I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 251 Chapter 252 The power of God, Susano!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Taking out his automatic pistol and pointing it at the giant snake that was ravaging the city, Shimono only screamed hysterically with red eyes, emptied all the bullets in the magazine, then staggered and fell to the ground.

He shot not so much to do something, but to vent his fear and pain.

Even the heavy weapons of the Hokkaido Mobile Team, the Yamatagi snake, and the pistol Shimono only watches are nothing more than rattling toys.

"Damn it! Why is there... such a monster! Damn... Beast!"

Shimono only looked back at the broken walls and ruins behind him. He didn't know how many colleagues were buried in the ruins. His face was distorted and he punched the ground heavily, his fist was bruised and purple.

That monster didn't even actively attack the official personnel, but when it was moving, its thick tail like a cave tunnel swept across it inadvertently, defeating the police organization, and only a few lucky ones could still stand here.

Yamata no Orochi didn't regard the hundreds of police forces deployed on the street as any threat at all, as if people don't care whether there is an ant or a group of ants on the ground when walking, it's the same anyway.

The feeling of stepping on it is the same. Even if the ants are huddling together, they can't even make humans hurt their feet.

Yes, their police are the violent state organs and part of the country's armed forces, but so what?

It may be considered a larger soldier ant with teeth in the ant colony, but it is not an ant, and it will be trampled to death if it is trampled to death.

"Oh no!!!"

Police officer Shimono stood up struggling, looking at the streets of Sapporo City after being devastated by Yamata no Orochi, just like the tragic scene of street fighting in a Ukrainian city, he screamed with tears in his eyes.

Under the thick and thick clouds, amidst the howling wind and thunder, there were the survivors' cries and voices calling for relatives and friends.

Collapsed buildings are piled up everywhere in sight, the concrete roads crushed by Yamata no Orochi are cracked, sparks are splashing from broken street lamps and telephone poles, and even several places are burning.

The former bustling city of Sapporo turned into this!

One-third of Hokkaido's five million population is concentrated in Sapporo. How many people will be killed or injured in this sudden disaster? !

Thousands? thousands? or more?

The last time such a heavy casualty occurred in Japan was the 311 earthquake twelve years ago.

Xia Ye only watched as he could no longer imagine it.

He regretted it at the beginning. If he had known that there would be such a tragic consequence, the Xiaye only police would have sounded the alarm immediately and evacuated everyone in the commercial street from the city, instead of letting them watch around.

But this is not entirely the responsibility of Shimono only the police. It was originally a supernatural incident that affected a commercial building on the first floor. He just handled it according to the plan planned by the Metropolitan Police Department.

No one could have predicted that the situation would take a turn for the worse. Even Yamata no Orochi, a big monster that appeared in the Kojiki, would come to Sapporo!

There is no doubt that this is the extraordinary event that has the widest scope, the most destructiveness, and the largest number of casualties after the first year of the extraordinary in the 19th year of Heisei.

Even the battle between Master Lu Lu and the Scorpion of Red Sand in Datian District was nothing more than a small witch.

"Hey, hey, Xiaye is only watching, are you still alive? Please answer if you hear it."

Just as Police Shimono was in tears and knelt on the ground dejectedly, a call came from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department in his headset.

"I'm here! I'm still here!" Shimono only wiped his tears from the police, and hurriedly replied.

"Great! Only the police are watching! The former head of the Hokkaido Police Headquarters can no longer be contacted. How is the situation of the police force at the scene? Can it be organized?"

"Minister Qianye has died in the line of duty."

Under Shimono's watchful eyes, Minister Maeno was very unlucky to be run over by Yamata no Orochi's tail, mixed into the ground and even the body could not be found.

Shimono only looked around at the surrounding area. Although there were still some escaped police officers, all of them were bloody and terrified. They had obviously lost their will to fight.

"There are more than a dozen survivors left here, but the equipment we have is useless against Yamata no Orochi!"

Shimono just looked at the police and roared: "We need support! SAT, no, the Self-Defense Forces must be dispatched! Tanks, planes, missiles, fuck, all of them are called here!"

"Shimono is only watching, please calm down."

