I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 50 Angels on 50 Mushrooms? (Please read on)

Chapter 50 50. Angels on Mushrooms? (Please read on)

The hill behind the castle.

After learning that Cloa was going to plant magic plants here, Art sent people to check the land that had been cleaned up overnight.

All the broken stones and weeds had been cleared away, leaving Cloa with a bare land, but it was obviously cultivated.

The soil was very soft when stepped on.

"It's cleaned up quite cleanly."

He praised casually, walked forward, and looked around.

It's better to be bare, so that nothing will occupy the growth space of the magic plants.

"This is what I should do!"

Art laughed and told the servants behind him to follow.

As for the hard work of cultivating the land with the servants in the middle of the night, he would not mention it on his own initiative - his father told him that he didn't need to show off his achievements, as long as the lord knew it.

Since it was just the beginning, Cloya only planned to use one acre of land for the experiment, and then gradually expand outward. And this back mountain has a total of 16 or 17 acres, which is definitely enough for him to plant a lot of magic plants.

As for magic plants, except for some high-level magic plants that are very domineering, they need to prepare a special environment for them to grow.

Low-level magic plants actually only need enough magic power.

In other words, even if you plant 10,000 plants in one acre of land, as long as there is enough magic power and fertilizer, they will basically not make trouble-of course, they must be of the same type, otherwise there will be a conflict of magic power, and they will definitely die for you to see.

In the description of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce, the recommended planting area for the Anshen Lily and Thick Soil Potato is: 400 plants and 600 plants/acre respectively.

He has 140 Anshen Lily and 280 Thick Soil Potatoes in his hand, and half an acre of land is enough for each.

These two magic plants do not have obvious magic tendencies-Thick Soil Potato is just a name, and it is not actually a magic plant of earth or soil attributes.

So there will be no conflict if they are planted together.

In addition, with the existence of the magic field vines, there is no need to worry about the lack of magic plants on the land, and they cannot absorb enough magic and nutrients - the roots of the vines will provide them with magic.

Therefore, the magic field vines need to be planted first.



Kloya paced in this area and quickly determined the area with the most magic through mental power and perception.

Immediately, he personally picked up a shovel to dig the soil.

He dug a pit of about 20 centimeters.

He put the magic of the sunflower extracted from the magic pool into it, and then covered it with a layer of soil. Then he carefully planted the grapevines in it, and finally gently covered the emerald green magic soil attached to the grapevines with soil.

Ordinary grapes need to be built with a trellis, but in the instructions, this kind of magic field vines do not need to be built with a trellis at all, and can grow directly by planting it.

Kloya was very curious about how it would grow.

So after planting it, he observed it motionlessly.

The star body engraving technique and mental power were both turned to the maximum.

The dark blue grapevine seemed to know that it was buried in the soil. After a short silence, it began to grow at an astonishing speed.

It was almost visibly thicker and longer. The roots underground could not be seen, but the grapevines growing on the ground could be seen clearly.

Rather than being called grapevines, it was more like a tree.

There was an especially thick main vine that grew to about two meters high without any help, and then extended a new vine, spreading and growing rapidly around.

It was still two meters high.

The grapevine gave birth to new vines, which intertwined and entangled with each other. The leaves and vines grew vigorously, and soon completely covered the surrounding land.

An acre of land was covered by the lush magic field grapevines in less than ten minutes.

The fully grown magic field grapevines were still a light transparent blue, which allowed sunlight to shine through it and fall on the ground, ensuring that the magic plants below would not be deprived of sunlight.

Moreover, the sunlight filtered by it seemed to become much softer. People standing under the grapevines did not feel very hot, and even felt a little cool.

Everyone was stunned - is this the power of the master wizard?

Such a magical magic plant was born so quickly?

It also covered an acre of land!

And Cloya, who planted the grapevines, just had a calm expression, pointed to the obvious bulge on the ground and said: "Plant the lily of the valley and the thick soil potato. Remember, you must plant them right above the roots!

And you must plant them neatly, and you must not hurt the roots and magic plants. If anyone hurts them, I will throw you into the sea to feed the fish.

If you plant well, everyone will be rewarded with a silver coin!"

His voice used the power of red repetition, easily covering the surroundings, and the sound clearly rang in everyone's ears.

And it seemed to have the power of encouragement.

A silver coin!

Just planting can get a silver coin? !

The servants were immediately excited and shouted in unison: "Yes, Lord!"

Then they carefully began to dig holes and plant.

The gentle movements probably showed that he cared more about the mushroom than his own wife and children.

As for Croa?

After using the carrot and stick method, he got up and went to the lake to check on the mushroom and the Kabamon.

It is impossible to supervise the supervisor. There will definitely be more such land reclamation and magic plant planting in the future.

As a lord, he cannot supervise every time. He must give his subordinates some opportunities to exercise.

A useful tool man needs to be cultivated slowly in this way.

With brisk steps, Kloya dived to the bottom of the lake.

The bubbles formed by the air coral were filled with holy white iron sent by Baron Kemoye, and the kaba beasts were chewing the ore leisurely.

I didn't see the two earth-stealing rats - but I saw the holes they dug. I guess they are still digging holes.


I don't know if it's an illusion, Kloya always feels that their fur seems to be filled with a strange holy halo, as if it is glowing.

"...I thought I saw the group of people from the Church."

"If the Church saw such a holy Kabamon, they would not worship it as a holy beast."

The corners of his mouth twitched a few times, and he came to the mushroom surrounded by a pile of holy white iron and looked down.

As a result, he found that there was something wrong with the mushroom.

A very strange light spot formed on its surface, emitting a soft white light similar to holy white iron.

It was very holy. Through the light, you can see that it seems to be wrapped in a breath of life... a person?

"How is it possible?" Kloya was shocked and squatted down to take a closer look. As a result, there was really a human figure in the light spot that was at most the size of a grape.

He rubbed his eyes and thought he had seen it wrong.

But it was indeed correct.

The strange human figure grew white wings, and it remained sleeping peacefully in the wings.

This... Isn't this clearly an angel? !

Thanks to Mr. Pei Xiansen for the reward, and to Mr. Tianran Luosheng, Abbotte, and Dangxian for the monthly tickets and the recommendation tickets from all the big guys. Thank you.

By the way, please read it as usual! Thank you!

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