I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 259 Chapter 260


The fire of Amaterasu, which was as black as ink, was still smoldering in the continuous rain, and even the broken walls and ruins on the surface were burned. The ground was riddled with holes, exposing the black and yellow soil layer.

This black flame that burns everything is frightening. If it sweeps and spreads, maybe the remaining half of Sapporo City will be lost.

Orochimaru first looked at the continuous black flames like the fire of hell, then looked at the majestic Susano, and finally used the poisonous snake to spy on the terrifying eyes of the birds in the bird's nest, looked at Uchiha Itachi's kaleidoscope Sharingan, and couldn't help stretching out his eyes. Tongue out to lick his left eye.

"This is the power of the kaleidoscope Sharingan! Sbarasi!"

Uchiha Itachi turned a blind eye to Orochimaru's creepy eyes.

Uchiha Itachi stretched out a hand, and moved a little forward. In the direction where Yamata no Orochi was turned into ashes, in the steaming black fire, the precious light flowed, and a fist-sized cyan orb floated up.

Orbs seem to have the ability to ward off fire, melting gold and refining stone, even the black flame that can easily burn reinforced concrete, but it can't do anything about it.

"The Jade of the Dragon Head, this is one of the five treasures mentioned in "The Tale of Bamboo Crawl."

The police chief, whose memory was triggered by keywords and scenes, frowned.

"But how come there is the jade of the dragon's head on the Yamata no Orochi?"

"The jade of the dragon's head is the dragon ball hidden in the dragon's mouth or under the jaw. There is a saying in "Zhuangzi": "The pearl of the husband's daughter must be in the abyss of nine layers and under the jaw of the dragon."

Professor Chang Shan, who is well-known and memorized, pushed his glasses and quoted scriptures.

"In East Asian culture, dragons and snakes are always the same. "Huainanzi" records that in the Spring and Autumn Period, Suihou rescued a big snake that was broken into two pieces, and the big snake held a pearl in return. This is the same as Heshibi. Hou Zhu."

"After Susano ordered to kill the Yamata no Orochi, he found the Amazono Cloud Sword from its tail; and it is not surprising that the seven 'Yaki Yamata no Orochi' that appeared in Sapporo burst out with a dragon head jade."

The Xiao organization and Yamata no Orochi went to war just because they wanted to seize its dragon head jade?

For a long time, the Akatsuki organization has been elusive in Tokyo, as if searching for something.

The Superintendent of Police began to wonder.

Is the Akatsuki organization collecting the five legendary treasures of Kaguya Hime?

The stone bowl in front of Buddha of King Yan Mo was hidden by A Fei organized by Akatsuki in the ghost of Professor Kurokawa, a ghost doctor, and smuggled back to the world. It is now stored in the secret base of Yokosuka Port; The Fire Rat Fur and the Dragon Head Jade in his hands are only missing the whereabouts of Swallow Amber.

The Police Chief would not naively think that Akatsuki organized the collection of five treasures to propose to Kaguya Hime, and there must be a big ulterior conspiracy behind this.

"I didn't expect to be able to obtain the jade of the dragon head in the human world. After all, the real dragon is extinct in the heaven. Although it is only after the mottled blood of Yamata no Orochi, it is also a dragon species. This inferior dragon head jade should also be able to Make do with it."

Orochimaru stretched out his long tongue and licked the corner of his mouth, with greed in his eyes, he stretched out his hand to grab the dragon head jade.

"With this dragon head jade, my strength can also be restored a lot."

Suddenly, Susano raised an arm, slapped down, and smashed Orochimaru to the ground!

The police chief looked at the picture transmitted by the drone, and his pupils shrank. Is the Akatsuki organization causing internal strife?

Uchiha Itachi raised his head to look at the drone as if aware of it, a black triangular windmill was turning in those god-like, majestic eyes.

Even through the electronic screen, he showed his sharpness, which put a lot of pressure on the police chief.

Even so, the Police Superintendent gritted his teeth and stared at the electronic screen with wide eyes.

"The pattern of Sharingan is different from the previous black samba pattern. What kind of secret does this kind of eye hide?"

Uchiha Itachi's kaleidoscope Sharingan reflected under the drone's lens returned to the black Sangodama, and the orange-red Susano shrouded him almost disappeared.

He reached out and took off the dragon head jade, and put it in the cuff of the red cloud with a black background.

