I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 256 Chapter 257

"Boom boom boom—"

In the cumulonimbus clouds over Sapporo City, it seemed as if the god of thunder was beating the drum of war. Xia Lei was shaking, and lightning like a dragon and snake traveled through the dark clouds.


The dark rain clouds that had accumulated a lot of water vapor finally couldn't bear the pull of gravity, the wind howled, and the torrential rain poured down.

In the thunderstorm, there were explosions that were different from thunder. An overhead F-15J fighter jet exploded and disintegrated in the air. The wreckage of the plane crashed downward and exploded into fireballs in the urban area below.

Naruto Uchiha looked at a few lucky pilots with neither sadness nor joy, ejected from the cockpit, opened the parachute and slowly fell towards the ground.

His right index finger moved slightly, as if he wanted to point out.

As long as Naruto Uchiha hooked his finger, it was like erasing the names in the book of life and death, and Susano's Yasaka no Goyu could wipe out all these pilots who survived twenty or thirty miles away.

But in the end, Naruto Uchiha remained indifferent and didn't make a move.

This is not out of pity, but these ants-like mortals are not worthy of Uchiha Minaru's second shot.

Just treat it as a gift from the heavens, and take back a little life, so be full of gratitude, and at the same time be immersed in fear, and linger on.

Once upon a time, I was an ordinary person. Although I had Sharingan, I was still afraid of the state apparatus. Now that I have opened the Sharingan, the indiscriminate bombing of fighter jets can't do anything to him.

Looking back now, it seems like a lifetime away.

"Ah, is this the power of the kaleidoscope Sharingan? Turning your hands into clouds and your hands into rain, even a country's fighter formations can be destroyed with a snap of a finger!"

Naruto Uchiha spread his hands in front of his eyes, not only the kaleidoscope pupil power flowing from his eyes, but also the chakra gushing out from his limbs and bones. The unprecedented powerful power made him feel excited!

Kaleidoscope Sharingan and Susano's terrifying power, which is almost godlike, makes Naruto Uchiha feel omnipotent.


And in the meeting room in Tokyo, witnessing the annihilation of twenty-four F-15Js of the 201st Flying Squadron of the Second Aviation Regiment, everyone fell into a deadly silence that was so heavy that it was hard to breathe.

"Impossible! This damned devil!"

Major General Woodman of the Yokota base was the first to react, roaring at Susano on the big screen.

"And why are you Japanese so weak? Where did you have the courage to launch a kamikaze attack when you were fighting us?"

Major General Woodman, with an ugly face, turned his head and sprayed at the Minister of Defense: "If your fighter jets hadn't run away, but had followed my order and approached to launch a strike, you would definitely be able to kill this monster!"

The Minister of Defense turned a deaf ear to the incompetent fury of the Major General of the United States.

He just felt dizzy, and the next second he sat down on the seat with a pale face and covered his heart.

The Air Self-Defense Force only has two hundred F-15Js, and more than one-tenth of them have been reimbursed like this? !

The Minister of Defense was bleeding from distress.

Japan was the first country to install three-generation heavy-duty fighter jets in East Asia. The Air Self-Defense Force relied on the F-15J to run rampant in the 1990s, and its equipment level left other countries in East Asia far behind.

But time has passed, and the F-15J is already a classic machine that has been in service for more than 20 to 30 years. It faces the problems of aging parts and outdated electronic equipment.

But it is not realistic to want to replace them all with F-35 fighter jets.

Now is no longer the era of the bubble economy when the rich and powerful waved Japanese banknotes and clamored to buy the United States, and the Japanese government had no surplus food.

In the end, they could only squeeze out 4.5 billion U.S. dollars to allow Boeing to upgrade 98 F-15Js, each costing an average of more than 50 million U.S. dollars.

One of the only eight aviation units equipped with F-15Js in the Air Self-Defense Force was wiped out in this way, which can be described as heavy losses and traumatic injuries.

"It must be that the equivalent is not enough! Send the other formations of the Air Self-Defense Force over there, and bring more powerful missiles. AGM-65! If it doesn't work, just smash the ground penetrating bombs and thermobaric bombs. I don't believe that monster can handle it." live!"

Major General Woodman's eyes were red, he waved his arms excitedly, and shouted at the top of his lungs.

That's right, that's it!

