I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 1 1 Star Spirit Body Imprinting Technique

Chapter 1 1. Astral Body Imprinting Technique

In three days, except for eating, sleeping and going to the toilet, Kloya kept staring out the window. He watched the scenery outside the window change from prosperous to ordinary, and finally to deserted.

It was not that he wanted to, but he had to digest all kinds of information about the new environment and receive the memories of the original wizard. It took three days to barely sort it out, which was already quite difficult.

He sat in the spacious and comfortable carriage with space magic and sighed deeply.

What should I do if I just learned that my original body was exiled by the Wizard Association after crossing over? Waiting online, it’s very urgent!

He never thought that he would cross over to such a magical world with swords and magic, as well as various magic beasts and magic plants just after sleeping.

The most important thing is... the original body was working well in the Wizard Association. Every day, he studied spells conscientiously and discussed knowledge about planting magic plants with others.

But because he offended a fourth-level wizard's apprentice, the other party set a trap for the original owner, saying that since you discuss farming with others every day, why not go out and be a lord to open up wasteland.

He even took out a fifth-level magic plant, the legendary moonlight spirit dew grass that only the elves have, as a bet.

If you win, you can get the magic plant and return to the capital.

If you lose, you will never be able to return to the capital.

Then the original owner was fooled as expected...

To be honest, this bet is really tempting.

The two parties signed a three-year contract under the notarization of the Mage Association. After three years, someone will come to see how it develops.

So far, it has been going smoothly.

But the problem is that the other party relied on his teacher's power and moved the original owner's territory to a desolate seaside.

Far away from the capital, the land is desolate and barren, and it is said that there are mermaids, sea tribes and monsters invading...

It is even more difficult to develop a territory that can attract the attention of the Mage Association under such circumstances, which is basically equivalent to no chance of turning the tables.

The most important thing is, what is considered a "qualified territory"? This is a very vague concept, which is not much different from the final right of interpretation belonging to the other party.

In this case, what's the use of betting even if it's good?

In his opinion, not being able to return to the capital may be a trivial matter. It's also good to be a lord outside.

Free and easy.

But for those mages who grew up in the capital since childhood, it is equivalent to being away from the temple of truth, plus the shame of exile... It is unacceptable for any mage.

The original owner's mentality was unbalanced, and the magic power rioted, and then... a change of people.

Kloya recalled the things in his memory, and finally he could only lean back boredly, calculating the capital that the original body took away from the capital.

Anyway, things have come to this point, and it might be a good idea to stay away from the capital, a place of right and wrong, and become a small lord.

Those mages are all very sharp. If they find the gap between him and the original owner, they may be interested in slicing him and studying him.

It's safest to stay away from the capital.

Besides, the original body was a first-level magician. Even the local nobles had to be respectful when they saw him.

As for the three-year agreement, he would try his best - after all, he was also a time traveler, and he couldn't be worse than the original owner, right?

When he grew up, he would definitely "repay" that guy.

Thinking of this, Kloya was relieved.

Especially after he calculated the wealth brought by the original body, he instantly felt that it might be quite good -

"Two explosive fire horses, a box of first-level magic crystals, two hundred gold coins, some crop seeds, a mansion spell scroll, and four first-level knights and a butler..."

Two hundred gold coins, this kind of gold coin made of mixed magic metal is not only a currency, but also a precious material.

Its exchange rate with lower-level silver coins and copper coins is 1:100:10000.

Thanks to the control of the Mage Association and the Church in various countries across the continent, this ratio has always been very stable.

But then again, gold coins can basically only be owned and used by nobles, mages, and knights.

In the daily life of ordinary people, silver coins and copper coins are the most common - most of the purchases of materials are made with these two currencies.

And magic crystals are a necessity for the study of mages and daily meditation. Although it is just a box of first-level magic crystals, it was also hoarded by the original owner at a great cost.

The two second-level magic beasts, each of which can spit fireballs and run as fast as fire, are not only mounts and labor, but also have extremely high combat effectiveness.

The knights and butlers outside have also signed contracts with him and can only submit to him. The latter are also good at management and are particularly loyal.

Maybe he is not good at managing the territory, but as long as he finds the right person to use - as a mage, he only needs to be noble and arrogant.

'Thinking about it, my start is pretty good. "

He smiled a little and took the crop seeds prepared by the original body. There was no more information about them in his memory.

He only knew that a good friend who was good at cultivating magic plants gave them to him before he left.

The original owner was a good friend of his, but he happened to be out when he was plotted, so he couldn't speak for the original owner.

When the original owner's transfer order was issued, he finally hurried back before leaving and gave him these seeds.

Farming is an instinct engraved in the soul.

How can the lord not farm?

Besides, he was really curious about what kind of strange existence the crops in the other world would be.

The box containing the crops is an exquisite magic crystal box. This kind of box can preserve the vitality of the seeds to the maximum extent, and they can still take root and sprout even if they are left for decades.

He opened the box.

There are three rows of test tubes arranged very neatly inside. Inside are distinct seeds. For easy identification, they are also labeled.

