I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 192 The mission of birth, the blue flower

Chapter 192 192. The mission of birth, the blue flower

In Croya's original imagination, the kingdom of mermaids should be extremely dreamy, full of magnificent and magical scenery that is unimaginable to mortals.

But what happened was the scene that appeared in front of him.

Not only is it not beautiful, it can even be said to be very dilapidated——

In front of him was a land full of crack marks, with dark brown spots flashing inside those marks, extending to the indigo blue sea in the distance.

Various ruins and broken walls cover the land. The towering stone pillars and dilapidated wall murals all seem to tell that there was once a country here.

A once glorious country.

If the only thing that is complete here is the moonlight.

The radiance of the bright moon, which is as real as substance, shines on this land. Their light is not affected in any way, forming a sharp contrast with the dilapidated land.

One is eternal, the other is dilapidated.

The strong contrast made the boundary between reality and fantasy more and more obvious, and it also made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Croya stood on the ground and frowned slightly.

He felt that the magic power in his body seemed to be trembling, as if it wanted to come out and illuminate this desolate world.


"Dead silence..."


He seemed to be able to hear some sounds echoing around him, and he was very sure that the source of these sounds was the entire world.

"Could it be?"

This world seems to be a huge "creature", and the desire coming from the astral body engraving technique is soaring to the sky, as if expecting someone to answer the call.

He squinted his eyes and tried to activate the Astral Spirit Body Engraving Technique, but the Astral Spirit Body Engraving Technique did not work.

This voice was not converted by the astral body engraving technique, but was manifested by his magic power and the art of communicating with all things that he had learned.

"What are you looking at."

A voice came from the side, interrupting Croya's thoughts.

He turned around and saw the mermaid archmage Aria, whom he had not seen for a while, staring at him with curiosity in her eyes.

"Have you also heard the screams of this world?"

Aaliya circled around Croya and said meaningfully: "Kid, your strength is improving very quickly."

"A fifth-level mage, this is truly unprecedented."

"Even the original Eurydice did not make progress as fast as you."


Level five? I didn’t even know I was at level five.

He blinked, still maintaining respect for his seniors, but did not mention his own rank:

"Long time no see, Archmage."

It had indeed been a long time since I had seen him. When I first met the mermaid archmage, I felt very stressed.

But now... he has so many plug-ins at his disposal. If he is willing to use the symphony, Aaliya is really no match for him.

Aaliya nodded. She had received some advice from King Mihai, and her attitude towards Croya was not as condescending as before.

Now it is more of an equal exchange and communication:

"Since you have heard His lamentation, come on. If you can bring this land and ocean back to life... you will gain the friendship of all mermaids."

As she spoke, she led Croya through the desolate land and came to the edge of the dead ocean.

This sea is even deadlier than the earth, and has a strange fishy smell. The waves raised by the sea water are filled with filthy white foam, which is like a pool of turbid sewage.

This scenery stretches to the end of the field of vision, or... to the entire boundless ocean.

It's all dead silent.

Being used to seeing sea areas full of life, Croya felt uncomfortable all over when he suddenly saw this kind of sea area.

The dead sea has a much stronger visual and tactile impact than the barren land.

"Wait, that's..."

He suddenly noticed something, empowered himself with the eagle eye technique and looked into the distance——

I saw that in the depths of this ocean, there were actually mermaids swimming in it, and there were also some female mermaids with big bellies who were giving birth.

Their bodies were shrouded in moonlight, and their expressions were painful and weak.

The first batch of five little mermaids were soon born.

When the little mermaid is born, the life of the little mermaid will be injected into the surrounding sea, and the moonlight will spread.

The scales on the tails of those small mermaids, about the size of a palm by visual inspection, are so delicate that they have to swim in the filthy sea water before they even open their eyes.

The light surrounding their bodies was soft, but also had a cold divinity. Even if they felt uncomfortable and their bodies were twitching, they still had to swim in the sea water.

As they swam, the moonlight dispersed.

The dirty seawater gradually became clear under the moonlight, returning to a clear blue color, smearing from a small area and spreading to the surroundings.

Croya looked at them silently.

To be honest, his previous impression of the mermaid tribe was not very good, especially since they caused a huge snowstorm and covered the entire northern part of the kingdom.

But now that I see this scene, I can't help but be a little touched.

It is obvious that these are the newborn little mermaids purifying the ocean, and the source of this purifying power is their lives.

Even without the Celestial Spirit Body Imprinting Technique taking effect, he could feel the life breath of those little mermaids gradually becoming weaker.

Aaliya said from the side:

"God is just."

"We have been given authority over the sea, but we also have to purify all the seas in the world."

"The new mermaid tribe was born in the song of the sea, and they must also bear responsibilities."

"The little mermaid has the most special magic power. It is full of life and can purify the dead sea. This is the baptism that each of us mermaids must go through when they are born."

"What if it can't be completed?" Croya asked.


This time Aaliya did not answer, but the sea in the distance also gave the answer——

The light around a little mermaid dissipated, and she was directly exposed to the dead and filthy sea water, and she could not survive even a minute.

