The spell was cast very quickly, and the elite monster was hit by the fire meteors in the sky before it could run a few steps.


-25,000 horrible damage appeared on the top of the elite monsters. In less than 3 seconds, four elite monsters were killed instantly.

【You killed the elite flamehound in 3 seconds, experience value +1000] X4

"Damn, how can the damage be so high!"

Even Lin Yuan was shocked when he saw the damage coming out of the elite monster's head.

It stands to reason that consuming 5,000 mana should cause less than 20,000 damage, so how could it cause 25,000 damage?

After looking at the battle record, Lin Yuan finally understood.

It turned out that these four monsters were demon monsters.

Don't forget, one of the effects of the necklace Lin Yuan is wearing now is to increase the damage to demon monsters by 100%.

The damage should have been more than 30,000 points, but because the Flamehound has a primary fire immunity, this reduces some of the damage.

After passing the 11th floor, Lin Yuan knew his current strength and chose to continue.

The monsters on the twelfth floor are 5 evil orcs.

【[Name]: Evil Orc (Elite) lv16

HP: 50,000

Attack Power: 3,000

Skill 1: Fearless

Description: Orcs are fearless and immune to fear effects.

Skill 2: Cleave

Description: Swing the weapon to strike at a range of 3 meters in front of you, causing 150% damage.

The 5 evil orcs have low HP but high attack power. Lin Yuan saw the monster's attributes and directly threw a meteor shower with 10,000 mana. In

1 second, a rain of fire fell from the sky and hit the evil orcs.



【You killed an elite evil orc in 3 seconds, experience +1200]

After killing this group of monsters X5, Lin Yuan looked at the experience points and almost reached level 13."Not bad, one more level will fill up the meteor shower."

6 level 17 elite tauren warriors appeared on the thirteenth floor, but they did not last more than 3 seconds before being killed by Lin Yuan.

【You killed an elite Tauren warrior in 3 seconds, experience value +1400] X6

【You have reached level 13 and gained 1000 skill points】

"Finally, I've upgraded. My skills have been waiting impatiently for this!"

After getting 1,000 skill points, Lin Yuan rubbed his hands with an excited expression,"Fill up the Meteor Shower for me!""

【Skills: Meteor Shower (SS) lvmax casting time: 0.5-10 seconds

Consumption: 5000-100000 mana

Skill description: Consume mana, summon meteors to cause devastating blows within a 500*500 range, causing up to 800000+Intelligence*100 fire damage, duration 10 seconds, cooldown 5 minutes, enemies in the center of the meteor will be stunned, and enemies at the edge will be knocked away.

Note: The less mana you consume, the shorter the casting time, and the lower the damage caused

"I am not seeing things!" Looking at the damage of the meteor shower, Lin Yuan wiped his eyes,"800,000 basic damage!"

Lin Yuan roughly calculated that his current intelligence was about 200 points, which could increase the damage by about 20,000.

"Damn, when my intelligence attribute is improved in the future, won’t I be able to cause millions of damage!"

"It's really an SS-level skill, it's awesome." After taking a few deep breaths, Lin Yuan calmed down and chose to continue the challenge.

Perhaps it was because the Saint Tower discovered that all the monsters before were melee and could not pose a threat to Lin Yuan, so 8 ranged monsters appeared on the 14th floor.

【[Name] Troll Headhunter (Elite) lv18

HP: 100000

Attack Power: 3000

Skill 1: Fanaticism

Description: After the Troll Headhunter is injured, the attack speed increases by 70%.

Skill 2: Troll Regeneration

Description: After the Troll Headhunter is injured, it will apply a layer of health recovery effect to itself, recovering 2% of its health per second.

"The attack power is not low!"Lin Yuan frowned when he saw the eight monsters,"Such a high attack power, we can't be focused on."

Seeing that the monsters were still far away from him, Lin Yuan began to release spells.

Before, it had always been an instant meteor shower, and the damage caused was also the lowest. Lin Yuan wanted to see how much damage he could cause after chanting.

The attack range of the Troll Headhunter is 20 meters, and now they are 80 meters away from Lin Yuan.

If they run at full speed, it will take them 5 seconds to attack Lin Yuan.

But Lin Yuan calculated this time accurately, and released the spell after chanting for four seconds.


The overwhelming fire meteors poured down, and the attack range covered the entire trial ground.


-170000 chanted for four seconds, and the damage reached 170,000 points. In less than a second, the monster was melted directly.

【You killed the Elite Troll Headhunter in 5 seconds, and your experience points increased by 1600.

After killing 8, Lin Yuan came to the fifteenth floor.

"The boss should appear on this floor." Lin Yuan looked at the huge light curtain that was over 50 meters high and said to himself.

As expected, before Lin Yuan finished speaking, a demon leader over 20 meters tall walked out of the light curtain.

【[Name] Herald Alherz (Elite - Commander) lv20

HP: 500,000

Attack Power: 12,000

Skill 1: Obey My Commands

Description: Summons 30 level 20 demon guards to fight.

Skill 2: Use the power of the tiger to bully others

Description: Summons the projection of the Angry Demon God to fight. The attributes of the projection of the Demon God are twice that of Alherz.

Seeing the attributes of the monster, Lin Yuan was happy,"It's an old acquaintance!"

The BOSS in front of him turned out to be the subordinate of the Angry Demon God who was beaten by him yesterday.

After Alherz was summoned, he originally planned to make a very pretentious opening remark, but the moment he saw Lin Yuan, he suddenly became furious,"You scum who blasphemed the Demon God, let me cut you into pieces!"

""Little ones, listen to my orders and fight for me!" Alhez directly summoned 30 demon guards and ordered them to gang up on Lin Yuan,"Capture this human for me."

Although Alhez shouted fiercely just now, he actually planned to capture Lin Yuan alive, force him to sign a slave contract, and bring him back to the purgatory plane.

As a lackey of the Angry Demon, Alhez knew how valuable Lin Yuan was now.

The Angry Demon had said that if anyone could bring Lin Yuan to him alive, he would be given a domain fragment.

That is a domain fragment, a treasure that even level 60 demons dream of. Naturally, Alhez was very excited.

【Name: Demon Guard lv20

HP: 50000

Attack Power: 2500

Skill: Heavy Attack

Description: Swing the weapon to launch a heavy attack at the target, causing 120% damage

"You think you can catch me with just a few rotten sweet potatoes and stinky bird eggs? You are overthinking it!" Lin Yuan curled his lips in disdain.

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