I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 210 210 Three draws, crystal ball, solar iron

Chapter 210 210. Three draws, crystal ball, sun iron

Inside the light curtain presented in front of Croya were a vast sea of ​​treasures.

What is the core of ether energy, the "Compendium of Forbidden Curses", the Crown of the King of Kings, the buds of the World Tree...

They are like stars in the sea of ​​stars, twinkling in the light curtain, each one exuding indescribable light and temptation.

Even Croya, who was used to seeing babies, was a little shocked.

Of course, in his previous life, he was familiar with the routines of some card-drawing and gold-drawing mobile games, and he knew very well that it was very, very difficult to draw these things.

But just by being here, they can make people's hearts beat and their blood pumping.

This is also the charm of card drawing games.

Just the names of these items and their external images opened Croya's eyes, and he felt that his knowledge reserve had been broadened.

"I have to write it down."

He quickly recorded everything he could see, including the appearance, names and characteristics of the objects he could see. He drew and recorded everything.

The female voice from the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce continued to speak during this period——

"When you are promoted to a third-level member, you can have up to three lottery chances. As long as you can draw in the prize pool of the Holy Spring Xinghai, you don't have to worry about anything.

Guaranteed in the name of the holy spring, they will be yours. "

She kept repeating these words until Croya recorded everything she could see, and her voice finally stopped.

Croya put the notebook away with satisfaction and asked: "Up to three times, how many chances do I have now?"

"Once." The female voice replied: "You can choose to sell us expensive items. Not only will we buy them at double the price, but we will also increase your number of draws."


What kind of profiteer is this.

Although it is said that you can get double the magic crystals by selling it to them, but sometimes there are things that cannot be measured by magic crystals at all.

For example, it is obviously impossible for Croya to sell "Poetry of Rainbow Light" and the Astral Spirit Body Engraving Technique.

The same should be true for other mages who buy goods from the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce. But I can't say absolutely. If the temptation is big enough, it's not really unacceptable.

Not to mention the most dazzling light balls in the light curtain in front of me, even the other slightly dimmer light balls are extremely precious.

If you can bet on it, then it is estimated that the vast majority of mages are willing to take the gamble.

He thought about his special things and remembered that the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce seemed to like collecting things from the sea tribe, so he simply took out some treasures that the mermaids gave him when he was in the womb sea.

"You sold deep-sea clam beads, worth three hundred magic crystals..."

"You sold the Abyss Crystal Shards, worth 700 magic crystals..."

It's a pity that although the Shengquan Chamber of Commerce will accept them, they don't increase his chances of winning the lottery. Obviously, the "quality" of these treasures is not very good in the former's opinion.

After several attempts, although he obtained 20,000 magic crystals, he never succeeded. He finally couldn't help but ask:

"Do you have any standards for what you want to collect?"


This time, the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce only answered two words, and then fell silent.

"Is it special?"

Croya stared at the spout of the rushing holy spring, and suddenly remembered the wine he had brewed recently, which was brewed using his magic power as a catalyst.

Will that wine be special?

After thinking of this, he directly took out the wine, which was an amber-colored wine in a crystal bottle with an oak cork.

There seemed to be golden spots as fine as sunlight shining inside.

"Oh, I really can't bear to leave."

He was stroking the bottle of wine, with obvious reluctance in his eyes. The requirements for making this kind of wine are too complicated. Not only do they require grapes grown in the magic field, but they also require Cloya to ferment with magic power continuously.

It takes a full month of fermentation to be basically formed.

Even a mage like him who has extremely high control over magic power spent a lot of time and energy to manage to make ten bottles.

But it's really worth the money.

This wine surprised him both in terms of taste and effect - the most important thing is that it can increase the upper limit of the magic cyclone!

It is equivalent to a first-level mage taking it for a long time. Although the quality of magic power and the number of cyclones are still first-level, the total amount of magic power can exceed that of a second-level or even third-level mage.

It even worked for him.

This is a treasure that can intuitively be seen to improve one's own strength.

Although due to the complexity of the production process, he had no way to try out where the potency limit of this wine was. The only thing that was certain was that it was indeed special.

"Let's see how much we can sell it for."

He reluctantly put the wine into the spout of the holy spring, and after waiting for about three seconds.

"The products you sell are..."

The female voice of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce had a very subtle pause, and after several seconds, it finally became clear: "Dionysus' wine brewed with light."

"The quality is inferior."

"This treasure is extremely special. After approval, we will give you three choices."

"One, you can get fifty thousand magic crystals."

"Two, you can get a customized set of third-level magic tools."

"Third, you can upgrade any item sold by the Chamber of Commerce."

"After you complete the transaction, you will get two chances to draw a lottery."

After she finished speaking, she waited for Cloya's reply, and the light of the Holy Spring flickered, as if she was looking forward to it.


