Soon, the two came to the office.

"This is for you."

Wang Li handed over a red box on the table and said, "It was specially sent by the province."

"Huh? For me?"

"It's probably a reward for the Ping'an River incident."

Hearing this, Bai Yuan's expression was shocked and he quickly opened the box.

However, when he saw what was inside, he was completely dumbfounded...

"What's wrong? Did they give you a bomb? What's that expression?"

"I would rather send me some bombs, at least they are still useful..."

Bai Yuan looked bitter and handed the box to Wang Li.

There were only two things inside, a certificate of honor with the words "Best Newcomer in the Ping'an River Incident" and a banner with the words "Selfless Dedication, Model of the Times"...

Wang Li couldn't hold it back for a moment, no wonder the other party had such an expression,

"No, I contributed so much, and you only give me these two things?!"

Bai Yuan's eyes were full of reluctance, and then he looked through the box again, muttering to himself:

"There must be ghost crystals hidden inside, or a bank card is stuffed in the certificate of honor!"


Wang Li opened his mouth slightly, there is a card in your certificate?

"Okay, don't waste your energy. Did you tell Minister Wei something?"

He also felt that this reward was a bit too abstract...

"What did you say?"

Bai Yuan was slightly startled, and then repeated the conversation that night,

"I thought..."

Wang Li curled his lips and said, "You portray yourself as so selfless, and Minister Wei is a real person. He thought you didn't like material rewards, so of course he gave you spiritual rewards."


Bai Yuan's mouth twitched, and he said:

"No way, I'm just pretending..."

"I guess the minister is worried that money will corrode your pure and flawless soul!"

Wang Li's face was full of smiles, and he said:

"Treasure it well, this is your honor!"


Bai Yuan felt a little bad, and said to himself:

"I can refuse it, but he can't refuse it!"

He didn't expect that being too smart would backfire. If he had known, he would have said it directly at that time...

After a while,

Bai Yuan hung his head, left the office, and returned to the class with the reward.

"Brother Bai, your certificate? So cool?"

As soon as he entered the classroom, he ran into Yang Quan's group of four.

The four of them naturally saw the certificate in his hand and hurriedly said:

"Brother Bai, congratulations!"

"Yes, honor is priceless, congratulations..."

The four of them didn't expect that flattering would hit the horse's hoof...


Bai Yuan glanced at the four of them, smiled slightly, and said: "Shouldn't you celebrate for me?"

"Of course!"

Yang Quan smiled and said: "I'll treat Brother Bai to dinner tonight!"

"No need for dinner, just praise me "Go up on stage and read your argumentative essay... No, sing it!"


The four people's legs went weak and they almost fell to the ground.

"Sing... sing it?"

"Remember, be emotional."


Yang Quan and others swallowed their saliva. You really torture people...

After a while,

The four people really sang a heart-wrenching song on the stage...

"I will remember you..."

When Yang Quan stepped down, he looked at Bai Yuan fiercely.

He secretly decided to work hard, become a ghost man as soon as possible, and completely defeat the devil in front of him!

When the time comes, he will let Bai Yuan go on stage every day...


At night,

"Best Newcomer Award..."

Bai Yuan shook his head and hung the certificate and banner on the wall of his home.

"I can't count on the official reward, please don't let me down!"

He glanced at his chest and said to himself:

"It's been a week, and it hasn't been digested yet? Could it be indigestion?"

Although the ghost face has not appeared yet, Bai Yuan's expectations are getting stronger and stronger.

Good medicine is never too late...

He muttered in his heart, but he was not in a hurry.

Soon, the time came to twelve o'clock in the night.

Bai Yuan, who was sleeping, felt hot in his chest, and his consciousness was instantly pulled into the dark space.

"Is the medicine ready?"

His expression was shocked, and he lost his sleepiness.

"It's finally here again..."

Looking at the familiar dark space, he felt extremely familiar.

"Hey, why are there fewer red beads on it? There are only three?"

He looked

He looked at the red bead above the dark space and immediately noticed the difference.

And at this moment,

A message came into his mind.

He was slightly startled, and then he understood it all at once, thinking:

"So this thing is called ghost coins?"

"Using ghost coins to resist unknown mental attacks? What the hell..."

He was a little confused, and then he seemed to think of something:

"Damn, don't tell me that immunity to the attack of the ghost river requires money?!"

Ghost Face didn't respond, but seemed to agree...

"No, I thought it was free..."

He twitched his mouth, and really thought Ghost Face was some kind of charity...

"Medicine needs to be exchanged for ghosts, and ghost coins are also needed to resist attacks. Does everything have a price..."

For a moment, in his heart, the image of Ghost Face Doctor collapsed and turned into a profiteer...

Just as Bai Yuan was thinking,

I only heard waves of resentful wails from the depths of darkness, which made people shudder.

"Hmm? This voice is so familiar?"

His expression was shocked, and he said instantly: "Is it the head of the female corpse in Ping'an River, and the ghost slave I devoured?"

"It seems that they are one, but they are not dead yet?"

He was slightly startled, and for a moment he didn't know whether to say that the ghost face was too inefficient or the female corpse was a little too strong...

However, as time passed,

the wailing of the female corpse and the ghost slaves gradually faded,

At the same time, the red round beads above the dark space, that is, ghost coins, are increasing at this moment,

Originally there were only three left, but in a short time, there were more than a hundred!

"Is this thing so powerful?"

Bai Yuan was slightly startled, and there was also a touch of shock in his heart,

He remembered that the Yin ghost was equivalent to one ghost coin, and this was just the incomplete head of the female corpse, but it was equivalent to one hundred Yin ghosts?

"It's time to produce medicine..."

Bai Yuan didn't care too much about the ghost coin. After all, it seems that it only has the function of resisting spiritual ghost skills.

What he cares more about is the medicine that can make him abnormal... uh... stronger!

And at this moment,

The darkness around Bai Yuan suddenly dispersed a little, allowing him to see the true face of this space.


His eyes focused, and he saw that the place where the darkness was revealed was actually rolling blood, like a river.

"Isn't there a sea of ​​blood around me?"

He looked around, and the place where his consciousness was located was really like a reef in the sea.

Just as he was shocked, a cold and familiar aura suddenly appeared.


His expression was shocked, and he looked down.

He saw a body emitting a cold aura emerging from the sea of ​​blood and crawling towards him.

What was even more surprising was that

the head of this ghost was marked with 100 ghost coins...

"This is... the price of this thing?!"

Bai Yuan's mind was shocked, and at the same time he had a strange idea in his mind.

This ghost face couldn't be some unscrupulous ghost dealer...

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