I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 410 Chapter 411 The demon sword comes to the world

Twelve noon, Kitano Tenmangu Shrine, Kamikyo District, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture.

Because of the riots at the Gion Festival and the melee at Hachimangu Shrine, at this time of panic, people in Kyoto came to pray to gods and Buddhas for psychological comfort. The popularity of major shrines and temples in Kyoto has not decreased but increased.

Tenmangu Shrine, dedicated to the god of learning Sugawara Michizane, is no exception.

"Kitano God bless my son to be admitted to Tokyo University... I'm just kidding, bless my son to be safe and sound."

"Kyoto is not peaceful. Our family decided to hide in the countryside for a few days, hoping for a safe journey."

Various people prayed to Sugawara Michizane at the worship hall.

Although Sugawara Michizane is the leader of the four evil spirits, he is also a widely worshiped righteous god in Japan.

The status of Tenmangu Shrine in Japan is equivalent to the Confucius Temple in mainland China.

Sugawara Michizane was a minister in the middle of the Heian period. He was very talented and was once awarded the position of two right ministers, the title of prime minister. Therefore, he is highly respected as the god of learning. There are more than 10,000 branches of Tenmangu Shrine all over Japan. Every time during the examination period, as many students as those who pass the examination are prayed for.

As time goes by, Sugawara Michizane's side of the priesthood as the God of Learning even overwhelms the fierce thunder when he became a god.

"The government officials are pretending to be crazy again, and their announcements are made in garbled words, making people live and die inexplicably!"

A young social worker in a cheap black suit walked back after visiting the shrine, complaining about the Japanese government and cursing his boss.

"There are also bullshit companies and rubbish superiors who still make people go to work at a time like this. Go to work, go to work, what a stupid job!"

Although the Japanese government has been evasive so far, the people of Kyoto are not fools. The lessons learned from Sapporo and Asakusa are clear to their minds.

Next month is the traditional ghost festival Obon, and various true and false rumors about Heishōmon and Hyakki Yakō have already started making noise in the world.

In anticipation of the warm water in the Spring River, many people in Kyoto have decided to run away and go to the countryside to have a look.

But this has nothing to do with the hard-working young social workers. The company's president and senior management can command remotely from any county or city outside Kyoto Prefecture, or even overseas. The grassroots employees, as screws, must take risks and stick to their posts.

"When we joined the company, the company bought us a large amount of insurance, and the beneficiary was the company. Isn't it just for today? Damn it!"

The young socialite couldn't help but curse loudly, causing some pilgrims to frown secretly.

Although the current cabinet strongly advocates that under their wise leadership and Japan's unique extraordinary advantages in the new era, it has finally escaped from the never-ending economic downturn, and the Japanese economy is about to take off again.

But my family knew about my family affairs, and it was really hard to find a job as a full-time employee in Japan. After a year, I was about to become a full-time employee. If I missed work and asked for leave, I would definitely miss the mark.

With such a bad record, it will be difficult to find the next formal job. Maybe you will have to be a contract member for the rest of your life. In his later years, he didn't even have a pension, so he could only live in poverty and loneliness for the rest of his life.

The young social beast clenched his teeth in hatred, but walked honestly towards the company.

At the same time, he lamented in his heart that society and capital had domesticated him like a slave.

But at least I still have a rebellious heart that pursues freedom. One day, as long as I encounter a storm, I will be able to...


As soon as the words came true, the sky above Tenmangu Shrine changed color, and a thunderbolt fell on the shrine.

All the people who worshiped at Tenmangu Shrine were frightened to death.

"Thunder? Could it be that the Kitano God Sugawara Michizane showed up?"

"What's this?"

Everyone held their breath and looked at the place where the thunder landed in surprise.

After the dazzling lightning escaped on the shrine, a pair of strange-looking demon swords were inserted into the ground crosswise.

"A pair of demon swords fell from the sky?"

"What a demon sword? This is an extraordinary item! It must be a divine weapon that came to the world in Tenman Palace!"

Everyone looked at each other, and then showed excitement and excitement, and exclamations came and went.

I have never eaten pork and I have seen pigs running away. In the new era, everyone is familiar with too much news about extraordinary people and extraordinary items.

This pair of demonic swords fell from the sky, and they were extraordinary. They must be the legendary extraordinary things.

Did Genbu Kurosaki, one of the Twelve Divine Generals, become extraordinary just because he obtained the decapitating sword unearthed from the ruins of the Heian period?

As soon as he thought of this, someone's heart would beat uncontrollably.

