Chapter 88 88. Orpheus Oak

A living ship.

To be precise, it should be the entire ship. All the wooden boards fit tightly together, and the same magic is flowing inside.

The magic is full of vitality, and it is definitely the magic emitted by a magical plant.

The answer identified by the Astral Body Imprinting Technique is -

Orpheus Oak.

Another completely unfamiliar name, which is completely absent from Kloya's knowledge reserve, but oak... that is also a very magical and common magical tree species.

Such a huge oak tree.

"Has it already given birth to wisdom?"

Through the effect of the Astral Body Imprinting Technique, Kloya can find that the entire ship is indeed the so-called "Orpheus Oak", and can even see its structure.

The most important thing is that it does have self-awareness——

"I want to get away from here..."

"Decay, sink, dead..."

"Face the sea wind and break the waves!"

Kroya judged from this consciousness that it should want to leave here and return to the sea, and continue to be a ship that can ride the wind and waves.

The question is, can this also evolve?

What kind of magic is needed to achieve this desire?

Such a huge ship and tree, judging from the consciousness and magic power coming from it, it is probably not lower than level 4, and even close to level 5.

It is probably quite troublesome to engrave spells for such a huge existence.

Besides, it is really hard to think of any magic that can do it for a while.

He can only give up temporarily.

"If there is consciousness, can it communicate?"

He thought a lot in an instant, and then carefully extended his consciousness to communicate with the sunken ship.

I want to go into its body to search for treasure. If it suddenly riots, wouldn't it be a big trouble?

Communication early can also avoid some disasters.

As a result, as soon as his consciousness approached the sunken ship, the other party seemed to wake up, and immediately sent one consciousness after another--

"Can you communicate with me?"

"Ah!! After six hundred years! Finally someone can talk to me."

"I, my new friend, come in quickly!"

The communication and inspection of the astral body imprinting technique cannot be faked, and the soul and consciousness cannot be faked-at this moment, the astral body of the sunken ship has indeed turned into a color of joy and excitement.

The joy in the consciousness is almost overflowing, which shows that it really welcomes Cloya to enter the ship.

After consideration, Cloya also gladly accepted the invitation.

"I'm here!"

After responding like this, he gently patted the sea dolphin's head: "Let's go in."


The sea dolphin quickly swam towards the ship, and then entered the interior of the ship through a huge hole.

It was not dark inside at all.

From the floor and walls of the cabin, tender green branches grew, and they emitted a gentle emerald green halo in the sea water.

Even at the bottom of the sea, it was as bright as day.

Green has always been a refreshing color, and with the natural and life force gathered by this Orpheus Oak, just staying in the cabin can make people feel indescribable comfort.

Magic power almost rushed into the body.

Originally, Cloya felt a little tired because of the previous battle. He felt that if he stayed in here for a while, both his magic power and mental power should be able to recover quickly.

With such a nest, it is no wonder that a level 4 magic shark appeared.

This is a magic circle that naturally gathers magic power.

If the pigs live in it for a long time, they should all become magic beasts.

"New friend, please come here."

The consciousness of the Orpheus Oak continued to invite him, and the branches on the floor and walls swayed gently as if pointing the way.

During this period, its consciousness was always joyful.

Cloya calmly controlled the dolphin to move forward in the direction it pointed.

The Astral Body Imprinting had been working, and he used the power of the Serenade of Tranquility to disguise his power as completely harmless.

Anyway, he was pretending to be a nature-loving wizard - which seemed to be true in a sense.

The cabin corridor was extremely wide.

But because the sharks often came in and out, there were no decorations at all, and it even had a strange feeling of being worn out.

The sea dolphin swam along the corridor and soon came to a wall. It seemed that there was no way out, but Kloya could find something behind it through the Astral Body Imprinting.

A hole.

He waited leisurely.

Sure enough, the branches on the wall separated, revealing a scene wrapped in a magic barrier -

It turned out to be a garden!

The magic barrier blocked the entry of seawater, and the garden was dry, without any seawater infiltration.

The flowers were in full bloom, competing for beauty.

Most importantly, there was an illusory figure inside!

It looked like an anthropomorphic tree, standing in the garden and looking towards Cloya, with a joyful and kind expression.

Grass spirit?

It was a little similar to the power fluctuations emitted by the sunflower spirit. Could it be that it was the spirit of the oak tree?

"New friend, come in quickly. The outside has been destroyed by those bad sharks. Only here can still entertain you."

Xiaoshu invited Croya.

This time its voice came directly through magic vibrations, no longer consciousness.