The medium-range air-to-air missiles carried by the F-15J are not very destructive. There are plenty of shells that are more powerful than it, and some are!

As long as the explosives continue to pile up, the monster will definitely be killed!

He looked like a desperate gambler now.

"Major General Woodman, please calm down."

The police chief hurried forward to appease.

In the case of not knowing the giant's defense and attack range, the refueling tactic is simply stupid.

Not to mention whether the F-15J of the Air Self-Defense Force is equipped with the above-mentioned bombs, when the giant used the Gouyu to launch a long-range strike, even the F-15J that fled 30 kilometers away was also shot down.

The new F-15J formation, as long as it is not close to launching missiles, will be shot down in numbers.

Although there are also long-range air-to-air missiles and ballistic missiles that can launch strikes hundreds of kilometers or even thousands of kilometers away, there is no guarantee that they will not be intercepted.

Even if it could hit, the giant in the second form was unscathed by the indiscriminate bombing of the F-15J fleet. It is really difficult to calculate how many equivalent weapons are needed to break through the defense.

It would be an unimaginable disaster if a large-yield missile was shot down halfway and fell into the city.

The giant in the second form is both offensive and defensive, and it has no flaws!

"General Woodman, there is a thunderstorm in Sapporo now, and the F-15J is no longer suitable for combat in this kind of weather."

The Superintendent of Police gave Major General Woodman a suitable reason to step down.

"This damn weather!"

After Major General Woodman vented, he also understood his ignorance, and went down the donkey along the slope, no longer yelling hysterically.

"Damn it, are you just watching the Akatsuki organization show off its might on our territory?!"

"It is really necessary to use more powerful weapons of mass destruction. If there is an accident, who will be responsible? You?"

"You! What else can you do but sing a different tune! Then what should we do now!"

The big shots in the conference room were all so tormented that they were restless and wobbly.

Some people want to show a tough attitude and continue to attack, but they refuse to take responsibility;

There are also people who can't make any achievements by themselves, but they can't watch their political opponents show off. They will immediately confront each other when they have any opinions, and they don't forget to fight among themselves at this juncture;

More people are like headless chickens, not knowing what to do.

The entire conference room was filled with smoke and chaos.

"Wait! Look at the screen, Yamata no Orochi has come back to life!" Suddenly someone shouted.

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha!"

After laughing wildly for a while, Naruto Uchiha's eyes flashed with clarity, he let out a long breath, and calmed down.

The power of the Kaleidoscope Sharingan almost made Uchiha Naruto lose himself, and it is not time to be complacent.

Neither Kaleidoscope Sharingan nor Susanoo has evolved to its peak.

This is just the first step. The Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan and even the Samsara Eye, the complete Susanoo that can cut down several mountains with a single knife, these real powers of gods are still waiting for Naruto Uchiha to seize them.

"Hiss hiss!"

"Hiss hiss!"

"Hee hee hee hee, I'm resurrected again!"

Among the ruins of the city devastated by the bombardment of missiles, several ugly and huge snake heads raised up, and the roar of Yamata no Orochi resounded through the sky again.

Naruto Uchiha glanced at him, his face full of helplessness.

In the previous wave of offensives, the 201st Flying Team of the Second Aviation Regiment concentratedly bombed his Susanoo, which gave Yamata no Orochi a chance to recover from his injuries and regenerate his flesh and head. .

The vitality of Yamata no Orochi is disgusting to the point of numbness.

This time, Yamata no Orochi, after rebirth, became even uglier and weirder, with each head resembling a human and a snake.

Most of the white scales have also fallen off, and the body surface is densely covered with bulging pustules and sarcoids, which burst out from time to time with a puffing sound, corroding the gravel and rubble into residue.

One glance will make people's SAN value mad.

"Sure enough, it is Orochimaru's ultimate ninjutsu. Hachi's jutsu is really disgusting. But that's all for now!"

The seven-headed Yamata no Orochi in front of me is just a semi-finished Yaki technique, with quasi-kage-level strength. After being reborn again and again, the breath has shown signs of decline, strong on the outside but dry on the inside.

And now Naruto Uchiha's second form of Susanoo, which is driven by the power of the kaleidoscope pupil, far surpasses it in terms of strength and size.

Even if it is a head-to-head with Da She Wan's already perfected Eight Qi Art, it is not a problem.

