I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 234 234 Daughter of Dionysus, Dark Plane

Chapter 234 234. Daughter of Dionysus, Dark Plane

After returning to the reception room, Kloya was surprised to find that the laurel wreath was still on the table and had not been taken away.

This was something he had not expected.

After all, this thing was a creation from outside the world that even Demos's dream could not bear, but he did not expect it to be left like this?

"So this is actually a gift?"

"Is it specially left so that I can study it more?"

He thought about it for a while, and first carefully used magic to sense whether there were any marks on it.

The result was of course no.

This laurel wreath flows with another kind of eternal magic. Although it is firmly locked inside and cannot be taken out for use, it is still possible to sense it through resonance.

Not only is there no magic mark, the magic inside can be said to be quite pure, and the strength of the eternal magic... at least legendary.

Even facing it, there is a wonderful feeling of facing the sun.

"But this is a blessing method that is achieved by force with magic power, which is different from my power."

After confirming that there was no mark of surveillance in it, he began his second attempt. This time he did not suppress his magic power, nor did he suppress the Phobos robe.

Sure enough, there were different changes-

The starlight mist on the Phobos robe spread to the laurel wreath, and four rings of different colors combined from four directions to form a huge ring, completely covering the laurel wreath.

The light on the laurel tree became brighter and brighter, as if to form a circular shadow.


This ball emitting bright orange warm light can only be the sun, and Cloya is looking forward to what will happen.

But when the light was about to take shape, a shadow of a blunt arrow flashed on the light, and the light on the laurel wreath completely dissipated.

The power of the Phobos robe was also broken, and Cloya immediately reacted and forcibly suppressed these powers.

In a trance, he seemed to hear a woman's voice.

Her tone was full of resentment.


The voice disappeared quickly, like a ghost whispering. If it weren't for Croa's strong perception, he might even suspect that he had heard it wrong.

After this attempt, he was sure that the arrows in it were definitely related to the big guy called "Cupid"... who didn't know what he was.

But that was all.

The next thing was that Croa had no idea at all.

What exactly did the arrows in the laurel tree represent, what was the relationship between the owner of the laurel tree and the "Poem of Rainbow" he practiced, what exactly did the Orpheus family want to do, and what was their relationship with the Church of the Mother Earth and the Holy See.

All of this was clueless.

To be honest, he didn't really believe that the Orpheus family was just to unlock the seal of the laurel tree - maybe he thought too much, but he really couldn't help thinking.

They could plan so casually, and threw the oak tree into the Atlantis Sea hundreds of years ago, just to let it absorb the natural will that might appear hundreds of years later.

This incident alone shocked Kloya. If the mermaids hadn't summoned the power of the virtual god, the earth consciousness would not have been squeezed.

As a result, they even calculated the coming of the virtual god.

That's a god, a god that even the angels who are omnipotent in his eyes find difficult.

In comparison, the forces that later calculated the Mother Earth and the God of Light were not very impressive. At least there are traces to follow. Knowing the attitudes of the top leaders of both sides, it is not difficult to plan.

But this prophecy is really a bit exaggerated.

He even doubted whether the elf named Beoril was reborn. Can the prophecy be so accurate?

It's not that he hasn't learned prophecy, but that magic... It may be very difficult and inaccurate to even predict whether it will rain tomorrow.


Kloya rubbed his eyebrows again. To be honest, this is one of the few troubles he has had since he came to this world.

But there are some things that he can't stay out of without getting involved. Since he started practicing "The Poem of Rainbow", he may be destined to be affected by some things.

Instead of waiting for trouble to come to him, he might as well take the initiative. At least he can still have some initiative-this matter has advantages and disadvantages. After all, the other party is the mysterious and powerful Orpheus family. If he can get some treasures, he can help himself develop rapidly.

He can also learn about "The Poem of Rainbow" and deal with possible risks in the future.

Disadvantages... At least he is now in the sea area of ​​​​the mermaids. He has a good relationship with mermaids. Judging from the attitude of Prince Treden, mermaids and elves are not on good terms.

It should be quite safe in this sea area.

Then the next thing will be easy to handle.

"In the future, I will contact the Orpheus family while learning about Cupid and Phobos..."

Thinking like this, he put the laurel crown in a box made of astral crystal. This magical crystal can isolate power and prevent it from any abnormal changes.

After doing all this, he finally had the energy to start dealing with the gift from the Orpheus family. The first thing he dealt with was of course the plane crystal card.

"Let me see what's inside."

He immediately took out the Holy Spring Crystal Card and pasted the card with the number [special-Ⅷ_XVI] on it.

The voice of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce immediately sounded:

"Dear Protoss."

"It has been detected that there are prizes provided by the Chamber of Commerce around you. Since it is a secondary binding, please perform permission binding now."

Croya, who had already experienced this kind of thing once before, said calmly: "Bind it."

