I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 322 Chapter 323 Recalling the horror of being dominated by Susano

"Whoa, whoa—"

The group of helicopters hovering hundreds of meters above the sky cast huge lampposts from all directions towards the main hall of Sensoji Temple, creating a gorgeous and bright lighting effect.

In Sensoji Temple, which is almost in ruins, only the Kannon Hall stands on its original site.

The main hall of Sensoji Temple with a hilltop style, with brackets and cornices, red pillars and green tiles, is majestic and majestic. It is simply the best stage.

The protagonists are naturally one left and one right, standing on the main ridge line of the Guanyin Hall's roof and Jiraiya and A Fei facing each other.

The rain under the night is pattering, neither big nor small, but it naturally fills in the tense and chilling background of the imminent war.

Leaning out of the helicopter and facing the cameraman, looking at the composition of the CG of the game and the promotional poster of the blockbuster movie, he couldn't help but feel emotional.

"Really, it's so cool!"

The photographer feels that he is full of inspiration, and now he is not just completing his work to record and broadcast the battle of the superhuman, but is doing a great creation.

I can't help but want to go further and shoot more clearly.

It's a pity that the helicopter captain is a common man, and he doesn't have the same awareness of martyrdom for art as he does.

He had no choice but to fly to Asakusa under the intimidation of his superiors, and now he looks like he has lost his whole family, ready to turn around and run away at any time, as if walking on thin ice in an abyss.

What a disappointment!

"Clang, clang, clang! The next thing I'm going to perform is not the escapism technique, but the celestial technique. Looking up at the light-backed canopy, Jiraiya Hero Story is getting a lot of praise!"

Jiraiya, who entered the fairy mode, like a Kabuki actor, pushed back his silver-gray ponytail, and announced in a pose that he thought he was handsome.

"You're almost turning into a toad, so stop being handsome."

A Feilu's right eye outside the mask showed a bit of disdain, raised the Uchiha fan in his hand, pointed at Jiraiya opposite him and said:

"However, it is very rare experience to fight against the strong in the immortal mode. I will play with you until you are convinced."

"That fan can even rebound the real fire of samadhi, and ordinary escapism is naturally not a problem."

Jiraiya pulled out a scroll from the back of his waist, spread it out and pressed it inward, and an epee with a chain hanging from the hilt came out.

"Let's confirm it through hand-to-hand combat first."

The wooden clogs under his feet stomped heavily on the roof, breaking the tiles and bursting, and Ji Lai rushed forward to A Fei like a cannonball.

Ah Fei moved like a rabbit, without any hesitation, he moved forward to meet him.


"Ping pong pong!"

Almost invisible afterimages flickered on the ridge of the roof, and the roar of gold and iron crashing and clusters of sparks burst into the air.

"It's so fast, it's completely invisible!"

The photographer on the helicopter was stunned, his eyes widened and he tried his best to capture, but he couldn't see anything clearly.

Is this the battle between superhumans? Mortals don't even have the right to watch the battle.

But he still has a video camera.

The camera in his hand faithfully recorded everything that happened on the roof of Guanyin Hall.


A Fei supported the Uchiha Uchiha fan above his head with both hands in a horizontal one-character structure, and Jiraiya's heavy sword was cutting down on the fan.

"The best fire escape can't be used, so it is indeed the right choice to replace it with physical skills."

The Uchiha fan handed down from generation to generation is not only a magic weapon that can only rebound escapism, but also an indestructible magic weapon.

Uchiha Madara held a Uchiha fan and Senjujujuma, who also held a ninja tool, fought countless battles without any damage.

The tiles under Ah Fei's feet were cracked, and he moaned unbearably, his body was sinking bit by bit.

"After becoming a fairy, your brute force is only at this level? It's really disappointing."

The right eye gleamed with blood, and the man in the red cloud robe with a black background said coldly.

"Don't be in a hurry, the fun is about to begin!"

Holding the hilt of the sword with both hands, Jilai's frog-eyed Hengtong didn't smile at all, bumps appeared on the back of his hands, his burly and tall body suddenly exerted force, and the epee pressed down.


The load-bearing beam broke, and Ah Fei was blasted directly from the roof of Guanyin Hall into the room.

Jiraiya, who was half lying on the roof, now looks more like a big toad, with webs growing between his fingers, and the wooden clogs under his feet are also detached because the soles of his feet are elongated.

