I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 291 Chapter 292 Rescue Prince Wenren

Just one shot of an arrow, a gigantic monster with a body as big as a mountain, enough to be compared with the legendary monster master and Dao Dao, was smashed to pieces.

If the roof of the shrine hadn't been toppled, and the blood and flesh fragments of the monsters were scattered all over the place, the asylum seekers couldn't help but wonder if everything they saw before was an illusion.

"Amitabha, you are saved!"

"Miko, onboard! Onboard!"

"Woo! Mom, I'm not dead—"

After a brief death-like silence, dozens of refugees from Jiuxuzhi Shrine cheered unanimously. If the roof of the shrine did not exist anymore, they might have been overturned by the cheers .

Miracles and magic really do exist!

Some people were crying with tears streaming down their faces, kneeling on the ground and unable to get up; others clapped and cheered desperately, and did not realize that their hands were red and swollen. All in all, it is to completely vent out the fear and pressure accumulated before.

It is not known who took the lead in rushing away, dozens of survivors from the shrine rushed out, scrambling to run towards Miko Hinata.



But they didn't dare to get too close. Instead, they raised their arms around the priestess, applauded desperately and shouted long live, and some people knelt down, chanting the names of gods and Buddhas in the sky, praying endlessly.

Those who didn't know it thought it was a group of idiot fans cheering wildly around their idols, or believers worshiped devoutly around the idols during the ceremony.

This is actually quite normal. After all, these people were just ordinary citizens who came to climb Mount Fuji to enjoy the moon. Unexpectedly, the situation took a turn for the worse. Countless ghosts and ghosts came out from the crater, wreaking havoc and killing everywhere on Mount Fuji.

And they were trapped in the Jiuxuzhi Shrine, attacked by a huge monster, and they were already desperate enough to wait to die.

And at this time of crisis, Hyuga Miko appeared, an incomparably powerful priestess who turned the tide and showed unparalleled power. With one arrow, she easily wiped out the huge monsters and rescued them.

Moreover, Ji Ji's black hair is long and straight like a waterfall, her maiden costume is white on the bottom and red on the bottom, her elegant and dignified appearance, and her ethereal and sacred temperament...

Satisfied all Japanese fantasies about witches.

It was shocking at first, and coupled with the suspension bridge effect of the life-and-death crisis, most people's hearts became captives of Hinata Miko, and they were suddenly reduced to fanatics.

Facing the enthusiastic cheers of the crowd, the cold-tempered Miko Hinata frowned her beautiful eyebrows, it seemed that dealing with monsters was even more difficult.

"Hey, you guys, don't surround Miko-sama!"

At this time, the survivors of Jiuxuzhi Shrine discovered that behind Hinata Priestess, there were more than a dozen unkempt and embarrassing climbers.

A girl with a long ponytail who looked like a high school girl looked at them coldly.

These are all people rescued by Hinata Miko after climbing the mountain. Naturally, these people also know that on the perilous Mount Fuji, only by hugging their thighs can they survive.

"Get out of the way, Miko-sama is going to eradicate the youkai from Mt. Fuji!"

The female high school student yelled at the crowd as if she was pretending to be Hinata Miko's personal guard.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what to do for a while.

"You, you..."

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the old priest finally squeezed out from the crowd. He was trembling, his all-white beard was trembling, and his face was full of puzzlement and excitement.

Isn't this the old crook at the shrine?

Some of the survivors looked contemptuous.

This old thing prayed in the shrine for a long time, but it was useless at all, and he didn't even let out a fart. It must be a top-notch fake of quack warlocks!

"You, who are you? Could it be that you are the heir to Asama Taisha?"

As the head of Asama Taisha Shrine and the old priest of the religious corporation, his lips could not stop trembling.

There are great horrors and great secrets in Mount Fuji.

These monsters who escaped from the crater are ironclad proof!

Since monsters are sealed, there must be priests who seal them.

Ordinary people like the old priest are just agents on the bright side of Asama Shrine. The real supernatural inheritance is alternately inherited in secret. It has been hidden behind the scenes for thousands of years, and it has finally appeared until now that the situation is irreversible.

That's right, that must be it!

Miko Hinata didn't know what the old priest had come up with, and she wasn't interested in knowing it. She shook her head lightly, her lips parted slightly, and she was about to say something.

"Come back to life! The monster is resurrected!"

At this moment, only a panicked cry came from the crowd.


I saw the huge demon whose body was broken by Hinata Miko's arrow before, and the fragments of limbs scattered on the ground, like clay, agglomerated and bonded at a speed visible to the naked eye.


After recovering half of its head, the gigantic monster with terrifying momentum opened its mouth wide and let out a deafening roar.

