I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 272 Chapter 273

"A big snake with five colored scales, when did this kind of monster appear on the island?"

A bit of doubt flashed in Yuhuo's eyes, and he immediately motioned for everyone to bend down and lie on the ground. The others followed suit and fell on the ground motionless.

The big snake's head protruding from the tree hole was even bigger than a millstone, and even a steer could swallow it alive.

The smooth and thick snake letter hesitated in the snake's kiss. Even looking at it from a distance, it gave Hirota Turio and the others a strong sense of oppression, and none of them dared to breathe.

"This is the downwind, the big snake can't smell us."

Yuhuo comforted them softly when he saw how scared they were.


The uneasiness on Hirota Turio's face did not diminish, hesitatingly said:

"The cheek fossa of the snake can use the body temperature of the prey to sense infrared light to locate it."

"What is infrared?"

Hirota Turioton has a bad feeling. The heat-sensing hunting function of snakes is just an interesting popular science for modern people, not even cold knowledge, but for Miss Yuhuo who is alone on the agriculturally civilized Penglai Island For those who travel alone, there is no such cognition at all.


Sure enough, the snake letter of the five-color big snake swayed towards their hiding place a few times, and the next moment, the big snake came out of the tree hole and crawled towards this direction aggressively.

was found!

Hirota Turio's scalp went numb all of a sudden, and his face changed instantly. The other people were not much better, their faces were pale, and they were fighting.

The five-color serpent's body seemed thick and heavy, and it crushed the bushes along the way to the ground, but its speed was as fast as lightning, and it leaped tens of meters in the blink of an eye.

Even the sound of scales rubbing against the ground can be clearly heard.

Hirota Turio immediately understood that it was impossible to outrun the giant snake with only their two legs.

"Miss Yuhuo!"

The only life-saving straw now is the inhuman Yuhuo, and only she can repel the five-color giant snake.

But he never expected that Yuhuo would climb up the trunk of the nearest ancient tree with his agility and agility like a spirit ape, before disappearing into the dense bushes.

run away? !

Hirota Turio suddenly took a long breath, his face full of disbelief.


The entire small team was stripped of their backbone at once, and everyone panicked and turned around and ran towards the rear.

The first one was the black Antonio. As expected of the strong blood left by the survival of the fittest through layers of screening, and the bonus of racial talent, he left the others far behind in one go.


"Damn Nico!"

Someone couldn't help cursing.

The current situation is the same as encountering a bear in the forest. As long as you outrun your companions, you have a chance of surviving.

Even if Hirota Turio and the others try their best to escape, the five-color snake is much faster than all of them.

The five-colored snake did not attack the long-haired woman at the end, but slipped past the group of people and cut into the gap between them and the black Antonio. A dragon wagged its tail and ran across the path, icy cold His vertical pupil looked at the remaining four people without emotion.

Just like the gaze of Medusa, the bodies of Hirota Turio and the others froze in place stiffly, standing there numbly, not even daring to move their fingers, only their eyeballs were still turning.

This is a huge difference in life level, and I am instinctively afraid of this monster!

Hirota Turio, who ran the second fastest, now bears the brunt of the snake kiss of the five-colored snake.

Taking advantage of this gap, the black Antonio has already disappeared without a trace.

That's okay, one can escape.

Hirota Tulio thought about it with pleasure, and the five-color snake had already opened its huge mouth, and was about to pounce on it.

Just at the very moment, a figure jumped down from the canopy behind the five-color serpent!

I saw Yuhuo holding an inch-long dagger, and with the help of gravity when he fell, he stabbed into the head of the five-color serpent.

Hirota Turio's eyes widened suddenly.

It's Miss Yuhuo!

Miss Yuhuo didn't run away, but lurked in the dark, and when she got the right timing, she gave the five-color snake a fatal blow!


But the scales of the five-color serpent were obviously much harder than Yuhuo expected, and the dagger in Yuhuo's hand only pierced halfway and stopped abruptly.

