Ace Hunter of level 86, this is already the ceiling for professionals. He is a big boss wherever he is. If Lin Yuan does not agree to such a person's personal invitation to Lin Yuan, although his favorability will not be reset to zero, it will not be able to be improved in the future. Moreover, Lin Yuan did not join blindly. Before joining, he had learned about the past of the dwarves in detail. The dwarves' homeland has been destroyed, and they basically have no enemies. If there is one, it is only the jealous demon Leviathan. The next plane that the Purgatory Demon wants to invade is Blue Star. As a human on Blue Star, Lin Yuan is a natural enemy of the demons. It is his duty to help the dwarves get rid of Leviathan. I just don't know the identities of the other people in the Mithril Brotherhood. However, the dwarf also said that people carrying Mithril badges can be sensed within ten kilometers. I will naturally know the identities of the others when I meet them in the future.

"The trial mission is given to you, go and complete it quickly."

The dwarf was full and wanted to sleep for a while, so he waved his hand and drove Lin Yuan away.

Lin Yuan:...

OK, you are too strong and I can't afford to offend you.

I'm leaving.

After leaving the camp,

Lin Yuan saw that the mission had changed.

【Top Trial 2: Find and kill Tiger King Rajakesh. 】

This time the mission did not give a specific location.

Only a rough range.

It was 100 kilometers away from Lin Yuan's current location.

However, Lin Yuan had the ability to walk in the dimension, so he found the place in less than a minute.

After arriving here,

Lin Yuan flew a low-altitude circle along this area, but did not find any traces of the Tiger King.

Instead, he found traces of humans.

"Is there any smoke from cooking?"

Lin Yuan saw smoke rising not far ahead, and his figure flashed to where the smoke appeared.

When he got closer, he found that these people seemed to be the natives of the Beast Forest.

They were wearing clothes made of animal skins and looked like primitive people.

After Lin Yuan appeared, a man holding a spear came in front of Lin Yuan.

"Who are you and what are you doing in the Roof Tribe?"

After hearing what this person said,

Lin Yuan replied:

"I am a human mage, I have no ill intentions, I just want to find out some information about the Tiger King Rajaksh."

After hearing Lin Yuan's answer, the man put down his spear and showed a puzzled look.

"Why are you, a level 24 mage, asking about Tiger King Rajaksh? Do you think your life is too long?"

The man no longer showed any malice.

Lin Yuan could see the attributes of the man in front of him.

【[Yaligo] (Human) lv34

Occupation: Hunter

HP: 180000

Mana: 30000

Attack Power: 20000

Skills: ? ?

The conversation between Yaligo and Lin Yuan was quite loud, attracting many people to watch.

Lin Yuan was surprised to find that everyone in this tribe was a hunter.

The lowest level was 25.

The highest was their leader, named Lab, who was level 47.

Today is the day of their tribe's sacrifice.

All unmarried professionals will participate.

The professional who can hunt the best prey will have the priority to choose a mate, and the women in the tribe can choose at will.

If the winner is a woman, then the men in the tribe can choose at will.

Of course, the premise is that they must be unmarried singles. The people of the Roof Tribe are simple and hospitable.

After learning about Lin Yuan's purpose, Chief Lab asked:

"Can I ask what you want to know about Tiger King Rajaksh?"

"Of course, we killed it."Lin Yuan replied as a matter of course.

This answer shocked the entire tribe, and then many people whispered,

"Are people from the outside world so arrogant? A level 24 professional wants to challenge the level 40 Tiger King Rajaksh."

"His profession is a mage. Have you ever seen how a mage fights?"

"I heard from other tribes that the mage's damage is very high, but his health is very low, so he can't stand being hit."

The words of the professionals in the tribe reached the ears of Lin Yuan and Labu.

As the leader,

Labu waved his hand to stop the tribe members from talking, and said apologetically:

"My people are a little ignorant and outspoken, I hope you don't mind"

"It doesn't matter. My purpose today is just to find the tiger king Rajaksh. Can you tell me where it is?"

Lin Yuan certainly didn't take it to heart, because he could feel that there was no malice in these people's words.

They said those words only because of their limited knowledge.

In short, they have never seen the world.

They don't believe that a level 24 little wizard can challenge the king of jungle tigers.

Rab was hesitating whether to tell Lin Yuan, and Lin Yuan asked again

"Can you tell me where Tiger King Rajaksh's is?"


Lin Yuan took out some equipment from the package.

These were dropped by killing elite monsters before.

There was nothing good.

Lin Yuan was going to disassemble them after returning.

It was just right to buy information.

Seeing Lin Yuan take out so many equipment,

Lab was shocked.

These things looked very familiar to him.

They could only be dropped by elite monsters in the Beast Jungle.

Lin Yuan had to kill at least 50 elite monsters to take out so many equipment.

In fact, this number should be added by 1.

It took more than 150 monsters to kill these monsters to drop these equipment.

Lab didn't know that Lin Yuan had the black hand attribute, but this already shocked Lab. It is not easy for a level 24 little wizard to kill so many elite monsters.

After receiving the equipment,

Lab told Lin Yuan all the information about Tiger King Rajakesh.

After Lab's story,

Lin Yuan suddenly felt a little overwhelmed.

It is understood that

Tiger King Rajakesh originally lived in the Beast Forest.

He is the king of jungle tigers and his template is a hero.

He is very strong, has a lot of younger brothers, and lives a very comfortable life.

Suddenly one day, a void crack appeared in the forest.

Tiger King Rajakesh happened to be nearby.

Out of curiosity, he came to the vicinity of the crack.

As a result, as soon as Tiger King Rajakesh approached the crack, void energy suddenly overflowed and tightly wrapped Tiger King Rajakesh.

The void crack came quickly and went quickly.

After the crack disappeared,

Tiger King Rajakesh's body was filled with void energy.

After returning to the tiger group , the jungle tigers all thought that Tiger King Rajakesh would die, but Tiger King Rajakesh unexpectedly absorbed this energy and evolved into a ghost tiger.

After becoming a ghost tiger,

Tiger King Rajakesh possessed the ability to enter the void.

Since then,

Rajakesh has been basically active in the void and rarely appears in the Beast Forest.

It only appears under extremely special circumstances.

Rab just mentioned that there are two ways to make Rajakesh appear.

One is the mating season.

Although Rajakesh has become a ghost tiger, it is still the king of the jungle tigers after all.

There are a few days every year when it will appear in the Beast Forest to contribute to the reproduction of the tiger group.

However, according to Rab, the mating time for the tiger group this year has passed, and they have to wait until next year.

When Lin Yuan heard this, he thought, this is not possible.

He will wait until next year.

"I was wondering why there is no time limit for this mission. I see. This is really a bummer!"

The previous mission had a time limit and had to be completed within 48 hours.

This mission simply has no time limit.

It turns out that the most difficult part of this mission is not killing Tiger King Rajaksh.

It's finding Tiger King Rajaksh first.

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