I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 406 Chapter 407 How could Abe Seimei be a woman?

"Yes, that must be the case! Thunder and lightning can restrain the undead summoned by the Taishan Mansion Junji!"

Professor Changshan stood up from the table and shouted excitedly.

In the war room, Japanese political dignitaries and generals from the Self-Defense Forces and the American Army followed Professor Nagayama's guidance and looked at the big screen.

Dozens of drones have been released at the scene, equipped with the most high-end cameras. They have a clear view of the battlefield, and even the details are captured in detail.

Lightning flashed and thunder roared, and silver snakes danced wildly.

Two Susanoo arrows entwined the Chidori-ryu. As a low-end version of Indra's arrow, they penetrated the wind god Set and the peace door and nailed it to the ground. A large amount of blue-silver electricity was released amidst the roar of thunder.


The two undead monsters, who had been so arrogant before that they could come back even if their bodies were torn to pieces or even turned into powder, roared impotently and furiously, but their bodies could not move, and the speed of wound repair was almost stagnant.

"Thunder and lightning are the wrath of God, and the righteousness of heaven and earth is the best way to restrain evil spirits and ghosts. Ordinary lonely ghosts will be driven away when they hear the sound of thunder."

Professor Changshan spoke with certainty, and his words were like a spiritual injection rod, boosting the flagging morale.

"The dead summoned by Taishan Mansion Junji are not truly resurrected, and their bodies are just dust instead of flesh and blood. Naturally, they are also afraid of lightning."

I see!

Everyone suddenly showed expressions of admiration.

Although the cultural circles are different, thunder and lightning are symbols of divine punishment in Eastern and Western legends. Professor Changshan’s idea is quite reasonable and convincing.

In this way, the dead with immortal bodies are not so scary.

No longer invincible, but with a chance of victory.

Starting from Franklin's kite experiment, humans have tamed thunder and lightning for three hundred years. After the electrical revolution, electricity, regarded as the power of God by the ancients, has gradually entered thousands of households, driving human civilization forward.

"Whoever contends with the LORD will be broken into pieces; the LORD will strike against him with the thunder of heaven; he will judge those on the earth; he will give strength to the king he has appointed, and he will exalt the horn of the anointed one."

A senior American military officer from the Yokota base chanted a few verses and then asked impatiently:

"Professor, can our electromagnetic weapons defeat these undead?"

"This, it's hard to say."

Professor Changshan hesitated for a moment, not daring to speak fully.

"After all, there may be differences in mysticism between extraordinary power, lightning created by nature, and electricity created by modern technology..."

That's true, but the top officials of the Japanese government took a look at each other and immediately decided to order the next batch of electromagnetic weapons such as Tasers to arm the Supernatural Police Department and Self-Defense Forces.

In order to avoid being helpless when encountering the undead pulled out by the Taishan Mansion Lord Sacrifice in the future.

"what is that?"

Suddenly someone screamed.

I saw a white torrent appearing on the skyline, which turned out to be overwhelming paper butterflies. In the blink of an eye, they landed in the open space in front of Hachimangu Shrine.

Ding ding ding.

The clear and sweet sound of bells rang.

Snow-white paper butterflies danced, gathered and dispersed, and there stood a stunning beauty wearing a black crown and a white hunting coat.

"Onmyoji... Shion."

The Uchiha Immortal's eyes narrowed and he murmured.

Onmyoji Shion, who saw the dragon but never saw its tail, finally couldn't sit still and ended up personally.

"Ah, I never thought I would be lucky enough to meet Susanoo here."

Ziyuan looked calm and chuckled:

"Susanohu, you still have this amazing eye power. I've heard of you, the last survivor."

Sasuke in white clothes closed his eyes, and the purple Susanoo melted into ice and snow in an instant. His eyelids twitched, and he slowly opened his eyes, with three black magatama spinning in his eyes.

The Sharingan's gaze is as sharp as a hawk, staring closely at the beautiful girl Onmyoji.

"Yu and you have never been together, let alone have any enmity. Why do you want to stand in front of Yu? Young man, do you want to become a partner of justice?"

Ziyuan was unmoved, covering her mouth and smiling softly, full of fox-like cunning and wisdom, exuding a soul-stirring charm with every frown.

"I have no interest in what you do in this world."

Sasuke in white had a cold face. Even though his face was expressionless, he was still so handsome that the girls fell in love with him at first sight.

"I came to you for only one purpose, nine-tailed demon fox."

"I see. But how can I, a small onmyoji, know where the legendary nine-tailed demon fox is?"

