After the whip, Lin Yuan and his companions stopped talking. The supervisor thought they were afraid of him, so he smiled smugly and continued to lead the way.

After walking for about 10 minutes, the supervisor took them to a factory and said,"Your job today is to sort the seeds here. Remember, there cannot be any adulterations between the seeds. Each of you can rest after completing 100 bags."

After the supervisor gave the order, he walked to his seat and sat down, looking at the scenery outside.

Although he said he was looking at the scenery, he was actually watching the four people out of the corner of his eyes. As long as the four people were lazy, he would pick up the whip and beat them hard.

After the supervisor finished speaking, Lin Yuan and his companions each received a task.

【Mission: Collect 100 bags of seeds and hand them over to the witch within 2 hours, and you will receive 1,000 experience points as a reward.

After reading the mission prompt, Lin Yuan complained,"This mission gives too little experience points."

100 bags of seeds only give 1,000 experience points, it's just kidding.

The bag in front of Lin Yuan was nearly 1 person tall, and the seeds were piled together. It would take a long time to sort the seeds. The mission was limited to 2 hours, and they couldn't complete it at all.

"I think they are deliberately making things difficult for us. A Yuan, we can't stand this. At most, we can wait here for two hours and be kicked out if we fail the mission."Zhang Fan said indignantly.

But he was still optimistic. Zong Junru reminded him,"There are only two choices for the hell difficulty, pass the level or be buried here. If we can't complete the mission within the specified time, I'm afraid we will die here."

Lin Yuan smiled when he heard this,"No, there must be a way to get to the mountain. Even the hell difficulty will not give people a dead end. There must be a way to complete the mission, but we haven't found it yet."

Then several people began to look around for tools and ways to complete it in advance. 15 minutes later, there was still no progress.

At this time, the supervisor stood up and threatened them that if they didn't work, he would use force.

In desperation, several people began to collect seeds.

As soon as they started working, there was a chirping sound nearby.

Lin Yuan looked up and found that many little fairies with long wings came here. The chirping sounds were made by these little fairies.

"Look, look, we have new co-workers"

""Workers, workers' souls, workers are the best."

The little goblins found Lin Yuan and his companions and surrounded them, talking and laughing.

This made the supervisor very angry, and he raised the whip in his hand and swung it hard at the goblins.

With a snap, it hit a little goblin who had no time to dodge, and the little goblin was beaten to pieces.

"Ah, the goblins are working now."

After being whipped, the goblins stopped playing and started working.

The work of these goblins was different from that of Lin Yuan and his companions. The goblins were using their own power to condense seeds.

The seeds in the entire factory were condensed by the goblins.

"I'll go save the little goblin."

Wang Xue was very kind. Seeing the goblin injured, she couldn't bear it. She came to the goblin and cast a spell to heal him.

After a few treatments, the goblin flew up again with vigor.

"Thank you, kind worker. My name is Bobo. What is your job?"

Wang Xue told the goblin her task, and then Bobo flew back to the goblins. Wang Xue saw that Bobo was fine, so she came back.

After a while, Bobo brought the goblins to the four people and said,"Let us help you."

Then, the goblins began to condense seeds in the bag. In less than an hour, the four people's tasks had been completed.

After finishing, Lin Yuan came to the supervisor and said,"Our task is completed."

The supervisor had been observing from the side. He didn't know how the few people completed it, but their task was within the rules. There was no way, the supervisor could only count them as completed.

【You have completed the seed collection task and gained 1,000 experience points.

Then, the supervisor rolled his eyes and assigned tasks to several people.

【You have received a new task: Collect 100 bags of seeds by hand within 2 hours and hand them over to the witch, and you will be rewarded with 1,000 experience points.

The task will be changed now. The seeds must be collected by hand to be considered completed. The goblins can't help this time.

Lin Yuan was annoyed when he received the task again,"Are there no other tasks?"

The supervisor replied disdainfully,"If you can't do such a simple task as collecting seeds, what other work can you do."

Lin Yuan returned to the others with a bad look on his face, and he had murderous intentions in his heart.

Coincidentally, suddenly a goblin couldn't stand the boring work and muttered,"Work is hard, work is tiring, and I just want to doze off at work."

After a goblin finished speaking, many goblins began to echo,"Work is annoying, work is difficult, and I just want to go out and play at work.""

"Working life is so bad, we don’t have a full meal."

The goblins talked and hugged each other and cried.

Lin Yuan saw the state of the goblins, his eyes rolled, and he had an idea.

While the supervisor was not paying attention, Lin Yuan quietly came to the goblins,"Aren’t you goblins? Why do you still work here?"

The goblin named Bobo cried and replied,"The Fairy Queen is imprisoned by the witch. If we don’t work, the Fairy Queen will torture the Fairy Queen. If the Fairy Queen dies, we will not be able to continue living."

"Fairies just want to play freely, they don't want to work."

After hearing the answer from the fairy Bobo, Lin Yuan roughly understood what was going on.

The witch imprisoned the fairy queen, so these free fairies became workers. What are we? Why does the witch want us to work with the fairies?

""I understand!" Lin Yuan suddenly clapped his hands.

The witch didn't want them to leave here alive.

Letting the supervisor bring them here was just an excuse to get rid of them.

Even if they completed the task this time, the supervisor would increase the difficulty next time until they couldn't complete it.

By then, I'm afraid the supervisor would reveal his true face.

After figuring out the key, Lin Yuan said to the goblins:"Do you want to rescue the fairy queen?"

The little goblins who were still crying nodded frantically when they heard Lin Yuan's words.

"If you want to rescue the fairy queen, just listen to me."

The fairy looked at Lin Yuan hesitantly, as if considering whether Lin Yuan was reliable.

Seeing the fairy's appearance, Lin Yuan was ready to show them his skills.

Then, Lin Yuan shouted,"Workers will never be slaves." He walked towards the supervisor.

Seeing Lin Yuan's abnormal movements, his teammates also picked up their weapons and followed behind.

While walking, Lin Yuan fired an ice ray at him.


A very low damage appeared on the supervisor, which made the supervisor stunned.

Then the supervisor's expression was a little strange. After being hit, he was not angry but showed a crazy look."Finally, you took action. Do you know how long I have been patient? To show my respect for you, I will tear you into pieces bit by bit."

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