I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 170 170 Pea pistol, machine gun, rocket

Chapter 170 170. Pea pistol, machine gun, rocket...

In a valley.

Kloya is continuously injecting his orange magic power into the earth.

After being purified by him, the magic power drawn from the Mammon flower vine is still the magic power of the devil, but in fact it is completely free of the extreme chaos and erosion of the devil's magic.

After falling to the ground, they soaked the dry land and turned it into a crystalline land surrounded by a light orange glow.

This transformation is extremely slow.

Because he did not choose the easy way of the magic field method, but planned to really transform the land thoroughly-turning this area from air, water to soil into an environment suitable for the survival of greedy demons.

It's a brand new attempt.

While injecting magic power, Kloya paid attention to the Glazed Ice Soul Lotus in his hand.

At this time, he had already injected the desire from greed into it, and was using his magic power to catalyze it, hoping that it could give birth to "consciousness".

The desire for life is shared by all life.

Sometimes, the harder you suppress it, the harder it is to suppress this desire once it is born, not to mention that there is Kloya's magic to help.

That is the magic of the sun, the light that all life depends on for survival, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the root of life.

"You have to give birth to your own consciousness."

"You have to have your own desires."

"You have to... really live."

He muttered here, and the music surrounded the Glazed Ice Soul Lotus. The inside of the lotus was orange, symbolizing the light of greed.

Obviously, what he did caused great trouble and trouble to the power that originally existed here, and the sound of chanting can be said to be getting louder and louder.

But there is always a feeling of being powerful on the outside but weak on the inside.

If you really want to suppress this greedy desire for life, the power must be restrained and will not be so overflowing.

Now this situation is more like being unable to suppress the inner desire, and can only use the chanting sound to influence Kloya who transmits this magic.

Of course it is useless.

The orange light gradually permeated from the lotus pod to the crystal clear lotus petals, which meant that it had gradually escaped from the suppression of the power inside the lotus pod.

As the orange light spread.

An indescribable power of greed and desire rose in the petals and lotus, and this greedy desire was so strong.

"I want to... come alive."

Such a voice echoed in the lotus's astral body.

From weak to huge.

In the end, it was actually devouring the power that originally existed inside the lotus, replacing the sound of chanting, and echoing the desire for life.

"... It seems not right."

Kroya suddenly had a bad premonition that this lotus seemed to go from the extreme of suppressing desire to the other extreme of being filled with desire.

He felt that this lotus was now filled with very exaggerated power, which was gradually expanding and had exceeded level three.

This was not only the desire of the greedy demon he injected that was taking effect, but also the power of the lotus itself, the power of desire suppressed in the lotus pod.

This power of desire was hidden very deeply, even Kloya could not find it. It was accompanied by "nothingness" and dead silence. It was not suppressed or dispelled, but interdependent.

It did not appear before because it maintained a balance. Now that the balance was suddenly broken, it completely surged out.

Kloya suddenly had a very strange feeling - the birth of desire under the sun...

Was he going to replicate a greedy demon?

"That won't work. You have to calm down." Kloya thought about it. If you want to prevent it from going the way of the demon, you must relieve these emotions.

Then he really has a good magic.

It is the magic "Light of the Soul" that was once engraved on the magic crystal white mouse. That magic can actually relieve the emotional pressure in the heart.

He just needs to make a little improvement...

Immediately, he began to engrave magic.

This time, it was not the light of the soul alone, but on the basis of the light of the soul, another kind of magic called the fire of the soul was added.

This kind of magic sounds very similar to the light of the soul. In fact, it can barely be regarded as a level 5 spiritual magic.

The effect is that one can form his own mental power into flames, burning the mental power of life, which is a kind of mental attack.

The process of engraving was not smooth.

Because the desire that this guy was born and expanded was really too exaggerated, even when Kloya's consciousness extended into it, he felt that he was facing a monster that was about to hatch.

After all, he really didn't expect that the suppressed desire would be so strong when it was released.

I don't know how long this thing has been suppressed.

About ten minutes later, he barely completed it-

[Engraving successful, Glazed Ice Soul Lotus (Orange Ode, Heart Fire, Heart Light)]

[The desire for life will cause the Glazed Ice Soul Lotus to continue to burn the heart fire and emit its own light of desire until the desire is dissipated. ]

[The form of the magic plant will change. ]

After a mediocre introduction, the magic plant that was originally as transparent as glass and represented ice has undergone a huge change.