Ziyuan's long hair was as white as fresh snow. She put down the ends of her hair that she was playing with with her fingers and smiled.

"Don't act stupid, son of the demon fox."

Sasuke in white said word by word:

"Your mother is Kuzuha and the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, and you sealed the next generation of Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, Kaguya, in Mount Fuji. There is no way you don't know where the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox is."

When the beautiful girl Onmyoji heard the words, the corners of her mouth curled up, her eyes were as curved as crescent moons, her smokey eyes were charming, and she was charming and enchanting.

Even through the screen, the powerful men in the war room were thirsty.

It's not like they haven't seen Frank's public video. Although they thought Ziyuan was a great beauty at that time, today Ziyuan is as charming as a fox demon, which makes them feel itchy.

"What are they talking about? Haven't you processed it yet?"

A cabinet minister loosened his belt, distracted himself from pressing his gun, and shouted to the side.

The technical department is denoising the audio collected by the drone in real time, and it will take a while before it can be transmitted to the big screen.

"Kyuubi Jinchuuriki Kuzuha?"

The Uchiha sect, who knew a little lip language, was one step ahead, and his face was already uncertain.

When he was at Nanga Shrine, he heard Itachi Uchiha say that Kuzuha was the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki before Tamamo and Kaguya.

But I didn't expect to hear Kuzu Ye's name at this time.

"The son of the demon fox, Ziyuan's true form turns out to be him, no, it's her..."

When the audio was immediately processed and sent over, the conference room suddenly became filled with uproar.

"Kudzu leaf!?"

"You're right, he said that White Fox Kuzuye is Ziyuan's mother, doesn't that mean..."

"Kudzuha is the mother of Abe Seimei, the strongest onmyoji in history!"

All the big shots were stunned and their expressions were extremely exciting.

As the mother of the Great Onmyoji Abe Seimei, the demon fox Kuzuha is as famous in Japan as Tamamo Mae.

According to legend, Kuzuha is a white fox living in the forest of Izumi Province. She met and fell in love with Abe Masukai, and gave birth to Abe Seimei. Abe Seimei, who inherited the blood of the demon fox, was born with powerful spiritual power. When he was six years old, he easily discovered the true identity of his mother Kuzuha, and Kuzuha was forced to leave without saying goodbye.

To this day, Kuzunoha Inari Shrine, which was founded in the Heian period, still exists in Kuzunoha Town in Izumi City, Osaka Prefecture.

"How could Abe Seimei be a woman?"

After repeatedly confirming that the source of the information was correct, everyone was still in disbelief and could not accept this.

"Even if her mother is the demon fox Kuzuha, she may not be Abe Seimei. Maybe she is the same mother?"

A big boss asked weakly, but judging from his tone, he didn't seem to have much confidence.

After all, even Abe Seimei’s representative Taizan Fugun Matsuri was born, and no one would believe it if he said it wasn’t Abe Seimei.

Even so, the powerful people still have a sense of absurdity.

If it were a group of dead otakus in Akihabara, they would immediately readily accept the 'fact' that Abe Seimei is a beautiful girl.

These superior citizens of Shiqing Shilu hold great power, and they can't finish enjoying the glory and wealth in reality, so how can they be addicted to the second dimension and paper people.

"That's it, that's it! Everything before is connected in series, and I know the truth!"

Professor Nagayama, who had been silent all this time, pondered for a long time, racking his brains to recall the previous clues about the Nine-tailed Demon Fox, Kaguya and the Jinchūriki, and then a thunder appeared in his mind.

Professor Changshan was in a state of enlightenment, and then he shouted excitedly, immediately attracting everyone's attention.

"Professor Changshan, what do you have to say?"

"Bring it on quickly, we can't wait."

In front of so many important people, Professor Changshan naturally would not show off his airs. He collected his thoughts and said:

"Everyone should remember that three years ago, the Akatsuki organization collected five treasures to remove Kaguya's seal, and it was Abe Seimei who sealed Kaguya in Mount Fuji. Now I finally understand why Abe Seimei sealed Kaguya."

Professor Nagayama was eloquent and eloquent, as if he was watching from the side when Kaguya was sealed.

"Because Kaguya is Abe Seimei's mother-killing enemy!"

Except for the thoughtful look on the face of the Uchiha Immortal, the other big shots were all stunned by Professor Nagayama.

"Toad Sage Jiraiya-sama told us that the nine-tailed demon fox is a huge power that even the gods fear, and sealing it within the body is the jinchūriki."