If he could get these pair of demon swords to recognize him as his master, wouldn't he be able to become one of the twelve divine generals?

The official position of the Supernatural Police Department, an annual salary of over 100 million, tickets to the upper class, huge fame, and most importantly, extraordinary power, are all at your fingertips!

But this was the first time for everyone to experience such a bizarre event. No one knew what danger this pair of demon knives posed, and because the incident happened suddenly, they were not mentally prepared.

For a moment, everyone had different expressions and remained silent. The originally bustling Tenman Palace suddenly fell into a strange silence.

"A man was born between heaven and earth, how can he live in such a depressed state for a long time among men!"

The young social worker pulled the tie on his chest as if to untie the chain around his neck. His face was uncertain, he gritted his teeth and said fiercely.

Even if you become a formal member, you still have to be ordered around by your superiors and treated like cattle and horses for a meager salary of several million yen a year.

If you miss this opportunity to change your life, you will be at the bottom of society for the rest of your life.

Moreover, the place where the demon sword descended was closest to the young social beast, which gave him the illusion that this thing was destined to me.

"I control my own life!"

In order to embolden himself, the young social beast roared hysterically, rushed forward, grabbed the handle of the demon knife on the left side, and tried to pull it out from the ground.

"What is he talking about? I can't understand Chinese poetry."

"Damn it, stop it! This is my thing!"

Some people regretted not being the first to rush forward and being taken advantage of.

Some people watched with cold eyes. After all, there were two demon knives. If this person was safe and sound, he would risk his life to fight for the second one.


A stream of blue-white electric current splashed out directly from the demon knife, and passed through the young social animal's body in an instant.

"Bones, you can even see the bones." Someone shrank in fear.

The young social beast's whole body turned into charcoal and burst into flames. He fell to the ground without saying a word.

Seeing the first unlucky person who ate crabs end up like this naturally scared off all the greedy people, and someone immediately called the police.

After hearing the news, the Kyoto Prefectural Police and the Supernatural Police Department branch immediately sealed off the Tenmangu Shrine.

An hour and a half later, Uchiha Senmon descended from the helicopter door holding the ladder.

"It's actually so fast. Minister Uchiha, it's better that you come in person."

Senior officials from the Kyoto City Government and bureaucrats from the local branch greeted him in surprise.

After the Uchiha Senmen received the news, they immediately flew from Tokyo to the outskirts of Kyoto on a special plane, and then transferred to a helicopter to arrive so quickly.

"I already learned about the general situation on the plane."

Surrounded by several senior officials, after passing through the blockade and crossing the torii, the towering Tenmangu Shrine came into view.

Michizane Sugawara was criticized by his political opponents during the Taisho Incident for trying to depose Emperor Daigo and establish a new emperor. Therefore, he was exiled to Dazaifu and died in hatred.

After Sugawara Michizane's death, strange things happened frequently in Heian Kyoto, natural disasters continued, and the political opponents who framed him died in mysterious circumstances one after another.

Later, the "Qingliang Palace Thunderbolt Incident" occurred that shocked the government and the public.

"At three o'clock in the afternoon, from Mount Atago, dark clouds rose, and there was a sudden gloom. Suddenly there was a loud thunder, and on the first pillar of Qingliang Hall, there was a thunderbolt of divine fire."

When the ministers of the Yamato court were discussing how to pray for rain and provide disaster relief in the Seiryoden Hall, several thunderbolts struck one after another, causing heavy casualties among the nobles and bureaucrats. Emperor Daigo was also frightened to the point of falling ill, and died three months later.

It is widely rumored in Heian Kyo that this is the work of the resentful spirit of Sugawara Michizane. The saying that Michizane turned into a thunder god after his death is widely circulated among the people.

Afterwards, the imperial court was horrified and immediately vindicated Sugawara Michizane, pardoned all charges, reinstated him to his original position, and posthumously granted him the position of a left minister.

Because he was afraid of Sugawara Michizane, he worshiped him as the God of Fire and Thunder, and built Kitano Tenmangu Shrine in Kitano, Kyoto.

The Uchiha Senmen came to the place where the two demon swords landed, and a group of people had gathered around them.

Uchiha Senmon glanced over. In addition to the police department and police, there were doctors, scientists in white coats, and several priests from Tenmangu Shrine for consultation.

The preparation was quite thorough.

"Minister Uchiha, before you arrived, I didn't let them act rashly. The scene remained as it was." The head of the Kyoto Prefecture Police Headquarters said with a hint of flattery.