Hmm... Can all of you high-level magic beasts or magic plants speak in this way?

"You guys, please wait outside."

After Croya told the dolphin, he passed through this magical barrier, just like passing through a space door, and instantly arrived at a beautiful garden from the bottom of the sea.

There are all kinds of flowers and plants growing on the ground. They are colorful and soft like woven carpets. They are so thick that half of your calf can sink into them if you step on them.

The nose is filled with the fragrance of grass and trees.

But the strange thing is: there are no magic plants here.

After he came in, he habitually used the Celestial Spirit Body Imprinting Technique to scan, but found no hint of any new magic plants at all, and there was still only one Orpheus Oak.

Could it be that these plants and trees are all transformed from the Orpheus oak tree?

Can a single tree turn into so many flowers and plants with different colors and different magic waves?

"New friend." Orpheus Oak came over.

Its tone was extremely enthusiastic: "I feel the same kind of breath in you, it trusts you so much, you must be a kind and nature-loving person!

welcome! "


It turned out to be the work of the Sunflower Elf.

Croya smiled slightly and said: "It is indeed a cute little guy. With its company, I will not feel bored or lonely at any time.

May it stay with me forever. "

At the end, his voice was obviously sincere, and he really hoped that the Sunflower Elf could always be with him.

"Ah! I really want to see it."

Orpheus Oak sighed, his expression becoming softer. Without even seeing how it moved, the flowers and plants on the ground automatically gathered together and turned into extremely exquisite tables and chairs.

There are even teacups made of wood.

It contained a light green liquid.

"Please sit down, new friend." It stretched out its hand to invite: "It has been too long since I have seen a friend who can communicate with me. I hope you like my way of hospitality."

"Friend, of course I will like it." Croya also learned its way of speaking.

"That's great!" Oak jumped excitedly.

One person and one tree took their seats one after another.

Croya glanced at the cup placed in front of him - this thing really attracted attention, and he couldn't ignore it at all.

There was a light emerald green liquid inside, and there was a faint aroma of strange wine and fruit, which seemed to be wine.

Orpheus Oak seemed to have noticed Croya's actions, and introduced with a smile: "This is Thousand Fruit Spirit Wine brewed on the Eternal Gathering Island, the country of elves.

It contains a thousand different kinds of fruits, fermented in the oak tree with pure dew before the sun rises in the morning.

Please taste it, new friend. "

"Then I'm welcome." Croya didn't refuse and took a small sip of the wine.

The entrance is filled with an indescribable fragrance, as if there are a thousand different fruit flavors gathered inside, welcoming an indiscriminate bombardment of fruits.

The short stimulation is followed by a long aftertaste.

It's obviously a kind of fruit wine, but it tastes surprisingly good, and I still feel a little tipsy after drinking it.

The magic power in the body was instantly full.

"Delicious fruit wine, thank you for your generosity, friend." Croya did not hesitate to praise: "I have never drunk such a special wine..."

Orpheus Oak, who hadn't talked to anyone for a long time, smiled happily and stretched its bark, and gave Croya another drink.

Then he took the initiative to bring up the business.

"New friends, what's going on outside now?"

It was a little uneasy: "This ship sank six hundred years ago, and I have been here for six hundred years. Are the elves okay?"

Croya shook his head helplessly: "I don't know the situation of the elves, I'm sorry, friend."

"It doesn't matter." It seemed that this answer was what it expected. It smiled reluctantly: "You came here for the treasure on the sunken ship, right? I feel that you should have killed all those bad sharks. ”

"Yes." Croya didn't hide it. This was a normal thing. When he saw a sunken ship on the seabed, he would want to explore and hunt for treasure.

"There are indeed some treasures on this Orpheus." It stared at Croya: "I am willing to give you some, but please promise me to help me explore the affairs of the Orpheus family in the elf country."

"The Ophis family? Is it a very powerful family?"

"It should have been very powerful in the past, but I don't know anymore, so I wanted to ask you to investigate."

With its sound, the ground roiled slightly.

A flexible root appeared from inside, holding three things and placing them on the table——

A thin book, a delicate leaf-shaped instrument and a small bottle filled with clear liquid.

It introduced: "This book records some entry-level natural magic and several potion formulas. That leaf can accumulate magic power and communicate with me anywhere.

Inside the last bottle is the only fountain of life left on this ship, which I hope you can water for your little one.

My good friend, as long as you can help me find someone from the Orpheus family, I am willing to give you all the remaining treasures. "

I have to say this is a really big pie.

But it is really delicious.

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