"Please wait a moment..."

After a brief silence, a book spewed out from the spout of the holy spring and fell in front of Croya: "Please put the plane magic pattern away. You can carve this magic pattern anywhere. With a stable supply of magic power, Next, you can continue to open the entry channel.”

Croya reached out to catch the book with the holy spring pattern on it and asked casually: "What is in this small plane?"

"Your plane is a special plane with an area of ​​two thousand hectares and an attribute of darkness. It is born with a sixth-level special magic material, two third-level special magic materials and an extremely rare special mineral deposit.

It can be obtained after meeting the requirements. Please check the details yourself. "

"Huh? Two thousand hectares, dark plane?"

This is indeed a bit unexpected. Last time, the micro-plane was 10,000 hectares, but this one is only 2,000 hectares?

Isn't that an extremely extremely micro plane?

The gift given by the Ophis family, the area is so shabby, but there are quite a lot of things inside.

While he was thinking, he suddenly remembered that he was already a third-level member, so he immediately asked: "I want to know about Phoebus, Cupid or Laurel and Daphne."

The Shengquan Chamber of Commerce replied: “Based on your requirements, we will provide you with two options.

First, you can communicate with the historian of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce, who knows the knowledge you need.

Second, according to the price you can pay, we will hand over the corresponding knowledge to you. "

This is undoubtedly the first one.

Croya asked tentatively: "What does the first one require me to pay?"

"This is your first time using this service, so I'm giving you a discount.

The historian on duty now is Master Meter. If you need his knowledge, please provide... a sufficient quantity of wine of excellent quality. "

"Drinks? How was the wine I had?"


After becoming a third-level member, the "customer service" of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce has indeed become a lot smarter. After getting an accurate answer, Croya took out ten bottles of wine.

This was remade after I drank it with Miffy last time. After adding the light of the new Glory Green Aria, it tastes even more delicious. When drinking it, it really feels like drinking sunshine.

"for you."

He threw in ten bottles of wine.

After a while, a voice came from inside: "It's not enough."

"Then ten more bottles?"

"not enough."

Finally, Croya threw in forty bottles of wine before finally getting a reply: "Master Met has agreed to talk to you face to face, would you like to enter the deep blue dreamland now?

Please note that the conversation should not exceed five questions. "

"Come in."

"Please wait a moment..."

Boundless spring water gushed out from the spout of the holy spring, covering all the surrounding scenery. What finally appeared in front of Croya was the land with countless grapevines growing on it.

Surrounded by the grapevines, there lay a slender and fit woman. She was lying there drunkenly, wearing a very thin robe, revealing her honey-colored toned abdomen and thighs.

Like a female leopard taking a languid nap.

Fascinating and dangerous.


The woman squinted her eyes and stared at Croya: "The rules of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce are that you can ask me questions... I can only answer what you ask."

She casually grabbed a bottle of wine and drank it "ton ton ton", squinting her eyes with satisfaction. There seemed to be no focus in her eyes, but there was some well-hidden nostalgia in her eyes.

Croya was thoughtful - only those who ask can answer. It seems that this so-called free inquiry is really not free.

He looked at the lush grapevines behind the woman and asked his first question: "What is your relationship with the Magic Field Grapevines?"

"That's right." A flash of admiration flashed in the woman's eyes: "My father is the owner who planted the vines, Dionysus."

"I helped get a large part of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce's magic field grape vines."

After she finished answering, she remained silent, but her eyes clearly showed that she was looking forward to Croak's next questions.

She is actually the daughter of the outer god Dionysus.

No wonder I like wine…

His mind changed rapidly, and he quickly asked a second question: "I want to get more of Dionysus's creations. Is there any way to do it in the world I live in?"

Matt frowned slightly and said word by word: "In the desert, there grows ivy brought by bards from far away. It is a symbol of my father.

Joy, energy and eternal youth.

It is buried in the desert, longing for clear spring water and lush green oasis, eager to poke out new buds under the nourishment of nature.

The Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce is in the process of recycling the ivy. The desert is already undergoing great changes, and the devil's magic is transforming it. "

This is no longer a hint but an explicit statement. The desert has been transformed by demonic magic, and it is also related to the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce...

Croya immediately thought of the Gray Desert.

Only the gray desert where the Gray Sand Lord is located is the most suitable - the demon Leviathan was planned by the Pit Lord, Celesty, who was connected to the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce.

He knew that Celesti had obtained something deep in the earth, and whether it had anything to do with the Gray Desert.

This matter obviously needs him to struggle with, but not now. Two questions have been asked, and there are three more questions to ask.

It's not good to keep people waiting.

So he suppressed the matter in his heart for the time being and continued to ask: "I want to know the relationship between Phoebus, the laurel tree and Cupid."