"Itachi-kun, you really wanted to kill me just now, right? Aren't we fellows in the same organization? How can you be so cruel and merciless? It's really chilling."

Orochimaru, who thought he had been crushed to death by Susano, got out with his whole body wet, smiling sinisterly.

"Oshemaru, I have never trusted you, let alone regarded you as a companion."

Uchiha Itachi said indifferently.

"This dragon head jade is not something you can covet. In order to unlock Penglai's thousand-year seal, the dragon head jade is indispensable."

"Having said that, your murderous intent is too strong. Itachi-kun, are you jealous of your younger brother coming to my side?"

Orochimaru laughed strangely: "You can't blame me, I have never coerced Sasuke-kun, he took the initiative to join me in order to gain the power to avenge you! Itachi-kun, do you want to know about Sasuke-kun?" In order to be able to kill you, he is practicing very hard."


Uchiha Itachi remained expressionless and said nothing, but the murderous aura emanating from his body became more and more bitter.

"Hee, it's scary, Itachi-kun."

A bit of fear and inexplicable look flashed in Orochimaru's pale golden pupils, and the smile faded away.

"Now my projection is not your opponent. It has finally come to the human world, and I don't want to just return without success. Let us live in peace first."

Orochimaru's neck turned 180 degrees as soft as boneless, looked around, licked the corner of his mouth with his slender tongue like a snake, and said:

"Since we have obtained the Dragon Head Jade, let's leave, that lord is still waiting for our return."

Are these two monsters ready to leave like this?

The Chief Police Officer, who had been using lip-reading skills to pay close attention to the situation at the scene, changed his face, but then clenched his fists helplessly.

I have to admit that they are helpless against the Xiao organization now, even if they want to call the Self-Defense Force to go there, it is completely too late.

But watching the two people organized by Xiao helplessly, just pat their ass and leave like this, is really not reconciled.

"The art of roof collapse!"

Directly above Uchiha Itachi and Orochimaru, it seemed that a new dark cloud cast a shadow covering the sky, and an unimaginably huge frog descended from the sky, and sat down towards the two of them.


Amidst the huge roar like a landslide, the few broken walls and ruins left in the ruins were also crushed in one breath.


"What kind of monster again?!"

"It's a toad, no, it's a frog!"

The sudden situation caught everyone in the conference room by surprise, and everyone was dumbfounded.

The dark clouds over Sapporo City have gradually dissipated. Although the satellite images cannot capture the outlines of ordinary people like the approaching drones, the behemoth at the scene is so huge that it can be clearly captured by the satellite.

It was a huge frog nearly twenty meters high, with a belt around it, and two large swords that were more than ten meters long stuck in its back.

Not only the dignitaries in the conference room were stunned, but the local survivors outside the ruins of Sapporo couldn't help but also collapsed.

They have experienced unimaginable disasters today, not only physically tortured, but also mentally, and the three views were shattered into one place.

First there was the Yamata no Orochi, then the orange-red skeleton giant, and now there was a frog the size of a hill.

Their city of Sapporo is just a small city in Hokkaido, how can He De have so many monsters condescending to wreak havoc?

You monsters want to build a team, trampling and destroying the modern high-rise buildings in Tokyo, or the scenic spots in Kyoto, isn’t it more fulfilling?

"There seems to be someone on that giant frog's head?" the sharp-eyed Prince Fumihito squinted his eyes and shouted.

"Frog, do you mean..."

The police director had a brainstorm and immediately ordered the drones on the scene to adjust their height and aim at the camera.

"Sure enough, Immortal Toad has come here! Even he has appeared!"

On the head of the giant frog stood a tall gray-haired man dressed like a Kabuki actor.

It was the Toad Immortal who appeared in the Mt. Miaomu incident, which was deduced by the Metropolitan Police Department to be the prototype of the protagonist of the folk legend "Er Lei Ye Hero Hero Tan" two hundred years ago!


Jilai also noticed that the drone camera was filming himself, stretched out a hand to say hello, then tossed his hair, stepped on clogs and sang and danced on the frog's head:

"All of you in this world, you were originally Sannin, but now you are immortals! The toad monster on Mt. Miaomu is my uncle Jiraiya! Please point out... Woohoo!"

