Chapter 204 204. Hello, sun.

Before this "brave man" stabbed Cloya with the dagger he got from nowhere, the apprentice Jamie beside him reacted quickly.

"You dare!"

Jamie was immediately furious.

"Give up!"

This was the man he had found. If he assassinated Cloya because of the man he had found, his conscience would definitely be very uneasy.

He first threw out a most basic magic energy impact, and then cast the water rope spell - the prismatic magic cone hit the man's wrist, making him unable to hold the dagger due to the pain. The blue water rope stretched out from the river and tied the man up as if it had its own spirituality.

The whole process took no more than three seconds.

Both the speed and decisiveness of the spell made Cloya very satisfied and relieved - of course, he obviously did not kill him.

This made Cloya especially satisfied. Although decisive killing is a good thing, the current situation is obviously a bit strange.

If he was really killed, he might not be able to understand some things, which might have some impact on the future events and development.

As Kloya's earliest apprentice, he was particularly valued by Kloya.

Although his talent can only be said to be average, he can get a lot of resources.

After a period of hard meditation and practice, Jamie is now close to a second-level magician, and it is still easy to deal with an ordinary person with a little blood courage.

As for those beavers rushing over with a chirp...

"Sit down."

For the monsters, Kloya doesn't even need to cast spells deliberately, just materialize the mental power into oppressive power.

He even used a little of the "Dragon Power" technique he learned from the Void Moon Illusion Fish Dragon.

The poor beavers were like being hit by a heavy hammer, and they instantly fell to the ground and trembled.

However, Kloya still had a good impression of these brave little creatures who dared to charge at him, so he only suppressed them for a short time and then released the suppression of them.

Then, he looked at the controlled man and said with interest:

"Tell me, what are you doing?"

He was really curious: "Is it because I sensed something?"

"Can you sense it?"

In his perception, this was just an ordinary person with little power. If he could sense his mental power, then this world would be too crazy.


The man didn't speak, but stared at the river with a dead face, with longing and hope in his eyes.

It was obvious that he didn't intend to speak, and even looked like he was going to kill or cut him.

The rest of the people were trembling like the beaver.

They had no idea why this guy suddenly went crazy. Now it was the master wizard who appeared here!

If it was someone else here, he would probably threaten him with the life of his companion.

But Kroya didn't do that.

He didn't even wait for him to answer, but chose to look at the group of beavers lying on the ground and asked, "Why do you want to attack me?"

Of course, he used the communication of all things.

After learning this magic from the Crystal Turtle, he became more and more proficient in using it.

Friendliness is a prerequisite for communication, and what is more important than friendship is to make both parties feel a comfortable environment and atmosphere.

Just at this point, Kloya said that he had a way.

His tone was gentle and calm, like the sun, and he stroked them with his magician's hand.

When the warm red and orange magic hands stroked them, these beavers sank all of a sudden.

The desire and love for the sun made them immediately put down their full intention to attack him just now.

They even took the initiative to approach--

The fat beavers walked slowly to Kloya's side, sniffed left and right, and finally lay down on the ground.

Then they showed their round and fatter belly. It was like basking in the sun, and their expressions were extremely comfortable.

It seemed that they were not the ones who wanted to charge Kloya just now.


After Cloya picked a few lucky beavers and stroked them a few times, the beavers immediately started talking. After the translation of the communication art of all things, it was probably like this-

"He is the one favored by the pink porpoises!"

"There are only a few pink porpoises left."

"Woo, don't hurt them."

"They can purify the river and revive the waters."

Cloya nodded repeatedly, and then glanced at the man next to him again with a faint smile on his face.

The latter was already surprised at this time, as if he couldn't believe that the beavers were so close to Cloya.

After some communication, Cloya finally understood why these beavers were so excited.

It turned out that these pink porpoises were really "elves".

It's just that this elf is not formed by natural spirituality, nor is it a long-eared elf in the forest, but an elf favored by the earth and nature.

Before the bitter winter created by the mermaids, these pink dolphins have been living in this river. They will release their own unique power to regulate the magic in the river.

What they like most is the warm spring-like river water.

So when the cold winter comes, they can only be forced to dive to the bottom of the river and fall asleep.