She struggled feebly, her tail gradually lost its vitality, and her body was decomposed by the seawater, turning into foam and finally disappearing into the seawater.

There are no traces left.

Only her mother, the adult fish protected in the moonlight, was covering her mouth and crying, not even daring to make a sound.

Because devoting herself to the ocean is the root of the Creation Consciousness’ creation of the mermaid, she cannot cry, she can only laugh.

To be honest, putting aside the prejudices and barriers between races, this scene alone is really uncomfortable.

It is really sad that the child he worked so hard to give birth to died directly.

"I don't know your customs."

Croya sighed softly. He really didn't know much about mermaids, and there was no introduction to mermaid rituals in the classics.

Even the ancient book given by Orpheus Oak did not mention that the birth ceremony of the mermaid tribe turned out to be like this.

"No one knows." Alia seemed to have a little smile in her tone: "Friends who know our customs have already left the sea of ​​​​stars. You may be the first foreigner to see our birth ceremony in thousands of years."

"Do you have any ideas?"

"We have invited great magicians and red-robed bishops to purify the sea water, but to no avail."

She had a little expectation when she said this.

Mihai, the King of Mermaids, once told her that this human being contained extraordinary magic power and might be able to help them do something.

Even a little help would be of great help to today's mermaid tribe - no little mermaids have been born for so long, it is very difficult to purify this sea of ​​​​fetuses.

According to the predictions of the priests in the tribe, out of the forty-six little mermaids, if four to five survive, it will be considered a blessing from the false god.

Her question made Croya confused:


"What can I do? I am a mage. If you can tell me this magical model for purifying sea water, then I may have some method."

He spread his hands to express his helplessness.

Even the Archmage can't do anything, so what can he do?

The reason why a miracle is a miracle is because it cannot be replicated. It would be too high of a good thing for a poor mage like him to participate in Xu Shen's magic.

There was nothing he could do if he was not professionally qualified.

Of course, he would be happy to help if he could. After all, you are making a living in the sea. If you can have a good relationship with the mermaid tribe, at least you don't have to worry about anyone coming to the sea to cause trouble.

But after hearing Croya's answer, Aaliya seemed to have made some determination.

"This is actually an ancient magic."

She stared at Croya with a serious expression: "I will convince the king to get its carrier, but it's up to you whether you can learn it!"

After saying that, she turned around and left, leaving Croya a little confused.


Why do you feel like things are getting more complicated?

The mermaid Alia quickly swam across the dead sea and came to the mermaid king in the deepest part of the ocean.

The king of mermaids was staring at the dark and deep abyss below, but his eyes reflected the figure of a female mermaid - her body was surrounded by chains made of moonlight, sleeping in the extremely dark depths.

Sensing Aria's approach, the Mermaid King made no move and said in a casual tone:

"The human mage wants it."

He had long known Aria's intention, the entire sea area was shrouded in his spiritual power, and of course he had listened to the entire conversation just now.

"Yes, since you said you can trust him..." Aaliya originally wanted to try to persuade him.

As a result, the Mermaid King smiled slightly, turned his palm and took out a delicate round object.

It was like an orb carved from silver brilliance, with countless curved lines like waves intertwining around a box-shaped pattern in the middle.

The mermaid's eyes suddenly widened.


She didn't expect King Mihai to be so decisive.

This is the core of the phantom formed by the power of the virtual god. It is the secret treasure of the mermaid clan, a special magical device called the "treasure box".

It is one of the roots of magic.

So many legendary mages and gods have coveted it, but they were all severely beaten by the mermaid tribe. Even the army of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce was swallowed up by the angry sea.

The King of Mermaids was suddenly so decisive, which made Aria feel a little uncomfortable - could this be a lie?

As soon as the treacherous thought arose, she felt her hand sink, and the silver orb had fallen into her hand.

She suddenly panicked and held the orb carefully, more cautiously than protecting her own life.

The Mermaid King said, "Let him try to learn. With the recognition of the Void God, he can be considered a friend of our Mermaids."

"If it can really help these little guys survive, even it is worth it."

After saying that, he waved his hand.


Alia immediately left.

Somewhat impatiently, she took the treasure box to the beach.

Only the Mermaid King was left staring at the deep abyss, his eyes lingering on his queen's belly for a long, long time.

There was his child in there, but in this environment, even his child would find it difficult to survive.

He knew that if he did this, the elders might hit the pillars of Atlantis with their heads again.

However... they have hit it so many times, so this time is not a big deal.

If he killed a few people, he might be much more relaxed.


Alia soon brought the precious ancient magic device to Cloya.

She held the orb carefully and introduced it, "This is one of the roots of the magic of illusion. It is the core made of illusion crystals, a magic device called the treasure box.

It contains the magic of restoring the ocean.

The king has unlocked the authority."

As she spoke, she handed the orb to Cloya.

The latter took it quickly and looked at the orb curiously.

This name always gave him a sense of déjà vu - the suffix of the wise man of the water magic and the suffix of the operation of the mother earth were also two-character naming formats.