All of a sudden, a fierce wind blew up, and the survivors were thrown off their feet, screaming non-stop.

"Is it immortal..."

Hinata Miko, with her eyes closed tightly, exuded a glistening white aura, resisting the attack of the evil wind, and even the corners of the Miko's clothes did not move.

She drew out an ordinary feathered arrow and placed it on the bow.

Facing the body has recovered 70% to 80%, it is already like a giant monster that casts a shadow over the sky like a pillar of Optimus.

Shoot an arrow! ——

At the same time, at the sixth station of the Mt. Fuji Yoshida route, it is a little upward.

There used to be some mountain huts scattered here and there for climbers to rest, but now it has become a bloody slaughterhouse.

A six-winged centipede is wreaking havoc. For this kind of monster, even reinforced concrete buildings are no match for its fangs and claws.

Almost all the mountain huts have been destroyed, and in several pools of blood, there are still human limbs remaining after eating.

"Has the help not come yet?"

In a forest hut with only half of it left, Prince Akishino Miya Fumihito was shivering under the bed.

There were nearly ten guards guarding Prince Wenren of Qiu Xiaogong, but now there is only one young man with blood on half of his body left guarding him.

Prince Wenren of Qiu Xiaogong, who is fond of dragons by Ye Gong, never expected that he would be so unlucky.

Although he came to Shengyue Fuji to seek immortal fate with the idea of ​​just in case, he never expected to give himself such a big 'surprise'.

When the painting style of Mount Fuji changed, hundreds of monsters rushed out, not only killing each other, but also killing tourists.

Although the guards immediately covered Prince Qiu Xiaogong Wenren's departure, a six-winged flying centipede focused on this team for some reason.

Several attacks were launched, and the guards of Prince Akishino Palace Fumihito died or fled. Now only the loyal young man took him and fled to the mountain hut.

But looking at it, it won't last long here.

"Your Highness, Your Highness..."

Half paralyzed on the ground, the young man's face was pale, his breathing was weak, and his body was bleeding profusely, and he looked seriously injured.

"Already contacted...the police department...they said...soon..."

"It's really good!"

Prince Akishino Gong Wenren was overjoyed and generously promised:

"Keep going, Kakino! The wind knows the strength of the grass, and the country is chaotic and loyal. As long as we can get out alive, when I become the emperor, I will promote you to be the head of the attendant!"

"Thank you... Highness, Your Majesty..."

Suddenly, there was only the sound of ping-pong-pong rummaging through boxes and cabinets from a wall away, and the next moment, a centipede head crashed into the room, baring its teeth and claws at the two of them.

"Hiss hiss!"

Just at the very moment, a figure fell from the canopy at an astonishingly fast speed.

It was a police officer wearing a riot helmet and the uniform of the Metropolitan Police Department, and the automatic rifle in his hand fired violently at the flying centipede.

"Da da da--!"

The bullets shot a series of blood sprays on the flying centipede.

Although it was only a skin trauma, the flying centipede neighed in pain, turned around, shot at the bullet as fast as lightning, and bit down on the comer.

It was only close to beheading the person in half, but even so, a huge gap was torn open in the waist and abdomen, which is also a fatal injury to ordinary people.

But the police officer didn't seem to notice it, dense black tentacles emerged from the wound, connecting the upper and lower parts of the body.

He stretched out his arm towards the flying centipede, several black tentacles shot out, forcefully gouged out one of the flying centipede's eyes!


After a successful blow, the mysterious police officer turned into Rufeng and rushed into the woods in one go. Naturally, the flying centipede would not let it go, and chased it out flapping its fleshy wings.

Prince Akishino Palace Fumihito was stunned.

But before he could react, there were a few rustling sounds in the nearby woods, and a small group of fully armed operators wearing riot helmets and dressed like the mysterious policeman before surrounded him.

"Captain Uchiha, target found!"

"Is it His Excellency the Prince? I am Uchiha from the Fourth Investigation Division sent by the Metropolitan Police Department to rescue him."

Uchiha Xianmen didn't bother to take off his anti-riot helmet, and said to Prince Akishinomiya Fumihito.

The second rescue team also flew to the mountainside of Mount Fuji by helicopter.

Because of the lessons learned from the annihilation of the entire cavalry regiment before, the helicopter did not dare to stay in the air for a long time.

Within the Great Barrier, the communication signal was sometimes ineffective. Fortunately, the communication was unblocked for a short while not long ago, and he was able to learn the hiding place of Prince Wenren of Qiu Xiaogong, and hurried to arrive.

Because the monsters are killing each other, the number of monsters in Mount Fuji has dropped a lot. There is no danger along the way, and no monsters are encountered, so there is no reduction in staff.

