I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 394 Chapter 395 I’ve gone crazy (repair)

"Minister Uchiha's strength is becoming more and more unfathomable."

"He is worthy of being the most extraordinary person on earth. Although I am new and have never faced a shadow-level powerhouse, I can only expect this!"

After the Uchiha Sect left, the twelve gods in the conference room were relieved and then showed excitement.

Although I knew that Minister Uchiha was very strong, I didn't expect him to be so strong!

The courage and strong self-confidence of the Uchiha Sect Yuan Ting Yue Zhi deeply infected them, and their hearts were calm, not as uneasy as before.

"Minister Uchiha is indeed the anchor of the Supernatural Police Department. As long as Minister Uchiha is here, there won't be any big trouble."

The hero of Tosu slumped in his seat, feeling happy and worried at the same time.

After all, he was recruited into the system by Minister Uchiha. He had fought side by side at Mount Fuji. He was sincerely happy for Minister Uchiha, both in public and private matters.

But the Tosu hero has now secretly defected to the Eagle Organization, and Minister Uchiha is a potential enemy.

The taste of each is really hard to describe.

"Don't think so much for the moment. There is only one thing that should be considered now. Which of the twelve divine generals should we look for to form a team?" Hero Tosu's eyes flashed.

In order to prevent possible dangers, after the Twelve Gods scattered across the country were recalled to Tokyo, they were required to work in pairs whether on missions or for special training.

Try to avoid acting alone and fighting alone.

Although Uchiha Senmen requested this, he did not directly designate the team, but the Twelve Gods themselves chose their partners.

The Tosu hero raised his head and glanced vaguely at the hair-wearing ascetic monk who was wearing a cassock.

Today’s new abbot of Sensoji Temple is Yuji Kambara.

The most mysterious existence among the twelve divine generals.

No one has seen Kamihara Yuji take action, and no one knows what his extraordinary abilities are, not even the Twelve Divine Generals Tosu Hero knows anything about it.

It is said that this is a top secret matter for the Supernatural Police Department.

However, Tosu Hero had read internal documents about Kambara Yuji.

He was a police officer of the Nakano Police Station and was the first person to come into contact with the extraordinary being Dilu. After the battle with the Red Sand Scorpion, he gained the favor of the Dilu Holy Monk. He has a deep connection with Buddhism and is the only one who has listened to the oracle of Taishan Fujun. people……

There are various signs that this person is extraordinary!

There are endless speculations and research on the Internet about this most mysterious twelve divine generals, and there are many people who swear that the new head of Sensoji Temple is a trump card hidden by the Supernatural Police Department.

Kambara Yuuji's true strength has most likely reached S level, and can even compete with Minister Uchiha.

This is an opportunity!

Since he has secretly surrendered to the Eagle Organization, it is natural that he should find out the details of the other twelve generals as a certificate of surrender.

The Tosu hero stood up and invited Kanhara Yuji to join him.

At this moment, I saw Kambara Yuji waving his sleeves and walking toward the door.

"Master Kanbaru, you haven't decided on your partner yet."

"Amitabha, no need."

Kanhara Yuuji chanted the name of the Buddha and said with a strange expression:

"Minister Uchiha has given me permission to act alone, and I don't need to participate in future training. I still have something to do, so I will take the first step."

Hero Tosu's expression changed.

Does Minister Uchiha really believe in Kanbara's ability?

It seems that the rumors about Kambara Yuji on the Internet are not groundless.

Hero Tosu's importance to Kambara Yuuji secretly increased several levels.

Now that the plan has failed, who should you team up with next?

Hero Tosu glanced across the conference room.

‘Suzaku’ Yuuki Mineko?

Tosu Hero was deeply impressed by the explosive power and destructive power of Yuki Mineko's Melting Release, which is considered to be one of the best among the five A-level supernatural beings in the Supernatural Police Department.

But the compatibility with me is not very good.

Just as the Tosu hero was weighing the pros and cons, a figure walked up to him:

"Mr. Tosu, if you haven't decided on a partner yet, how about joining me as a team?"

The Tosu hero's eyes narrowed.

It’s the ‘soul-binding messenger’ Shuichi Satomi.

This is an unexpected choice.

However, Satomi Shuichi once came into contact with the stone bowl in front of the Buddha, and the wind cave where he absorbed ghosts and ghosts was a favor from Lord Taishan. In today's troubled times, it is of great value.

"Then please give me some advice, sir."

The two people, each with their own agenda, looked at each other and smiled.