The orange flame burned on the petals, and the orange light burst out from each of its petals, illuminating the surroundings.

It became an elemental magic plant.

This light and fire do not have any special temperature. Although it is burning vigorously, it does not feel like it is in the same world.


Kroya frowned.

He tentatively stretched out his hand and threw a wisp of greedy desire power into the flame of the lotus. As a result, the wisp of desire power was instantly burned out by the flame.

The flame became more vigorous.

It... seemed to be using desire as fuel and burning continuously.

What is this extreme? From suppressing desire to endless desire, and finally using desire as fuel?


A voice suddenly came from there.

It sounded directly in the soul and consciousness. The voice was very clean and clear, like a newborn baby.

"Come out."

Kroya already felt something.

As soon as his voice fell, a little elf with a shape like a flame appeared in the flame of the lotus.

The elf had wings like a sparrow, and was surrounded by a flame halo and orange light that was rising like lotus petals. It looked very sacred and cute.

It flew to Croa's shoulder very familiarly, rubbed Croa's cheek slightly, and exuded a sense of infinite dependence and closeness.

"Sure enough, it has been born with spirituality." Croa took the elf in his hand and looked at it. It was cute.

It felt soft and cool. If it was a little bigger, it would be good to use it as a pillow.

The magic power in this guy's body is mainly composed of his power, but it also carries a very exaggerated unknown power.

It's just... very gentle and compassionate.

If I have to say it, it reminds Croa of the Buddha statue that he had worshiped in his previous life a long time ago, the kind of compassion and kindness to all things in the world revealed between his eyebrows.

It is hidden deep in the elf's body, transforming it imperceptibly, but it is estimated that it will disappear soon.

Kloya poked the elf's soft body: "You must have been extraordinary before, do you still have any memories before?"


It shook its head gently: "Master, the first person I saw when I was born was you, and I don't have any memories before."


Although it was a little disappointed, it was normal. It didn't even have spirituality and consciousness before, so how could it have memories?

Kloya was expecting to get some news about the world where it was born.

He asked again: "Then what's your use?"


After a brief silence, the elf presented a lotus seed engraved with mysterious magic patterns to Kloya.

"Master, this is my lotus seed, which contains my power. As long as you contain it, you can accept my flame."


Kloya caught the small lotus seed in an orange-red shape and found that this thing was a stable spell model, or a natural magic guide.

He easily controlled the lotus seed and released a blazing orange flame through it.

It seemed to be more powerful than the lotus elf itself.

At the same time at this moment.

Kloya felt the throbbing of the last chapter of the Orange Song, and the flame... was related to it.

‘The last chapter. ’

He was happy that he had accidentally discovered the method for the last chapter.

The elf seemed to have sensed his joy as well, and spontaneously flew to the branch of the Gray Smoke Tree next to him.

The flames like lotus petals fell on the latter's branches.

Immediately, there was a jumping orange flame burning on the branches, but it did not seem to cause any damage to the branches, as if a layer of special effects was applied.

However, the Star Body Imprinting Technique immediately gave a hint -

[Gray Smoke Tree, Blessed by Karma Fire Lotus. ]

[When swallowing all the products of this demon plant, including fruits, branches, sap roots and other items, you will not feel desire. ]

"Ah? Wait, why did the name change."

"From Glazed Ice Soul Lotus to Karma Fire Lotus?"

Kloya came back to his senses from thinking about the third chapter.

Is there a concept of Karma Fire in this world? My golden finger magic can actually recognize these two words.

Could it be that the change from restraining desire to burning desire has turned into a fire of karma?

Then what is the use of the gray smoke tree after it has been burned by the fire of karma?

He was very curious, so he broke off another branch, sucked the sap inside and tasted it.

The feeling of drinking it this time was no different from before, except that the previous drink left a lingering fragrance on the lips and teeth.

But this time, the taste disappeared immediately after drinking it.

Just when you want to savor it, it suddenly stops, and only the thought of "it tastes good" echoes, but you can't remember its taste at all.

In a sense, this kind of beauty that stops abruptly makes people want to continue drinking, because there is no way to savor it, and every time it is brand new.

