I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 95 95 Light Three-piece Set, Production Completed

Chapter 95 95. The three-piece set of light, completed

After observing the flower with clear water flowing out, Kroya found that... its astral body seemed to be a kind of summoning array.

That is to say, the water inside was summoned from somewhere.

It was a very simple but exquisite array, and the composition and technique of magic were completely new to him.

He tried to describe it in his mind, but found that some positions were completely incomprehensible.

It seemed to be a magic pattern representing space.

"Forget it, I can only write it down first."

He recorded it silently, intending to record it in the sacred tree of the Sea of ​​​​Void Moon after returning.

After putting this matter aside, he bent down and scooped up a handful of water, curiously:

"Flower of overflowing cup of fortune, then your effect is..."

The water flowed slowly between his fingers, and the mud on his fingers that was originally stained by the carving of the array quickly melted in the water.

It was not washed away by the water... but purified.

He looked at his white palms, and it felt like he had just washed his hands and rubbed them with mud, and then applied a soft light filter, which made them exceptionally clean.

His slender fingers looked like they were carved from white jade.

"Oh, it's pretty good." He boasted shamelessly, and looked to the side--

The fireflies flying around him would occasionally dive into the water, and the light on their bodies did not dim, but became brighter.

"So this effect is purification?" He thought about it and decided to give it a try.

He reached out and took out a piece of dirty shark skin from the shell magic tool.

There were still traces of blood and fire that could not be removed on the shark skin, and there was even deep resentment in it--the resentment left by the shark before it died.

If it was used to make some scrolls of undead spells, this thing would definitely be a good material, but if it was used to make other scrolls, it would be very troublesome.

The resentment inside will destroy the magic pattern of the spell, and even cause some unknown mutations to the original spell.

For the mage, this unstable factor is the most annoying.

"Can you purify it?"

He held the shark skin with the mage's hand and slowly put it into the spring water. The moment the dirty shark skin touched the spring water.


Countless bubbles immediately emerged from it.

The dirt on the surface of the shark skin quickly disappeared under the flushing of these bubbles, and was finally completely washed away by the spring water.

The shark skin, which was originally black and red, turned into a deep blue, and the smooth texture was like blue silk.

Kloya blinked, took out the shark skin and looked at it carefully, and found that... not only the dirt on the surface disappeared, but also the chaotic magic inside was washed away.

Only the basic magic belonging to the shark skin remained.

In short, with just one soak, the shark skin was treated.

It can be used to make some scrolls or something.

"What is the principle behind this?"

Kroya was a little curious, and took out another piece of shark skin, threw it in, and wrapped his magic around it - this time he really felt what was going on.

It seemed to be an extremely high-frequency vibration, and when the magic vibrated wildly, the dirt on the surface of the shark skin was cleaned off.

"Just like... ultrasonic cleaning technology? It's just that the bubbles are replaced with microscopic magic particles... Well, this kind of magic is also very powerful."

He muttered to himself, trying to imitate it with his own magic, but it failed as expected.

It is very difficult to keep this kind of magic particles and vibration frequency all the time, at least with his current magic control method, it is completely impossible.

However, he also understood what principle this thing is based on, and maybe he can replicate it in the future and make a fully automatic cleaning array.

After writing it down, he began to make the holy water of prayer with satisfaction.


He poured out a 500 ml holy water in a silver metal bottle and held it with the power of the Holy Spirit.

The white-gold holy power and the pure holy water were clearly separated.

Then, he stretched out his hand and waved to the fireflies praying for light beside him.


Immediately, a group of fifty fireflies praying for light flew over, and a light golden flame was ejected from the crystal cavity at their tails.

The particles of the wisps of flame looked very clear. There seemed to be a small firefly jumping in each particle.

The flame could not wait to drill into the evenly spread holy water, and the light golden flame burned in the holy water, and soon formed a strange scene of water and fire coexisting.

The fireflies that ejected the flame fell to the ground with a "click" and gradually dimmed.

They were not dead, but they had lost their shells. Those flames were their true bodies.

Seeing this scene, Kloya breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that these praying fireflies are still very obedient, and it may be that the water has an effect.

As fire elemental creatures of the light system, they actually have a little resistance to holy water instinctively, which is also the most difficult part of the process of making praying holy water.

If they are unwilling to enter the water, or riot in the water, the next process will not be able to proceed.

Now is the right time.

Kloya muttered to himself: "Next..."

He gathered all his holy power, wrapped up the 500 ml holy water, and then squeezed it hard.


You could faintly hear the sound of something being crushed like a bubble.

That was... the fireflies' flames.

They were crushed by the holy power.

As elemental creatures, they could definitely gather together, but because of the weakness after being crushed, they could not gather and form so quickly.

Taking advantage of this time, Cloya began to stir and urged them to merge with the holy water with magic.