Although the appearance was sacrificed, it was exchanged for a surge in strength.

Sage mode can absorb natural energy to enhance attack and defense, and create sage chakra to make natural ninjutsu, illusion, and body skills leapfrogly improved.

"Hey, this immortal knows that you can't die so easily, don't pretend to be dead, come up quickly."

Jilai also stood on the edge of the big hole blasted out of the roof of Guanyin Hall, looking down carelessly.

At this moment, ripples appeared in the void behind Jiraiya, and a man wearing a white mask appeared silently from the vortex.

Uchiha Uchiha Uchiha fell towards Jiraiya's head.

"Master Ziraiya, be careful!"

The photographer in the helicopter in mid-air shouted with tears in his eyes.

But Ah Fei's surprise attack was faster than the warning cry, and at the very moment, Jilai also let out a low voice as if he had eyes behind his back:

"Immortal Law: A Thousand Hair Needles!"

The long silver hair that was tied in knots on Jiraiya's back, countless hairs hardened into thin needles, shot out like a gust of wind and rain.

At this distance, the oncoming hair needle Qianben arrives in an instant, and there is no way to avoid it!

The Sangouyu writing sharing eye in A Fei's right eye twirled and condensed into a kaleidoscope, and he couldn't avoid it.


The overwhelming needles passed straight through Ah Fei's body, like phantoms, unable to hurt him a single bit.

However, Ah Fei's surprise attack also stopped for a moment, and Zilai, who had his back turned to him, also jumped forward more than ten meters, and jumped onto the vertical ridge of Guanyin Hall.

The hair needle behind Qianben continued to fire for a few seconds before it gradually calmed down.

"Your kaleidoscope is not only capable of teleportation, but also can blur the attacks it receives..."

Jilai also turned around, looked at A Fei with a serious expression and said in a deep voice.


A Fei laughed noncommittally.

Hair Senbon is Jiraiya's fastest and widest attack technique, and it can be launched instantly without the need for seals and forward swings.

After Huodun was restrained by Uchiha Tuanfan, he could only use body skills. He wanted to catch Ah Fei by surprise, but he didn't expect his kaleidoscope pupil technique to nullify physical attacks.

"Jiraiya, although you have been using physical skills, you are actually planning to shoot me into a sieve with the trick just now."

A Fei who was wearing a mask couldn't see any expression, he blocked the Uchiha fan in front of him, and said proudly:

"Neither physical skills nor escape skills are useful to me! Or is it Jiraiya, do you want illusion to fight Kaleidoscope Sharingan?"

"The kaleidoscope pupil technique of the space-time system is simply cheating."

Ji Lai also stroked his chin, his eyes showed a bit of distress, his eyes pondered for a while, analyzed the situation, and murmured:

"However, it is impossible for such a powerful pupil technique to be unlimited. Just now when you launched an assault, you were a bit slower because you had to materialize it when you attacked, right?"

A Fei's expression changed.

"And how long is the duration of blurring, half an hour, or shorter?"

"You can analyze so many things just after fighting each other for a moment. You are not an ordinary licentious person, and you are more or less like a fairy now."

With a flash in A Fei's eyes, he restrained his contempt for Jiraiya, and said lightly:

"However, do you think I will reveal such crucial information?"

"You have such cheating pupil skills and artifacts, and you are so stupid, and if you don't reveal some information, you can't fight at all!" Zi Lai also said sternly.

"Are you kidding me..."

Ah Fei felt a little speechless, now he was not playing house, but fighting each other to fight for Nine Tails, how could it be such a joke.

Explain your own abilities during the battle, that is, only the brainless villains who are riding the wind and waves in the comics will do this.


Ah Fei sneered, just as he was about to say something.

"Swoosh!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

From different angles, multiple sniper bullets penetrated Ah Fei's black-bottomed red cloud robe at the same time, piercing through the eaves and leaving pitted bullet holes.

Zilai also saw his eyelids twitch.

The virtualization of divine power does not require seals, and the instant passive skills are simply invincible.

There was a bit of chill in A Fei's eyes, he looked up at the helicopter circling in the nearby sky, and then turned to several tall buildings on the other side of the Sumida River.

"Do you think you will be safe and sound if you hide a few kilometers away and shoot cold shots?"

A Fei pinched the seal with one hand, and murderous intent emerged.

"And all these dangling, buzzing helicopters are an eyesore, and they all turn to ashes!"