The frog under his feet suddenly shook violently, Ji Laiya staggered and slipped, fell to the ground, and shouted angrily:

"Hey! Toad Guang, I'm playing handsome, don't shake around!"

It wasn't that Toad Guang was jumping around indiscriminately, but two huge skeleton arms stretched out from under it, supporting Toad Guang's body.

In the end, he threw it outward with all his strength, smashing Toad Guang's body heavily on the ground, shaking the mountain suddenly.

Itachi Uchiha turned on the kaleidoscope Sharingan again, and the orange-red half-length giant skeleton trapped him.

Susano in the first form!

"The legendary power of God, Susano."

Jiraiya, who was standing on the head of Toad Hiroshi, put away the indecency of the previous playful smile, looked serious, looked at Susano and said:

"And this pair of eyes, amazing pupil power. Having developed Sharingan to such an extent at a young age, there is only that one who killed the entire clan...'Itachi'."

Orochimaru stood beside Susano, with a sneer like a poisonous snake on his face.

"Oshemaru, it seems that you really joined an amazing organization."

"Jiraiya, why didn't you hide in the toad hole in Miaomu Mountain, and why did you come to the human world? Did you come to chase me?"

Dashewan showed a sinister expression on his face, and stretched out his hand to Zilai, saying:

"Could it be that you change your mind and want to accept my invitation to join the Xiao organization? Warmly welcome, we are very short of manpower now. Even a mediocre person like you can come in handy."

"Hahaha, Orochimaru, you have become very good at joking, but you also know that this is impossible."

Zilai also laughed, but there was no smile in his eyes.

"Then Jiraiya, what are you doing here? It doesn't mean that you want to avenge Sarutobi-sensei, it's all the old things of the past few decades, and it would be boring to pester him endlessly." Orochimaru spread his hands and said helplessly.

"I originally thought that the Akatsuki organization was a group of whimsical lunatics and dreamers, but I only recently learned that your real purpose is to break the seal of..."

Jiraiya glanced at Itachi Uchiha, opened and closed his lips a few times, but the key point was missed, as if silenced by some mysterious force.

"Since this is the case, I can no longer stand by and watch. It's just right, let's settle our grievances and grievances together, Orochimaru!"

"If a fool thinks a lot, he will gain something. Zilaiye, your stupid stone head also has a moment of light."

Orochimaru's vertical pupils shrank as thin as a needle, and his pale face couldn't hold back the killing intent. After a cold smile, he said to Uchiha Itachi:

"If this toad is left alone, it will definitely become a stumbling block for Akatsuki. This is a rare opportunity, Itachi-kun, join hands with me to kill him!"

Itachi Uchiha glanced at Orochimaru indifferently, and then turned his gaze to Jiraiya standing on Tomahiro, and the kaleidoscope of Sharingan in his eyes turned.

"No, I'm not this person's opponent. If I'm lucky, I can only lose both sides. With you, the result is the same."

"The Jiraiya in front of me is just like me, a projection from the heavens. With your kaleidoscope Sharingan and Susanoo, you can definitely kill him!"

"Maybe so, but I don't want to join forces with you at all."

Uchiha Itachi's face showed a bit of exhaustion, the kaleidoscope Sharingan in his eyes degenerated into a three-pointed jade, and Susano almost melted from the ice and snow.

"Is it because your pupil strength and body can't support it?" Dashewan asked with a strange look on his face.

To deal with Yaqi Orochi and the Air Self-Defense Force, Uchiha Itachi also used Susano for a long time, even Amaterasu, and now he is not at his peak.

"Although I am very grateful for your praise, you are a big sinner of the Akatsuki organization just like Orochimaru. Sorry, I will kill you together with Orochimaru here."

Jilai also had a solemn expression, and even showed a bit of killing intent which was rare.

"And those eyes of yours are really too dangerous! They can even become the trigger to destroy the Three Realms."

Ji Lai also raised his foot, stamped his clogs on Toad Hiroshi's head, quickly made a few seals with his hands together, and let out a violent shout.

"Toad Guang, prepare the oil!"

At the foot of Jiraiya, Toad Hiroshi had a house-sized toad's head and bulging cheeks, spraying out overwhelming toad oil from its mouth like a geyser.

Jiraiya cooperated tacitly, and immediately spewed out a bunch of flaming fire dragons from his mouth, igniting the toad oil.

Fire escape, toad oil fire bomb!

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