Chapter 7 7. Poem of Rainbow Light

With curiosity, he immediately began to check the scroll of the mansion technique.

He looked left and right.

As a result, he found that the patterns on the surface of the scroll seemed a little strange. If the patterns were reversed... it seemed that some strange words could be formed.

These words were hidden in the exquisite and luxurious patterns of the scroll that were full of impracticality, and they did not look abrupt at all.

That was why no one discovered them.

‘Wait, this word... I seem to have learned it. It was taught by the original owner’s grandfather! ’

He was a little surprised after a brief inspection.

Then he pondered for a moment and calmed down, and began to slowly sort out and check.

It took two hours to finally sort out all these tiny words.

And when he sorted out all these words, he suddenly found that this word seemed to be a poem praising the sun, and it was also praising the seven colors after the decomposition of sunlight.

Starting from red and ending with purple.

The length of the whole poem was very exaggerated, with more than 700 words.

Its name is...

Kloya frowned and said, "The Poem of Rainbow Light?"

He studied it carefully, and then he was even more surprised.

The arrangement of the words in this poem is actually a kind of magic, and it is a special musical magic that includes how to meditate.

The first chapter is a special meditation method!

The other chapters behind should be magic.

Just looking at the complexity of this meditation, it is probably many times stronger than the meditation method he has now.

He hesitated.

The poem above is very strange, but if he can really learn it, it will definitely be a huge improvement for him.

Now he is isolated overseas, and he must have some strength to suppress it.

To be honest, the higher his strength, the more things he can do, and he can even apply for resource support from the Royal Capital Mage Association.

Besides, this is what the original owner's grandfather left him, so there should be no problem.

The only strange thing is that the only remnants in the original owner's memory are that he knows that his grandfather seems to be a bard.

But...he is a bard who has no food to eat.

How could he leave such advanced magic and such a special meditation method?

And it uses such strange, magical words.

Kloya paced around the room and thought.

After thinking for a while, he simply gritted his teeth, sat directly on the bed, and began to meditate - the things were in front of him, and he would be stupid not to learn.

It is very important to strengthen your own strength!

"Learn first!"

Meditation requires absolute concentration of one's own spiritual consciousness, and also captures magic factors from the surrounding air, so the improvement brought by a good meditation method is very huge.

The speed of capturing magic factors alone is several times that of ordinary people.

Originally, Kloya was learning the "Primary Meditation Method" that was passed down by the Mage Association.

But now he changed to the first chapter of "The Poem of Rainbow Light", "The Red Song", and he immediately felt different.

The surrounding magic factors vibrated slightly under the involvement of his consciousness, and actually emitted a very strange but clear music.

"Ding Ding Ding~~~"

Along with this music that sounded out of thin air, the strands of red magic factors in the sunlight were all absorbed by him.

Very obediently entered his magic cyclone for circulation.

Judging from the speed of magic entering, it was so fast, at least twenty times faster than the original meditation method.

However, Kroya knew that this was not the limit.

With his current ability, he could only barely arrange the spellcasting gestures and runes in the Scarlet Song, and he couldn't even touch the remaining six colors.

But just one red color is twenty times the previous one... What if he could learn all of the "Poem of Rainbow Light"?

Such joy almost made him excitedly leave the meditation state.

Fortunately, he immediately restrained the joy and excitement in his heart, and soon immersed himself in the enjoyment of meditation and capturing the red factor.

The feeling of magic filling the body was extremely wonderful.

Even his mental strength was quickly restored in the warmth of the sun like warm water. He even had a feeling: if the sun was always there, he might be able to meditate like this.

But the sun will still set.

Kloya arrived at his own Hanjiao Island at noon. After lunch, he began to meditate. He continued to meditate until the sun set in the west. He finally opened his eyes when the sun completely disappeared.

The clear music surrounding him also disappeared.

A red light flashed in his eyes.

"One day is equivalent to twenty days of meditation in the past... Tsk, if I had gotten this earlier, wouldn't I have become a second-level or even a third-level wizard?"

Kloya sighed.

At this time, the red magic power in his magic cyclone was already extremely full. Perhaps with more than ten days of meditation, he could condense a second magic cyclone and advance to a second-level wizard.

When he reaches the second-level wizard, he can try to cast the power of the Red Song into magic. By then, I don't know what kind of great power this magical poem will have.

He stood up and felt extremely comfortable both mentally and physically, as if he had a good sleep and was full of energy.

It seems that this meditation can completely replace sleep.

If he had this ability before, he would have succeeded long ago.

The only pity is that this ability is limited to when there is sunlight. It seems that I will need to find time to meditate during the day and stay up late at night. It would be great if there is a meditation method that absorbs the magic power of moonlight.

The moonlight in this world is not reflected sunlight, but a celestial body that can shine independently.

Many magical methods and rituals require moonlight.

Croya sighed, feeling deeply that he was so greedy that he wanted a second one after having one.

Then he glanced at the clock on the wall.

"It's already seven o'clock?"

This time suddenly made him feel not very good, and he stayed at home all afternoon.

So, is Butler Rob okay?

When he first came here, he was always a little uneasy.

Thinking of this, he immediately unlocked the magic circle and strode out of his room.

Sure enough, I saw the knight Joshua standing guard on the side. This guy was still in high spirits, but there was a somewhat anxious look on his face.

"What happened?"

Croya looked calm and held his walnut staff as a walking stick - he was the lord and the backbone of the entire territory. Anyone could panic, but he couldn't panic.

When Joshua saw his lord coming out, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief and said quickly: "At the seaside, something happened at the seaside!"


Croya's heart tightened, and as he walked out, he asked: "Is there a monster in the sea, a sea monster, or something else?"

If there really is a sea monster or a monster that he can't deal with, he might really consider a strategic retreat so that he can keep Qingshan alive without fear of running out of firewood.

Is he really that unlucky? I encountered this kind of trouble when I first came here.

The knight followed him and explained: "No, neither Rob nor we know what it is, but Bartos said it is the wrath of the sea god, and they are devouring everything on the shore!"


It’s getting weirder and weirder, even the Wrath of Poseidon comes out.

But it’s definitely not okay to run away without taking a look.

Croya decided to investigate the actual situation and then make a plan - since Bartos knew it, this situation should have happened before, so it wouldn't have much impact, right?

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