I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 97 97 Methods of Finding Mining Ants and Magic Trees

Chapter 97 97. Method of Finding Mineral Ants and Magic Trees

The poor queen ant had never experienced such a feeling.

A third-level wizard, and a third-level wizard with many cheats, cast magic on it, and it had no room for resistance.

Its spirit was almost instantly affected by the power of Cloya, sinking into the quiet melody, and heard the latter's gentle voice-

"Help me, I will give you enough food, a safe nest and enough magic power."

Natural communication and quiet serenade work together to immediately show the queen ant a wonderful picture.

It was a nest made of various foods and magic ores. No need to worry about food and magic power anymore, just help this generous wizard find minerals and magic veins.

Just do this and you will get it!

The gentle voice constantly impacted its consciousness, showing those pictures directly in front of it.

How can a small queen ant withstand such temptation?

Survival of the fittest, even magic insects will want to find a safe place to reproduce and live well, and now such a place is right in front of them.

It quickly immersed itself in this wonderful scene, and gradually came up with an idea: Finding minerals! Finding minerals can make the tribe live and evolve more comfortably!

This desire was so strong that the pheromones it released were filled with this idea, infecting all the other gray magic ants around.

So, it was really as Cloya expected.

The same consciousness came from the star spirits of the surrounding gray magic ants -

"Find mineral veins and magic veins!"

Although the consciousness of a single ant was very small, there were so many ants that even Cloya could feel their determination.

It was even a bit deafening.

A smile appeared on the face of the mage, and he knew that his attempt was successful.

As he thought, it was really possible to make them desire through temptation and hypnosis, but... this method was probably only effective against creatures with weak mental power.

It might not even work on monsters.

Because the mental power of monsters is actually difficult to influence and tame. If you want to instill your thoughts into them, you must be several levels stronger than them.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many animal trainers.

The road is there, it's hard to walk, but it can be walked.

Cloya is already quite satisfied with this result.

He happily reached out and held the queen ant in his palm and began to imprint it.

This time when imprinting, he used the magic pattern he learned from the coconut tree and superimposed it on the "ore vein perception" given by the Star Crystal Turtle.

Magic one plus one is not that simple.

The combination and magic pattern structure inside... If he hadn't experimented in the Sea of ​​​​Void Moon, it would be really troublesome to do it this way.

The difficulty also increased sharply.

Even a magician like Cloya was exhausted after completing this almost brand new magic imprint.

This is just the beginning.

Next, it is even more painful to imprint the ants one by one. If the magic insect ants can not survive for a long time, he really won't do this.

You can't work hard to imprint them, but they die soon, that's really going to vomit blood.

I didn't expect that the mark was originally intended for bees and night-light grass, but now it was on ants... It was really a coincidence.

I don't know if the ants can satisfy him.


Time passed by.

Kloya was immersed in the pleasure of engraving, and didn't notice that the huge tentacle slime was slowly approaching him.

Jamie covered his mouth and wanted to shout Kloya in fear, but was directly knocked down and drowned by several slimes.

The slimes blocked his mouth, and poor Jamie could only make a "woo woo woo" sound.

He watched the tentacle slime walk behind Kloya who closed his eyes and rested, and then... hugged the mage with its tentacles!

"!!!" Jamie showed a shocked expression, and he struggled hard to escape from the slime's bondage.

As a child who grew up on an island, he had seen many things and heard some evil legends.

This, is that evil slime trying to...

He couldn't break free, so he could only close his eyes and pray.

What if he saw something he shouldn't have seen, would he be silenced?


Kroya, who was engraving the spell, felt something wrong, and he glanced out of the corner of his eye.

The huge slime was tying his body with its tentacles, allowing him to sit on the slime's soft body that looked like jelly.

To be honest, it actually felt pretty good.

The weather at the seaside was already very hot, and suddenly being hugged by a walking cool jelly sofa, the hot feeling disappeared all of a sudden.

The only problem was...it was a bit weird.

It looked like he was tied up by the tentacle slime and was about to be eaten in the next second.

After a little entanglement, he decisively ignored this bit of abnormality and continued to engrave the magic with full concentration.

It's okay as long as it's comfortable, if it doesn't look good...then it doesn't look good.

Anyway, there is an apprentice Jamie here. Even if he is crazy, he would never dare to tell anyone.

With the Slime's Mu Mo cooling, Cloya's speed of engraving magic increased a lot. He did not plan to engrave magic on all the gray magic ants at once.

Instead, he carefully selected 100 of them, all of which were the strongest worker ants.

The sun in the sky gradually tilted from noon, and some dim sunlight replaced the bright sunshine. The air also smelled of cooking smoke and the smell of cooking.

From noon to dusk.

He finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the engraving was completed.