However, the cold winter of the mermaids is not just a literal cold winter, their essence is actually a very terrifying icy magic.

It is equivalent to creating a forbidden magic in the north.

The pink river dolphins are of course vulnerable to the magic of these forbidden magics, but they are still trying their best to maintain the magic balance inside the river.

As a result, the leader of the pink river dolphins was helped by a force when he was about to die because he could not resist the erosion of these magics.

This power seems to come from the earth and nature, and they are persuading the river dolphins to spend the cold winter in a safe place.

After persuasion, it finally realized that it could not resist the great power of heaven and earth.

Immediately, it used these powers to build a "house" under the nest of its good friend, the gray-toothed beaver, and then let the remaining pink river dolphins live in it.

The beavers are their protectors and caretakers, and they have to wait until spring to wake them up.

By the way, the young man named Herman next to him was saved by the pink porpoises a long time ago. Later, he had a good relationship with the porpoises and even helped the porpoises do some things that were inconvenient for them to do.

They are very good friends.

It is for this reason that after Cloya discovered the pink porpoises' nest, the beavers and Herman wanted to kill Cloya.

It was to protect the porpoises.

After fully understanding the ins and outs of the matter, he reached out and patted the largest and fattest beaver among them.

"You want to kill me, tsk."


The latter quickly showed his belly, indicating that he didn't really want to do this, everything was a misunderstanding.

Cloya couldn't help laughing.

He didn't dislike these things. Instead, he admired the courage of the beavers to charge for their friends. You know, they can vaguely feel Cloya's strength.

For them, it was indeed a desperate charge.

In order to reward their courage, Cloya decided to give them a mark, a mark that he had just learned not long ago.

That is, the city-building technique.

The city-building technique actually includes a very complex magic system, including the earth and stone shaping technique that Cloya first learned, as well as a series of magic such as range magic pattern carving and material fusion.

At that time, he saw that the Holy See used a large-scale city-building technique at the Yavana Holy Mine - the priests first laid the foundation and then activated the magic.

Although they looked like individual individuals, in fact, they had become a whole at the moment of magic activation.

This is also one of the reasons why the Knight Commander was so panicked when facing the invasion of insects - that was a complete city, and there was no gap to break through.

Ahem, the reason why Cloya wanted to teach the beavers this magic was to maximize their talents.

Beavers have the innate ability to build dams, and they can even build a dam from scratch in the middle of a turbulent river.

This super powerful construction ability does not require Cloya's command and guidance, because this is the most suitable construction plan for the river passed down from generation to generation.

The magic of nature and the instincts engraved in the genes of monsters are the most suitable for nature and do not need to be changed.

So Cloya intends to teach them a skill.

That is, "Material Fusion".

This kind of magic, to put it simply, is to use magic to transform and fuse materials, so that materials of the same and different materials can be spliced ​​and fused.

It looks pretty good, even more special than the magic called "Broken Limb Splicing" that Cloya learned in "Miracle of Light".

However, this kind of splicing is generally used for the same materials. If they are different materials, only the contact positions can be fused with each other.

It is impossible to want magic to flow smoothly in it. To put it bluntly, it is a kind of "glue" that can stick to all materials.

Compared with the splicing of broken limbs that can adapt and grow directly, this is still far behind.

Cloya believes that with this magic, they can build the dam more easily.

In addition, Cloya also intends to try to combine this magic with another kind of elven magic to see if they can turn the dam into a plant garden.

These plants can grow some nutrient-rich fruits, which can feed the monsters living in the river as the river flows.

And they can also limit them from running around, making a divided block fish breeding area.

In this way, automatic feeding and water purification can be carried out in certain locations, making each dam a natural magic array and breeding base.

Finally, these arrays will be completely combined to completely transform the entire river, which will be a good thing for both the fields built along the way and the river itself.

The water in the river will be clearer, the fish will get food, and the fields on both sides of the river can be irrigated by the water containing magic...

This is the maximum transformation he just thought of without affecting nature. He is not the kind of evil person who transforms the natural environment for his own harvest.

Harmonious coexistence is what he is pursuing now.

The resources of freshwater fish are also what Cloya has been looking forward to for a long time. You know, fish is the largest source of meat in the world, even more than cattle, sheep and pigs.

