I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 100 100 Double-Headed Sunflowers

Chapter 100 100. Double-headed Sunflower

Under the grapevines in the magic field.

Kloya was staring at a pale white grass in a daze.

He didn't expect that he would find this unexpected surprise just after returning - this seemingly ordinary night-light grass actually had such an idea -

"I want to illuminate the night."

It was a very simple and somewhat immature thought.

In the daytime when the sun was shining, the light it emitted was even relatively dim than other night-light grasses.

Compared to its peers, it not only looked ordinary, but also weak.

But Kloya noticed that its consciousness was extremely firm, and it was even really trying to absorb more magic power and release it at night.

"Night-light grass wants to illuminate the night."

It was indeed a bit difficult for him to evaluate this matter. How to say it, just...

This little grass that barely squeezed into the first-level magic plant relied on absorbing magic power and then converting the magic power into a gentle white light and releasing it.

It itself is equivalent to a walking magic lamp, and it plays more of a styling role.

It is often seen in the gardens of nobles. The ordinary light they emit will serve as a foil for the delicate flowers.

But in theory, if the magic power is sufficient, it should be able to do something.

Because Cloya once heard that a great wizard was bored and infused a large amount of magic power into the night-shining grass. It is said that the light of the night-shining grass instantly covered the land within a radius of hundreds of kilometers.

The night is as bright as day.

But the price is that it is melted by the terrifying magic power and finally completely turned into ashes - only a moment of brilliance, at the cost of life.

The great wizard was also helpless.

He heard that this night-shining grass can be advanced into some particularly powerful magic plant, so he wanted to try it, and it turned out like this.

They seem to have limited the upper limit since they were born.

To be honest, seeing it like this, Cloya is very happy, but helpless.

This wish is really a bit too difficult to satisfy.


"Isn't it interesting because it is difficult to satisfy?" Cloya thought about it.

Since it cannot store too much magic power, can we add a large and stable "magic source" to it to stimulate and evolve it gradually?


Grafting should be possible.

Combine the characteristics of one plant with another plant, so that the new plant has the characteristics of two magic plants. Is this okay?

Store magic and emit light.

If it doesn't work, do some engraving.


If it is suitable as a magic source, there are really quite a few magic plants, but the problem is... all he can think of are trees.

Can grass and trees be grafted?

Well... the answer is definitely not.

Grafting herbaceous plants and woody plants is really a disaster. Their internal structures and forms are different. How can they be grafted?

Kroya can only continue to seek answers in the magic he knows.

Knowledge is used at times like this.

After thinking about it, he suddenly thought of a story he had seen in "Miracle of Light" - Legend has it that there was a knight who fought a demon but lost his arms and legs.

He prayed to God in pain.

God really responded by cutting off the arms and legs of the big demon he had killed, and using a holy art called "splice of broken limbs" to connect them for him.

Then... it really worked.

The knight became a being with a demon arm and a demon leg. In the story, he used the power of the demon to help others and spread God's grace.

In the end, he was even sent to the front line of hell by God to fight an eternal and endless battle with those demons.

Anyway, it was a typical heroic story.

When he saw this story, Kroya just wanted to complain, why did you call God to come, but instead of giving you a rebirth of your broken limbs, you gave you the arms and legs of the demons...

It's okay to give it to you, you worked hard to spread glory to Him, but in the end He threw you into hell and fought a bloody battle with demons.

Is this really something God can do... Well, it seems possible.

He even suspected that this story was specially made up for the alchemy of splicing broken limbs, just like the magic medicines advertised on TV in his previous life.

But anyway.

Since the arms and legs of demons and humans can be spliced, wouldn't the rejection reaction be more serious? Then can it be used on magic plants?

If this test can really succeed...

Then he can really graft plants at will.

The premise is that it can succeed.

Thinking of this, he stared at the ordinary grass with burning eyes and decided to start trying after the dolphins finished their fishing operations.

He couldn't afford it now. Any tree that could store magic power would start at a hundred magic crystals. He was really short of money, so he could only wait and see.


After noting down this night-shining grass, he continued to patrol his fields and found that there were many bees flying around.