"Huo Dun, Impatiens..."

Just as he was about to kill the helicopter and the snipers further away, at this moment, Ji Lai also approached A Fei with lightning speed.

Jiraiya held a spiraling blue light ball in his right hand, aiming at Ah Fei's chest and imprinting it.

Spiral pill!

With a backhand, the Uchiha Uchiha fan was blocked in front of him, and the football-sized spiral pill hit the fan, spinning wildly like a small typhoon.

"My fan is not only capable of deflecting the fire escape, it's not a problem with balls like this!"

Ah Fei swung the Uchiha Uchiha fan vigorously, and the spiral pill in Jiraiya's hand came out, and it shot into the Sumida River as quickly as a spark.


The Sumida River stopped flowing in an instant, and the river rushed towards both sides of the river, splashing water into the sky, like torrential rain pouring down.

He missed a hit, and Jiraiya didn't retreat, instead he jumped up and pressed down.

Dozens of times larger than the spiral pill before, the huge blue light ball with a diameter of more than five meters attacked A Fei like Mount Tai.

"Hahaha! Ziraiya, after turning into a fairy, not only your appearance but also your brain has become a toad?!"

Ah Fei laughed wildly and picked up the Uchiha fan, aiming at the sky and dancing.

"Qian donkey is poor, no matter how big he becomes, he is still a ball! If he likes to make balls so much, he will die under this trick. Watch me push it..."

The rampant laughter suddenly became a little suspicious.

"Huh? The fan can't absorb it?"

"This is not an ordinary spiral pill. It's..."

Jiraiya pushed the huge blue ball of light that was constantly rotating like a hurricane, exerting force downward.

"Immortal Law Super Big Jade Spiral Pill!"

The unstoppable super-big jade spiral pill swallowed Ah Fei's figure, and the Guanyin Hall was also bombed down, turning into powder.

The aftermath swept around, like a category ten hurricane raging in Asakusa, the torrent of the storm engulfed everything, the atmosphere began to twist sharply, and the wind pressure could tear even steel.

If it weren't for those vigilant helicopter pilots who saw the situation was not good, they climbed up immediately, and they were lucky not to be implicated in the vortex of the storm.

Sensoji Temple no longer exists, and a large, regular and round hole with a diameter of more than 100 meters suddenly appeared on the original site.

And all the buildings further away were flattened and blown away by the overwhelming storm, leaving only devastation.

"Asakusa Temple, a famous ancient temple for thousands of years, was wiped off the map like this? I'm not dreaming, it's unbelievable!"


"It should be. The villain of the Xiao organization can no longer be seen, and it must have been wiped out."

"Master Jiraiya is on board!"

The helicopters circling over West Asakusa rushed to convey the good news to all parties. Some turned around and flew in the direction of Nagata Town, while others were preparing to land.

"You idiots! You are here to seek death!"

At this moment, Jiraiya, who was standing on the edge of the crater, raised his head and let out a loud shout, and several helicopters stayed in the air, unable to advance or retreat.

What, isn't it over yet? !

I saw the bottom of the pit blasted by the super-large jade spiral pill, a blue light flashed, the soil layer was pushed away, and a light blue skeleton wrapped A Fei's whole body.

"I was careless, Immortal Toad, you are such an old fox. I bounced the first spiral pill on purpose, and the second one is the real trump card."

Ah Fei raised his head to look at Jiraiya who was standing above, and there were drops of blood dripping under the mask.

"And the second big spiral pill is not an ordinary escape technique, but an immortal technique that combines natural energy, so the fan cannot rebound. I have never fought against a strong person in immortal mode before. This is a valuable experience, but I will not be fooled a second time."

A Fei made seals with his hands, and the skeleton skeleton was raised step by step. The meridians and flesh and blood squirmed and wound around the skeleton, turning into a coat-like blue flesh.

"Toad Immortal, I admit that I underestimated you and the immortal mode before. However, you have the immortal mode, and I have the power of God!"

After a while, at a height of nearly 100 meters, the armored Susano was completely condensed and stood in Tokyo.

"Immortal mode and Susano, which one is stronger and weaker? Let's start the third round now."

The monstrous power of a giant god makes every bystander tremble from soul to body.


On this day, human beings finally once again recalled the horror of being dominated by Susanoo's absolute violence, as well as the shame of the city being ravaged but powerless.

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