The Uchiha Sect nodded slightly, and then looked at the pair of demon swords stuck on the ground.

The two demon knives have unique shapes. There are spikes like thunder branches and wolf fangs on the blade and back. The blades are wrapped with electric current visible to the naked eye, making strange crackling sounds from time to time.

"The power of thunder..."

The Uchiha Sect calmly glanced at the charred corpse on the ground and shook his head.

The surface of his body was already carbonized, and there was no way he could be saved.

Immediately, the Uchiha Senmon touched his chin with a thoughtful look on his face.

There is no doubt that this pair of demon swords can drive thunder and lightning.

Previously, the Tokyo Cabinet was still thinking hard about how to deal with the immortal body summoned by the Taishanfu King Festival. At the same time, it dropped two Thunder Release Demon Swords at Tenmangu Shrine, which was like a pillow when they wanted to doze off.

And it was the demon sword that descended from the Tenmangu Palace of Thunder God Sugawara Michizane.

This is obviously not just a coincidence, but someone is behind this.

What is the purpose?

Could it be that he wanted to use a borrowed knife to kill people and use the hands of the Supernatural Police Department to fight against Abe Seimei?

Uchiha Senmon called several priests from Tenmangu Shrine to inquire in detail whether they had noticed any strange signs recently, especially during the two nights when the Tairashou Gate attacked Hachimangu Shrine.

Several priests shook their heads to express their ignorance and couldn't figure out the reason.

Uchiha Senmen could only put aside his worries for the time being.

"Mr. Uchiha, do you want to take action now and pull out those two demonic swords?"

A mid-level official from the Kyoto Branch of the Supernatural Police Department said respectfully:

"We have prepared working robots. Their grippers are made of insulating materials, so there should be no problem."

The Uchiha Immortal closed his eyes silently, and the others immediately closed their mouths knowingly when they saw this, not even daring to breathe.

In the perception of Uchiha Xianmen, these two demon swords contained the power of thunder and lightning that made him secretly frightened. They formed a magnetic field. Once it exploded, there would be no survivors except him.

Although the work robot prepared by the local branch looks quite sophisticated, the biggest fear of such precision equipment is electromagnetic anomalies. At the moment of contact, the powerful electric current flowing from the blade can melt the robot.

"No need, let me take action."

Uchiha Senmon took off the black uniform of the Supernatural Police Department, handed it to a member, and waved back:

"You all stand back. When you pull out these two demon knives, something might happen. It's better to be careful."

The Uchiha Senmon stood more than ten meters away and stretched out his right hand towards the two demonic swords stuck on the ground.

There are gray vine branches protruding from the palm.

Although these two thunderbolt demon swords of unknown origin may hide some traps, the power of thunderbolt is indispensable if you want to conquer Abe Seimei's Taishanfu Jun Festival.

If these pair of demonic swords can be used for one's own purposes, then the odds of winning against Abe Seimei, who launches the Hyakuki Night Parade and the Taizanfu King Festival against the Twelve Gods, can increase from almost zero to 10%.

The risk is worth taking.

The vine branches continue to grow between the palms of the Uchiha Senmen, becoming stronger and stronger with the infusion of chakra.

The Uchiha Senmon is not only the most extraordinary on earth, but also famous for its wood escape. Wooden materials are not easy to conduct electricity and should have a certain degree of restraint against the two demon swords.

Even if something unexpected happens midway, the Uchiha Sect is quite confident that it can suppress it.

"Then let's do it."

The Uchiha Sect was concentrating on controlling the Wood Release. He pulled out one of the demon swords, his eyes dropped slightly, he looked at the coke lying aside and sighed.

In order to pursue the extraordinary, you take desperate risks and don't care about your own life.

Forget it, let’s drag out the corpses of ordinary citizens first. Otherwise, if something happens, they will turn into powder and die without a whole body. Even the ashes cannot be collected by the family. That would be too sad.

The Uchiha Immortal's hand shook, and the branches rolled out and wrapped around the waist of the charred corpse.

At this moment, arcs of electricity flashed across the body of the deceased, who had turned into charcoal.


The Uchiha Sect was startled, and immediately retracted the branches on their arms, fully alert.

The charred corpse floated into the air, the charred ash on his body fell, and countless blue and white arcs intertwined wrapped up.

A pair of blue eyes slowly opened, and they were like lightning rising and dying, with all kinds of brilliance.

"I am Sugawara Michizane, the great god of freedom." (End of this chapter)

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