrist, and he almost understood Hero Tosu's concerns .

"Mr. Tosu, you have plenty of time. Before you go to Tokyo, go and see your wife and daughter. I am also a father and husband. I know what you need most now, and your wife and daughter must be the same as you , looking forward to the moment of reunion.”

"But, my body..."

Hero Tosu raised his left hand, the black sutures on the wrist were broken, and the left hand pulled out slippery and slender black tentacles, which looked extremely weird and frightening.

"I really don't want them to see me like this, so forget it."

"What's the matter? Mr. Tosu, I actually admire you very much!"

Sensei Uchiha didn't change his face, he grasped Hero Tosu's strange hand connected to the black tentacles, and said earnestly:

"What you do is what a father and husband should do. I am afraid no one can do better than you in that situation. Now you can hold your head high and proudly meet your wife and children .”

"It's just a slight change in the body, what's the big deal. Could it be that Mr. Tosu's feelings for his family will also change? Mr. Tosu loves his family so much, I believe that the bond between them and you will not be lost to these aliens Change is what it is!"

The enthusiasm and sincerity in Uchiha's words touched Hero Tosu's heart and moved him a little.

"Thank you, Officer Uchiha."

The police officer was not just a matter of official business, but also sincere and kind from the heart. Under his encouragement, Hero Tosu also regained some confidence.

"I've decided, let's meet Hua Ling and the children."

"Mr. Tosu, it's great to think like this. Your wife and children will be proud of you."

"When can we leave?"

After figuring it out, Hero Tosu changed from the original embarrassment to a little impatient.


Uchiha Xianmen looked at the face of Hero Tosu, and reminded: "Mr. Tosu, your face..."

Hero Tosu remembered that he was still wearing an easy-to-use human skin mask on his face. After reaching a cooperation with the official, he can finally take off the mask now.

The tendons under the human skin mask were twisted a few times like living things, and the Tosu hero raised his hand and tore off the human skin mask.

Looking at the human skin mask in his hand, Hero Tosu also had a complex expression on his face.

After taking off this human face that was peeled off from the corpse, Tosu Hero suddenly became enlightened, but at the same time, he was also a little depressed, not knowing how to deal with it.

"Mr. Tosu, can you give this human skin mask to our Metropolitan Police Department for research?" Uchiha Xianmen asked.

"This is just the human skin mask I peeled off from the corpse. If possible, please return it to the original owner after researching it..." Hero Tosu sighed.


Uchiha Xianmen took the human skin mask carefully, and handed it to the assistant at the side, put it in the evidence bag and sealed it. When it comes to extraordinary things, you can't be too careful.

"Mr. Tosu, we're leaving now... Sorry, wait a moment."

Uchiha Senmon's mobile phone rang suddenly, he picked up the mobile phone to check the caller ID, and after apologizing to Hero Tosu, he walked out the door.

"Chief Akagi, what's the matter?"

"Uchiha, I've heard that you did a great job this time. You recruited Tosu to the Metropolitan Police Department without any conflicts." Section Chief Akagi praised.

"It's not my credit. Mr. Tosu is very reasonable and the mission went very smoothly."

"Uchiha, you are humble! You have made such a great contribution, so if I let you take over as the head of the fourth search section after I retire from illness, other people should have no objection."

Uchiha Xianmen couldn't help chuckling:

"Section Chief Akagi, do you have any other tasks? You only talk endlessly when you are adding to my burden."

"I really can't hide it from you."

The tone of Section Chief Akagi on the phone showed no shame, and said bluntly:

"Uchiha, because of the Mount Fuji Horai theory you brought up, and the extraordinary incident that happened in Wakasa Bay, the Metropolitan Police Department is now preparing to send two teams, one is to set off from Wakasa Bay, and search for the supernatural person in the Sea of ​​Japan. Horai. The other group is going to Mount Fuji."

"Could it be that you want to search the mountains and seas again?" Uchiha Xianmen asked with a frown.

After the 19th year of Heisei, the Metropolitan Police Department also searched the mountains and seas of the spiritual mountains and rivers in the country, but in the end they found nothing, and of course there was Mount Fuji.

"After all, Penglai may be hiding the elixir of life!" Chief Chicheng laughed loudly:

"Uchiha, I want you to be in charge of the search of Mount Fuji."

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