I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 398 Chapter 399 Son of God

"Sorry, I'm late, traffic jam."

"No, Chief Editor Shikishima, are you driving a Mazda in a traffic jam?"

"When we arrive at the Gion Festival in Kyoto, there are so many tourists. It's not like you don't know that."

Sports reporter Shikishima, who secretly called the devil yesterday, waved his hands disapprovingly at his friend's teasing and said impatiently:

"Uchiha Naru's competition is at which shooting range? It's not over yet, right?"

The rhythm of the Kyudo competition is quite tight, but in just one day, the champion of the Tokyo Kyudo Federation team competition is competed for.

Meiji University, which was originally the favorite, was knocked out of the competition in the second round due to being distracted by it and in extremely poor condition. In the end, Sakura Merrill Lynch University won the right to participate in the throne game.

"The preliminary rounds have been completed, and the six contestants for the East-West Battle have been decided. Qualifying is now underway."

"No way? Am I that late?" Shikishima reporter asked in surprise.

"There are too many players who have withdrawn, so the progress of the schedule has been greatly accelerated."

Reporter Shikishima was stunned.

Yesterday, Naruto Uchiha shined in the team battle. He was like the incarnation of the God of Archery. His stunning arrow shot shattered the confidence of many players.

Completely championship-level dominance, completely on a different level than his peers.

Under the overwhelming strength gap, it is understandable that other players did not want to humiliate themselves and chose to abandon the game.

Reporter Shikishima shook his head.

However, kyudo is a martial art that challenges oneself. Rather than defeating the opponent, breaking the shackles and shooting an arrow better than yesterday is the real victory.

"Let's go and take a look."

Shikishima reporter and his friend were shocked as soon as they entered the venue.


"Bah bang bang."


In one corner of the auditorium, the front row was crowded with young and beautiful young girls, cheering and applauding the audience. Some are wearing kimono hakama, or wearing kimono used for festivals, with flowers blooming and showing off their colors, which is very eye-catching.

"He's just like a big star." Shikishima reporter clicked his tongue.

And there are more of them than yesterday.

Judging from their attire, except for some female contestants, most of them are relatives and friends who are with the team and girls who were attracted after hearing the news.

It would be great if kyudo really had that many viewers.

Reporter Shikishima sighed inwardly. When he walked to the side of the arena, his colleagues were already setting up long guns and short cannons.

He glanced.

Dozens of reporters, in addition to sports reporters, there are even entertainment reporters and reporters from major newspapers.

There have never been so many reporters in the small Tokyo Student Kyudo League trials. Needless to say, they must all be here for Minister Uchiha's son.

"Well, there are three people left."

Reporter Shikishima picked up the camera hanging on his chest and looked towards the audience.

The ranking battle after qualifying in the regional archery trials will be based on a one-shot-to-soul system.

Each time each person shoots an arrow, the one who hits the target can stay in the arena until the last person is left.

Uchiha Naruto, who was standing in Ichiban's position, had a cold and sacred expression, like a black hole, so handsome that people couldn't take their eyes away. He lowered his dark eyes, stepped forward with his feet wearing white footbags, raised his bow above his head, and pulled the string like a full moon.

The figure holding the bow and string is very powerful, and there is an unimaginable sense of pressure from the tips of his hair to his fingertips.


The arrow that flew from the bow string with thunder and fire pierced everyone's field of vision, and the arrow shaft went straight into the bull's eye.


The explosion that followed the target was also extraordinary and shocked the mind.

The handsome face as cold as an iceberg still looked calm and calm. The trembling black bow in Uchiha Naruto's hand turned half a circle, and the bow naturally returned.


"Bah bang bang—!"

After a brief silence, deafening applause and cheers rose to the sky.

Especially the girls in the stands, their faces turned red and they cheered sweetly.

"Well, beautiful!"

Reporter Shikishima nodded heavily and took photos again and again, his eyes full of appreciation and admiration.

"This is a talent blessed by Hachiman Daimyojin."

Shooting patterns of this level are simply art.

A one-in-a-million talent can only reach its peak after being tempered over and over again.

The son of Minister Uchiha is indeed no ordinary young man.

When he gave Uchiha Naruto the alias 'Kyudo Noble Master', it was a bit insulting to him.

After all, such an arrow requires a lot of hard work and sweat to sharpen.

After Uchiha Naru fired the string, his aura reached its peak, and the aura of the Great Demon King swept across all directions unscrupulously, even the spectators in the stands looked at him sideways.