"President Kanbaru has left the headquarters building, okay, I understand."

In the minister's office on the fifteenth floor of the Supernatural Police Department headquarters building, Uchiha Senmon stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Looking down from this angle, you can see the busy traffic on the street, and the pedestrians are as small as ants.

The reason why Kambara Yuji does not need to participate in special training is simple. He is the only ordinary person among the twelve divine generals.

Although he was involved in many extraordinary events, Kambara Yuuji gave up the opportunity to become an extraordinary person, stayed down to be an ordinary person, and accidentally became the abbot of the New Sensoji Temple.

The outside world regards him as one of the twelve divine generals, which is completely a misunderstanding.

As the newly built Sensoji Temple in the holy place where Taizanfu performed miracles, it has attracted the attention of the whole country since the groundbreaking.

As the abbot of the New Sensoji Temple, Kambara Yuuji naturally attracted much attention, and his resume was quickly exposed by the powerful media.

Yo ho ho!

An ordinary little policeman, not a great monk, turned into the abbot of the New Sensoji Temple in less than half a year. You still say that he is not extraordinary?

Various secrets involve Lord Taishan, and the Supernatural Police Department is unable to explain them to the public.

As a result, it was regarded as acquiescence, and Kambara Yuuji was forcefully dragged in by the good media to collect the head of one of the twelve divine generals.

Although the host of Kanbaru is not an extraordinary person, as a destined person who once had a dream from Taishan Prefecture and listened to the oracle of Taishan Prefecture, Kanbaru's importance is no less than that of other extraordinary beings.

Many people at the top levels of the government are eagerly expecting that Lord Taishan can once again perform a miracle through Kambara Yuuji.

As a non-staff member of the Supernatural Police Department, Kamihara Yuji also receives a salary here.

Since Kambara Yuji is just an ordinary person, there is no need to involve him in this commotion.

"Knock knock knock."

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of Uchiha Senmon's office.

"Come in."

Uchiha Senmon said after sitting back at his desk.

Assistant Ichimaru walked in with several documents in his arms and reported to Uchiha Senmonhui:

"Minister Uchiha, the twelve generals have been divided into five groups according to your request. This is the list."

Uchiha Xianmen looked as usual and took over the list of groups.

In the name of special training, by having private contact, you can have more opportunities, and you can use the Sharingan to hypnotize him without knowing it, and plant hints.

Two people at a time is more appropriate.

The Uchiha Immortal's eyes swept over the familiar names one by one, his eyes darkened, then returned to normal, and nodded lightly.

"Minister Uchiha, as well as the genealogy you ordered about the descendants of Abe Seimei, the Tsuchimikado clan and other branches of Kurahashi and Fujita, have been collected. Please take a look."

"Thank you."

Uchiha Senmon took the thick document handed over by Assistant Ichimaru, opened it and read it carefully.

Onmyoji Shion not only possesses superb onmyoji, but can also use the Taizanfu King Matsuri pioneered by Abe Seimei. It is difficult not to think of the heir to the Abe family.

It is natural to start from the genealogy of Abe Seimei's descendants and search for clues.

It's a pity that Frank firmly refused to hand over Ziyuan's faded peach wood puppet and share it with Mi Fang and Japan. Otherwise, he might not be able to find any valuable clues.

He is obviously a filial son of God, but he still clings to the extraordinary props of the pagans. His expertise is completely inappropriate, and it is impossible to find out the reason.

The Supernatural Police Department worked hard to collect all the information on the Abe Seimei Onmyoji family in great detail.

Among the three great onmyojis of the Abe family, the great onmyoji Abe Seimei, and Abe Yasichika who surrendered Tamamo Mae, the remaining one is the leader of ZTE, Abe Aiyo.

Changing Abe's surname to Tsuchimikado was Abe's idea.

The famous Abe family was passed down to the Muromachi Shogunate era. The family was in decline and the heirs were in difficulty. Abe believed that this was because the Abe family was cursed by demons and monsters in order to fight disasters in Japan. Only by changing the name can the family be revitalized.

Tsuchimikamon was the residence of Abe Seimei during his lifetime.

After the Abe family changed their surname to Tsuchimikado, it actually ushered in its glory in the Edo period under the rule of the Tokugawa shogunate. The Tenso Jifu Festival held after the emperor succeeded to the throne was presided over by the descendants of Tsuchimikado.

The so-called prosperity and decline means that after the Meiji Restoration, the Tsuchimikado family fell into disrepair and struggled to make ends meet by running Tsuchimikado Shinto.

