I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 236 236 About the Infrastructure of Gray Desert

Chapter 236 236. About the infrastructure of the Gray Desert

After the banquet, Kloya actually experienced a hangover, and he lazily leaned on the soft sofa and didn't want to move.

He didn't use magic to wake up quickly, but let himself fall into this lazy state, which was quite different.

He stroked the shivering mist dragon lying next to him, which was not much bigger than a dog, and stared at the crystal clear sapphire pinched between his fingers.

Now he is no longer a little wizard who has to spend a lot of effort to buy a magic book. During this period of time, he not only bought books from the Mage Association, but also from the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce.

The saying that knowledge is power is indeed true for the mage, so he easily recognized what this treasure was -

"Heart of the Spring."

"Let me take a look, it seems like this..."

Kroya muttered and threw it on the ground, and drew in the air with his fingers. The mage's hands were as flexible as his own hands, and he drew a magic circle composed entirely of magic power on the ground.

The center of the magic circle was the crystal clear sapphire.

The magic power flowed in the magic pattern, was transformed through the Heart of the Spring, and finally flowed out as clear spring water, which was absorbed by the grass growing on the ground and did not flow around.

To be honest, it was pretty good.

So he simply cut off the grass, added some magic materials as filling, and then let the tower spirit connect to the magic supply, and put it in a corner of the bookcase as a running water ornament.

Not to mention, this spring water is pretty good-looking.

"Let the construction team build the infrastructure over at Graystone Ridge."

"Okay, Master."

After giving the order to the tower spirit, he stared into the distance - that was the map of the Gray Desert given to him by the Gray Sand Lord, or more precisely, the map of the Gray Sand City.

Since the first batch of grain transactions, the Gray Sand Lord got the news from somewhere that there was a construction team of mages on the side of Cloya.

Then he strongly hoped that Cloya could help him improve the infrastructure construction of Gray Sand City and the surrounding areas. For this reason, he promised that all the magical plants, magical beasts, and mineral deposits encountered along the way of building facilities could be handed over to Cloya.

This is actually the mining rights.

You should know that each lord is very strict about the resources in his territory. He does not allow anyone to covet them casually. Even if they are left there to eat dust, they will not give them away casually.

This sincerity is obviously enough.

So Cloya is still quite interested.

After all, who would dislike having too many resources? Only with enough resources can he support his magic research, the operation of the submarine factories around Hanjiao Island, and the learning process of more and more apprentices...

The current Lord of Gray Sand has reached some agreement with the Holy See, and he buried the seventh-level archmage, so the Kingdom of Nolant is no longer able to restrain him.

The Gray Desert no longer belongs to the Kingdom of Nolant.

Even if Cloya cooperates with him in depth, it will not cause dissatisfaction among the people in the Holy See.

Besides, he really wants to see what the Gray Desert is like. This kind of infrastructure work that has changed from disorder to order is fascinating.

He carefully looked at the map and the terrain marked on it, his face became worse and worse, and he was thinking about what to do.

To be honest, the geographical location of Gray Sand City is not bad.

The Lord of Gray Sand has tried his best to choose a piece of the largest oasis in the past, with an area of ​​about 300 acres and flat sand all around to build the city.

In such a magical world, there is a tenth-level God-favored person sitting in charge, and there is no need to worry about defense at all. One person is an army.

After all... neutrality requires strength.

What kind of neutrality can you have without strength?

But, no matter how good the geographical location is, it becomes a little worthless under the environment.

-- Because the Lord of Gray Sand summoned the magic of Leviathan, the Gray Desert is now in an extremely unstable state, and there will be floods from time to time without warning.

Although the Gray Desert can carry so much water, the sand has all turned into semi-liquid quicksand, and it is impossible to pass safely even when there is no flood.

Although the Lord of Gray Sand used some unknown method to remove the corrosive demonic power in Leviathan as much as possible, it still caused the creatures in the desert to mutate.

Those monsters hide in the quicksand and will attack pedestrians.

In addition to the environment created by the conflict of magic, the entire Gray Desert is not suitable for building a space magic circle, and it is easy to have problems due to the turbulence of magic.

Perhaps after a few hundred years, the conflicts caused by these strange magic will naturally be digested, but if you really wait for a few hundred years...

"No wonder such good conditions are given."

Kloya rubbed his eyebrows and began to think about how to successfully build infrastructure.

To get rich, you must first build roads.

In such a harsh environment, there must be a safe road to carry out subsequent work, whether it is transporting materials or something else.

The shadows of various magic plants flashed in front of him, and the parameters of various magic plants were marked in detail. He looked carefully and finally noticed a purple-leaved plant that looked ordinary. The leaves were flat and a bit similar to lotus leaves.

That was... duckweed.

To be precise, it was an elemental magic plant, and its full name was the Evil Sea Purple Magic Duckweed.

The name sounds like a very evil magic plant, but in fact, "evil sea" refers to the environment where it grows, that kind of area where the magic structure is extremely complex and unstable.