The voice of the contact paused, as if after confirming something, he said:

"The 201st Flying Squadron of the Second Aviation Regiment of the Northern Air Self-Defense Force has already set off from Chitose Base in Hokkaido. Shimono is only on guard. Please organize your manpower and prepare to guide the fighter jets to attack!"

"Understood! I want to kill this monster!"

Shimono only watched with ecstasy.

Although pistols and assault rifles are ineffective against Yamata no Orochi, they also broke the defense. Although they did not cause any injuries, it must be that the equivalent is not enough!

The air-to-ground missiles carried by fighter jets can blow up armored vehicles and warships with one shot. It doesn’t matter how big Yamata no Orochi is, as long as it is a flesh and blood body, it will definitely be seriously injured.

It's not the unscientific scale armor of Godzilla's monsters. When the missile hits it, it's just a beam of fire, not even a tickle.

Shimono only looked at the Yamata no Orochi who was wreaking havoc on the city with his eyes of hatred.

Human's military technology will not lose to a monster like Yamata no Orochi who is useless except for its huge body.

I'll kill you right away!

At this moment, Shimono only saw a huge skeleton arm protruding from the sky, and it slammed on Yamata no Orochi!

This, what is it? !

Shimono watched as far as he could, a row of orange-yellow ribs connected to a huge skeleton arm, and a man wearing a red cloud robe with a black background could be faintly seen among them.

"I want to report the latest situation! Yes, I mentioned earlier that Suzaku's 'Itachi' of the Akatsuki organization who appeared on the scene is fighting Yamata no Orochi!"

After crushing one of Yamata no Orochi's heads, Uchiha Itachi descended from mid-air to the ground under the protection of his ribs.

"This terrifying power, the power of God? What is it?!"

The body of Higuchi Orochi emerged from the mouth of the other head of Yamata Orochi, but in the next second, it was grabbed by the snake's neck by the skeleton arm and pulled to the ground.

Orochi Higuchi, who shed its snake skin and turned into a "dragon", turned back into a snake rolling in the sand again.

Higuchi Orochi's vertical pupils shrank into thin lines, his eyes straightened, staring at Itachi Uchiha's eye sockets surrounded by ribs, the soul-stirring kaleidoscope Sharingan.

"And your Sharingan, why did it become this shape? It's amazing!"

"This is the power residing in the kaleidoscope Sharingan, and it is the absolute violence that symbolizes destruction and destruction."

Uchiha Itachi's black triangular windmills slowly turned in his eyes, and said lightly.

Sharingan has not yet reached LV4, but during the two crimson moons, two kinds of kaleidoscope pupil techniques were loaded, one for each of Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Itachi brothers!

Susano almost followed suit.

The Susano of the Uchiha family is the ultimate pupil technique that can materialize a huge chakra for battle, and its shape and color vary from person to person.

And he used Uchiha Itachi's kaleidoscope pupil technique as a medium to transform his chakra into the same nature as Uchiha Itachi, and the shape, ability, and color of the Susanoo released from this are also the same.

Uchiha Itachi is only using the initial form of Susanoo, only the right arm and ribs have been changed, but even so, it is still the strongest weapon with both offense and defense!

"Ah, Sbarasi! The power of Sharingan can be sublimated to the extreme again! I really want it, this kind of power..."

Orochi Higuchi moaned, speaking in a tone close to an aria.

Uchiha Itachi frowned, and opened his eyes suddenly.

"Ahh! It's so hot!"

The Higuchi Orochi in the mouth of Yamata no Orochi screamed as if being tortured by flames in purgatory.

Sharingan, the art of Shiranui!

"Ah! It hurts so much, it's so hot!! Ah, hee hee hee!"

After Higuchi Orochi screamed unbearably for a while, he suddenly let out a creepy laugh, and then his body began to fester, turning into a mass of rotten flesh.

Yamata no Orochi opened its other head, spitting out a snake letter connected to Higuchi no Orochi.

"Hee hee hee, do you think you can use illusion to control me? I have seven heads now! Hee hee hee hee!"

"Sharingan... ah, ah, I really want it! I really want it!"

