I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 246 246 Wonderful Southland, Farewell to Yanshan

Chapter 246 246. Wonderful Southern Territory, Goodbye Yanshan

Sean's hometown is in the southernmost part of the Norland Kingdom. In such a medieval background, it is almost impossible to reach it quickly.

Unless some magical means are used.

Of course Croya can afford such a price. Even if he sends an army directly to the south, it is not a big deal at all.

But he still specifically ordered the apprentices to carry enough "living weapons" to travel a long distance from north to south, collecting monsters and plants along the way to fill in illustrated books and draw maps.

In order to ensure their safety along the way, Croya not only submitted an application to the Mage Association and the Royal Court of Norant, but also generously stated in the Mage Lords Alliance that his men would go to the south.

Now he is a fifth-level mage, and the highest level in the Mage Lords Alliance is only level six. There is no need to hide his level here.

Strength is everything in the world of mages.

So there was no need for him to say anything. As soon as the message was sent out, he got responses from people along the way.

Among them are the Lord of the Green Forest, the Lord of the Rock Ridge, the Lord of the Demon Swamp... and the Lord of the Flame Mountain who has been in contact.

They all said they would provide maximum convenience.

There was an acquaintance among them, the Lord Yanshan who had been buying enough food with Croya to feed a red dragon. His territory was in the south.

Croya told Lina that she must first visit Lord Yanshan. This guy had a pretty good relationship with her.

After getting enough information from him, go to mediate the war, and by the way... collect some things and come back.

During the months-long journey, Sean and Lina, the team leader for this operation, truly saw the difference between the outside world and the northern border, and also truly felt how strong their lord's face ability was.

——No matter how chaotic the area is, the lords from all over the country are very good at managing their territories. With their help, even the most difficult road will become smoother.

By the time the last lord was driven away, the huge stone tablet inscribed with "Norland's Southern Territory" was already in sight.

Sean couldn't help but sigh: "I couldn't sleep well every day when I came here, but now..."

He scratched his hair: "I feel like I just slept in the car, and I slept very well."

This is indeed true.

These cars don't look very conspicuous on the outside, but the interiors are all made of silvery moon wood, and with magic patterns engraved on them for space expansion, every one of them is a RV.

Coupled with Hanjiao Island's pursuit of quality of life, all facilities are complete, warm in winter and cool in summer, so there is no need to worry about the impact of environmental changes.

Long-distance travel that is difficult for ordinary people to accept is really just travel in their eyes.

You must know that in this world, it is impossible for even the princes and nobles to travel so comfortably.

Lina couldn't help laughing when she heard Sean's words: "All of this is Master Croya's ability... huh?"

She suddenly turned her head to look, and the reverberating sound waves of the exploration device on the side suddenly sounded a piercing alarm——

"Beep beep beep!"

On the huge faceplate, it showed that several small light spots were rapidly approaching the convoy at an extremely fast speed. She immediately gave the order to defend.

"Everyone, on alert!"

The convoy stopped immediately, and the apprentices threw a strange vine out of the car. They grew rapidly the moment they landed. The crystal clear vines intertwined with each other to form a transparent wall.

The wall is like a backflowing pot, covering the entire convoy, ensuring that even if there is any attack, it can be defended immediately, allowing them to have time to counterattack.

Then, they saw several strange-looking creatures falling from the sky - they were very tall, almost each one was two meters tall, and overall they looked humanoid.

But the surface of their skin is made of fine red scales, which are distributed like this on human skin. They are colorful and flow with the sunlight; their limbs are extremely developed, and the tips of their toes and fingers are sharp claws; behind their backs are Huge, powerful bat-like dragon wings with sharp edges like knives and a huge tail.

The most important thing... They all have sharp and thick dragon horns on their foreheads, and their pupils are also vertical red pupils.

No matter how you look at it, they are inseparable from dragons.

Among them, the one who seemed to be the leader was extraordinarily tall, with dragon and human features blending quite harmoniously. A strong, muscular male dragon man stepped forward.

He shouted loudly: "Guests who have come from afar, we are the subordinates of Lord Yanshan, and we are here specially to pick you up!"

Nina quickly confirmed the authenticity of this matter through the Myconids and Hanjiao Island, and then waved her hand to signal the apprentices to lift their alert.

She took the lead to get out of the car and walked openly to the male dragon.

Although Nina is already quite tall, there is still a gap when facing a draconian. She almost has to raise her head to see the draconian's eyes.

"What should I call you?"

Nina remained polite.

"Dragon." The dragon man replied casually, and then made a very polite gesture of invitation.

"Master Yanshan and mother are waiting for you. Please follow the path we lead."

After saying that, it flew into the sky and led the way, obviously unwilling to communicate too much.

Nina said nothing more. After getting in the car, she told the apprentices to follow the group of dragon people. The car slowly passed the boundary marker of the southern border.