There are many such places in the sea. After all, it's the sea, even if a few god wreckages pop out of it now, Kloya will face it with a smile.

"We have to test it first."

After temporarily determining what kind of magic plant to use as the main body, he contacted the Gray Sand Lord through the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce and asked the other party to send him a few tons of sand for scene simulation.

When the Gray Sand Lord learned that Kloya was finally willing to start construction, he was so excited that he couldn't say it, and immediately sent ten tons of sand.

Although he stole the power of Leviathan and forcibly turned himself into a level 10 demon god, he really had no talent in governing the territory.

He was like a child who suddenly got a huge treasure and wanted to bring everything to his hometown, but didn't know where to start.

Now that he heard that Kloya was willing to help, he was ecstatic and personally grabbed a handful of sand and sent it over - a level 10 god, a handful, that is ten tons.


After the sand arrived, Croa found a place and built a small sand field to simulate the environment of the gray desert.

Not only the sand, but also the floods that gushed out of the soil like the wrath of Leviathan and the gray mist in the air were reproduced as closely as possible.

——The gray sand was in a flowing state, but it looked calm to the naked eye. The flow became relatively still, and the gray mist was full of ominous atmosphere.

Next to him stood the apprentice Jamie.

This was the first time that Croa contracted the infrastructure outside, so he must have his most trusted and experienced apprentice to go.

Jamie also knew this. He stepped into the gray sand cautiously to experience what kind of threat there was with his own body.

As a result, he just stepped in and a huge attraction came from his feet. There was also a cold magic in it, which made him fall into it without even reacting in time.

The cold magic power was like a sinister snake, winding up along his feet, freezing his magic power and making his consciousness a little fuzzy, and he couldn't help but want to fall into the deep sand and sleep forever.

He was a third-level magician! This was just the gray desert simulated by Cloya, and it had such a terrifying power.

However, he didn't panic, but tried to sense as much as possible and find a way to save himself - mages always believed that even the most sophisticated instruments were not as fast as their own body perception.

Because he knew very well that he would not die, and the teacher was standing far away, it was really rare to be able to take risks recklessly without worrying about life danger.

Cloya was indeed waiting for him to use his body to feel the magic power in the gray sand. He couldn't go with him, and the things over there could only be left to Jamie and the others.

Suffer more now, and it will be easier in the future.

After a while, when Jamie was about to sink in, Cloya finally took action, and the four-color magic power formed a rope and pulled him up in an instant.

The warm power instantly dispelled Jamie's coldness. He didn't even shiver, and ran away to get the materials.


Kroya didn't even have time to stop him, so he could only shake his head helplessly, took out the evil sea demon duckweed, and threw it into the sand sea.

These duckweeds have been engraved with the magic of "giantization". As long as they come into contact with magic power, they will grow rapidly.

This is also the case. After the duckweed came into contact with the gray sand, it immediately took deep root in it, and then began to grow wildly and become huge at the same time.

The leaves of the duckweed instantly completely covered the gray sand.

"It seems okay." He tried to walk on the duckweed and jumped a few times. The duckweed under his feet was still as hard as a rock, without shaking or anything.

But in Kroya's perception, these magic plants that can withstand the magic pollution of the sea and even spread a sea of ​​duckweed will soon wither in it.

Right now, its roots that have taken root in the gray sand have begun to turn gray, as if corroded by something.

The magic power of Leviathan...

"It's like a dose of poison."

His perception is very sharp, and he sighed softly: "I don't know where the curse in the gray desert comes from, but only this kind of almost vicious curse can fight poison with poison."

There is no doubt that this is indeed a good thing for the people who will live in the desert in the future. When the curse and the devil's magic power perish together, they will be given a piece of green land.

But now, it's hard to say.

"It seems that I not only have to let it adapt, but also let it purify these magic powers."

Kroya knows that the carrier of these magic powers is simply the liquid flowing inside. Those liquids have the malice of Leviathan, which is a kind of magic water.

Although it is indeed very vicious, if you think about it from another perspective, this is an extremely powerful source of magic power, but it can't be easily used.

Of course, it can't be used by ordinary people.

After a brief thought, he came up with a solution and began to make a mad transformation on the Evil Sea Purple Magic Duckweed - the transformation was divided into two types, the first was to make it adapt to the magic power, and the second was to be able to separate the magic power from the water.

The demon's magic power is useless to ordinary people, but it is very valuable to him. As for the curse power that the Gray Desert originally contained, he also wanted to study it.

Since the two kinds of magic power have been carried by "water", he will extract the water and collect the magic power by planting magic plants in the sand.

This transformation method is much more sophisticated than simple infrastructure, and it can even speed up the normalization of the Gray Desert.

However, he does not intend to tell the Gray Sand Lord directly, so let the other party see this favor with his own eyes.

The imprinting was completed quickly.