Matt sat up slightly, with a little surprise in his eyes: "A long time ago, there was a god who liked Daphne, one of the most beautiful goddesses, the daughter of the river god, and he pursued her crazily.

But... this god once angered Cupid because of something, so Cupid shot an arrow made of lead into Daphne's body.

Daphne ran away frantically in the face of the gods' advances, and finally asked her father to turn herself into a laurel tree.

The gods were devastated, but blessed the laurel tree and promised it eternal youth. "

"Did Daphne originally like this god?"

"Of course, the root cause of everything is Cupid's lead arrows. It was His arrows that hindered the birth of this love that could be passed down from generation to generation."

After answering, Mate reminded: "You only have one question."



Croya was stunned. He didn't expect that this was actually a question, so he asked four questions!

He suddenly felt very shortchanged.

There was one last question left. He originally wanted to ask how to remove the influence of lead arrows, but after thinking about it, the Orpheus family was working hard.

Therefore, he asked another curious question: "What is the relationship between the Orpheus family, that god, and Daphne?"

Master Mete sat upright now, drank a one-pound bottle of wine in one gulp, and said with a smile: "Orpheus's ancestor was also named Orpheus.

He was the son of Phoebus. "

Croya's mouth opened wide when he heard this.

This is indeed something he never expected - the father of the ancestor of the Orpheus family is actually the god named Phobos. Doesn't that mean...

Are they trying to save their ancestor's lover?

Just when he was so surprised that he didn't know what to say, Master Met's figure gradually began to disappear: "This question and answer is over, I will not work in the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce in the next hundred years.

If you want to meet me, try to find Ivy. "

After saying that, her figure completely disappeared, and the surrounding dark blue illusion also disappeared, and Croya returned to his mage tower.

He stared at the decoration in his room in a daze.

I did learn something this time, but instead of being resolved, my doubts became deeper.

"I didn't expect to meet the daughter of Dionysus and learn such a secret... Is this really information that can be bought with wine?"

Logically speaking, this kind of very valuable information cannot be obtained so casually, but it happened to be in exchange for wine.

Although making those wines is quite troublesome, it only takes some time and energy.

Croya decided to contact the Gray Sand Lord of the Gray Desert and join his construction as soon as possible to see if he could get ivy.

Fortunately, he has always been in contact with the other party. After his birthday, he will give the other party a batch of grain harvested. It just so happens that he also wants to do some infrastructure work.

Thinking of this, he began to draw the magic pattern for entering the plane given by the Orpheus family.

The process of drawing is effortless.

In the mage tower, the magic power supply is ready, and it didn't take much effort to successfully draw it.

Marigolds bloom with magical light.

A dark portal, like a portal to the underworld, quietly opened.

What was revealed inside was a very weird magic power, which seemed to be dark, but there was no evil feeling at all, it was just pure darkness.

"Let me see what's in there."

After Croya was ready, he stepped directly inside.

The robe of Phobos on him shone brightly.

It barely illuminated the surrounding environment a little.

And just with this little bit of light, what caught his eyes... was an endless stretch of tombstones. The dark tombstones stood in the darkness, like the stiff and sluggish bodies of the deceased.

There seemed to be some weird wooden objects growing on the tombstone, which were "crunching" and chewing on the tombstone.

The light of some lanterns can be vaguely seen further away, emitting extremely weak light, like a light bulb with unstable voltage, which seems to be extinguished in the next second.

To be honest, this scene is quite fascinating.

The creature eating the tombstone, the lamp in the distance that looked like a lantern from the underworld, and the magical light that suddenly dimmed around him.

Croya stood cautiously in front of these tombstones, raising his hand to release a few light spells, but the moment the magic light ball formed by the light spell left his palm.

They were like fireballs entering the deep sea. They were swallowed up by darkness in an instant and could not even fly out even half a meter away.

"What exactly is here..."

He didn't feel surprised, after all, even the magic around him was suppressed by darkness, and it was normal for the light spell to be extinguished.

He stared at the tombstone and activated the astral body engraving technique.

What caught the eye was that the tombstone and the tree eating the tombstone were actually one piece. Its name was the "Tomb-Eating Wood."

Parts of the astral body of the tombstone are particularly active and are growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the rotten wood eating the tombstone above is eating these excess parts.

"How strange."

Croya stared at it and found nothing, so he wanted to walk forward and take a look.

As a result, after taking a few steps, mist rose in front of him, and an extremely terrifying force surged towards him. The force was so powerful that it seemed to want to devour him.

But Croya had already been prepared, and he unceremoniously unleashed a wave of four-color magic, creating a rainbow-colored light belt around him.

The power seemed to have encountered a natural enemy and immediately retreated back.

After it receded, a childish kitten meowed—


A black kitten, completely black with only shining eyes, quietly landed on his shoulder and gently licked his face with its barbed tongue.

It's a little itchy and a little stinging.

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