"Great! Kameno, we can get out alive."

Prince Qiu Xiaogong Fumihito was beaming, he held the young man's hand and said impatiently.

"Your Highness, I... no, that's fine..."

After seeing the rescue arrive, the young attendant breathed a last breath of relief, already dying.

"It can't be done, the left kidney has been completely broken, the blood loss is too much, and there is no way to recover."

Uchiha Senmen stepped forward to check, and shook his head at Prince Akishino Miya Fumihito.

"Kameno, don't die! When I become the emperor, you will be my chief attendant!"

Prince Qiu Xiaogong's face turned pale, and he tightly held the hand of the young attendant, with tears in his eyes, he said sincerely.

"The Emperor..."

A strange blush suddenly appeared on the pale face of the young attendant due to excessive blood loss, but except for Prince Akishino, everyone knew that this was the last flashback.

The young attendant raised his arms and shouted coldly:

"Your Majesty, my mission has been completed!"

Then he tilted his head and stopped breathing completely.

"Kameno! Kameno!"

Prince Qiu Xiaogong Wenren lay on the body of the young attendant, crying bitterly.

At this moment, a police officer next to Uchiha Xianmen who was slightly thin and did not match the uniform on his body trembled, and said in Uchiha Naruto's ear:

"Mr. Uchiha, my clone has lost contact. It may have been killed."

The brave and invincible police officer before was naturally a clone made by Hero Tosu with the technique of earth resentment.

If it was an ordinary policeman, he would have been torn to pieces by the flying centipede long ago, and only the Earth Resentment and Yu avatar with tenacious vitality could divert the tiger away from the mountain and buy time.

"Damn it."

Uchiha Xianmen's complexion changed, and then he said to Prince Akishinomiya Fumihito:

"Your Excellency, now is not the time to be sad. Only if you can live safely can you be worthy of the sacrifice of Mr. Kakino."

"I see."

Prince Akishino Palace Fumihito wiped away tears and said.

Seeing this, Uchiha Xianmen commanded other police officers:

"Take Your Excellency the prince, go back the same way, and go to the helicopter. No, you may become a living target by helicopter. If you are attacked, you can't escape if you want to. Let's go all the way down to the foot of the mountain."

Uchiha Xianmen is keenly aware that as the monsters kill each other, the number is getting smaller and smaller.

Moreover, the moving range of the monsters is gradually moving towards the peak of Mount Fuji, which means that the higher the level, the more dangerous it is, and the safer it is towards the foot of the mountain.

"Yes, Captain Uchiha."

The team members responded, and escorted Prince Qiu Xiaogong Wenren to set off.

"Mr. Tosu, wait a moment."

Hero Tosu turned his head and looked at Uchiha Senmen in a daze.

"Mr. Tosu, your earth grievance technique requires a human heart to use, right?"

Uchiha Xianmen couldn't see his expression wearing a helmet, but his voice was neither sad nor happy, and there was no ups and downs, but a ruthless taste.


Regarding the Earth Resentment Art that I obtained from the evil god, I have already reported and tested it at the Metropolitan Police Department, so naturally I can't hide it from Uchiha Xianmen.

"Mr. Kameno. I'm sorry, Amitabha."

Uchiha Xianmen walked up to the corpse of the young attendant, folded his hands together in a gesture of Buddha, and then pulled out the dagger with his backhand, which was as precise as a surgical operation, and he cut open his belly with a snap of his fingers.

"Mr. Tosu, your avatar has been destroyed. You use this now to make a new avatar, just in case."

Looking at the warm and beating heart in Uchiha Senmon's hands, Hero Tosu opened his eyes in disbelief.

"Mr. Uchiha, how could you do something like this to blaspheme the dead!?"

"The dead should make concessions for the living." Uchiha Xianmen said calmly.

Hero Tosu couldn't help feeling a chill run down his back.

It's only been a week since I've seen him. Mr. Uchiha, who was originally gentle and polite, gave him a very good first impression. Sometimes it seems like a different person, which makes him feel a little strange.

It even scares him.

Why did this happen, and what happened to Mr. Uchiha? !

Seeing that Hero Tosu seemed a little hesitant, Uchiha's voice sank, and he said in a strong tone that could not be rejected:

"Tosu, this is an order! Think about why you accepted this dangerous mission, Miss Mamiya is still waiting for you."

"Mr. Uchiha, I understand."

Hero Tosu said shakily, and stretched out his hand to the heart in Uchiha's hand, and a few black tentacles entangled and took the heart into his body.

"Don't worry, Mr. Tosu. If the gods and Buddhas have spirits, they will only bring disasters to me, and all the sins will be borne by me alone."

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