To be honest, Cloya felt very strange.

50,000 magic crystals?

Last time, he remembered that something was more than 50,000, so why is it 50,000 magic crystals this time? This price is a little lower than he expected.

But the remaining two options made him a little hesitant - a set of customized magic guides, and the right to upgrade a Chamber of Commerce item.

That's a set of customized third-level magic guides! The price is definitely more than 50,000 magic crystals.

The upgrade right of the second Chamber of Commerce item is also exaggerated. Doesn't that mean that the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce has upgraded versions of all the items he has purchased so far?

In his opinion, the values ​​of these three options are completely unequal, which is very strange.

Will this happen to a cross-dimensional Chamber of Commerce like the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce?

He didn't understand, and the other party didn't give any answer after asking.

So he didn't ask any more.

He just stared at the spout and muttered to himself:

"It seems that the price of this thing is really high... I still have a few bottles left, if I sell them all."

He was slightly tempted.

So he tried to ask what the price would be if he sold the second bottle, but the result disappointed him.

The answer of the Shengquan Chamber of Commerce was: "It depends on the demand, and it is definitely not as good as the price of the first bottle."

Well... this thing is like those unique antiques. If there are second and third bottles, the price will drop, right?

It stands to reason that such a large chamber of commerce still has demand.

He instinctively felt that something was wrong, so he gave up the idea of ​​continuing to sell and carefully considered which one to choose.

There is no need to consider the magic crystal. It is really putting the cart before the horse to exchange this thing for magic crystal. If you want to exchange, you should exchange it for some treasures that you can't get.

He doesn't need a magic device. His equipment, from the Gopher Wood Harp to the Phobos robe, the Void Moon Leaf Magic Device and the Iris Ring, is not particularly precious and rare.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that the least valuable thing is the badge given to him by Telai River.

So there is only one choice left...

"Hmm, wait."

He suddenly noticed something and asked hurriedly: "If I choose to upgrade, can I only upgrade the things I bought now?"

"Yes, you have bought the Natural Divination Crystal Ball now."


Kloya was silent immediately.

He said how could the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce be so generous? It turned out that only the Natural Divination Crystal Ball could be upgraded. If you want to upgrade other things, you have to buy them again.

"You really never miss a chance to make money."

After shaking his head speechlessly, he said to the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce: "I want to upgrade the natural divination crystal ball I bought."

"Thank you for your patronage."

"According to your request, the natural divination crystal ball will be upgraded for you... The higher-level natural prophecy crystal ball has been issued."

"You now have three chances to draw a lottery. I wish you a happy time."

Almost impatiently, the female voice finished in just two seconds.

Along with her voice, an exquisite box fell in front of Cloya, with a very complex magic pattern seal and a thick user guide attached.

However, Cloya did not open it for the time being.

This user guide is so thick that it is necessary to study it carefully. He still finished the lottery first and studied it together after getting the prize.

After putting the box away, he started to draw a lottery.

After he said the words "I want to draw a lottery", the vast sea of ​​light spots in the light curtain began to rotate.

After a short wait, a ball of light flew out.

Then came the introduction from the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce: "Congratulations on winning the Star Devil Sunflower from the Star Realm."

The light on the light ball faded, revealing a very gorgeous, sunflower-like mouth plate and a pillar-like base plate.

It is a clear blue hue as a whole, the mouth plate is about 30 centimeters long, and the long tentacles are like petals that keep wriggling in the air, and every time they float, there are fragments of starlight falling.

It's pretty, but also weird.

After all, anything that can be related to tentacles generally looks a little weird, not to mention that it is still trembling.

The female voice of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce was still introducing:

"What you have now is the fourth-level magic beast Star Devil Sunflower, which was cultivated by the legendary wizard Orestan who has in-depth cooperation with this chamber of commerce in the thirty-eighth ring of the Star Realm Star Field."

"Its body contains the star fantasy magic power from the Star Realm. You can extend your spirit or consciousness into it and gain indescribable spiritual enjoyment and comfort."

"It can heal the mental trauma of extraordinary people below the fourth level."

Kloya was slightly stunned when he heard this.

Ah, this thing can actually soothe and heal mental trauma? From this, I thought it could launch mental attacks.

He used mental power and star spirit body imprinting techniques with great interest to explore the situation inside this thing.

The result was that there was no consciousness inside.

Yes, there was no consciousness and mental fluctuations.

Its inside was like a vegetative person, just alive, but without any consciousness of its own.

After Croya's consciousness entered, it was like falling into a hot spring made of starlight, with the gentle water flow and the soft tentacles below stroking his consciousness.

Well, although it was strange to be touched by the tentacles, there was actually an indescribable feeling of comfort.

After enjoying it for a moment, Croya felt as if he had had a good night's sleep. His mental energy became clear and his whole person felt much more relaxed.

"Not bad."

