I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 269 Chapter 270

"Let's not scare ourselves. How is this possible."

Seeing that everyone's faces were a bit ugly, Hirota Turio forced himself to calm down and comforted people.

Before the words were finished, a large group of villagers rushed out from the corner of the street, holding picks, rakes and other various agricultural tools in their hands, and rushed towards them aggressively.

"The monster has entered the village!"

"Kill that nigger, and the white-skinned Rakshasa ghost!"

Seeing the murderous looks of the villagers, Guangtian Tulio and his party were also scared out of their wits. Seeing that the situation was not good, they turned around and ran away.

it is as expected!

The closed island, the ancient village, the xenophobic villagers, the mysterious girl who lives alone and silent, and the two children I met at the entrance of the village...

These are all classic opening elements of a B-grade horror movie.

Are these villagers going to battle royale now, or sacrifice living people?

Thinking of this, the young man's face turned pale, his footsteps became weak, and he almost couldn't run.

But unexpectedly, a group of villagers holding farm tools also appeared from behind, blocking their way back.


What kind of ghost village is this? When seeing outsiders, they beat everyone to death indiscriminately!

Is there still Wang Fa? Is there still law!

Hirota Turio deliberately returned to Japan from Brazil to find his roots, not to return to his roots, and besides, he didn't even know if this island was Japan.

"Wait! We are..."

Hirota Turio argued loudly in vain, but he could only watch helplessly as the villagers surrounded him.

"Stop everything, old man!"

Just at the critical moment, there was only a loud shout, and the villagers all stopped their hands after hearing the words.

"It's the village chief."

"Old village chief!"

I saw a road parting from the crowd, and an old man with white hair, childlike face and vigorous spirit walked over. Although he was holding a cane in his hand, he was walking like flying.

"What are you doing?"

The voice of the old village chief was loud, not at all like an elderly man.

"Village Chief, some monsters have sneaked into the village!"

A villager pointed at the black Antonio and the foreign girl, with surprise and fear on their faces.

"This nigger's skin is as black as coal, and this female Rakshasa's face is as white as a dead person, and her disgusting yellow hair is really terrifying."

"A few other people mixed with these two monsters, wearing strange costumes, and other villages don't have such costumes, so they are definitely not humans or monsters!"

The villagers talked a lot.

While Hirota Turio and his companions were trembling in their arms, they stared and stared in disbelief.

This is already the third decade of the 21st century, and even the Reiwa era. Is there such a closed and exclusive village in Japan? Even the black and white people have never seen it and regarded it as a monster.

This is too nonsense!

"Don't guess wildly, these outsiders are human beings just like us."

The old village chief spoke slowly while leaning on a cane.


"The village is surrounded by an enchantment set up by the Mistress, and it is absolutely impossible for monsters to come in. Don't you believe in the Mistress?" The old village head said with the crutches in his hands down.

"It's all gone, go to work."

"The old village head is right."

"Miko-sama is absolutely impossible to make mistakes."

The witch seems to have a high prestige among the villagers. After the old village chief moved out of the witch, the villagers all showed a look of confidence, scattered like birds and beasts, and went to busy with their own affairs.

"I'm sorry, strangers, I surprised you."

The old village head walked up to Hirota Tulio, smiling benevolently, showing his white teeth.

Although the old man looks quite old on the outside, he is still strong and strong, with clear eyes, and looks quite immortal.

"Thank you, old man."

With lingering fear, Hirota Turio forced a smile.

"Don't blame us. After all, there are very few foreigners in this village. Let alone those young people, this old man has been the village head for more than a hundred years, and this is the first time I have seen foreigners." The tone of the old village head There is a bit of sigh in the color.

"Wait, old man! Dare I ask you how long this year will be?" Hirota Turio frowned and asked.

"The old man is over two hundred and thirty this year." The old village chief stroked his beard and said proudly. "Even on Xiandao, there are not many people who can live beyond two hundred years."


Several young people looked at each other, and felt a little ridiculous. Although this old man looked old and strong on the outside, was he actually dementia? He was bragging like this.

"Ah, haha, your body is amazing."

Hirota Turio made a haha, and then remembered the purpose of his party, and said seriously:

"Old man, we ended up on this island by accident, and one of our companions fell into the sea and his whereabouts are unknown. It is extremely urgent now. Do you have a phone number to contact the outside world? Really please."