Naruto Uchiha controls Susano in the second form, and slowly moves towards Yamata no Orochi.


The strange heads of the seven half-human and half-snakes of Yamata no Orochi opened at the same time, accumulating chakra in the giant mouth, and the dark purple energy like electric current intertwined and hummed.

Finally, in front of Yamata no Orochi, a dark purple light ball with a diameter of more than ten meters condensed.

"Hiss, go to hell!"

All the heads of Yamata no Orochi pushed forward at the same time, and the huge dark purple chakra bullets shot out towards Susanoo a hundred meters away.

The unstoppable and terrifying chakra bullets blow away the broken walls and ruins along the way like building blocks.


The black triangular windmills in Uchiha Naruto's eyes turned, and the writing sharing eyes were like looking at the fire, and instantly understood the essence of the huge dark purple light bullet.

There was a hint of disdain in his eyes, this was just a super-large chakra cannon that condensed high-density chakra.

"It's not the Tailed Beast Jade, you don't need to use the Yata Mirror!"

Susanoo in the second form, with four huge arms protruding forward at the same time, caught the big chakra cannon spewed by the Yaqi giant snake.

"Bang bang bang—!"

The ground shook slightly, and Susano took a few steps back under the impact of the big chakra cannon. The four palms were under the burning friction of high-concentration chakra, and the skin and flesh were worn away, exposing the bones.


Naruto Uchiha shouted angrily, and controlled Susanoo's four arms to exert strength at the same time, pushing upwards!

This super chakra bullet, which condensed all the power of Yamata no Orochi, shot straight towards the dark clouds that were pouring down rain.


In an instant, the wind and cloud changed color, and the dark and chaotic cumulonimbus clouds that covered the sky and the sun were pushed by the violent shock wave, rolling to both sides like a black curtain.

As if the clouds were cleared, the clouds were pierced out of a large hole with a range of hundreds of kilometers.

The torrential rain stopped it.

Naruto Uchiha jumped up driving Susano, raised one arm on the right side high, and slammed down heavily on Yamata no Orochi!


The earth seemed to turn into a water surface, creating ripple-like folds, followed by huge cracks, and the atmosphere was squeezed into violent shock waves, sweeping and spreading in all directions.

The ground shook and the mountains shook, the whole city of Sapporo was shaking and howling!

This is the absolute violence of the gods, and its power surpasses all previous attacks of Susanoo.

Yamata no Orochi, who was hit head-on, naturally had no chance of being spared, his whole body burst open, and his body was smashed to pieces.

The bright sunlight fell from the dark clouds that were torn apart from the sky, and shone on Susanoo's body.

The mythical giant that rose up like a mountain, cast a large shadow under the sunlight, and the sacred and majestic aura was overwhelming, even through the screen, I couldn't help but tremble with fear.

It almost makes people bow down, under this absolute violence beyond human intelligence!

The moment Susano almost exploded Yamata no Orochi, Professor Nagayama suddenly saw the coming of the myth recorded in "Kojiki", and he was already in tears:

"This can't be a wild skeleton at all, this is the incarnation of Susanoo's life!"

But Yamata no Orochi, who was dead without a whole body, still refused to leave the stage like this. The scales of the exploded flesh and blood wriggled on the ground, gathered together, and piled up higher and higher.

In the end, a huge mountain of filthy meat with a height of more than ten meters and the size of a playground was formed.

I can no longer see the shape of the previous Yamata no Orochi, or the characteristics of a huge reptile, it is just an indescribable mountain of meat.

"Dragon...snake? No... hiss."

"Hee hee... Feiyue... Mother..."

"...Sharingan... I want to get everything in the world!"

Naruto Uchiha watched all this with a blank face, Susano threw a Yasaka Gokudama, and the moment it pierced through the mountain of meat, the wound was glued to the wound like muddy flesh.

This kind of terrible resilience, at first glance, is that Yasaka's Gouyu passed through the mountain of meat like a phantom.

"...I am... immortal..."

"Are you struggling so much to want to live?"

This kind of vitality is no longer a living thing, but almost a curse that cannot survive but cannot die.


It even made Naruto Uchiha feel sad.

He closed his eyes, tears of blood dripping from the corners of his eyes.

The eyes opened suddenly, exuding a scarlet bloody light, and the black triangular windmill spun suddenly.


The black calamity fire that burned everything in the world came down.

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