I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 32 32 The Son of Harvest and the Separation of Divine Power

Chapter 32 32. Separation of the Sons of Harvest and Divine Power

The power of the Earth Mother.


Kroya felt a little headache. The source of this golden hair is said to be a special phenomenon caused by a ritual of the Earth Mother Church.

Children blessed by this strange ritual will have some basic power to mobilize natural magic, and their hair will turn into gold, which represents harvest.

It is said that they are not believers of the Earth Mother, but simply spread to the entire continent after being blessed by this ritual to benefit ordinary people.

At least that's what the priests of the Earth Mother Church said.

They made it clear that these "sons of harvest" can belong to any force, and the Earth Mother Church will never interfere.

But in essence, this is a means for the Earth Mother Church to spread the light of the Mother Goddess to all parts of the world-such a little bit of blessing to mobilize natural magic is not as laborious as a sneeze for the Earth Mother.

Generally speaking, as long as a lord discovers this kind of existence, he will raise them well and let them manage the plantation for himself.

In this way, the light of the Earth Mother Goddess fell within the sphere of influence of each lord.

Even if the lords were willing to say a few more words about the Earth Mother Goddess, it would be more useful than their bitter propaganda, which was a very smart method.

However, since they were the recipients of the Earth Mother Goddess, they would of course prefer the vast plains and hills.

It is rare to see the seaside.

Moreover, those who receive this kind of blessing must be orphans, so how did this little girl, who has parents, get blessed?

An orphan who was picked up?

He thought in his heart, but his expression did not change. He winked at Robert.

The latter immediately understood, kept the little girl's family, let the other family go back, and ordered the knight Art to send a team of soldiers over.

It looked like he was treating a dangerous person.

Kloya: "..."

Actually, it doesn't have to be like this. I didn't mean to be so exaggerated...

He looked at the increasingly anxious family of four - honest parents, petite sister and brother who protected her sister.

It was a very ordinary family with a sense of déjà vu.

He asked directly: "Your daughter should not be your own, right?"


They smiled bitterly and nodded: "Yes, Lord, Elena is the child we picked up."

"Then do you know what's special about her?" Kloya pointed to the barley beside him casually, "Suddenly matured, you have been taking care of these barley, don't you have time to react?

Don't you know that something is wrong with your daughter?"

His tone was still calm: "If you knew about her power, you should tell me directly, instead of giving me such a surprise suddenly."

His reaction was very normal and kind, but he was just dissatisfied. If it were another lord, he might have ordered to take him down directly.

"My Lord!"

The couple immediately pulled the child to kneel and kowtow.

Her expression was already horrified: "Sir, it was yesterday that she suddenly exerted such power, and there was no way to control it.

She can control it normally!"


Generally speaking, this kind of power from the blessing of God is closely related to God. As long as the state of God is stable, there will be no changes.

If it is not intentional, Kloya is still quite interested.

As for not showing it to him...this is actually quite normal. If it were him, he would not trust a lord who had just arrived not long ago.

It is human nature.

He hesitated for a moment and said, "Then can you control it now? Show me the power.

If you are really useful to me, I will give you some benefits."

"Okay, I will use it now! Lord!"

The little girl with golden hair nodded hurriedly, and then burst into tears on the spot. After her tears fell to the ground, they formed golden green crystals.

One by one, they rolled on the silver-white sand, exuding a faintly perceptible natural breath.


Is it actually influenced by crying? This...I have never heard of such an operation.

The man in the couple looked at the adopted daughter with eyes full of love, and continued to kowtow to Cloya:

"Lord, Elena burst into tears when we were taking care of Barley yesterday, so...

Please punish me, I didn't let them say it!"

"Of course I have to accept the punishment." Cloya glanced at him, "Everything in this territory, including you, belongs to me."

That's what he said, but if it really works, he certainly doesn't mind giving some benefits.

Carrot and stick.

The bigger the stick, the more fragrant the carrot.

After saying this calmly, he walked in front of the girl and lowered his head to pick up a drop of golden green tear.

This tear is indeed a collection of natural magic, and there is also a faint, almost imperceptible special power.

It exists in the center of the tear, and it cannot be seen with the naked eye, and it can only be felt that it "exists", and the amount cannot be accurately calculated.

It is this substance that mobilizes the natural magic around it, surrounds itself, and fixes the shape of the teardrop, eventually forming such a peculiar substance.

It is completely different from the composition of magic power. It is a more vast and heavy force. If it weren't for the Red Song Meditation that Cloya practiced, which made him extremely sensitive to magic power, he probably wouldn't have noticed it.

No doubt.

'Divine power... This is the divine power of the Earth Mother Goddess. '

He hesitated.

To be honest, he didn't want to be associated with such an existence.

But the natural magic power here is very useful for him to expand his planting area, which can save a lot of time.

So, is there a way to have the best of both worlds...

Rubbing this teardrop that looks like a crystal stone, he suddenly had a bold idea - the spell that the Wood Star Qu Teng King taught him is the legendary magician who uses it to separate and mix the power of the Earth Star and the Water Star.

That spell is very advanced and very exquisite. Even when facing a force stronger than his own magic power, it can slowly separate it like a little effort.

The requirement is that the control of magic power must be very strong, which he just meets.

Can this method be used to separate the natural magic power and divine power here?

Divine power is essentially a kind of power, just a little more advanced.

But it is still power after all.

At the beginning, King Mu Yao Qu Teng specifically used divine power as an example... So, can I try to separate it?


If his idea can succeed, and he can separate the divine power, leaving only natural magic, then he can use it completely.

Natural magic is still very important.

Thinking of this, he waved to Robert: "Take them away first, and don't leave home without my order for the time being."

He planned to try it. If he could succeed, then these people would be worth using, which would be the best.

If the value is enough, he would naturally be willing to ignore some trivial matters-this girl would become a natural magic provider, providing him with a steady stream of natural magic.

But if it fails... he will also find a way to use the ability of the Son of Harvest, but it will not involve his core.

In short, it will not be a loss.

After Robert took all those people away, Kloya began to try, and he cast a magic called "Seven Stars Separation Technique".

The red magic power entangled the small golden-green teardrop like flowing water, forming a rotating ring.

As he increased the magic power infusion.

As a result, something unexpected happened.

Thanks to kvjun and Bie Taijian Haohaoshuai, Tahefeng for the monthly tickets and everyone's recommendation tickets. It's a holiday soon, everyone has a happy holiday~

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