He praised it with satisfaction and asked the Shengquan Chamber of Commerce: "What kind of environment does it need to be planted?"

"Please wait a moment, this is the basic knowledge about the Star Demon Sunflower. If you want to purchase advanced knowledge and the Star Magic Sunflower's breeding solution, you can contact us at any time..."

A small booklet flew from the nozzle to Croya, who handed it directly to the shark tower spirit.

Afterwards, he ignored the expensive advanced knowledge and the solution required for reproduction and continued to draw.

Thank you, 300,000 magic crystals, does that make me a wealthy person?

And what I drew this time was a bit...

"Congratulations on drawing a walking tree man from the elemental plane of wood."

——A small sapling about twenty centimeters tall appeared at Croya's feet. Its roots were very flat, unlike the slender and sharp roots of ordinary plants.

It is thanks to these flat roots that it can walk freely and even run quite fast.

It rubbed Croya's legs with its own branches, and then happily ran away under the guidance of King Mu Yaoqu Vine.

This kind of little guy can be seen everywhere in the wood elemental plane. His level is only level one, and he can pull out roots and move around. It is a bit special. The Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce has not even introduced it.

Croya didn't ask and chose to smoke the third item.

A brilliant ball of light flew out from inside and landed in front of Croya.

Wrapped inside was a silvery-white iron block that looked pitted. It had been emitting a bright and stable white light since its appearance.

"Congratulations, you drew a midday sun iron!"

The female voice from the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce was filled with joy.

“It comes from the investigation of the Temple of Apollo by the Parmene pioneering team of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce. According to the Chamber of Commerce’s master appraisal, it can stably and continuously emit the warm sunlight at noon.

After more than a thousand observations and tests, the sun's rays emitted by this object are more than ninety percent similar to the essential sun's rays of each plane.

After absorbing the sunlight of the plane, it will last for about fourteen days before it is completely dim.

Now it releases sunlight from the holy spring plane. If you need to purchase this kind of sunlight, please feel free to contact us..."

She paused after saying this.

"Your lottery opportunities have been exhausted, and we will now start distributing benefits to you as a third-level member."

"The benefits include the advancement of the Clock Golem and the optional use of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce's space teleportation technology, and you will no longer need handling fees for transporting items."

"Now please place the clock golem into the spout of the holy spring."

"After about half a standard plane time, the transformation will be completed."

Croya's attention was completely attracted by the sun iron at this moment. After casually throwing the clock golem in, he didn't care much about it.

Anyway, there is nothing inside the clock golem.

The poor clock golem was thrown in directly by him, and then sucked in by the nozzle.

"Please wait a moment..."

The holy spring spout temporarily fell into stagnation.

And Croya finally took the solar iron floating in the air in his hand, and felt the scorching temperature in his hand.

With the help of his ability to perceive sunlight, he analyzed the magic power of the sunlight inside, and was surprised to feel that the magic power inside was extremely stable.

There are no fluctuations or changes in the spectrum of the seven colors inside.

Stable is like... a pool of stagnant water.

There is absolutely no feeling of beating and vitality like the sun.

The sunlight coming from the holy spring plane here felt to him like an energy source called "sunshine", without its own vitality and vitality.

"How strange."

He chose to get rid of all the magic power, then placed it in a container containing sunlight and began to transform it with magic power.

This thing was really special, being able to contain and release sunlight. He decided to use it to make a magic guide and create a magic guide of his own.

Therefore, the purity of magic power is very important.

The sunlight from the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce is too weird, so don’t keep it.

After placing it, he glanced at the spout of the holy spring and calculated that it would take a while before the transformation was completed, so he directly opened the box containing the natural prophecy crystal ball.

Placed inside is a round, emerald crystal ball the size of a head, surrounded by a holder made of patterns and vines.

At first glance, it seems to be just a nice-looking green crystal. At most, it is of good quality. It looks good as decorations and ornaments.

But when Croya briefly read the manual, he discovered that this thing was really extraordinary. It was actually a level seven magic weapon.

Its function is to be able to predict and communicate nature's consciousness.

It can even temporarily suppress the less powerful natural consciousness with powerful magic power.

In other words, it can exert influence on nature in a wide range - of course, it is hard to say whether it will be retaliated and resented by the consciousness of nature in the future.

Don't mess with nature.

But even if the ability to suppress nature is abandoned, this thing is really powerful.

Being able to communicate with nature and predict the changes that will occur in divination is equivalent to taking the lead.

It is so powerful that Kloya can't wait to input magic power to try its effect.

So he did it directly.

He injected his three-color magic power into the crystal ball and guided its light to spread around.

He watched the crystal ball light up, watched the emerald green mist and magic power inside, and watched the terrain and environment gradually outlined.

But the next moment, something strange happened.

I thank all the big guys for their monthly tickets and recommendation tickets~

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