I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 72 72 Don’t Want to Bloom (Please Read)

Chapter 72 72. Don't want to bloom (please read)

Compared to the deserted coconut trees, there are many people busy here in the magic field vines.

They obviously know that this is the object of Cloya's special care, and to be honest, compared to the coconut trees, the fields are indeed more important.

Cloya stood in the distance and took a look, and saw Elena and a group of people taking care of the dead branches and leaves outside the coverage of the vines and transporting the accumulated water out.

They worked hard, carrying water and moving sundries.

On a messy ground, the mess was gradually organized, which looked really comfortable.

When the magic field vines encountered heavy rain, the roots were high and the land sank, resulting in serious water accumulation outside the field, almost like an island in the lake.

If it is not handled in time, there will obviously be some minor problems.

"Not bad."

He stayed in the distance and watched for a while, and found that Elena seemed to be born with some talent for tending the land. She is quite familiar with the work and can do everything with the servants.

Even if she has been doing farm work since she was a child, she should not have such talent, not to mention that there is no arable land on the island. Before Cloya came, she lived on fishing.

Is it because of her identity as the Son of Harvest and the power of the Mother Earth?

‘If she really has a talent for farming…’ Cloya thought about it and decided to teach her some knowledge appropriately.

For example, how to take better care of the lily of the valley and the thick potato.

If she can really learn all of them and take good care of them, Cloya will really give her more tasks and a higher status.

For those who are willing to learn and work hard, it is not much to give some investment and help.

To be honest, what he lacks now is talent.

Is there any talent that is more loyal than those he has cultivated?



The arrival of Cloya caused a commotion among the servants.

They quickly put down the tools in their hands and knelt down on the spot, with an extremely pious expression.

They had all discovered that the sun was shining brightly on the side of Hanjiao Island, and not long ago there was a red halo flickering.

These things happened after Cloya arrived, and they must be the auspicious signs brought by the lord!

The previous storm must have been an accident.

So, they came to clean up the field as soon as they saw the storm was over.

"Well." Cloya nodded lightly: "Well done, when the matter is over, everyone can take a loaf of bread back."

The bread mentioned here is of course bread made from Poseidon barley, and its status has actually become a bit mythical.

What are the rumors on the island...

The lord cultivated it with magic!

The unique magic plant of the royal capital!

It can cure diseases after eating it, and there are even people who say that eating this kind of bread can become a magician.

The farmers on the remote islands have almost no knowledge of the outside world, so they naturally yearn for things blessed by the double halo of the royal capital and the magician.

Therefore, when Cloya announced that each person would be given a loaf of bread, the twenty or so servants present immediately showed an ecstatic expression.

Their tone was also obviously more loyal.

In their view, the "magic bread" given by the lord was a great gift from heaven!

Cloya didn't pay much attention to it and looked at the grapevine in front of him.

Unlike the storm at that time.

At this time, its own vines and leaves have been completely spread out, allowing as much sunlight as possible to shine on the lily of the valley and the thick potato below.

The outside is a mess, but the land under its protection is neat and tidy, even the ground is clean, without even fallen leaves.

Bunches of crystal clear grapes hang on the branches.

Each bunch is crystal clear like a gem.

Some light blue liquid is slowly dripping.

After the liquid drips onto the ground, it is quickly absorbed by the land, and then a faint magical halo can be vaguely seen flashing on the surface of the land.


He went directly into the field out of curiosity, reached out to catch a drop of liquid that was about to drip onto the ground, wrapped it with magic power, and observed it carefully in his palm.

This is very pure attributeless magic power.

It feels like the composition is related to the vines he produced with magic crystals. It should be the magic liquid that can transform the earth and turn it into a magic field as mentioned in the introduction.

After observing, he casually threw the magic liquid on the ground and watched it seep into the soil.

Then, he looked up at the grapes that were shining brightly in the sun.

If the magic liquid dripped down, would the grapes still exist?

Sure enough, the size of those grapes was shrinking visibly with the dripping of the magic liquid. If it kept dripping, it would disappear completely sooner or later.

He looked at the approximately one hundred bunches of grapes hanging on the vines again, thinking in his heart: Can I also engrave some meditation methods on this thing, such as absorbing the magic power of the sun like a sunflower?

After thinking about it, he gave up.

Honestly, plants naturally absorb magic from the air, so isn't this a form of meditation for capturing magic?

Burning more meditations is obviously useless.

And the sun's magic tendency is too strong. He doubts that if he also engraves the magic of Scarlet Song or Sunfire Impact, the magic field vine will become the sun vine.

What Kloya needs is pure magic.

At least before he plans to make a magic field with other attributes, it must be pure.

After going through the magic he has learned, Kloya still can't think of any good way.

And the most important thing is that he has no chance to try and make mistakes with the magic crystal vine. If the engraving is wrong, it can't be removed.

Maybe it will destroy this precious magic crystal vine.

"It seems that I can only try it on other magic plants first, such as making them feel that the magic power is not sufficient and want to work hard to absorb the magic power.

This desire..."

He narrowed his eyes.

Putting this matter aside for the time being, he began to seriously inspect his magic field.

The pink and blue lily of the valley still emits a peaceful bell sound under the breeze.

Walking among them, surrounded by pink and blue flowers, he could feel the abundant vitality. This feeling was really good.

As he walked, he suddenly felt something.

He stared at a strange-looking lily of the valley - its buds were tightly closed, which was particularly abrupt in the pleasant bell sound.


The astral body imprinting technique instantly penetrated it, saw the astral body in its body, and heard its consciousness -

"I don't want to bloom."

"If I bloom, I will be picked by others, and if I bloom, I will wither."

"Why, why can't my flowers bloom all the time?"

The voice was very weak.

Kroya: "..."

Ah? What, what kind of idea is this.

Just because I don't want to be picked by others, and I don't want my flowers to wither, I won't bloom?

Why does it feel a bit... weird.

Thanks to Ying Xingling for the reward.

Thanks to the monthly tickets and recommendation tickets from the novel fans S hurt, God-forgotten Victor, 274rffvvt, Book Friend 20220909233110421, Book Friend 20191229170533924, Faucet Little Hot Wheels, Confused 20181016, and Star Dream Hunter.

Thanks, everyone, happy 520~

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