I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 414 Chapter 415 Mr. Oda Nobunaga, times have changed

"The Self-Defense Forces are not just a bunch of losers. Their artillery fire is fierce and they are quite capable of fighting!"

"No, it's just that the monsters from the Hundred Ghosts Nightwalk are just fake fish. I can chase away a bunch of them with my bare hands."

"Where is the artillery fire again? It's like a battlefield!"

Voices of exclamation one after another continue to ring out in thousands of households in Japan.

In Japan, there is a statutory holiday of about a week before and after Obon for citizens to pay homage to their deceased relatives and to reunite with their living relatives.

At this time, big cities like Tokyo set off a large-scale wave of returning home, which can be called the Japanese version of Spring Festival travel.

The Japanese government released the news about the Night Parade in Kyoto, which naturally made countless people at home feel itchy, but ordinary people would not be so upset that they would risk their lives and go to Kyoto to watch the battle.

Fortunately, there are still many brave up masters who are desperate for money and life and come to Kyoto in person, so that they can have a glimpse of the grand scene of the Night Parade of One Hundred Ghosts and quench their thirst.

The Self-Defense Forces vs. Hyakki Yakou may sound like some B-level bad movie, but the scene of these demons dancing wildly and the intense artillery bombardment are beyond the reach of even a Hollywood production with tens of millions of special effects.

It makes them feel like they drank a whole bottle of ice soda in the dog days of summer, and a blast of cold air hits the sky, causing their scalp to feel numb.

The Japanese government was quick to take notice of live broadcasts appearing on various foreign platforms.

Even if you want to ban them, these up owners are so cunning and live broadcast on foreign platforms that they are beyond their reach.

And now the situation is very good. The Self-Defense Forces can show their prowess and wipe out the monsters like melons and vegetables, which can restore the confidence of capital and citizens in the Japanese government.

So I just let it go.

As the first uploader to film the Night Parade of One Hundred Ghosts, Amami Katori naturally experienced a large wave of traffic benefits, and the number of viewers in the live broadcast room exceeded the five million mark in one fell swoop.

But after the Self-Defense Forces' indiscriminate bombardment knocked Hyakki Yakou off his feet, there was nothing to see.

Outside Zhongjing District, fierce battles broke out one after another, and the audience naturally became confused and finally gave up, running to other live broadcast rooms.

The popularity dropped below one million immediately.

Amami Kaatori's pretty face was twisted, and her teeth were clenched in hatred.

It's too complicated. Just on the platform she is on, there are seven or eight live broadcast rooms in Kyoto to broadcast the Night Parade of One Hundred Ghosts.

And the Self-Defense Forces, they have always been soft-legged shrimps. What are they doing so bravely today? Can't they go back and forth with Hyakki Yakou and fight for three hundred rounds to give themselves something to shoot?

But Amami Katori would never have the guts to run out of the apartment and take first-hand footage.

Amami Katori had risked his own life this time when he went deep into the core area of ​​Kyoto. Standing on the edge of the cliff and taking another big step forward wouldn't be courting death.


Just when Amami Katori was racking her brains to think about how to retain the audience, a deafening explosion suddenly came from not far behind her, scaring her to death.

What's wrong?

It was even louder than the previous drone-dropped bombs. Are the Self-Defense Forces so mad that they are preparing to use missiles to clean up the ground in Kyoto?

The popularity of the live broadcast room suddenly increased.

The financial owner [Uchiha’s strongest name is truth] immediately posted a barrage:

"The east side of my apartment faces Honnoji Temple! Katori-chan, go and take a look!"

The live broadcast room suddenly became inexplicably excited, urging Tian Haixiang to take pictures of the famous Honnoji Temple.

Tianhai Xiangtori's heart skipped a beat, and said to himself that it was not good, but it was not inconvenient to go against public opinion.

Just taking a few shots should be fine.

She bravely walked around to the guest room on the other side, opened a corner of the tightly covered curtain, and looked out.

Honnoji Temple was originally a mediocre small temple of the Hokke Sect. However, due to the changes in Honnoji Temple, Oda Nobunaga died here and became famous all over the world.

"Beep beep beep."

The fire was blazing, and the flames burned unbridled on the ruins of Honnoji Temple.

A skeleton war horse, two meters high at the shoulders and with jagged bones, stood in front of the ruins.

And sitting on its back was a tall general wearing broken armor, with only bones left, his eye holes flashing with fire.

One man and one horse were covered in red flames, like knights from hell, majestic and mighty.

The skeleton warrior pulled out half of the katana from between the ribs and slashed it downwards.