"Phone, what's that?"

The old village head showed a blank look like Miss Yuhuo.

Uh, really, is there such a remote village in Japan that is isolated from the world?

But looking around, there is no sign of modern civilization, whether it is the villagers' dresses or the rolling thatched cottages; and the villagers mistakenly regarded the black Antonio and the white girl as monsters, murderous and unpretentious. Could it be that it is really an ancient village that has never been discovered by the outside world?

Although Hirota Turio was somewhat skeptical, he still couldn't accept it intellectually.

"Old man, what exactly is this village?"

"This is Xiandao Penglai."

The old village head said it as a matter of course, and then he seemed to recall something and added:

"You should have heard of the legend of Penglai, the first emperor ordered Xu Fu to go to sea to find Penglai Island!"

"Are you kidding! Old stuff!"

The young man in the couple finally couldn't hold back. The anger and grievances accumulated by the villagers before were threatened by the villagers with farm tools.

"You must be tricking us! This must be some kind of prank show, you extra performers and props crew really spent a lot of money. But this can't fool me, I won't be fooled by you!"

The young man screamed hysterically.

"You guys are doing this against the law. Don't hurry up and end the filming. I'm going back to Tokyo!"

The young man's yelling attracted the attention of several villagers. They stopped in vigilance and began to whisper.

Hirota Turio suddenly felt bad, and exchanged glances with the black Antonio, the black nodded and pulled the young man who was furious.

"I'm sorry, old man, my friend lost his composure." Hirota Turio apologized with a smile.

Regardless of whether the old village head is pretending to be crazy or not, it is obviously not wise to offend him now.

"Young man, it's nothing to be a little irritable."

The old village chief waved his hand graciously, expressing that he didn't care.

"It's getting late, do you want to spend the night in the village first?"

Hirota Tulio and his companions glanced at each other, and they all saw obvious resistance.

"Old man, we still want to take a stroll in the village, no hurry, no hurry."

The old village chief looked calm, glanced at them thoughtfully, and reminded:

"It's fine. There are no taboos in this village. The old man has also greeted the villagers. They won't make things difficult for you. But don't go out of the village at will, especially in the forest. It may be dangerous at night."

The old village head gave a few words of advice, and then walked away with a cane.

"Go! Let's leave the village now."

Seeing that the back of the old village chief had disappeared, Hirota Tulio immediately said that he still used English for the sake of safety.

"No matter what the old village chief said is true or not, whether this village is really isolated from the outside world, or not, but it is too weird. We stayed here overnight, surrounded by so many villagers, if anything happened, we would run away Can't run away."

Others also nodded in agreement.

Isn’t there such a classic plot in suspense horror movies? Tourists stray into villages and castles in deep mountains and old forests. First, they are warmly entertained by the host. After the tourists let down their guard and fall asleep soundly after drinking and eating, scenes of horror and horror are staged. drama.

It's no wonder they are suspicious, after all, this village is really too mysterious, and the atmosphere is depressing and treacherous.

"But, it's almost evening now, where shall we spend the night?"

"Go to Miss Yuhuo, her thatched hut is crowded enough to live in." Hirota Turio obviously had already made up his mind.

"But, she..."

A look of disgust flashed across the face of the long-haired woman in the couple. I don't know whether it was the possibility of getting sick from the bandaged fishing boat, or the dilapidated thatched cottage.

"There is no other choice now. Miss Yuhuo and the village are obviously not on the same journey. Miss Yuhuo saved us. If there is any malice towards us, we are probably dead."

Hirota Turio decided to vote by show of hands.

"And we can also ask Miss Yuhuo about the way to leave this island. She is our savior, and her words must be more credible than the village chief."

"I agree!" The foreign girl was the first to raise her hand in agreement.

In the end it was a unanimous vote.

Without further ado, Hirota Turio and his party immediately turned back the same way.

On the way back, they still looked around the village unwillingly, trying to find any flaws to prove that everything in front of them was Truman's world.

Farmers in straw sandals are repairing the fence in the vegetable field; villagers not far away are collecting the dried fish hanging under the eaves to dry; The sound of the parents who came yelling and calling home for dinner.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like the ancient countryside in the Dahe drama. Everyone lives and works in peace and contentment, and the picture is very vivid.