"I kind of sympathize with Uchiha's opponents."

"Under this kind of pressure, the bowstring feels like it's soaked in water, making it difficult to pull it apart."

The second rank next to Uchiha Naruto was a tall, muscular man with huge arms and waist. His face was covered in sweat, and his arms were obviously very stiff. He was tremblingly pulling the bowstring to full capacity.


The bowstring actually fell off the top and hung to the ground.


There was a sigh from the reporter's desk.

In a kyudo competition, if an accident occurs such as the bow string breaking or the bow falling to the ground, it will all be counted as a miss.

"It's General Song Gu, who is a great political and legal expert. I didn't expect him to also..."

"This is the fourth round. To be able to hold on until now is much better than the previous ones who also gave up."

"Now only Uchiha and Fujiwara are left!"

Everyone's eyes passed over the second-rank player who ended sadly, and fell on Fujiwara Masaki who was in the third rank.

The handsome and bright face of the Kyudo Prince, outstanding temperament, extremely serious expression, and elegant shooting ceremony are quite eye-catching.

There was a snapping sound from the strings, the arrow shot out of the air, and hit the target.

"Hit, outer ring."

"Yeah, okay!"

“Bah bang bang!!!”

The girls in the stands also let out a burst of cheers, which was only slightly less loud than the one they gave to Uchiha Naruto.

"As soon as Donkey Kong came out, I realized that this little brother is also very handsome!"

"The Kyudo hakama costumes are already great, and both Onii-chan are so good-looking. It's really a feast for the eyes. Not going to the Gion Festival is worth the price of admission."

"Miwako, which one should we cheer for? The weak sunshine type and the strong iceberg type are really in a dilemma."

"It doesn't matter, I can respect both of them equally."

The girls in the stands looked back and forth between Uchiha Naruto and Fujiwara Masaki, holding their faces in their hands, eyes full of little stars, and chattering away.


Shikishima reporter couldn’t help but praise:

"He is worthy of being the archery prince with the best of both worlds. It looks like there will be a fight between dragons and tigers..."

As he spoke, reporter Shikishima burst into laughter.

In the one-shot into the soul format, there is no requirement for the number of rings, as long as you hit the target.

Naruto Uchiha's four arrows hit the bullseye without exception, while Fujiwara Masaki's best arrow was only in the inner circle. There is a considerable gap in strength between the two.

However, judging from Fujiwara Masaki's standard shooting ceremony and decisive shots, he has been able to cross the shadow of the big devil and can be said to have a promising future.

As for Uchiha Naru, his archery skills are now at their peak, enough to compete with the stronger players of the older generation.



Next, Uchiha Naru and Fujiwara Masaki continued to fight.

In the eighth round of archery, Uchiha Naru hit the target without any doubt, but Fujiwara Masaki was unable to keep up with him and missed the target.

"Just a little bit."

"It's over. It's a shame, but it was a good game."

On a 60-meter long-range target, it is very difficult for even a professional archer to hit eight shots in a row. He did not expect to see such a high-level competition in a mere local selection competition, which made some archery enthusiasts feel uncomfortable. This trip is a waste.

“Bah bang bang!!!”

The arena echoed with loud applause, dedicated to the two outstanding players.

"Uchiha, congratulations on qualifying in first place."

Fujiwara Masaki, whose hair was dripping with sweat, held the bow tightly in his hand, stared at Uchiha Naru with complicated eyes, and congratulated without losing his grace.

Fujiwara Masaki was born in a Kyoto kyudo family. He had already held a Japanese bow before he entered elementary school. He loved kyudo from the bottom of his heart. Every time he drew the bow and hit the target, he felt grateful.

Kyudo Noroshi's grandfather praised him as the best of his generation.

It wasn’t until the National High School Kyudo Competition in Reiwa five years ago that I realized that there are people outside the world, and there is a world outside the world.

After Fujiwara's defeat, Uchiha Ming introduced him as his first competitor in life, and he practiced shooting tirelessly. Although he was hated again after two years, he did not lose his will to challenge.

"When the East-West battle begins, I will let you see my progress, Uchiha."

Fujiwara Masaki took the initiative to extend his left hand to Uchiha Naruto.

After seeing Uchiha Naru's bottomless strength, Fujiwara Masaki was not sure that he could win the East-West War less than half a year later, so he did not say the outcome lightly.

Is this youth and passion?

Uchiha Naru had a slight change of opinion towards Fujiwara Masaki.