Orochi Higuchi laughed maniacally, scratching his face with both hands, plowing out deep bloodstains, even if it was not enough, he simply pulled out his own pair of snake eyes!

"It's so cool! Hee hee hee hee!"

Uchiha Itachi's expression was also a little subtle.

My pupil power has not really reached the level of Kaleidoscope Sharingan, but Higuchi Orochi's ability to break free from his illusion is probably inseparable from his current crazy mental state.

To a certain extent, is the negative negative positive?

"The power of Sharingan, I want more and more! As long as I swallow you whole, isn't your Sharingan mine? Hehehe!"

Orochi Higuchi retracted into the mouth of Orochi Yamata, the head neighed, opened its huge mouth full of fangs, and bit down on the orange ribs that wrapped Uchiha Itachi.

Uchiha Itachi didn't dodge or dodge, Yamata no Orochi bit the Susano with a crackling sound, bursting out a large amount of sparks.

The snake and boa constrictor tried to swallow the giant elephant, but it was in vain.


Susanoo's skeletal right arm suddenly raised, grabbed and twisted upwards.

Like picking off a ripe melon and fruit, he easily twisted off one of Yamata no Orochi's heads!

Throw it back.


With a muffled thunderous sound, his head directly smashed a black car in the parking space to the ground.

The body of Higuchi Orochi once again got out of the other head of Yata Orochi.

"It's useless, I'm already an immortal real dragon! Even if you cut off one of my heads, a new one will grow out immediately, can't you still cut off all seven of my heads together?! he he he he he!"

While speaking, the flesh mass proliferated at the fractured necks of the snakes whose heads had been removed by Susanoo before, and in an instant, the snake's head re-grew.

Uchiha Itachi frowned, it would be endless to play gophers like this.




The Yamata no Orochi, more than 20 meters high and 50 meters long, swung its white heads like moving snow peaks or avalanches, pressing down on Uchiha Itachi aggressively.

When the huge body moved, even the ground felt like an earthquake!

Uchiha Itachi controlled Susano, and took off Yamata no Orochi's head with his backhand, and stinky blood gushed out like a burst sewer pipe.

But Yamata no Orochi was not afraid of death, and the heads of the other white snakes frantically bit towards Susano.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

Susano cut off the head of Yamata no Orochi again and again, and smashed it heavily on the ground, blocking the road.

But Yamata no Orochi's vitality seems to be endless, no matter how many times its head is cut off, it can grow back immediately.

Two fists are hard to beat with four hands. Uchiha Itachi's initial form of Susano almost has only one arm, but Yamata no Orochi has more than four heads.

One snake head bit Susano's fist, and the other two snake's necks were stretched and tightly wrapped around Susano's arms, and they couldn't break free for a while.

Taking advantage of this gap, the other four heads smashed down like siege hammers.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"...

Earth collapses and mountains destroy!

The sky is falling apart!

As if the sundries on the table were slapped by an invisible giant hand, the surrounding ruins and cars jumped along with it, and the few buildings that were still standing still began to crumble.

Uchiha Itachi's Susano, also smashed into the ground under the head hammer of Yamata no Orochi one after another.

Even in Susanoo's ribs, cracks have begun to appear!

Uchiha Itachi showed no panic, but a thoughtful expression.

Orochimaru's perfect Hachigijutsu, the vitality and combat power are more terrifying than before. In the end, Uchiha Itachi's Susano used the legendary dream sword that can pull people into a drunk dream and sink forever. Fist and sword 'successfully sealed it.

His Sharingan has not reached the kaleidoscope level, and with the current pupil power, he still cannot liberate Susanoo to the point where he can use the Ten Fist Sword.

However, how can you kill a chicken with a sledgehammer.

"I haven't told you yet, the name of this divine power."

Itachi Uchiha smiled coldly, and the triangular black windmills in his eyes turned.

On the Susano in its initial form, another arm, spine, and neck bone grew out, and they rose steadily, and the orange-red light flickered, condensing into a majestic and terrifying skull!


"Let the myth come again, and after a thousand years, Kenhasu Susanoo will once again slay Yamata no Orochi!"

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