This time, Kroya imprinted it with magic learned from other magic plants and monsters——

[Imprinting successful, Evil Sea Purple Magic Weed (Zerg's adaptability and Deep Sea Magic Anemone's tentacles separated and roots)]

[The form of this magic plant will change. ]

[The roots of the Evil Sea Purple Magic Weed will change into the form of Deep Sea Magic Anemone's tentacles, and have the extension of the tentacles and the magic power absorption function. 】

【The Evil Sea Purple Magic Weed will wither more quickly in a bad environment, but will grow rapidly after withering until it adapts to the environment. 】

【Note: Sufficient vitality is required to perform the above magical properties. 】

After the prompt appeared, the Evil Sea Purple Magic Weed, which originally looked quite normal, suddenly became abnormal.

First of all, its roots. The roots of the Purple Magic Weed are extremely thin and long, and can spread out a large area in the water, which can help it absorb nutrients to a greater extent.

But now, all the roots have become tentacles.

The tops of the tiny purple tentacles have structures like suction cups, which begin to extend rapidly in the sand. The tentacles of this deep-sea magic anemone are ductile and can even extend more than ten times the distance.

When they absorb the moisture and magic power of Leviathan in the gray sand, they will wither quickly because they can't bear these magic powers, but just like a gecko with a broken tail, if one section is broken, the second section will grow quickly.

In this way, withering and growth alternate.

Although it is still difficult to adapt to it for the time being, I believe that there will be progress soon. As long as the roots can adapt, the leaves will not be a problem.

"It is quite useful. This magic comes from the Zerg and the sea anemone. It is probably more practical than some magic created by humans."

Kloya nodded with satisfaction. From the corner of his eye, he saw Jamie coming over with a lot of bags - it was a space magic device produced by Hanjiao Island, using the skin shed by the ether wolf.

That's right, that kind of magical beast can actually shed its skin.

God knows when Kloya saw those guys wriggling in a pile of skin, the scene of having no skin and revealing the magic veins in the body similar to blood vessels brought a shocking feeling.

It is indeed terrifying, but it is indeed useful.

As long as the skin of this kind of magic wolf is sewn together, a natural small space can be formed inside. Although it will not be very large, it is enough for decoration materials.

The only problem is that the appearance of the ether wolf in the material world is really strange, which makes their skin equally strange.

At first glance, it looked like a real person holding a creature from a comic book world, which was very inconsistent.

Kloya couldn't help but smile.

Jamie, who came excitedly, was stunned when he saw the duckweed on the gray sand, and asked curiously: "Teacher, this is..."

"Let's start building with them as the center."

"I have modified them to be able to bear weight and exist on the gray sand for a long time."

After listening to Kloya's words, Jamie nodded immediately, and without asking any more questions, he started the construction work without saying anything.

The material he chose was an "alloy" made of silver moon wood and another seabed mineral, floating sea iron. Because a sufficient amount of silver moon wood dust was added, it has a certain floating ability.

When he placed the silver-blue alloy plate on the duckweed and started to build roads and houses like building blocks with the duckweed as the landing point, Kloya knew that this time it was a success.

However, he still didn't say anything, but gave Jamie more authority, allowing him to start working in this desert with his promising apprentices who had also been promoted to civil magicians.

Time began to pass.

Half a month after Cloya's birthday party, a dazzling silver-blue glow had appeared in the desert.

Bridges and houses built on duckweed were built based on floating moon alloy. Wherever the duckweed could grow, bridges and houses made of alloy were built there.

The bridges, houses, and even squares and platforms had formed a village.

This was a complete miracle of magic. The structure of steel alloy was full of regular beauty. It was similar to the combination of nature and magic that Cloya used to use before, but it was not exactly the same.

However, the alloy did not completely fit the duckweed to grow. It just used the duckweed as a foothold, glued it with magic materials, and grasped the duckweed like a claw, making a structure like the stilt house in his previous life.

The tall houses and bridges were suspended in the air, and the only support point was the duckweed that looked inconspicuous below.

It was these seemingly tiny magic plants that supported this silver-blue village.

When the sun shines down, it will illuminate the purple duckweed whose roots have been deeply rooted in the sand, allowing them to enjoy the gift of the sun.

When the wind and sand in the desert blow, and a huge flood like Leviathan sweeps in with the wind and sand, the purple duckweed will stand firm in the flood with the help of its roots.

They silently root their roots into the deepest part of the soil, providing as much stable structural support as possible for the buildings above.

The buildings built on the duckweed have undergone strict sealing tests, and magic patterns are engraved on the surface. Whenever a flood hits, as long as all the doors and windows are closed, they can stand still.

More, such as water pipes, air circulation in the house, life-sustaining magic patterns...

Kloya didn't care about all these.

He just called Jamie and the apprentices who had worked hard for half a month, had a meal with them with a smile, and then sent them to the teleportation array to the gray desert.

The apprentices now deserve his trust.

The only thing Cloya is curious about is how far they can go and what kind of miracles they can create in that desert.

They should not let him down.

Thanks to all the big guys for their monthly tickets and recommendation tickets. The desert infrastructure construction has begun~

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