The painful five-color serpent danced frantically, shaking its head, and threw the fishing fire out, and its body hit the ground heavily.

The fire of hope that had just been ignited in everyone's hearts was ruthlessly snuffed out.

Miss Yuhuo was no match for the five-color serpent either.

The big five-colored snake with half a dagger stuck in its head was completely irritated, and made a creepy hissing sound from its mouth, and its vertical pupils were fixed on the fishing fire on the ground.

The others couldn't care less.

"When the big snake attacks that woman, we will seize the opportunity and flee into the forest."

Hirota Tulio moved his ears, heard the sound, and saw the couple biting their ears.

That's right, after Miss Yuhuo drew the hatred of the five-color snake, she took advantage of their fight to escape, and she had a chance of survival.

Although rationally telling Hirota Turio that this is the way out, isn't this going to leave Miss Yuhuo behind?

Hirota Turio couldn't help showing struggle and hesitation on his face.

At this moment, Yuhuo got up from the ground, threw the broken dagger in his hand, and looked at the colorful snake with a stern face.

"Hiss hiss!"

The five-color big snake swung its body, and rushed towards the fishing fire in a menacing manner.

Yuhuo turned his head and glanced at Hirota Turio and the others, his face was a little complicated, as if he had made up his mind when he approached, his gaze was sharp, and he let out a low growl from his throat.


The cyan fish scales on Yuhuo's cheeks, arms and feet spread to all parts of his body within a snap of his fingers, fish gills were also cracked on his neck, and fin-like wings grew on his elbows.

If the fishing fire before was just a girl with exotic charms dotted with fish scales, now she is completely a half-human, half-fish monster!

For the five-color serpent that flew up, the Yuhuo after transformation was like a big blue bird with scales, its wings flashed past.


The head of the five-color serpent was cut off, blood gushed out like a fountain, and the headless body struggled unwillingly on the ground.

So strong!

Miss Yuhuo was so strong that she killed the unrivaled five-color serpent with just one blow.

Hirota Turio couldn't help casting his gaze over there, but Yuhuo put his finned arms in front of him, covering his face.

"do not look at me."

The fish scales and fins on Yuhuo's body are fading at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"The me now is terrible. Even you outsiders can't accept the me now. Just like the village chief before..."

Hirota Turio looked at the couple and the foreign woman. Although he was shocked, it was more about the joy of the remaining life after the catastrophe, and there were not many feelings of fear and disgust.

He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Well, to well-informed modern people, Miss Yuhuo's current posture is not so scary.

Nor would they be like those ignorant villagers who yelled and yelled and showed their disgusting attitude.

But Miss Yuhuo's aura of self-loathing and self-defeating is stronger than when they first met.

"Miss Yuhuo, you saved us again!"

Hirota Tulio looked at the headless body of the colorless giant snake with lingering fear, and its tail was still moving in reflex.

Even if the head is removed, the remaining body is nearly ten meters long. The largest python existing on the earth today, the anaconda in the Brazilian Amazon rainforest, is usually only five or six meters long.

The sea of ​​trees on Penglai Island is indeed lurking with terrible dangers. Without the help of Miss Yuhuo, they have absolutely no hope of reaching the spiritual peak in the center of the island.

Miss Yuhuo can't be so depressed.

"Miss Yuhuo, we really took too much care from you and saved us several times. You are simply the legendary 'Amabie'!"

Hirota Turio had an idea and said.


Yuhuo was a little puzzled.

Besides her, the Japanese couple also had subtle faces, leaving only the foreign woman confused, not knowing what Hirota Tulio was talking about.

"Amabie is a sea monster that looks like a mermaid. According to legend, it can bless the harvest and get rid of diseases. Because of this, it has become very popular in the past few years and has been sought after by many people."

Hirota Turio winked at the Japanese couple and said.

"I'm right, Amabie is a very auspicious and popular mermaid monster in Japan, right?"

The couple looked at each other, recovered and nodded again and again.

"Yes! Amabie is very famous as an auspicious monster that can drive away illness. We all like it in Japan."