In order to complete his plan, he spent a lot of mental energy to describe this prospect to the beavers. Although the beavers were quite tempted, they put forward conditions to him.

"We want you to save our porpoise friends."

"We tried to wake them up, but they didn't wake up."

"They... are going to die."

The beavers looked at Cloya, their small black eyes full of pleading, and they even bowed and kowtowed without knowing where they learned it from.

Cloya's mouth twitched.

"You are quite smart."

"But you have to agree to my conditions first."

"This way, I can see the porpoise tomb at the bottom of your nest without destroying your nest."

The beavers obviously understood Cloya's words. After a short silence and a long discussion, they conveyed their desire to Cloya.

"I... we are willing."

"Woohoo, I don't care if I die from casting magic!"

"I am willing, save them."

Kloya: "..."

This was the second time he was speechless today. Did these guys think he was going to cast some evil magic that would cost them their lives?

He was really good at imagining things.

He started the work of engraving.

Practice makes perfect for group engraving. Now there are more than 40 beavers here, so engraving is effortless.

After about ten minutes, the engraving was completed.

[Engraving successful, Gray-toothed Beaver (Material Fusion Technique·Teeth)]

[When the Gray-toothed Beaver uses its teeth to process some objects, it can use its own magic power as the material required for fusion to fuse the materials. ]

[When using teeth to bite the materials, it will become easy. ]

[This magic is an enchantment attribute, which requires continuous consumption of magic power. ]

[When magic power is insufficient, the magic will not work. 】

A halo flashed on the exposed long teeth of the beavers, a clear blue light belonging to magic.

The gray teeth were gradually transformed by the blue dye.

It is estimated that after the magic belonging to the material fusion technique completely transforms their teeth, the gray-toothed beavers will become blue-toothed beavers.

The success of this magic is expected.

What Cloya cares more about is another kind of magic——

[Successful imprinting, gray-toothed beaver (canned knowledge·magic plant vitality technique)]

[Gray-toothed beavers can use this magic to infuse vitality into plants and magic plants, and there is a certain probability that they can continue to grow. 】

This magic seems to be very simple, just an effect of infusing vitality and allowing magic plants to continue to grow.

But in fact, this magic is the most difficult magic that Cloya has learned at the Orpheus Oak, because the conditions for casting this magic are very harsh.

It can only be cast by magic beasts or magic plants that are favored by the power of nature, and ordinary people cannot learn it anyway.

In a territory as big as Croa, only the Sunflower Elf and himself have learned it. Even if other elves and magic plants are engraved, they cannot be used.

This time, he tried to engrave the Gray Tooth Beaver, just to see if it would work. Unexpectedly, it really worked in one try.

Croa pointed to the beaver dam next to him:

"Go ahead, use the power I gave you."

The beavers nodded one after another, and then rushed out like an arrow from a bow, "plop plop" jumping into the water.

They began to transform their nests - those rotten branches and dead branches and leaves were all cleaned out by them.

Through the ability of teeth, they separated the intertwined branches and reassembled them, and at the same time used the magic plant vitality technique engraved by Croa to infuse the trees and flowers with vitality...

The hardworking beavers were busy in the river, popping up from time to time to splice new branches and meadows.

Generally speaking, if beavers want to build a dam, they need to use silt, stones and smaller branches as adhesives to ensure that the dam will not be washed away by the river.

In fact, it is still very troublesome and difficult.

But now with the material fusion technique, although they still need silt and stones as adhesives, the amount required is much less, and the energy spent is also much less.

In the following period of time, the dam that originally spanned the entire river was further enlarged, deepened and widened.

They emerged from the water as high as seven meters, and the bottom was even directly connected to the riverbed, completely turning into a dam.

On it grew gradually green and dense grass and trees, which looked like a dam made of grass and trees.

The flow of the river water was not affected at all. The river water flowed out from the middle layer of the dam, and at most the water flow would become slower.

After these water flows came into contact with the magic plants that were infused with vitality by them, some of the dirty breath would be blocked, and the river water would become clearer.

Small fish can pass through the gaps, but big fish can only be blocked.

"Well, I have to pay attention to the beavers to make a hole when the fish migrate to spawn." Kloya recorded it in time.

Then continue to watch them build the dam.

