I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 67 67 Ancient forage mushrooms and sea ganoderma cultivation (please read later)

Chapter 67 67. Ancient Grass Mushrooms and Sea Ganoderma Planting (Please read later)


Kroya really didn't expect that the source of these strange fungi was here.

About 500 meters away from the air coral, there is a light green area on the seabed, and some unusual forces support a small shield.

The shield is about five or six meters long.

There are fungi like grass growing inside, densely connected into a piece.

They also emit a faint light on the seabed, and the shield provides them with an environment where they can grow safely, and they are obviously growing very well.

It is of course incredible that this thing appears on the seabed.

To be honest, the first thing Kroya thought when he saw this situation was... Is there any ruins hidden here?

As a result, when he walked in and carefully sensed it, he suddenly found that... in the middle of this small green area, there was a divine power that had not been dispersed in time, the divine power of the Mother Goddess of the Earth.

It should be that it awakened these fungi that have been sleeping on the seabed for who knows how long, and even used its own power to resist the scouring of the sea water.

It was just a little bit at most, probably the amount of a teardrop, but it actually persisted here for so long.

But that's it. Its power originally belonged to the earth, and it was subject to many restrictions in the ocean. It awakened these long-dormant magic fungi.

When Kloya saw it, its power was about to dissipate completely, and this green land would naturally be crushed by the power of the ocean and disappear in the end.

"So this is fate? I threw it away casually and accidentally awakened the hyphae on the seabed..."

He shook his head and chose to take all these strange fungi away and put them into the shell, and then turned back to the bubble with the Sea Duck King.

Through the Star Spirit Body Imprinting Technique, he knew the name of these fungi-ancient forage fungi.

A very strange name, ancient forage, can this thing be fed to herbivorous monsters?

In fact, he didn't need to try it anymore, because after returning to the bubble, he had seen the ducks eating this ancient grass fungus, and they seemed to like it very much and ate it very deliciously.

To be honest, he wanted to try it himself when he saw the ducks eating so deliciously.

But he finally gave up this idea.

Well, even if he wanted to eat it, he had to find someone to try it first. Since the monsters can eat it, it means it should be non-toxic.

But it is not clear whether it is harmful to humans.

After learning where these ancient grass fungi came from, he didn't care much.

There are no large grass-eating households such as cattle and sheep on Hanjiao Island now. At most, there are only two explosive fire horses that can eat some. When he goes back, he will bring some for them to try.

See if the explosive fire horses like this fungus and what kind of changes will occur after swallowing this fungus. After knowing everything, he will seriously consider how to use it.

What needs to be done now is to plant the sea ganoderma.

The place to plant sea ganoderma had been chosen long ago. As early as when planting gas corals, Kloya had already found a place.

It was an area with huge reefs.

Sea ganoderma is actually a kind of elemental magic plant and fungus.

It needs to grow on the reefs by the sea, and will continuously absorb the special magic from the sea, gradually growing from sea pearl spores to half a person's height of light blue ganoderma.

After it is fully grown, some mucous secretions can be scraped from the cap, and this secretion can be used to make sea ganoderma potion.

Depending on the abundance of ocean magic and the environment, the quality will also vary greatly.

Kloya heard of the name of this potion when he was in the capital. Its effect is that long-term use can improve the ability to perceive elements in a tiny amount.

It is not difficult to become a mage. If you have meditation and mental power, you are a normal person. You can always learn some elementary and first-level magic by spending resources and time.

But if you want to continue to advance, you need the help of elemental perception, mental power, and advanced meditation.

It is said that the nobles often buy these potions for their descendants to take, hoping that they can awaken elemental perception and become mages.

If there is even a tiny possibility of being related to the noble and mysterious mages, the price will definitely rise to an unimaginable level.

The alchemist master in the Mage Association said that although it does have a little effect, it needs to be taken continuously for a long time.

The price of this potion sold in the alchemy store in the capital is five gold coins per bottle. If you really want to take it every day, it is simply a money-eating beast.

Of course.

Such a high price, and the formula of the sea ganoderma potion can be bought at will through the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce, must have a huge limitation in some aspect.

This is indeed the case.

First of all, only sea dolphins and some higher-level magic beasts can gather and find spores from the sea.

Secondly, it needs to grow by the sea, and it is best if the ocean magic power is supplied continuously at a nearly consistent frequency.

This also means that the environment must be stable.

But we all know the sea...you never know when a crazy storm will come, causing the magic to become chaotic.

This is the weather, which humans cannot control.

This alone strictly limits the production of sea ganoderma - the key is that this thing does not absorb magic after filtering through the magic circle, it must be original.

Kloya doesn't know if the magic after filtering through the bubbles of the air coral will work, but he wants to try it. If it works, everyone will be happy.

Secondly, it needs to absorb some fresh water.

And it can't have excessive magic, just ordinary fresh water.

Kloya plans to hand over this work to two earth-stealing rats, and let them water it every day.

As for where the fresh water comes from...

Just connect a pipeline.

There are sea dolphins and their little brothers patrolling nearby, and there is no need to worry about fish destroying the pipeline. At that time, you only need to connect a pipeline extending from the river.

It can be said that Kloya has considered everything that should be considered, and now there is only the planting attempt left.

"Let's get started." He took a deep breath and took out the things that the sea dolphin gave him from the shell.

These are some crystal clear blue beads.

The special water magic of the sea dolphins wrapped some tiny and almost invisible white catkins in the middle - that is the hyphae of the sea ganoderma.

The sea dolphins collected them in the sea and slowly attracted them with their own magic resonance.

During this period, they only collected five. It takes time to get more.

Kroya first splashed sea water on the reef, then carefully dug a small hole, separated the magic of the ocean and turned it into gas and poured it into the hole.

During this period, he only used the method of the Seven Stars Separation Technique, and all other means that might cause magic turbulence were useless.

After the hole was dug, he put the beads wrapped in the sea ganoderma spores into it.

So far, it is temporarily completed.

Next, he needs to continue to observe to see if the hyphae of the sea ganoderma can adapt to the magic filtered by the air coral and start to grow.

If it can, it means that the work is done.

If not, he can only think of other methods.

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