The label is not only marked with the name of the crop, but also how to plant it and when it will mature. It is very detailed.

"A test tube in a box, is this a rich magician?"

"Let me see, Poseidon barley, sunflowers and...olives?"

After reading out the names of the three crops, he couldn't help but sigh that his original friend who was good at cultivating magic plants and crops really thought of everything.

Poseidon barley is a type of barley that can grow in seawater. It is an absolute pillar crop in coastal areas. After all, bread is an absolute staple food in this world.

It would be nice for commoners and farm servants to have bread made from barley.

There is a huge difference between barley and wheat. The white bread made from the latter is only eaten by nobles.

Because of this difference in class concepts and taste, the price of Poseidon wheat seeds is almost ten times higher than that of barley seeds...

To be honest, it can be said that the original owner's friend can give Poseidon barley, a sustainably grown crop seed, which is already very good.

As for why it can actually grow in sea water, maybe this is the power of magic. It is indeed magical.

Olives can not only clear away heat and detoxify, but also treat fish and crab poisoning, and most importantly, they can extract oil!

Not to mention how many exaggerations and facts there are about its real effect, anyway, the fact that it can extract oil is quite good.

It is said that this is specially modified and cultivated, and it produces a huge amount of oil.

Sunflower is also a treasure and can be said to be a medicine. Its seeds, flower discs, stems and leaves, stem pith, roots, flowers, etc. can all be used to make medicine.

"It's so thoughtful to have such a good friend... Hey, wait, why is there a star mark?"

He suddenly noticed a tiny star mark on the label. He squinted and was about to take a closer look when some information suddenly appeared in his mind——

[Discover the magic plant suitable for the star spirit engraving technique: sunflower. Please activate the engraving technique to view the magic plant star spirit body and perform spell engraving. 】

[Star Spirit Imprinting Technique]: Carry out spell engraving in the astral spirit body of the magic plant/warcraft. After the engraving is successful, the magic plant/warcraft will have the ability of the corresponding spell.

Different magic plants/warcraft require different spell imprints, and materials are needed to assist in their cultivation if necessary.

There is a lack of imprinted spell library information, please explore by yourself based on your own spells.

After reading the message, Croya reluctantly suppressed the raised corners of her mouth - isn't this a golden finger? Although it doesn’t look complete, it’s a golden finger!

Transform the magic plant? Imprinting spell?

'Sunflower's astral body, I only know that it is similar to the genes and souls of the human race. It is not uncommon for monsters to have them, but do magic plants actually have them too?

Wait, if there is this golden finger...can I use the golden finger as the core to establish a special territory?

It seems that the friend who gave me the seed is also the apprentice of a great mage. If I can get in touch with him in this way, my future development should be smooth.

Once you have the strength and influence, it will naturally be easy to take revenge on the guy who attacked the original owner and directly eliminate the roots. ’

He must kill him, otherwise a guy who is hostile to him might cause trouble again.

The more he thought about it, the more he thought it was feasible. He immediately took out a sunflower seed and activated the star spirit engraving technique, intending to see what happened.

With the feeling of the magic power being sucked out of his body, the sunflower seeds in front of him suddenly became very huge.

The feeling of casting this spell was very strange. It was as if he was using it instinctively with the blessing of his soul, but his rune structure and model composition were vague.

There is absolutely no way to understand or extend or modify it.


Do I need to increase my magic level? When my magic level and mental strength increase, I may be able to see the composition of the spell clearly.

He shook his head and ignored it for the time being.

In his eyes——

Through the seed coat, we can see the embryo of a sunflower.

It's just different from the embryos of ordinary seeds. There seem to be countless red silk threads intertwined.

Those silk threads are densely packed and wrapped around the star body of a sunflower in the center. It is sleeping, but there are unconscious murmurs that seem to be saying...

"Fire? Sunlight?"

Croya, who sensed its thoughts, was stunned for a moment and remembered the conditions for the generation of this engraving technique - spell engraving.

Spells need to be modeled. Each spell is composed of a special model and runes. In other words, do you need to build models and runes in it?

He recalled the flame-related spells learned by the original owner, and only thought of a spell called "Sun Ray".

This is a second-level spell that can focus the sun's light to form scorching rays for attack.

Although the original owner had learned all the spell models and runes, he was unable to use them due to insufficient magic power.


‘Is it depicted in the seed? ’

He tried to describe it according to his memory, but his mental energy was quickly consumed. When his mind became dizzy, he finally succeeded in establishing a spell model.

The model slowly entered the silk thread, headed towards Sunflower's astral body, and then merged into it.

At the same time, the message came——

[Successful imprinting, Sunflower (Sun Ray)]

[As the sunflower grows, it will absorb sunlight and continue to accumulate Sun Ray power. If necessary, you can command the sunflower to fire, and the power is determined by the amount of Sun Ray power accumulated. ]

[The Sun Ray power that is not fired will be gathered and stored in the seed. ]

[As the magic plant grows, the spell model will be gradually improved. ]

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