It is the opposite of the long aftertaste.

"So this is your power... Do you have any more?"

"I can help you take care of this field."

The lotus elf waved his hand, and some orange flames flew out from its petals, perfectly mixing with the magic that Kloya was injecting into the earth.

The whole land suddenly burned with orange flames, and magic rose from the sheep, jellyfish, and Tyrannosaurus Rex.

They were surprisingly very adapted to the magic.

"...Ah, why is that, doesn't your power burn desire?"

"I feel your magic..."

Its expression was also very confused, "Anyway, I can help you!"


"Okay, then you just take care of this magic field."

Croya couldn't figure out the connection. It was probably because his magic power led to the birth of this little lotus elf, so the latter also had something in common with his magic power?

He doesn't know, but it doesn't prevent him from using it.

"You stay here to help me take care of this field. If you need anything, tell me."

After explaining something, he planned to leave.

Time is quite urgent, he still has to prepare "gifts" for Stein and his mentor, and they will be rolled and flattened as soon as they arrive on the island.

Who knew that the lotus elf was chasing after him.

"I can follow you, as long as my body stays here."

There was obvious attachment in the elf's eyes.

Croya patted it: "That's better. Since you can leave, then follow me."

With that said Croya took it and left the valley.

Following the preliminarily built road, he quickly arrived at the magic field. At this time, because the magic field had expanded, there was no scene of more than a thousand magic plants crowded together.

For example, trees such as red flame pine, Torna blood pomegranate, and flame cherry have been transplanted to separate areas. Although they are still small at the moment, they will definitely become a forest as they grow up.

Speaking of which, Croya also bought some of them again.

When he was communicating with Lord Yanshan at one point, he said that he had some very special magic plants and asked the other party if he wanted to try them.

The latter was suffering from the growing appetite of the red dragon, so he immediately agreed as if he had grasped a life-saving straw.

Then... the blood grass fungus takes effect.

Lord Yanshan said that the red dragon liked these blood grass fungi very much, so he signed a long-term supply contract with Croya.

We provide about one ton of blood grass fungi every month. If there are too many, the other party can purchase them in unlimited quantities.

And what Lord Yanshan paid was his magic plants and some products of the red dragon. You must know that even if the red dragon is asleep, it can provide a lot of treasures.

For example, fallen scales, saliva, even blood and the unconsciously produced dragon breath are all good things.

These things are difficult to value, and it just so happens that Cloya's blood grass fungus is also difficult to value, so relatively speaking, the price is just right.

With these things, while greatly expanding Croya's magic plant library, it also brought him a little surprise.

Just like the seemingly flat land in front of him now.

If you look carefully, you can see that there are actually some well-hidden, small scale-shaped thorns underneath.

This is the hot wind thorn inside the magic plant.

When Croya transformed and tried them, he found that it absorbed the essence of the dragon scales, and the thorns turned into these small thorns.

It's more like a dragon scale thorn than a thorn.

As long as a person steps on it, it will immediately pierce hard and release the flames belonging to the red dragon.

Croya came here to imprint a magic on them so that they can identify different magics, and then issue a magic card to each one.

If the magic was different, they would penetrate hard.

Use it as a defensive measure.

"That's the magic."

Croya bent down to carve inside a hot wind thorn, and the carving was quickly completed.

[Successful engraving, Hot Wind Thorns·Red Dragon Alienation (Magic Mark·Cloya’s Eternal Magic Power.)]

[This magic plant will sense Croya's eternal magic power, and will attack all alien magic powers when no eternal magic power passes through. 】

[Under the influence of eternal magic power, the vitality of this magic plant will be greatly increased. 】

After the engraving was completed, Croya took out a fish at random, then reached out and threw it.

When the poor fish was about to fly over the thorns, the thorns below suddenly stood up and grew to more than one meter high, instantly stabbing the fish to the core.

The fish twitched for less than a second and died - the hot flames burned its body, and it was quickly reduced to ashes.

The thorns entangled the fish's ashes slowly retreated into the ground, looking as if nothing had happened.

When the lotus elf witnessed this scene, the flames on his body trembled for a moment, and he quietly shrank towards Croya's neck.

"Don't be afraid." Croya comforted it casually and nodded with satisfaction.