"Amabie is one of the top ten buzzwords in Japan in 2020."

The two are not entirely echoing Hirota Turio's words to please flattery, but they are indeed true.

In Japan, Amabie is a legendary mermaid-like monster that can emit light, so it is translated as "sea strange light".

According to legend, in Kumamoto Prefecture in the middle of the 19th century, a glowing object haunted the sea at night.

The officials who went to investigate encountered a monster with a mouth like a bird's beak, covered with fish scales from the neck down, and with three fins, like a fish and a bird.

The monster calls itself "Amabie", lives in the sea, and prophesies that there will be good harvests in the next six years. If the disease spreads, as long as its portrait is shown to the sick people, their pain will be cured.

After the first year of Reiwa, due to well-known reasons, Amabie became one of the most well-known monsters in Japan.

From the northern island of Hokkaido to the southern island of Ryukyu, Mabie is often seen on posters at train stations, encouraging people to avoid unnecessary going out. The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has used Amabie's popularity to raise awareness of the importance of staying at home and social distancing to prevent infection.

Amabie is also affectionately called "the monster of Reiwa" by the Japanese.

"So it's like this outside. You people outside the island are really strange, you actually like monsters."

After listening to Hirota Turio's introduction, Yuhuo showed a complicated expression on his face, with a faint trace of curiosity and hope, and his expression became a little more cheerful.

"Although it sounds a bit similar, I'm not Amabie. If I were really a monster that brings health and good luck, maybe I wouldn't..."

A look of sadness flashed across Yuhuo's eyes, but then he cheered up and nodded to Hirota Tulio.

"I know you are not bad people, don't worry I'm fine. We must get out of here quickly, before the smell of blood attracts other monsters."

Yuhuo frowned and looked at the blood on the scene, and said solemnly:

"And this big snake is weird. I have never seen such a huge snake demon in Penglai Island. Maybe the situation will be beyond my control. You should make a decision as soon as possible. Do you want to turn back the same way or continue to move forward?"

Hirota Turio and the others looked at each other and started discussing in a low voice.

There is not much time left now. If they give up this opportunity, it means that they will be trapped on this Penglai Island for the rest of their lives, living an agricultural life of men farming and women weaving. Unless it is a last resort, they will not choose to die here of.

Moreover, Miss Yuhuo's previous display of strength also reassured Hirota Turio and the others.

With Miss Yuhuo's protection, she will definitely be able to reach Lingfeng smoothly!

"And what about Antonio? Can he be found?"

"I'm afraid it won't work. The direction is wrong. It may take several hours to find that person."

Yuhuo looked at the direction in which the black Antonio was running away, and shook his head.

"Leave him alone, you can only blame Antonio for his bad luck."

The long-haired woman in the couple showed a bit of gloating on her face, obviously because she was worried about Antonio's running away.

With such a delay, there is indeed not much time left.

Hirota Turio and a group of people voted with a show of hands. In the end, three votes to one vote decided to leave according to the original plan.

As for the black Antonio, according to Miss Yuhuo, there are no monsters haunting the outskirts of the forest, and there will be no danger in a short time.

Miss Yuhuo also promised to find the black Antonio after she went back, and ask the old village chief to take him in and resettle him.

Although I felt a little sorry for him, it was the only way to go. Whoever called the black talent specialize ran so fast that he couldn't even see anyone in the blink of an eye.

Although there is no one-dollar fried chicken on Penglai Island, as long as you are willing to work hard on the farm, you can still get enough rice.

Life is not difficult.

After some simple adjustments, Miss Yuhuo continued to move forward with Hirota Turio and a group of people.

"The one occupying this mountain is a mountain dog. This monster has a very keen sense of smell! But it hides at night, as long as we keep our voices down, it's not a threat."

After advancing for another twenty minutes, Yuhuo whispered, but she soon realized that something was wrong.

There seemed to be a strong smell of blood in the air.

Taking a closer look, there are shocking battle traces all over the mountains and plains, and the wolf's head that has been torn off half of its body is hanging on the treetop.

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