Chapter 21 21. Air Coral

First of all, there is no need to think about emitting air.

That is exclusive to plants. Even an omnipotent magician may need to make some cruel transformations to achieve it.

But that is obviously the domain of high-level magicians.

Kloya, a second-level magician... well, it's better to think about it.


"What spell should I use?"

He was entangled, stroking the air coral with his fingers, but suddenly remembered the hint-the name of this magic beast is air coral, could it be...

As the name suggests, they can produce air? Then wouldn't his engraving be ineffective?

Or is this "air" a form.

To be honest, it is really impossible to understand what the air coral is like just by the name.

This is obviously not possible.

If you don't even understand the structure and form of the magic plant, how can you engrave it? How can you successfully transform it?

Such concerns made him decide to put the corals in the water first, let them come alive, and then observe them before trying.

"Put it in the water first and try it, we have to see what the performance is. "

Thinking of this, he immediately picked up the air coral, and then carefully checked other rubbles. After making sure that there was nothing else here, he got up and left.

As for the origin of this air coral, he guessed that it was possible that this stone was transported from outside, and it happened to contain a piece of air coral.

It happened that he was very lucky, and it was blown out by the explosion.

It is also possible that this place was flooded by sea water a long time ago, and the air coral happened to be trapped here. The vitality of the existence of Warcraft is still quite tenacious.

He had to let Robert ask Bartos and then carefully check whether there are any such air corals nearby.

To test the air coral, he chose the lake in the back mountain, which was the small nest where the Kabamon lived comfortably.

He planned to try it in fresh water first. If the corals were not adapted, he would try it at the seaside.

To be honest, he was a little bit gloomy about the sea now, and he was really afraid that a few mermaids would suddenly jump out of it.

It must feel bad to be urged.

"Chiji! "

The kabamons welcomed Cloya's arrival. They surrounded him enthusiastically, nudged him with their fragile noses, and made joyful sounds.

"It seems that you are living a good life." Cloya touched them one by one, activated the Astral Body Imprinting Technique, and soon heard their voices--

"Delicious, the iron is delicious!"

"A little less..."

"I don't want to sleep, I just want to eat iron. "

Wow, these guys are really hardworking.

Kroya was originally worried that eating iron every day would cause some harm to their bodies, but he didn't expect that it was not enough?

That's several thousand kilograms, which is the savings of Hanjiao Island for several years. You have eaten it all, and it is still not enough.

It is unlikely to get so much ore in a short period of time, but... you can cooperate with the businessman named Serio.

If you help him refine the raw ore, you can not only strengthen the physical fitness of Kabamon, but also earn a sum of money without having to work hard.

It can be said to kill three birds with one stone.

"It's not that I want to exploit you, but you want to continue eating, so don't blame me! "

He stroked the eleven Kabamon happily, then came to the lake and put the air coral in the shallows.

The moment the air coral came into contact with the clear lake water, it began to expand like a sponge, and dense, translucent strange life left the coral and dived into the water.

It was like melted, crystal clear light swimming in the water.


This kind of magic fluctuation... wouldn't it be a magic plant above level three?

Kloya narrowed his eyes. In the moment just now, he clearly felt the almost surging vitality and magic fluctuations.

It was more vigorous than the vitality and magic of the thirsty sea fluorescent algae.

It was obviously not a magic plant of the general level.

What happened next further verified his guess-from the shallows to the depths of the lake, those crystal clear little creatures drilled directly in.

Then they swallowed and spit out the magic and air in the water.

It was spreading rapidly at an incredible speed, soon covering the mud at the bottom of the lake, and then began to grow quietly.

A root Another coral rose out of thin air, as if the acceleration button had been pressed, and soon covered the entire lake bottom. The crystal clear corals, like dragon horns, swayed slightly.

The already clear lake water seemed to be purified by them, becoming even clearer. Standing by the lake, one could easily see the scenery below.

The refracted sunlight shone on the corals, just like the legendary crystal dragon palace, which was exceptionally beautiful.

It was obviously not as hard as the one in Cloya's hand, but as they continued to absorb magic and some unknown elements, they would definitely become like the one in his hand.

"Is it because of the accumulated magic? When they were in the stone, they were also accumulating magic, so as long as there was a chance, they would grow rapidly? "

Kroya was thoughtful.

So, what does air coral mean?

He walked into the lake, bent down, and pinched a soft coral like jelly with his fingers. He squeezed it gently.

Immediately, bubbles came out of it.

The bubbles burst as they left the water, and wisps of cool water vapor came to his face, blowing away the heat at the beach.

"Oh, so this is the air coral, which can store air in your body... Then I know what to do."

After understanding it, he immediately had an idea - there is a spell called "bubble spell", and the bubbles formed are very tough because of the magical barrier.

The most important thing is that it can actively expel gas.

Sometimes it is one of the common methods used by mages to go into the water. As long as you wrap your head in a bubble, you can breathe freely for a period of time.

'I know the bubble spell, but with so many corals, I'm afraid I have to do it in batches, right? '

With this idea in mind, he activated the astral body imprinting technique, and his mental power was instantly drained by more than half, and his magic power was consumed by more than half.

What came into view was the air corals that covered the entire lake.

He originally thought that the number of air corals would increase, but he didn't expect that there was only one glittering point in the air corals at the bottom of the lake.

There is no difference in number from the complete one before.

Because of the previous experience with the thirsty sea fluorescent algae, he was able to imprint smoothly this time, except that he recovered his magic power several times during the period.

It took from noon to afternoon before the imprint was completely successful.

[Imprinting successful, air coral (bubble technique)]

[During the growth of air corals, they will expel the air inside to form bubbles. ]

[Since the number of air corals and the imprint are integrated, the magic resonance will be consistent, and the bubbles can be linked and fused with each other. ]

[The air coral will continue to expand and increase the size and strength of the bubbles, increasing over time. ]

[Your magic resonates with the air coral bubbles and can enter at will. ]

The moment the imprint was completed, the corals at the bottom of the lake immediately began to stir.

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