I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 35 35 Sea Coconut Potion

Chapter 35 35. Sea Spirit Coconut Potion

As to why the coconut tree can summon more water spirit slimes than a second-level wizard like him, Cloya thinks it is probably because the coconut tree itself is a part of nature.

Compared with his contract summoning, which is more like a mage's means of slavery, the coconut tree is a bit similar to the means of druids.

Friends and mutual assistance.

It provides these slimes with magical coconut juice, and then the slimes help it search for what it needs.

Cloya looked at the jumping slimes and ordered: "Come here!"

The slimes immediately jumped over and tried to climb up along his trouser legs, but were stabbed down by Cloya mercilessly.

They are indeed able to accept his orders, and seem to be more obedient than his own spells.

Of course, Cloya is satisfied with this result.

He teased the slimes, making them line up in a line and in a zigzag.

After experiencing the joy of being a summoner, he stopped tossing them.

Then, he reached out and patted the trunk of the coconut tree, saying bluntly: "Give me a coconut."

The magic power of the magic plant that has just advanced is the most abundant, and the impact on fruits and other items will be the greatest. If nothing unexpected happens, the coconut tree should give him a surprise.


The coconut tree immediately shook, making a "clattering" sound, and then a huge coconut fell down, just at his feet.

That was the largest coconut on the tree, and naturally it also gathered the most magic power.

Kloya bent down to pick it up and observed carefully. This coconut was different from the tree trunk. The shell was white with some light blue inside.

It was as if the blue sea and the milky white beach met.

It was extremely smooth and felt very good to touch.

"This coconut shell is not bad either." He rubbed the coconut shell with his fingers and felt the magic contained in it.

Suddenly, his heart moved. It's good to have magic power.

This kind of material, which has magic power in itself, can be easily sold if it is engraved with some magic arrays that gather magic power, and carved more delicately, preferably with some connection to elves.

I heard that the nobles like this kind of useless gadget very much.

Of course, to make such a small magic tool, the mage's mental power and alchemy are also required, but the mental power alone is enough to block most mages.

It was easy for Cloya, whose mental power is very strong.

"The shell has magic power, and the coconut juice and pulp inside..." Cloya gathered the magic power at his fingertips and began to cut it carefully.

"Crack, crack."

The sharp blade transformed by magic power easily penetrated the shell of the coconut, and soon cut it open, revealing the white coconut juice and coconut pulp inside.

It was not unexpected.

This coconut juice is full of magic power, and it has completely turned into pure white, which is a white color without a trace of impurities.

The coconut flesh has some strange crystallization phenomenon, like milky white crystals, slowly condensing.

He took a sip of coconut juice and was immediately impressed by the rich coconut sweetness and the taste full of magic.

"It tastes good." He couldn't help but exclaimed.

Because this coconut juice is full of water magic, it tastes quite sweet. It is not the kind of sweetness that makes people feel uncomfortable, but just the right sweetness.

After taking a sip, the magic inside slides down the throat, and the whole person feels refreshed. The overly hot air around seems to cool down.

It obviously has a warming effect on the body.

He smacked his lips and muttered to himself: "This coconut juice should be used to make potions... I want to think about what kind of potion is suitable."

Not long ago, when he bought a dolphin, he also bought a "Basic Water Magic Alchemy Guide".

It is to study alchemy and bring more benefits to himself.

There are a total of ten kinds of potions suitable for beginners to make, including "Sea Ganoderma Potion" made from Sea Ganoderma as raw material, and "Water Spirit Potion" made from the juice of water magic plants.

Water Spirit Potion is actually a very broad general term. From low to high, almost all potions made from water magic plants can be said to be Water Spirit Potion.

For example, the coconut juice of Pure White Sea Coconut is Pure White Coconut Potion.

After reading it, Cloya wanted to try to make potions. Now the coconut juice of Pure White Sea Coconut is just right, so he can try it directly.

He raised his head and told the four people next to him: "Take good care of this coconut tree, and you three, just be my apprentices first."

"Thank you, Master!"

It was just a casual remark, but the three teenagers were ecstatic, kowtowed like pounding garlic, and cried inconsolably - they were so happy.

However, Cloya didn't intend to listen to their nonsense and gave the first order directly:

"Your first task is to use the sap of this coconut tree to irrigate other coconut trees, and the magic spring water should be used once a day.

When they become magic plants, I will teach you the basic meditation method."

This is actually just empty talk, but it is very generous to them. How could other mages be willing to teach them the meditation method?

Even if it takes several years or more than ten years, as long as they can become the apprentice of the master mage, they are willing.

"Follow your orders!"

The three of them kowtowed in unison.

Kloya nodded and glanced at Bartos.

"You, just help me take care of some things. Go find Robert for specific details."

After that, he turned around and left with the coconut. As for what the former lord thought, he really didn't care, as long as he could create value for himself.


Soon he returned to the laboratory and prepared to start preparing the potion.

The most important thing for the preparation of this low-level potion is the raw materials. He has spring water filtered by the magic spring pearl and coconut juice that has just advanced to the magic plant.

Of course, there is no need to worry about the material problem.

The only small problem is this method of refining potions: water refining.

This water refining method is considered a more advanced method of refining potions. It is written at the end of the alchemy guide as a gift.

Simply put, you need a bucket of pure water, then put the materials in one by one, then use your own magic resonance to merge the materials in the water, and finally use a method to separate and refine the ordinary water and potion for a second time.

In this way, the potion made will not be contaminated by the alien fire element magic, and it is a pure water potion.

It can keep the raw materials pure to the maximum extent.

It is also known that this method requires extremely high magic and mental power of the mage. After all, it is necessary to ensure that the materials of the potion will not separate in the water flow, and to use magic vibration to fuse...

Generally speaking, it is a technique that only mages above level three will try.

It is very troublesome for other low-level mages, so even if this method makes an absolutely pure water potion, they will not bother with it.

But for Cloya, it is very simple.

He has enough control over magic and mental strength. With the spell technique of Red Overlap, it is not a problem to cast spells at the same time.

The only trouble is... his magic seems to be more inclined to fire attributes. Will there be some troubles in the refining process?

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