They were diligently collecting honey and flying in the flowers.

From the appearance, it can be seen that they should be from the same group of bees that built nests in the terrace garden. It seems that they really like this place.

Croya didn't know much about this kind of magic bee, but he also knew that the way to upgrade them was to absorb more nectar containing magic power.

Their process of brewing honey is actually a bit similar to making a magic potion. After a series of steps such as evaporating water and mixing digestive enzymes, the honey can finally take shape.

In a sense, bees are natural potion masters.

He looked at the bees, and an idea came to his mind - could the bees be his potion mixers?

As far as he knew, some potions required extremely tedious procedures.

For example, in the "Basic Water Potion Alchemy Guide", there is a potion called "Manna Grape Brewing", which requires a specified amount of different materials to be put in every day, which is called complicated.

During this period, if the wrong materials are placed, or a certain quantity is wrong, the potion refining will fail.

The technical requirements are not high, but it is time-consuming and labor-intensive.

"I feel like I can give it a try." He thought thoughtfully.

Just like what you did to the queen ant just now, you can do the same to the queen bee: burn the formula of the magic potion into it.

The mage really has this kind of magic - timed reminder: it is generally used to remind yourself when to do something, equivalent to an alarm clock and a memo.

It just so happens that this kind of magic potion requires grapes as a brewing material. Will these magic field grapes have any special effects?

He decided to make a note of it for the time being, and then start trying after he had enough income from catching fish and purchased the necessary items.

"Oh, just wait for the harvest."

Croya continued to patrol the fields, strolled around for a while, and then returned to his castle.

Continue to study magic at home.

Time flew by, and another three days passed.

Croya, who was immersed in the sunshine and practicing and thinking about the magic tree and the moss on it, suddenly felt a strange magic wave.

This kind of fluctuation contains the joy of new life, like the music of the morning sun.

He was immediately awakened.

After feeling it for a while, he looked in the direction of the terrace and murmured to himself: "Is it a sunflower?"

Something happened to the baby Sunflower. Of course he couldn't continue practicing, so he quickly got up and rushed to the terrace garden.

As a result, when he rushed over, he was surprised to find:

The red sunflower surrounded by them suddenly grew a second orange flower disk, which was emitting fluctuations visible to the naked eye. It contained special magic power and affected all the sunflowers after it overflowed.

Other sunflowers had a bulge next to their flower disks, and then grew at a fast forward speed. Soon a second, somewhat immature, but equally huge flower disk grew next to the first flower disk.

All the sunflowers have two flower disks!


Croya blinked, this, this was really unexpected.


The red sunflower spirit flew out, floated over, landed on Croya's shoulder, and nuzzled him with its big face.

As the embodiment of the red sunflower, it has of course grown two flower disks. But its flower disk is a little special. It is not independent, but has a faint orange shadow behind the first flower disk.

It looks like a halo.


The ghost owl standing on Croya's shoulder tilted its head 180 degrees, staring at the new sunflower elf, as if wondering why it also had a halo.

Croya, who felt the change in its mood, quickly warned: "You can't peck!"

The ghost owl immediately "cooed" twice in dissatisfaction, flapped its wings, and flew away in a swaggering manner.

Hum, if you don’t let me peck you won’t peck!

It decided to go and play with the snake.


Croya shook his head helplessly. This guy had quite a temper, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Not only is the olive laurel that this guy transformed into useful, but also its mood swings make Croya feel very comfortable.

Naturally, I am a lot more tolerant of it.

"But it's really weird that a ghost like you can fly like this under the sun with such arrogance."

After complaining, Croya looked at the red sunflower and carefully examined its changes. The last time he looked at it, it was mutating based on the red refrain.

This time, when I looked at it, it turned out to be true.

The position of the magic pattern representing the red refrain has changed——

[Due to the special influence of the red refrain, the form of this magic plant will change. 】

After a brief inspection, Croya immediately realized something very important - if this could be reproduced in large quantities... would all magic plants that can bloom have two flowers? !

If this was really the case, it would simply be the most powerful magic mark he had ever seen so far.

Two flowers are not as simple as a double harvest.

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