Professor Nagayama said seductively: "If the Nine-Tails is stripped out of the body, the Jinchuuriki will definitely die. Kaguya becomes the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki after Kuzuha, so the fate of Kuzuha is self-evident."

"Isn't there another generation of jinchuriki Tamamoae after Kaguya? Kaguya isn't dead either..."

"Are you so confused? Have you forgotten that Princess Kaguya swallowed the elixir of immortality? Abe Seimei can only seal it and cannot put her to death."

Everyone whispered to each other and nodded repeatedly.

Once the connections between Kuzuha, Kaguya, and Tamamoae, the three Nine-Tails Jinchūriki, are sorted out, the truth will be revealed.

The imaginative and irresistible love-hate entanglement between Abe Seimei and Kaguya finally surfaced.

"But wasn't Abe Seimei the Great Onmyoji who protected Heian Kyo during his lifetime? He should have been on the side of humanity. Why did he destroy Kyoto's ghost gate seal?"

Abe Seimei drove Nue Qun, Taira Shomon and Feng Shen Set to wreak havoc in Kyoto. It was obviously an evil deed.

"Is it because they are fighting for the nine-tailed demon fox?"

"Stop making noise! ​​The next audio material has been sent over. If you make more noise, you won't be able to hear what they are saying."

Everyone was shocked and immediately fell silent.

Abe Seimei and the white-robed chaomen who possess the Sharingan are obviously communicating extremely secretive things. This will definitely become an important breakthrough for the Japanese government in terms of intelligence!

"They are saying that the power of the Mangekyo Sharingan can tame the nine-tailed demon fox?"

"Revenge? Brother? He is Itachi's Oudou!"

Everyone couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

The Uchiha clan frowned, never expecting that Abe Seimei actually knew the secret on the Uchiha clan's stone tablet.

However, if she was really the son of the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki Kuzuha, it wouldn't be surprising to know this.

If it were revealed at this time and the top government officials knew about it, it might have an impact on his plan of "Flower in the Mirror".

Obviously, there is only a little time before the Uchiha Celestial Sect can turn the remaining three or four Twelve God Generals into their own puppets. However, if this happens, I hope it will not cause any complications.


"The whereabouts of Kyuubi..."

Abe Seimei tucked the white hair hanging down behind her ears, with a look of understanding on her face, and said:

"You want to use the Mangekyo Sharingan to tame the Kyuubi and take revenge on your brother, right? After all, he has the same eyes as you, and he is an Akatsuki. Even with Susanoo, he can't fight against the entire Akatsuki organization, right? .”

"Woman, don't be nagging. Tell me the whereabouts of Kyuubi." Sasuke in white said coldly.

"It's really interesting. When people of your clan activate the Mangekyō Sharingan, they will treat the Nine-Tails as their own private property."

Abe Seimei's tone was sarcastic.

"Unfortunately, I don't know where the nine-tailed demon fox is. You have found the wrong person."

Sasuke's eyes in white were suddenly sharp and cold. In his scarlet Sharingan eyes, the three magatama were spinning and almost connected, exuding a murderous aura that was almost solidified.

"Ah, we can't agree, are we going to take action? But of course a young onmyoji like Yu cannot be Susanoo's opponent, so I'd better give you another opponent." Abe Seimei said.


A group of white paper butterflies silently attached themselves to the wind god Set who was shot down by the 'Indra's Arrow', and immediately exploded, sending dust flying all over the sky.

The fragments immediately gathered in the sky and turned into a hideous and ugly dog ​​head.

Sasuke in white glanced at it, completely unmoved.

Even if there are ten or eight people of the level of Wind God Seth, they will not pose any threat.

At this moment, a strong wind blew up, and Seth galloped outside, not knowing what to do.

Sasuke in white looked coldly at the direction it left, and then looked at Abe Seimei, as if he wanted to see what trick she was playing.

In just one minute, Seth left and returned, leaving behind a figure.

"A living sacrifice is enough."

Abe Seimei pinched a seal with one hand and chanted with a smile:

"Hurry as a rule."

That unlucky guy turned out to be the Tosu hero.

Dust enveloped the Tosu hero and swallowed him up in the blink of an eye, and then a coffin rose from the ground.

The dirty land reincarnation version of Taishan Fujun Festival.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!"

After a while, the coffin lid opened downwards, and the black-haired miko, wearing a white upper and lower red hakama suit and holding a bow and arrow, slowly opened her eyelids.

The originally pure white eyes were now as dark as ink, almost bleeding.

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