I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 56 56 Demon Puppet, Capturing the Moon (Please read on)

Chapter 56 56. Demon Puppet, Capturing the Moon (Please read on)

It cost him ten magic crystals to buy the master-servant contract of the magic beast - this is because the Star Crystal Turtle is special.

Otherwise, two or three would be enough.

After buying the contract, he tried to buy the information on the simulated magic tree, but he only bought a thin booklet with ten magic crystals.

More would cost hundreds or thousands of dollars, and it really made my wallet feel dry.

"It's so thin, I don't know how much information it can provide."

He sighed and opened the booklet to check it carefully.

It briefly introduced this peculiar magic plant - if it wants to grow, it needs to be irrigated with blood, and it must be blood containing magic power.

Every year, it needs a huge amount of magic blood for irrigation.

However, if it grows for more than two years, it will begin to shed its skin continuously. The shed bark is a very good material for making scrolls, and it is also a material for making some special puppets.

For example... the demon puppet.

This is generally recognized as one of the highest-level puppets.

Their appearance and even their bodies are exactly the same as those of humanoid races. Unless special magic is used for detection, they cannot be identified.

It is even said that there are legendary demon puppets living in the human world.

At the same time, due to the special properties of this material.

It is very easy to carve and carve magic pattern circuits on the body of the puppet, and the combat power of the puppet can naturally increase exponentially. It is one of the best materials for making puppets.

There is no doubt that this is a very good thing.

Kloya was certainly tempted.

He put away the Holy Spring Crystal Card and the booklet, and decided to let Robert arrange someone to follow the group of crows to find it and see if he can find it.

But before that, he still had to solve the problem of the Star Crystal Turtle.

Looking left and right, Kloya found that the turtle had run to the side of the Wood Yao Qu Teng King.

It poked its head out, with a look of doubt in its eyes: "Old friend, you...how come you haven't changed in so many years?"

The Wood Moon Twisted King replied: "I stay in the old master's magic circle, and there will be no change...but you, who was once just a little turtle, are still alive?"

The vine and the turtle didn't seem to be reminiscing about the past, but rather secretly mocking, with a stick and thorn in their words.


He coughed lightly, then waved to the crystal turtle: "Sign the contract first."

The latter hurried over and skillfully left his blood and soul mark on the contract, as if he had done it many times before.

After completing the contract, Kroya was completely relieved.

Glancing at the Wood Moon Twisted King and the Star Realm Crystal Turtle, he asked: "You not only know each other, but have you met before?"

"Yes, master." The Wood Moon Twisted King replied: "His master, the great wizard Eurydice, once came to pay a visit to the legendary wizard Ilist.

It used to want to eat my leaves."


Is this the grudge?

"Eurydice... this name seems to sound like a female wizard." Kloya was curious.

When he read the booklet at that time, the personal pronoun in it was clearly male "he", not female. How come he has changed his gender now?

"No, his name is inherited from the mother goddess of the feathered people." The crystal turtle trembled: "Although he is a descendant of the feathered people in the upper plane, he is really as cruel as the demons and devils in the lower plane!"

"Feathered people?"

The crystal turtle immediately said: "Legend has it that they are a race born by the mother goddess of the earth and the god of the sky. They have wings and can fly in the sky, but they must build houses and nests on the ground."

Kloya, who always felt that useless knowledge had increased, nodded to show that he knew.

Although he was curious about these things, the main business was more important-where is the pseudo-magic tree that the alchemy masters of the dwarves are eager for?

"Since you have signed a contract with me, then help me first... Muyao, you will take care of it.

If it doesn't work hard, tell me."

After saying that, he signaled to Muyao Quteng Wang, who immediately notified Rob who was outside, and soon Rob came over.

This time, Cloya did not let Rob wait outside, but let him enter his laboratory, and signaled Muyao Quteng Wang to bring a chair for him to sit down.

Rob was flattered by such treatment-since Cloya came, he has become more and more like a qualified mage lord, especially as his level increased, his majesty became more and more heavy.

Even Rob, who has been following Cloya, sometimes feels a little afraid when he sees the former, which is unavoidable.

There is a thick barrier between the extraordinary and ordinary people.

Kloya smiled slightly: "It has been a few months since you came here. Robert, you have done a lot for me. Thank you for your hard work.

Tomorrow I will give you a bottle of Morning Dew Potion and Sea Coconut Potion. You must take good care of yourself and think about things and hand them over to the people below."

"Thank you for your gift! Lord!"

Rob quickly got down from the chair and knelt down to pay his respects. Kloya did not stop him, but accepted it calmly.

This is the basic situation in this world. It is common for subordinates to thank the lord for his gift and then kneel down.

He can give Robert some rewards and privileges, but the basic rules cannot be changed.

After he finished kneeling, Kloya continued, "Send someone to find the source of those crows, and tell me immediately after finding them.

And this crystal turtle, take it to the mine of white iron ore."

"Okay." Robert nodded, and left with the crystal turtle after making sure that Kloya had no other instructions.

After watching him leave, Kloya looked at the King of Woody Quteng: "Do you know where the Star Council is?"

To be honest, he was still a little worried that the great wizard Eurydice would suddenly come back, so he had to make sure that he had completely left before he would develop the secret room.

The King of Woody Quteng was slightly stunned, and his vine body swayed, as if waving his hand: "The great wizard Ilister went to the Star Council. As long as he went to the Council, he could not return to his original world.

I don't know anything else."

"Oh." Kloya was thoughtful. Because of the existence of the contract, the King of Woody Quteng could not deceive him.

That is to say, the other party has indeed left this world and cannot come back. Then the secret room can be developed, and by the way, see if a secret passage can be dug directly to the bottom of the lake.

It will be much more convenient to enter this way.

"It's a pity that I don't know how to use the space array yet, and I don't know if there are any restrictions such as space locking arrays in it... Otherwise, it would be nice to just make a array so that I can enter at any time."

Putting aside his worries for the time being, Kloya stood up and picked up the remaining barks of the simulated magic tree and put them in the cabinet.

Then he patiently meditated and waited for the arrival of night.

Tonight... he will try to capture the power of the crescent fruit to see what is so special about it.

Thanks to Mu_you, tulaasd, Youling Zhuyuq Dimension Interference P for the monthly tickets and the recommended tickets of all the big guys.

Thank you all for your support!

I forgot to set the time today... Sorry, sorry, it's a little late, please read it as usual QAQ.

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