During this period, the monsters in the water would come to the vicinity of the dam from time to time, chewing on the small shrubs and various berries gathered by the beavers.

Of course, all the plants that they could collect belonged to magic plants. Although they were basically first-level magic plants, they were also full of magic.

The wind around seemed to be attracted by the dam here. The fresh wind and some small monsters, such as rabbits and deer, were also approaching here.

Even some leaves and petals full of magic were blown over and fell on the beavers' dam, and they were collected by them to continue building.


Kloya waved his hand in surprise, hiding the breath of himself and several people next to him, and quietly watched the beavers build the dam.

There was expectation in his eyes.

The whole process lasted about six hours.

During this period, Kloya had been using his mental power to perceive the dam built by the gray-toothed beavers, and the result really surprised him.

They... could actually hold on!

You know, both material fusion and magic plant vitality are extremely consuming magic. Otherwise, the former would not be in the category of city building, and the latter would not be the most powerful elven magic given to Cloa by the Oak of Orpheus.

The gray-toothed beavers can operate these two kinds of magic for a long time and maintain the stability of their own magic power. To be honest, this is already a miracle.

Mages, especially those in the research department, of course do not believe in miracles. When the wind brought leaves at the beginning, he vaguely sensed something was wrong.

Nature seemed to be helping these beavers to work.

The fresh wind brought cool dew and various petals and leaves, as if to thank them.

He had a hunch: when the beavers' dam was completely built, something would happen.

So he waited patiently.

From noon to night, and then stayed up all night until the afternoon of the next day, when the sun was about to set.

The beavers' dam was finally completed.

The overall dam now looks like a naturally formed flower and grass dam, covered with various flowers and plants.

In the part of the dam that is above the river, birds build nests in the gaps, and small animals come here to look for food.

In the part of the dam that is in the river, various fish swim around, and they are also trying to enter the inside of the dam to lay eggs and settle down.

But no matter what, they can't invade the real nest of the beavers, which is full of flowers and small shrubs that don't need much sunlight.

The whole nest has become warm and comfortable.

Most importantly, at the bottom of the nest.

The small field where the porpoise bones were quietly lying, which was once strictly protected by them, has now seen the sun again - a patio, and the sunset light that has not fallen shines on the pink flowers.

The warm sunshine and gentle wind linger, blowing the petals of the small flowers, and at the same time injecting all the magic of nature into them.

It gradually began to tremble.

In Cloya's perception, the pink porpoises below have completely woken up, swimming in their small nests, eager to leave here and enter the vast river.

The soul of the pink porpoise, which maintains the stability of the dimensional space, is also receiving the baptism of magic. It has long lost its body, leaving only its soul.

At this moment, its soul is solidifying.

The power of nature is helping it to transform.

The wind is getting lighter and lighter, and the sunset is gradually setting.

The beavers, fish, and other small animals all stay quietly in place, looking in the direction of the pink porpoises.

Kloya also felt it, and he suppressed his excitement.

"Here it comes."

His voice was very light, but it was like a password to open the password door, and the pink flowers suddenly burned.

In the flickering fire, clear water flowed out, like a fountain gushing out from the patio built by the beavers.

In the water flow, pink porpoises swam happily, each of them with a pink warm light on their body, like dragging long tassels and tails.

Go upstream along the river and downstream downstream.

Under their radiance, the fish also swam with them, and the whole river seemed to have come to life all of a sudden.

Starting from the beavers' dam, a long band of light stretched out, heading for a distance that even Cloya's mental power could not notice, as if it was going to enter the sea through the river.

The light they left gathered on the beaver dam, and the magic of nature quickly gathered.

The green light ball entered the dam like a hundred rivers returning to the sea.

This dam full of natural breath was surrounded by a halo, and under the shining light, all the flowers, plants and vines were growing rapidly.

It was like a fine jade standing in the middle of the river.

At the same time, a pink porpoise swam towards Cloya with a lively light flashing on its body, and it circled Cloya.

The latter's eyes seemed to reflect the reflection of the entire river.

At the same time, there was a consciousness ringing in his ears.

Soft as the sound of breeze and streams——

"Hello, sun."

It's the end of the month, thank you all for your monthly tickets and recommendation tickets, woo woo, can you give me some more QAQ

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