The power of the holy water smoothly began to merge these flames that were broken into finer than dust.

The dizzy fireflies had no ability to resist at all.

Soon, the holy water was stained with a touch of light gold.

The fireflies' flames could only accept this situation helplessly, began to adapt, and surged in the holy water.

Since they couldn't run away, they could only accept it.

The holy water also changed from pure water to a strange texture similar to jelly - the water was mixed with burning and jumping light golden flames.


"It's done!"

Kloya nodded with satisfaction. He struck while the iron was hot, took out a piece of refined holy white iron, and put it into the holy water of praying for light.

The holy white iron quickly became soft in the flame of the holy water of praying for light.

Taking advantage of this time, Kloya stretched the holy white iron with the hands of a wizard and carefully shaped it into silver-white feathers.

Each feather is only about three centimeters long and extremely thin.

At the same time, before the holy white iron completely cooled and hardened, the sacred magic patterns recorded in "Miracle of Light" were engraved on it.

Those magic patterns really look like the patterns on the feathers, and they become more beautiful and holy.

Because there are two different magic powers and the blessing of the red melody, Kloya used two pairs of wizards' hands to make it together, and the speed was extremely fast.

It took about two hours to make all 360 feathers needed for the wings of praying for light.

They floated quietly in front of Cloya, and each feather flashed with the silver metal halo of holy white iron and the light golden halo of the holy water of light.


Cloya exhaled gently, and he rubbed his temples. He was still a little tired after using his mental power so intensively.

Fortunately, there was only one step left.


He waved his palm and ordered the holy water of light that floated in the air because of the power of fireflies to cover the wings.

The holy water was attached to the surface of the feathers and squirmed.

While they were covering it, because they were elemental life, their bodies gradually penetrated into the gaps of the feathers.

This process took half an hour.

When they were completely infiltrated, Cloya finally waved his hand and completely opened up the magic patterns carved between the feathers.

With the completion of the last process, the feathers were connected together by magic power, turning into a pair of wings made of metal.

It floated in the air, and its wings spread out.

Threads of holy water flowed on the feathers, and they connected the feathers together with the lines of sacred magic.

When they were together, they were wings, and when they were apart, they were separate feathers and holy water.

And the most important function - it can fly!

Such a finished wing of prayer can carry about 300 kilograms of life, and even a knight in full armor can fly with the help of the wings.

It looks sacred and beautiful.

So far, the wings of prayer are completely completed.

It can be updated and iterated in the future, using a second different sacred metal to create another pair of wings.

According to the records in "Miracle of Light", a total of twelve pairs of different wings can be created, and the ability will become very powerful.

"It's so beautiful." Kloya couldn't help but sigh.

Turning it from material to finished product by hand, carefully carving it step by step, the fun of making it can be said to be quite intoxicating.

If this thing can only recognize one owner, Kloya is going to wear it himself and try to fly.

"Take a break before continuing."

After completing the production of the Prayer Wings, he teased the Kabamon and the fireflies for a while, watching them spinning and dancing.

He also accidentally discovered that the Prayer Fireflies were preparing to build a nest around the mushrooms - they spit out the sacred power in liquid form from their mouths.

Weaving like grass silk to form a nest.

It is obvious that these guys like this place very much.

"Not bad, this will make it much more convenient to use you in the future." Kloya nodded.


When he had rested for a while and recovered his mental strength and magic power, he began to work on the last thing, which is the production of the Light Link Scroll.

To make this thing...he first has to start mixing mud.

Well, most of the scrolls in "Miracle of Light" actually use clay tablets as carriers, but the types of mud are different.

Now this, just ordinary clean mud will do.

After he poured out the clean mud, he first filtered it in the spring water next to him.

When the soil became visibly purer, he poured in holy water and began to mix it in a ratio of two to one.

After the gray-black soil was mixed with holy water, its color gradually became brighter. In addition, Cloya continuously mixed the holy power into it, and it gradually changed from gray to holy white.

Time passed slowly.

When the last trace of gray finally faded.

A square clay tablet about ten centimeters wide and ten centimeters long was completed.

Cloya took out the awl made of holy white iron and slowly engraved on it. This time, the action was slower and more careful than before.

Every stroke and every painting was done with great care.

From the edge of the clay tablet, he began to gradually engrave a series of light magic including Holy Light, Spear of Light, Pure White Blade, and Chain of Sin.

The alchemical lines representing light magic filled from the edge to the center of the clay tablet. When each stroke fell, the holy power that had already penetrated into the clay tablet would connect into a line.

This time, he spent a whole day to finally draw alchemical lines on all places except the center of the clay tablet.

"Huh, it's finally done."

He let out a long breath and put it away properly.

The last step requires Baron Kemoye to come in person to complete it.

After spending so much time and energy, he decided to give himself a vacation, go and see his magic plants and magic beasts, and see if he can engrave anything.

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