After officially entering the southern border, both the environment and the climate have undergone earth-shaking changes-

The southern border is also very hot, but this heat is completely different from the refreshing air brought by the sea breeze in the north. It is a kind of humid heat that is more extreme than the gray desert.

The air is filled with thick moisture, and it is easy to form visible water droplets on the metal shell of the car, as if you are in a huge steamer.

Along the way, there are swamps, wetlands, deep pools of water hidden under the grass and trees, huge insects, and huge ferns everywhere. The tall and dense trees make it difficult for sunlight to pass through the tree canopy and fall to the ground. Only a few mottled sunlight falls.

This also leads to the accumulation of unimaginable humus soil under the trees, which is as deep as a person. They stay quietly between the tree roots, but the surface is full of magical aura.

Seeing the prey, the apprentices immediately collected some of these special soils after discovering them.

After testing, it was found that the soil contained magic power and nutrients that seemed to have been "fermented".

These magic powers that were formed in unknown ways were very easy to be absorbed by magic plants. After using these soils, some of the magic plants they brought became energetic instantly, as if they were taking drugs.

After discovering this, the apprentices couldn't wait to report to Lina:

"Sister Lina, this soil is not just magic power, but an extremely complex combination of magic power."

"I tested a red sunflower, and its magic power absorption speed is faster than the nutrient soil configured on Hanjiao Island."

An apprentice wearing a wizard robe was excited: "If we can take more back, maybe we can improve the soil structure of the land and make the plants grow better!"

He looked at the vast humus soil outside, his eyes were shining, and he wanted to go out and scrape all the soil away on the spot.

Although the other apprentices didn't speak, their expressions were basically the same. The soil here is simply fertile soil given by God.

For those who love farming, what could be more attractive than a piece of land where all kinds of plants can grow freely?

After listening to their description, Nina was of course very tempted.

But they are now representing Hanjiao Island!

What kind of thing is it to dig three feet into the ground just after arriving at someone else's territory? It's okay to catch some magic beasts and pull out some magic plants, but they also have to dig the soil?

If this matter gets out, it doesn't matter if they have shame or not, but it will definitely cause some trouble to Cloya.

So Lina refused and warned:

"Be patient for now, I will report to Master Cloya."

After she said this, the apprentices also held back.

But as they continued to move forward, more and more strange magic plants and magic beasts in the southern border appeared in front of them--

First of all, there were some huge reptiles.

Those magic beasts covered with heavy scales, huge bodies, like hills, played in the swamps and wetlands, and every time they could make a movement like turning the world upside down.

"This, this, this..."

"This is simply an excellent coolie!"

The apprentices' eyes lit up. It was the first time they saw such a magical beast. It was very suitable for pulling carts and doing hard work.

"And this! Look, is that the magic-fixing bottle grass?"

One apprentice had sharp eyes and saw a huge plant that was more than ten meters high in the distance. There were bottles growing on the plant one after another, and many insects were approaching.

"That's the magic cage grass!"

Sean, who had been silent, finally couldn't help but speak out: "They catch insects to survive, and the bottle contains highly toxic and corrosive liquid!"

When he said this, the apprentices seemed to wake up from a dream.

This one seemed to have grown up in the southern border!

So, he was instantly surrounded by enthusiastic apprentices.

"What is this?"

"What about this? And this?"

These apprentices took their notebooks one by one and began to frequently ask about the various magical plants and magical beasts they saw along the way.

It should be said that Sean is really good. He can describe the effects of most of them and provide valuable information for apprentices.

You know, if you want to make a living in such a harsh environment in the South Territory, you must learn and understand those magical beasts and plants that can kill them.

Even for ordinary people, the knowledge passed down from generation to generation is enough to surprise the mages.


Mages study just for research, but people study these magical plants and beasts in order to survive.

So Sean was really idle on this journey.

In two days, except for being able to sleep after ten o'clock in the evening, Sean would be surrounded by apprentices and asked all kinds of questions as soon as he opened his eyes in the morning.

There was no time to sleep happily under the blanket, and Sean could only honestly answer all kinds of complicated questions.

When the convoy finally arrived at the territory of the Lord of Yanshan, he already felt dizzy and swollen, as if someone had taken a spoon to empty it.

So when the dragons landed and the car stopped, he felt like tears welled up in his eyes.

Finally freed!

When the car entered the Yanshan Territory, deep inside the Yanshan Territory.

“My love.”

The Lord of Yanshan gently held the arm of the woman beside him, but his palm seemed to be throbbing with veins.

I don’t know what happened, but this tall and agile woman seemed to be a little sleepy, and her clothes were loose, as if she had just been pulled out of the quilt.


The woman heard the voice of the Lord of Yanshan, woke up a little, and blinked confusedly, “What’s wrong?”