Is this thing the same as them?

But it was obvious that Alia could not answer him, so Cloya could only cautiously approach the orb with his mental power.


He felt the vast sea of ​​spell models inside, but all of them were dim and could not be seen clearly, except for one that was flashing light inside.

It was a very, very complex spell model, and there were matching spell gestures and spells around it.

It's not like Croa hasn't learned complex and powerful magic before. Both the Celestial Body Imprinting and the Rainbow Poem are considered to be particularly powerful magic.

But the complexity of this magic seems to be a little more exaggerated than the other two.

This doesn't mean that this kind of magic is definitely more powerful than the Celestial Body Imprinting and the Rainbow Poem, but its characteristics are like this, giving people the same feeling as that kind of cumbersome sacrificial ceremony.

And there are many wave moonlight ritual structures in it, which Croa has never seen before. If he can fully control it, it is estimated that it will be of great help to him in improving magic.

The system of magic is originally like this. As long as there is a perfect and stable foundation, new magic research can be carried out on the foundation.

Fortunately, he has seen the water magic and the divine model of the Earth Mother Goddess, which are somewhat similar to this.

So the research is not slow.

After a brief study, he hesitated and said, "If I'm not mistaken, this magic... is a very strange summoning technique."

"It will summon the power of some powerful existence and then purify the sea."

Hearing this, Alia's eyes lit up.

"Just as you thought, this divine art is essentially borrowing the power of our supreme virtual god."

"Can you find a way to perform it?"

"If we want to perform it, we can only use life as fuel."

Her expression was obviously a little anxious.

Because of the characteristics of the mermaids, if they want to perform this kind of magic that is almost divine, they can only let the new mermaids use their lives as the price.

The sacrifices and divine arts of the ancient gods have always been like this, a little barbaric, because they don't need anything else, just life and soul.

Even their virtual gods are the same.

It's just that the cost of summoning the virtual god is met in other ways.


Kroya didn't say anything, just tried to use magic to replicate the magic he had just seen.

According to his guess, this kind of magic should be to extract something, something that only exists in the mermaid's body.

So there should be no problem for him to perform it.

Red light surrounded the edge of his body, and they seemed to have their own life, intertwined and entangled, as if to form something.

Unfortunately, this magic power did not take shape and completely dissipated.

But after this attempt, Kloya's eyes lit up and asked Alia:

"I need the Phantom Crystal."


Alia showed a hesitant expression on her face, but it was only for a moment. She nodded heavily and turned away.

About twenty minutes later, she returned and handed a prismatic crystal to Kloya: "This is the Phantom Crystal you want."

At this time, she was panting, sweating, just like going to a sauna, and her face was extremely pale.

"What's wrong with you?"


She obviously didn't want to say it, so Kloya didn't continue to ask, and looked down at the Phantom Crystal in his hand.

The silver light in this crystal is almost flowing out, and holding it in your hand is like holding a small moon.

It is obviously a high-quality phantom crystal.

It is much higher in quality than the crystal that Kroya got from the Silver Moon Elk.

Should I say that it is worthy of being a mermaid?

After he sighed, he began to absorb the power of the phantom inside, and then controlled it to slowly draw in front of him - silver light flowed out from his fingertips, and soon a round silver mirror was drawn.

Some light spots seemed to be emitted from the mirror, and they flew towards the sea and soon fell into the sea water.

The originally turbid sea water quickly became clear under the illumination of the light spots.

The mermaid Alia saw this scene and widened her eyes, as if she had seen something unbelievable.

Humans can actually perform their magic!

But the good times did not last long, and the light spots soon disappeared.

The mirror and the precious phantom crystal also quickly faded, the former collapsed, and the latter lost color and turned into dust.

In just less than thirty seconds, the magic power in this phantom crystal, which was at least the level of a fourth or fifth magic crystal, was exhausted.

Kroya looked at the phantom crystal that had turned into ashes, and his guess in his heart could be confirmed - what it needed was the power of phantom, and the mermaids had this kind of phantom power in their bodies.

He said to Alia:

"If you want to cast this magic for a long time, you need a carrier with a lot of phantom power."

"It's best to use a magic plant."

After thinking for a while, the latter showed a more solemn expression on her face.

"I know there is a magic plant that should meet your requirements."

"It's coming soon."

Kroya was a little confused, but he didn't say anything else. He just continued to practice this magic in his mind while waiting for things to happen.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Soon, the moonlight in the sky suddenly became brighter, and there was a very obvious sense of distortion in the air, and this feeling was spread throughout every inch of air.

It was like a portal to some other world was about to open.

When it fell on the ground.

Some clear blue flowers like dogtail grass grew on the originally barren land.

They swayed gently.

The barren land was covered with blue flowers, which appeared in the moonlight and expanded outward.

Soon, even the sea was covered with these flowers.

They covered the dead silence and desolation, leaving only the swaying blue flowers in the whole world, and even the moonlight was completely dim.


Through the Star Body Imprinting Technique, Kloya has seen their structure and name.

That is... the Spiritual Wisdom Grass.

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