The skeleton horseman stood up and let out a bloodcurdling neigh.

Grave mounds rose up from the ground, and hundreds of skeleton ashigaru crawled out. They were also wearing tattered armor, and they were holding a mess of iron cannons, feather arrows, and rusty knives and broken guns.

There are also the same number of translucent ghost soldiers with blue phosphorus fire that flickers on and off.

"Burn Honnoji Temple!"

"It's Oda Nobunaga, the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven!"

"Has Oda Nobunaga also joined Hyakki Yakou's team? It's really worth it to see him this time!"

The live broadcast room exploded in an instant, and the number of viewers continued to rise.

This was a man who was only half a step away from dominating the world during the Warring States Period. He was a big shot that everyone in Japan knew.

During the Incident at Honnoji Temple, Oda Nobunaga's body was not found, and he appeared in Kyoto five hundred years later, giving people an epic feeling of witnessing the changes in history.

Countless viewers called for friends and spread the word, and Amami Katori's live broadcast room was almost packed.

But amidst the overwhelming barrage, there are not no objections.

"Although the skeleton general is riding a horse, he is at least 2 meters tall by visual inspection. According to historical data, Oda Nobunaga is only a dwarf of 1.6 meters."

"The armor on it is so rotten that it's hard to tell whether it's from the Heian Era or the Warring States Period."

"The Ashigaru and Ghost Soldiers of the March of the Dead are armed differently and do not look like the armies of the Warring States Period. Without the Oda family crest, how can we say it must be Oda Nobunaga?"

Although these analyzes were true, the carnival crowd couldn't listen to them at all, or they didn't care at all.

Appearing in the burning Honno-ji Temple, commanding an army of skeleton ashigaru and shadow soldiers, who else could it be than Oda Nobunaga, the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven?

The connection between Oda Nobunaga and Honnoji Temple is too close, which makes ordinary Japanese people think of this aspect as a conditioned reflex.

The skeleton warrior raised his katana and waved forward.

The army of the dead, composed of skeleton ashigaru and ghost Yin soldiers, set off in a mighty manner.

Although I don’t know if the March of the Dead counts as the Night Parade of One Hundred Ghosts, this momentum cannot be matched by the previous team composed of miscellaneous fish monsters.

Live as a hero, die as a ghost!

Amami Katori couldn't help but be so nervous that she held her breath, for fear of attracting the attention of this march of the dead, but she was really reluctant to bear the huge wave of traffic now, so she could only hold on to the outside of the window to take pictures.

"Hoo ho ho."

At this moment, dozens of black spots like birds suddenly appeared on one side of the sky.

It was the drone swarm that defeated Hyakki Yakou before!

From a distance of several hundred meters, the drone swarm couldn't wait to shoot. A hail of bullets poured down from the sky, dragging a long line of fire.

"Da da da--!"

The ground was suddenly filled with smoke and dust, making it impossible to see.

The tactics of the Self-Defense Forces are very clear, which is to remotely control a swarm of drones to preemptively clear the area and harvest a wave.

Under this wave of attacks, dozens of white-bone ashigaru were shattered by bullets and turned into fragments.

"Whoosh whoosh."

Of course, there are not no skeleton soldiers trying to fight back, but their soft arrows and lead bullets cannot touch the drone group at all.

It's said to be an iron cannon, but it's actually just a matchlock gun.

The shooting speed of this thing is only one or two rounds per minute. In terms of firepower and accuracy, it is five hundred years behind modern high-tech weapons.

After the drone swarm plowed through it again, only a handful of ashigaru could remain standing in the march of the dead.

Seeing the skeleton ashigaru being blown up by drones one after another, unable to fight back, even resisting was so ridiculous, the audience in the live broadcast room was filled with a strange sense of superiority.

Extraordinary monsters are nothing more than that!

Although in ancient times, the ghosts walking at night and the march of the dead may have been very scary, human society is not static. After the rapid development of modern times, human technology has advanced by leaps and bounds, and human weapons have been unprecedentedly powerful. The monsters and ghosts that could threaten human beings in the past may only be reduced to monsters and jokes. .

"Lord Nobunaga, times have changed!"

"The drones are better than the Guobeng you imported from Nanman!"

The audience was laughing and commenting in the live broadcast room without any nervousness.


The horse under the Skeleton Knight's crotch, the bone hoof on the front right paved the ground violently, suddenly opened its mouth and spit out a long beam of red flames towards the sky.


Several drones were immediately swept down, and the explosives loaded on them exploded into brilliant fireworks.