“The men of the friend who often supplies food have come, and they seem to want to interfere in the war between Duke Nar and Duke Olivier.” The Lord of Yanshan explained in a low voice.

He was used to Long’s awkward memory and could only repeat it.

As a result, the woman’s eyes lit up after hearing this, and a trace of bloodthirsty light flashed in her pupils that looked like a giant reptile.

“Duke Nar and Duke Olivier…”

She murmured this sentence again, and suddenly clenched Yanshan’s hand. If the latter hadn’t been used to it, he would have immediately added an iron bone technique, and his hand bones would have been crushed.

But even so, he was in so much pain that tears were about to flow down, and hurriedly said: "Calm down!"

"My love! My hand!!!"

The woman realized that she had used too much force, and quickly let go, opened her mouth towards Yanshan's arm, which was a little blue and purple, and gently spit out a ball of flame.

The flame was blood red, but not hot, but full of indescribable life force.

The moment it fell on Yanshan's arm, the purple scars disappeared quickly until they were fully recovered.

If there were magicians and scholars who had studied the dragon clan deeply here, they would probably jump up in shock immediately.

Although flame is the innate ability of red dragons, being able to spit out the fire of life is not something that ordinary red dragons can do.

Only the legendary "Ruby Dragon" can do it.

That is a different species among red dragons, and it is not necessarily possible to have one among hundreds of young dragons. Even...their flames can call back souls that have already gone to the underworld.


Yanshan, who had long been accustomed to his wife's inability to skillfully control her power, finally breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't take it seriously at all and comforted her:

"I know you hate them, isn't this a chance?"

"Your brother and sister...are they still in the hands of Duke Nar?"

Ten years ago, Duke Nar and Duke Olivier had already started a war, fighting for a special secret realm deep in the southern border.

To outsiders, it might just be a dispute over resources, after all, the secret realm is a special small plane that can produce some expensive materials.

But only a very few people know that what they are fighting for is not the small plane of the secret realm, but the dragon's nest inside, the "Ruby Nest" left by a giant dragon a long time ago.

There are not only ruby ​​dragon eggs, but also many ordinary red dragons and eggs of various dragon beasts.

If anyone can control that secret realm, they can get the treasure inside, which is a nest of ruby ​​dragons and red dragons!

Speaking of which, Yanshan only knew about this after picking up his wife, and he has always kept it in mind.

He knew that his wife wanted to rescue his brother and sister, so she took the initiative to intervene in the war when Croa proposed to intervene.

According to the age of the dragon clan, Nora was still a loli dragon. Thinking of her brother and sister who were still in the egg, she finally nodded silently.

"My love, if they can help me find my brother and sister, I am willing to give them the key to the dragon's nest.

I hope that the lord of the Reef Island will treat them well."

Yanshan just held his wife's hand tightly and looked into the distance-

In a bare, desert-like scenery.

A caravan finally arrived here.

The dragon man named Dragun flapped his wings and flew over, with a child's admiration for his mother on his face, and knelt down respectfully.

"Mother, sir."

"I brought them safely."

Nora was no longer confused as before, and the whole person looked elegant and majestic.

She praised, "Well done, my child."

Dragon's face flushed with excitement, and he grinned with a mouthful of white and neat teeth, standing obediently behind the man and the dragon.

At this time, Lina had already taken a box that Kloya had given her before leaving, and walked over with steady steps.

"Lord Yanshan, Madam, this is a gift from our lord to you." She saluted and handed the box over.

The Ruby Dragon Nora was not someone who could wait at all. She tore open the beautifully packaged box on the spot, and then saw at a glance the red gem inside, beating like a heart.

The shape of the gem was like a red heart, and even the blood vessels were very clear. Under the crystal clear shell was a flame that was beating like a life.

As the sealed box was destroyed, it immediately exuded an indescribable vitality and heat, and the sound of a heart beating "bang bang bang" appeared in everyone's ears.

The dragon race's instinct to love gems made her exclaim: "This is the Red Heart of Life! It is a treasure that can only be found in the deepest earth!"

Her eyes were filled with intoxication, and she held the gem like a dog holding a bone, just short of licking it with her tongue.

Yanshan: "..."

If he couldn't tell from this that his wife loved this gem, he would be a fool.

But the person is still here!

He sighed helplessly and said, "Let's talk about it after we go in. I need to communicate with your lord in person!"

He had originally planned to reveal some things depending on the situation, but now it seems that this plan can be abandoned.

The love and hate of dragons are very clear. It is estimated that at this moment, his wife has already regarded the generous and generous lord of Hanjiao, whom he has never met, as her good friend.

It seems that some things need to be made clearer.

I don't know if these mage apprentices who seem to be only level one or level two can really interfere in the war.

Thanks to all the big guys for their monthly tickets and recommendation tickets~

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