If they saw this scene in a TV series, they might even sigh how beautiful the idyllic scenery that has not been polluted by modern civilization is.

But the fact that they were actually there, coupled with the series of unimaginable events they experienced today, and the pressure created virtually made them feel a little nervous.

"It's not like acting, this place seems to be a primitive village that is really isolated from the world..."

The young man muttered, his voice became smaller and smaller, and finally fell into a wordless silence.

Although this is true, it is too counterintuitive to convince them that this is the legendary Penglai of the overseas fairy mountains.

"Could it be an evil... special church?"

The foreign woman has been thinking about something since she entered the village, and she only spoke when she walked out of the village.

"In my hometown of Utah, some sects claim that the development of science and technology is against the will of the Lord. So they will build a farm by themselves, be self-sufficient, refuse to use all modern technological products, and even refuse to see a doctor when they are sick."

"Yes, it's also possible. Didn't the village chief mention that there is a priestess? Could it be a role like the godfather?" The young man's eyes lit up and he nodded repeatedly.

"Those villagers and village chiefs believe in some kind of religion to say that this is Penglai Island."

Although this explanation is also bizarre and not very tenable, it is more in line with their worldview than that they have really arrived at the legendary overseas fairy mountain.

Of course, they also subconsciously, or intentionally or unintentionally ignored other doubts.

"Don't worry about it so much, wait until Miss Yuhuo is there, and then ask her in detail."

As the sun sets, the beach is highlighted with a touch of golden light. Compared with the daytime, the current island scenery is even more gorgeous. It is magical and beautiful.

But everyone was so preoccupied that they couldn't take care of admiring the beautiful scenery and just hurried on their way with their heads covered.

It didn't take long before the thatched huts standing near the coastline appeared in front of my eyes.

"Miss Yuhuo, are you there? Open the door!"

Hirota Turio knocked on the door and said.

"Why are you back?"

Half a bandaged face protruded from the window of the thatched cottage, looking at them calmly.

"I'm sorry, Miss Yuhuo, can you take us in for a night? We really have nowhere to go, and something feels wrong in that village." Hirota Turio said cheekily.

Yuhuo was silent for a while, then nodded slightly.

Hirota Turio immediately showed joy.


At this moment, a thick octopus tentacles suddenly protruded from the sea, ejected out, and directly destroyed the thatched hut with a destructive force, entwined with the fishing fire and lifted her into the air.

"What is this? How is it possible! There are such long and thick octopus tentacles?!"

Everyone was dumbfounded, and a few octopus tentacles as thick as stone pillars protruded from the sea surface, waving their teeth and claws in midair.

A few giant octopus tentacles rolled and fell towards the few people on the beach, and they were about to be tied up in the same footsteps of fishing boats, only to hear:

"Wait, these ordinary people don't need to be arrested."

"This voice...Mr. Medicine Master Dou!"

Hirota Turio's eyes widened, and he saw a white-haired young man wearing round glasses on the tentacles of a giant octopus.

It was after the sinking of the lifeboat that the whereabouts of Yao Shidou was unknown.

"Doctor, it's great that you're all right. But why are you..."

No matter how slow Hirota Tulio was, he still noticed something was wrong. This monster as huge as the giant North Sea monster surrendered to Medicine Master's pocket, which is simply like a fantasy.

"Mr. Hirota, as I said before, the purpose of my going to sea is to find Penglai Island."

Medicine Master smiled slightly, and then his attention was shifted to Yuhuo who was bound by the octopus tentacles.

"let me go!"

"I didn't expect to find unexpected gains before finding the elixir of life."

The tentacles of the octopus hung the fishing fire and came to Yaoshidou. He looked at it and stretched out his hand.

"Doctor, wait, what are you going to do!"

The pharmacist tore off the bandage on Yuhuo's face, revealing the cyan-blue scales underneath.

"Sure enough, you are a half-demon. And one of your parents is a mermaid, right?"

Yu Huo, on the other hand, glared at Yao Shidou unwillingly, and gritted his teeth.

But Yao Shidou didn't care, he pushed his glasses and smiled complacently.

"In this way, the elixir of life..."

At this moment, a stream of holy pure white light fell from the sky like a meteor from afar.

It is an arrow, the arrow that breaks the devil!

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