It was not until the advent of the extraordinary era, riding on the east wind of Taishan Mansion, that it was able to revive now.

"Hey, has Abe Seimei's direct bloodline been completely cut off?"

Uchiha Xianmen spent a full ten minutes browsing through it, frowning:

"Even the heir to Tsuchimikado Shinto is a lineage adopted seventy years ago and is not a blood relative of Abe Seimei. The other descendants bearing the surnames Tsuchimikado and Kurahashi are basically fakes."

The Uchiha sect couldn't help but sigh.

In this case, the lineage is completely interrupted.

In the history of the Abe family, I have never heard of any famous female onmyoji.

Her real name, identity, and purpose are unknown. The onmyoji named Shion is full of mysteries, and it is impossible to predict what she will do.

She couldn't even find anyone, and trying to wrest Taishan Mansion Lord's spell from her was even more impossible.

But the Taishan Prefecture Lord Festival, the Uchiha Sect is determined to win.

"How are the surveillance manpower arranged at Abe Monju-in Temple, Seimei Shrine, Tsuchimikado and other places arranged?" Uchiha Senmon raised his head and asked.

"In accordance with your instructions, Minister, there are police officers at every location to monitor the situation day and night."

The Uchiha Sect nodded slightly.

The above-mentioned places are all the places where Abe Seimei practiced and tempered during his lifetime, or were religious sites related to Abe Seimei in later generations. If Shion is really related to the Abe family, she might revisit her old places.

Apart from the clumsy method of waiting and waiting, the Supernatural Police Department has no other better method.

In this troubled year, the appearance of Ziyuan, a suspected shadow-level powerhouse, is most likely a sign of the end of Jedi Heavenly Power.

Possessing the legendary supreme secret art of Yin and Yang Tao, Taishanfu Junji, which is said to be able to bring people back to life, has stirred up countless people's hearts and created an undercurrent.

The cabinet's decision to shrink the twelve generals to Tokyo was both a precautionary measure and a greedy one.

If this were not the case, the Uchiha Sect would not be able to take advantage of the situation to carry out his plan of Mirror Flowers and Water Moon.

"In less than two months, it will be the Bon Festival, the annual Taishan Fujun Festival..."

The Uchiha Sect's eyes flashed red.

Is this time and place just a coincidence?

On a whim, the Uchiha Sect had a strong premonition that this year's Taishanfu Lord Festival would be a turning point.

Just like the Asakusa Incident, it announced the arrival of a new era.

"Haha, I really don't understand the overall situation. I can't let go of my hatred until now."

The handsome face of the Uchiha Sect looked as usual, but his eyes were a little crazy. His eyes turned red and three magatama appeared.

Assistant Ichimaru, who was standing in front of Uchiha Senmon, had blurry pupils and turned a blind eye.

The Uchiha Sect knows very well that after the expiration of the Jedi Heavenly Power, Japan and even the whole world will face unprecedented challenges.

However, because of his own selfishness, he was preparing to launch the "Through the Mirror" plan to rebel against the cabinet. In the worst case scenario, he was ready to wipe out the cabinet and start a war with the entire Self-Defense Force.

As the head of the Supernatural Police Department, Uchiha Senmon has the expectations of hundreds of millions of citizens. He was supposed to protect the country as a shield for the people, but now he puts his own selfish desires above the overall situation of the country and has become the most unstable. Hidden danger.

Like a powder keg, Japan was blown up to the sky.

"Have I gone crazy?"

Uchiha Xianmen buried his head in his hands, squeezing out a difficult moan from his throat, and the black magatama in his eyes rotated at an extremely abnormal speed.

For the sake of revenge, can the safety of the entire country and the safety of 120 million citizens be put on the scales for measurement?

Why can't we take the overall situation into consideration?

Together with the Supernatural Police Department and the Cabinet, we can overcome the difficulties. Isn’t there an easier and simpler path that can make more people happy?

"I've really gone crazy."

The Uchiha Immortal raised his face, his scarlet eyes were cold.

Only Mikoto can cure my madness.

Only by using the Taishan Fujun Festival to resurrect Mikoto can the cure be cured.

If I want to stop Jinghua Shuiyue, I can only let go of my hatred by getting the Taishan Mansion Lord's Sacrifice.

While advancing the plan step by step, I'm searching for the Taishan Palace Monarch Sacrifice. If I can get the Taishan Palace Monarch Sacrifice before I rebel, I might be able to stop here.

"The strongest group, Tosu and Satomi? Let's start with them." (End of Chapter)

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