But the remaining drones fought hard, broke into pieces, and surrounded the Skeleton Knight from all directions.

"Destroy Oda Nobunaga!"

Anyway, people are hiding thousands of meters away, and their lives are not in danger.

As for the skeleton that is suspected to be that of Oda Nobunaga, so what? We in the Self-Defense Forces are not historians and have no obligation to be responsible for the remains of Oda Nobunaga.

Since it dares to appear in Kyoto, where hundreds of ghosts roam at night, it can only be completely eliminated!

The skeleton war horse spit out fireballs one after another, shooting down a drone from time to time.

It is worthy of being an elite monster of Hyakuki Yakou, and its combat power is quite impressive.

However, there were too many drones and they were outnumbered. Several drones broke through the sky above the Skeleton Knight and dropped the micro-missiles they carried.



Explosions came and went, and light and shadow intertwined.

Looking at this formation, even an armored vehicle would be blown to pieces here.

When the dust and smoke passed, the Skeleton Knight was gone, and only broken bones were left in the radioactive crater from the explosion.

"No way, the famous Oda Nobunaga was killed like this?"

"That's it, that's it? I also want to see Oda Nobunaga fight against Uchiha Minister!"

The Japanese in the live broadcast room were all shocked and speechless.

This is especially unacceptable to fans of Warring States history.

After all, with Oda Nobunaga's huge reputation, he would be an SSR character in any mobile game, enough to serve as a behind-the-scenes BOSS and big devil.

The melon-eating audience, who are not too concerned about the excitement, are all looking forward to the Skeleton Knight's impressive performance and killing everyone.

However, its performance is slightly better than that of miscellaneous fish monsters and skeleton soldiers, and it can barely be regarded as an elite monster.

"Who said it belongs to Oda Nobunaga? How could there be such a weak Oda Nobunaga!"

"Have you ever heard of barrage science before? The height of the skeleton military commander doesn't match up. This is not Oda Nobunaga at all!"

Because the Skeleton Knight's performance was so hip-shaking, after a brief discussion in the live broadcast room, it was unanimously decided to take it off, which was recognized by Oda Nobunaga.

"It's not over yet, look at those ghost soldiers!"

The artillery fire from the drone swarm did indeed beat the physical skeleton knights and bone ashigaru to pieces, but it could not do anything to the ghostly Yin soldiers.

Even though they have lost their leader, the large number of ghost soldiers are still like puppets executing orders, continuing to march rigidly and rigidly.

The cars parked on the road could not stop their pace at all, and they passed by as if they were nothing.

"Physical attacks are indeed ineffective against ghosts..."

“Can spreading salt drive them away?”

"It's been a few years, and you don't read the popular science of the Supernatural Police Department at all? For monsters like evil spirits, they can only be eliminated with extraordinary power!"

The viewers in the live broadcast room were naturally helpless to deal with the remaining Yin soldiers.

"Whoosh! Whoosh!"

At this moment, a black armed helicopter sped towards the advancing Yin soldiers in the night.

The helicopter approached the ground, and the strong wind stirred up debris on the ground, but thousands of Youlan Yin soldiers turned a blind eye and were completely unaffected.

At the door of the helicopter, a face that looked ordinary but looked like a good old man was revealed.

"See you inside the 'Soul-Breaking Messenger'!"

Amami Katori in the live broadcast room immediately recognized the twelve divine generals.

The strong hunting wind blew his black hair, and Dr. Satomi looked solemnly at the army of Yin soldiers marching silently below.

"Such a large quantity..."

The doctor frowned and immediately closed his eyes and prayed to Lord Taishan for a moment:

"Lord Taishan Mansion, please give me strength!"

As he spoke, Dr. Satomi pointed his right hand downward, and then took off the necklace hanging on it with his backhand.

There was a black hole the size of a thumb in the palm of his right hand. It was so dark and dark that even souls could be sucked into it.

Suddenly, a strong suction force spread from the black hole in the palm of his hand.

Mingdun·Sucking holes!

The whistling air flow quickly gathered towards the hole in Dr. Satomi's palm, causing those blue-purple Yin soldiers to be sucked in by the storm.

Like a whirlwind, but in just ten seconds, hundreds of Yin soldiers were greedily swallowed up by the black hole in Dr. Satomi's palm.

"Minister Uchiha, the March of the Dead at Honnoji Temple has been quelled."

The task was completed. Dr. Satomi immediately put the necklace between his right palms again and sealed the wind point in his palms. His face was full of exhaustion.


The fragments and bones on the ground melted into a viscous black liquid in an instant, forming a mysterious and mysterious pattern like a formation.

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