I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 40 40 The thugs who came to the door (please read on)

Chapter 40 40. The thugs who came to the door (please read)

Baron Kemoye obviously valued this transaction very much.

When his men who stayed at the dock of Hanjiao Island learned the news, they sent him a message overnight with a magic weapon.

After he learned about it, he immediately went to Hanjiao Island with two carriages of magic beasts, and ordered a former priest he invited to continue training the army.

If this transaction goes smoothly, he should be able to bring back the holy white iron, and then make it into weapons and enchant armor, and go to the ruins to continue exploring.

When he thought of the possible gains of elven creations in it, he trembled with excitement. If he got those treasures and recruited soldiers, he might not be able to get a higher title.

Holy white iron is the key!

So he couldn't wait to go there, and because he was concerned and had been prepared for a long time, it only took him one day to reach Croa's territory and meet the latter.

"It's been a while since I last met you. Master Cloya is still unfathomable!"

"No, no, the Baron's aura has also become stronger. He is obviously working hard to cultivate..."

After a brief but annoying business talk, Cloya impatiently took out the holy white iron, piled it on the table, and said:

"Here is 175 kilograms of holy white iron. Take a look. Are you satisfied?"

The holy white iron piled on the table exuded a holy white light, even suppressing the light emitted by the oil lamp next to it, which looked particularly beautiful.

Baron Kemoye widened his eyes slightly after just one look. This... These holy white irons are better than those refined by the former priest he hired.

Could this mage have mastered some particularly advanced refining methods?

If this is true, then the remaining holy white iron can also be handed over to Cloya for refining, but there are still 20,000 to 30,000 kilograms!

He didn't believe that so much holy white iron could not be piled into the ruins.

The above thoughts flashed through his mind, and he showed a typical aristocratic smile to Cloya: "I am very satisfied, Master Cloya."

Faced with his praise, Cloya just nodded lightly: "What about the magic beast or magic plant I need?"

"I have brought it all, it is a second-level magic beast fish-tailed sea duck, you will definitely be satisfied."

He stood up and made a gesture of invitation.


Are you sure I will be satisfied?

Fish-tailed sea duck, a magic beast I have never heard of.

Cloya was a little curious, got up and followed him out, and saw two carriages full of strange blue ducks outside the castle.

These blue ducks are just like their names, with spread tails and no wings like ordinary ducks, but dolphin-like fins instead.

Short and fat, fluttering in the cage and making a "quack quack" sound, I always feel more like a penguin...

Anyway, it's quite strange.

Kemoye introduced: "They usually build nests in the reefs on the coast, and the sea duck eggs they lay are very nutritious. If the quality of the sea duck eggs is perfect, they can be sold for almost 100 silver coins each.

It took me a lot of effort to let my men catch 80 of them, and dozens of farm servants died for this."

The baron's tone was full of a smile of seeking credit, and as for the dead farm servants, they were just tools for him to show off his hard work.

"Such a good monster...Mr. Baron, are you really willing to give it to me?" Cloya was a little unconvinced.

One hundred silver coins for one egg, could it be a golden egg?

Besides, he didn't believe that the other party would be so kind and generous for such a monster with economic value.

Baron Kemoye didn't expect Cloya to say it so directly, so he could only smile awkwardly: "They are indeed a little special, but I believe you, the mage, will be interested."

As he said this, he signaled to his men with his eyes.

Immediately, a tall man wearing heavy armor, who looked like a tin can, slowly approached the carriage.

He moved cautiously, as if he was facing a great enemy.

The armor on his body flashed with red magic patterns, which was obviously enchanted armor, but he didn't know what kind of magic was enchanted.

'Is it necessary to do this? These ducks don't seem to have much killing power. ' Kloya thought.

As a result, the tall man just approached the carriage within one meter.


The ducks that were originally noisy suddenly became quiet, and their gray-blue eyes stared straight at the man.

This scene was a little weird - just imagine being stared at by so many ducks, you must feel a little uncomfortable.

"Oh?" Kloya narrowed his eyes and felt that there seemed to be some magic vibrating in the air, and the source was those ducks.

He was a little looking forward to what would happen.


The next second, the ducks' mouths actually sprayed out a beam of ice-blue light, and a full eighty beams sprayed on the man's armor.

It seemed that the enchanted armor made of some kind of fire magic metal triggered the defense mechanism. The fiery red shield surrounded his body and barely resisted the ducks' attack.


The shock wave of the conflict between the fire magic and the ice magic brought a hazy mist, which instantly covered the surrounding area.

Kloya casually pinched a second-level spell, the Wind Summoning Spell, and then gently waved his hand. With a "whoosh" sound, the wind blew away the mist.

He stared at the ducks with burning eyes and found that they were already listless and all lay down.

It seemed that the magic power was over-consumed.

That's right, it would be strange if they could keep firing rays of this power.

"You can see that they are difficult to tame, especially for those who offend their territory, they will unite to attack.

My armor is an ancestral treasure, engraved with a rotating fire shield cast by a magician, which barely offset their attacks."

Baron Kemoye's expression was a little nervous, as if he was afraid that Cloya would refuse. After all, it would be a troublesome thing to keep such a magical beast that was difficult to tame at first glance.

"Haha, it seems that you are not very sincere." Cloya didn't think anything of his little thought.

These fish-tailed sea ducks did meet his requirements, and there were as many as 80 of them. If they were sold, they would definitely be more than one gold coin each.

With good spellcasting ability and eggs with extremely high economic value, such a magical beast could be sold for five or six gold coins.

But the problem is here. It will be very troublesome if they cannot be tamed.

As for the master-servant contract... that thing costs one magic crystal, and there is a limit to the number of contracts people can sign with so many ducks.

It may be a bit troublesome for others, but for Kloya... he has just noticed that these ducks are very afraid of fire magic.

He just happens to have very good fire magic.

He doesn't believe that he can't tame them. If he can really tame them, it will be very helpful for him to open up the sea.

Isn't this a pillow for a sleepy man - just when he was about to move the air coral to the sea, he was sent a group of thugs.

Thanks to the struggling man in the sinking, the big and small Ming brothers for their monthly tickets and the recommendation tickets of all the readers, I am very grateful~

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