That's good. I just need to add a magic that hides the magic power on it, and it will be really hard to defend against.

After the test was successful, Croya temporarily used magic to circle the circle of thorns to prevent anyone from entering, and then came to the place where peas and flame tree stumps were planted.

He had the idea of ​​a pea shooter a long time ago, and now it can finally be completed.

With the magic of magic mark, you can make them hit wherever you point them, and truly turn them into a defensive facility - of course, they still need a more complicated transformation.

Croya first added a canned knowledge to the inside of their astral bodies.

This piece of canned knowledge is actually a blueprint for an alchemical creation called the "Magic Pistol."

It is an alchemical creation that looks like a gun, but does not require gunpowder or ammunition and can turn magic power into bullets.

What Cloya was going to do was to let the pea use its body to refine a pistol, and it happened that it had the special power to convert magic into kinetic energy.

Peas are bullets, and kinetic energy is power.

In this way, the pea shooter should be able to be reproduced.

In order to make the "pea shooter", Cloya spent a lot of money to buy the blueprint of the magic pistol.

Because after trying many times, he still couldn't make the magic plant turn into the form he imagined, and finally thought about it and could only use this method.

It depends on whether the knowledge can work.

"I hope you won't let me down."

"Be obedient, this will allow your seeds and resin to spread further..."

Cloya spent some time adding imprints to it, and used his consciousness to help them understand the contents of the canned knowledge.

About an hour later, the imprint was finally completed.

[Imprinting successful, impact pea·flame stump (canned knowledge·magic pistol)]

[The form of this magic plant will change. 】

Under his somewhat tired gaze, the impact peas and flame stumps that had been staying there obediently underwent earth-shaking changes.

First, the peas, the peas in its pods grew rapidly, quickly poked out of the pods, stretched and elongated, and became the shape of gun barrels.

It was like a bunch of gun barrels spliced ​​on the pods.

Next was the flame stump, which grew a brand new branch, wrapped around the impact peas, and continuously injected flames and oil into the latter's pods.

Then... it fired "bang bang bang"!

Under the impact of the magic transformation in the peas, the oil and flames turned into "bullets" and sprayed at an extremely exaggerated speed.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang! "

The bullet hit the ground, and flames and grease splashed instantly, continuing to burn on the ground until the grease burned out slowly.

Kloya was stunned. How could it become like this?

This is no longer a shooter.

It's a flame pea machine gun!

Can you still adapt to changes like this? I always feel something is wrong, but it seems to be right.

Speaking of which, this is the first time that the magic plant did not change as Kloya expected. In the past, the magic plant...even if it was engraved with magic, you could roughly guess what it would become.

But this was really unexpected.

This thing looks like a row of water guns, with peas as gun barrels and branches of the flame stumps as pipes to supply it with magic and resin.

They are madly firing flame-burning resin bullets at the surroundings.

There is a very excited and manic consciousness in the star spirit body--

"Wow! Spread further! "

It was because of this consciousness that it fired grease bullets frantically to the side - it should be the consciousness of the flame tree stump, and the peas were not fired.

"No, where are the peas?"

When Kloya was puzzled, he suddenly saw the peas that had fired the flame resin bullets ejected from the pea pod.


With all the remaining magic power and flames, it flew away like a rocket and soon disappeared from his sight.

"Where did it go?" Kloya hurriedly asked the Wood Yao Qu Teng King beside him.

An eyeball-shaped crystal ball appeared on the surface of the latter's vine body, which clearly recorded the direction in which the peas flew -

It had left Hanjiao Island.

It was relying on the flames and magic power that were constantly burning on the surface as fuel, flying towards the direction of the mainland, and finally even disappeared from the field of vision of the Wood Yao Qu Teng King.

At this time, the distance it flew must have exceeded 300 kilometers.

"...Is it really a rocket? ? ? "

Kroya had a complicated expression and didn't know what to say.

At first he thought it was a pistol, but it turned out to be a machine gun, and finally it turned into a rocket!

This is really a surprise.

I just don't know who will be so unlucky to be shot by the pea rocket launcher.

Big guys, there is only one update today, 6K...I suddenly have a writer's block, I have to sort out the outline...I owe one update.

Thanks to the reward from the living hero or the dead ghost hero, thank you all for the monthly tickets and recommendation tickets, happy month end!

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