[Engraving successful, gray magic ant·antenna (ore vein perception·modification)]

[This magic will undergo some changes, and the gray magic ant's form will change. ]

After the prompt, the antennae of the gray magic ants he selected began to undergo some very obvious changes: they became longer, and there was magic attached to them, blue and beautiful.

The queen ant that was engraved with magic first also changed.

It also grew long antennae, but this antennae was a bit exaggerated, and had exceeded the length of its body.

The blue lights on the antennae flickered at the same frequency.

The prompt sounded again--

[Gray Magic Ants can use their antennae to detect possible mineral veins/magic veins in the surrounding area. The more Gray Magic Ants that have "Mineral Vein Perception·Modified", the larger the perception range. ]

[You can feed them magic power of different attributes to let them specify to find mineral veins/magic veins of a certain attribute/type. ]

[When the queen is present, the range will be increased by 100%. ]

The gray magic ants that had been engraved were suddenly stunned.

They all rushed to a certain location, and then started digging together, and soon disappeared underground.

"Ah? Is there a mineral vein?"

Kroya watched their movements, watching silently, and at the same time using his mental power to perceive.

A minute later, he felt the joy of the gray magic ants, and immediately felt something was wrong.

The island was searched by the Star Realm Crystal Turtle, and there was no mineral vein at all. How could you still find a mineral vein?

Are you more powerful than the Crystal Turtle of the Star Realm?

He walked over suspiciously and poured his power into the earth.

"Let me see what's there!"

The earth suddenly began to surge, and the soil seemed to be torn apart by an invisible big hand, and a pit gradually appeared.

In the center of the pit, there was a...

crystal pipe.

Seeing this thing, Kloya's heart tightened immediately. He glanced at Jamie next to him and gave an order to the slime.

The latter immediately tied Jamie with tentacles, put him on his body, covered his eyes and took him away.

It was obviously a human creation inside, and this style of crystal tube always felt that it should be left by the wizard. No matter what was deeper, it was not something Jamie could see.

Letting the slime take him away was for his own good. What if he accidentally saw something he shouldn't see? Would it be murder or murder?

After sending Jamie away, he walked to the front of the pit and began to dig up the soil around the pipe with the wizard's hand and earth and stone shaping.

As the soil was dug up, what came out of it was beyond his expectation again.

That... creation that looked like a crystal pipe was actually just a special situation formed by chance. Buried deep in the soil was a strange tree-like object.

Its branches had different shapes, some were thick, some were thin, some were smooth, and some were twisted. Anyway, they protruded at will.

It was a protruding branch that formed the shape of a crystal tube.

There were also a lot of mosses growing on its surface.

Those light blue mosses were translucent and had obvious characteristics of elemental magic plants.

He stared at it.

Magic Field Moss - Astral Body Imprinting gave such an answer.

On the contrary, the strange tree was not displayed.

This shows that it is neither a magic beast nor a magic plant.

Instead, it looks a bit like...

"Magic Field Method?" Kroya frowned.

After he completely dug out this strange "tree", he was more certain that this thing should be a creation created by the Magic Field Method.

Because at the root of the tree, there is a crystal clear magic crystal.

It is a four-sided magic crystal, and different magic patterns are engraved on each face. They are intertwined and cover the magic crystal.

The magic pattern is a bit similar to the magic field method that Cloya learned.

Obviously, it is this magic crystal that provides energy, and then forms this tree about three meters high - this should not be called the magic field method, it is more appropriate to call it the magic tree method.

Cloya is simply a treasure.

A brand new magic field method!

He couldn't wait to walk to the root of the tree, carefully inspected the magic crystal with branches extending out, and memorized the magic pattern engraved on it.

This is a brand new magic field method, and its value is simply priceless.

To be honest, although he has the magic field vine, he doesn't know the formation principle of the magic field vine after all, so he has always wanted to copy one himself.

The magic field method is the goal he is going to study.

If the magic field method can be engraved on the seeds or rhizomes of a certain magic plant, can it also grow into a special magic plant similar to the magic field vine?

Although it is definitely not as smart as the magic field vine, it is at least a way.

A way that can be controlled by him is much better than going to the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce to buy things.

He looked at it for a while, and then stopped when he felt dizzy and exhausted his mental strength.

The magic pattern on it is really too complicated. It is almost impossible to study it thoroughly at once.

"I can only move it back first and put it in the laboratory for slow research." He sighed. Fortunately, this thing can be put into the shell magic tool, otherwise it will be troublesome to move it.

It is estimated that this thing should be left by the former Eurydice Master. Apart from him, Cloya can't think of anyone else who has this magical power.

But why does this thing grow here... I don't know.

The only question is, is there any more?

Is there really only one plant?

Thank you for the reward from the big guy who changed his name so expensively and the monthly tickets from all the big guys. There are really a lot... I feel your love!

QAQ, I fell asleep when I went home today, and now I woke up and found that I didn't set the timer. It's really a bit stupid of me.

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