Such sincere people should still be respected.

Uchiha Naru shook Fujiwara Masaki's hand and smiled slightly:

"I hope so, Gong..."

Yesterday when I called him Kudo, his expression seemed a little subtle, maybe he called him by the wrong name.

"Prince of Kyudo."

Uchiha Ming thought about it and changed his words.

Although I can't remember the name, the shining nickname of Prince Kyudo is unforgettable and fresh in my memory.

Fujiwara Masaki was confused. Although he liked the title of Prince of Kyudo, why did Uchiha call him directly?

Is it the custom of the Dongda community?

"Well, see you at Ise Shrine. Kyuichi Takashi..."

Fujiwara Masaki opened his mouth like a cat or a tiger.

Before he finished speaking, a palm patted his shoulder.

"Call Uchiha."

Uchiha Ming, who exuded a dangerous aura behind him, had a fierce look in his eyes and said with a smile on his face.


Those who understand current affairs are heroes, Fujiwara Masaki said weakly.

After Fujiwara Masaki left, Uchiha Ming turned around and raised the corner of his mouth.

The archery competition at Hachimangu Shrine is just a sideshow before the main show.

The upcoming Gion Festival...


Uchiha Ming was thinking about the plan in his mind when he suddenly shuddered.

With my super shadow-level power and immortality, it is impossible to catch a cold.

Could it be that someone is criticizing me behind my back?


At the same time, dozens of reporters in the press seats stood up one after another.

"Next is the award ceremony. We must seize this opportunity to interview Uchiha Naru."

"Just mention Uchiha Naru's archery prowess. His father, Chief Uchiha, is the highlight!"

All reporters are gearing up and eager to try.

The University of Tokyo, No. 1 in the Tokyo Kyudo League, Demon King-level dominance, top-notch looks, and most importantly, his old father, the head of the Supernatural Police Department. The combination of so many factors makes it impossible not to create a sensation.

Suddenly a burst of cold water poured over me.

"Don't have any wishful thinking. The Supernatural Police Department will not let you publish specific news about the minister's son."

A sports reporter raised his chin to reporter Shikishima and said in frustration:

"Shikishima, your newspaper office has also been interviewed by the Supernatural Police Department, right?"

"That's true."

Reporter Shikishima nodded.

"Hey, why is this happening?"

The reporters couldn't help but feel disappointed and dejected.

The Supernatural Police Department has now grown into a behemoth, powerful in Japan. Even the capital behind their newspaper does not dare to take the iron fist of the Supernatural Police Department.

In this way, it would not be like entering the treasure mountain but returning empty-handed. Such a good breaking point could not be written, and everyone would feel uncomfortable.

"How about this, let's not report on the relationship between Uchiha Naruto and Uchiha Minister."

An experienced reporter with black-rimmed glasses suggested:

"Don't even mention the surname Uchiha, just focus on his performance in the archery competition."

Everyone looked at each other, their eyes moving.

It sounds feasible.

Although it is a pity that the father-son relationship between Uchiha Naru and Uchiha Minister cannot be reported, Uchiha Naru's face on the cover of the magazine is enough to boost sales.

"Even if the surname is removed and only the first name is used, it is not safe. Otherwise, we should give Minister Uchiha's son a resounding name."

"Your Majesty the Master of Kyudo?"

"This has been used before. Maybe it will be registered with the Supernatural Police Department."

The reporters were all talking, their minds were wide open, and their souls were burning.

"The number one Yumori in Kanto?"

"hand of God!"

"The sky is like the day."

"Since we are showing off our divine power in Hachiman Palace, how about we call it Hachiman's Arrow?"

These reporters in Japan are really stubborn.

One after another, the most impressive nicknames came out, making people dizzy and deafened.

"Why not, let's call it 'Son of God'!"

The reporter from Shikishima pondered for a long time and then made a surprising statement.

The reporters who were arguing closed their mouths at the same time, and then their eyes lit up in unison.

"Wonderful, wonderful!"

"Shikishima, are you a genius?"

The Son of God not only pointed out that Uchiha Naru was a god, just like the kyudo archery gifted by the God of Bows and Arrows, but what was even more intriguing was, whose son was Uchiha Naru?

This level of flattery is like an antelope hanging its horns, perfect!

We respect Minister Uchiha so much, how could the Supernatural Police Department have the nerve to take such heavy action?

The reporters were amazed.


Shikishima reporter raised his arms and gave the final word:

"He is called the Son of God!" (End of Chapter)

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