In short, Diaz returned to the ward with mixed emotions.

His eyes unconsciously glanced at Hancock's gorgeous red lips.

Don't tell me, it's quite beautiful.


"Can't you go out?"Diaz said helplessly to Sandasonia and Garrett in the room.

Sandasonia perked up, understood, and hurried out. Garrett said with a smile:"Remember to take safety measures. , if she gets pregnant again, you have to go out and spend money"

"What kind of person am I?!!"Diaz almost collapsed. Are you my wife?"

"Well, although not, there is no shame in spending a little. I am doing this for your health."


Has Garrett been turning into a fun-loving person recently?

Who influenced her?

Under Diaz's gaze, Garrett left, and suddenly appeared again, taking the person who was brewing feelings. Diaz was startled,"You haven’t kissed yet?"


Garrett was so frightened that she immediately closed the door, and Diaz sighed.

"It's just a kiss, it's nothing, I made a lot of money."

Thinking like this in his heart, he then leaned down and kissed those flaming red lips.

Hancock suddenly woke up, his eyes widened, and when he saw who was in front of him, his face instantly turned red, and circles appeared in his eyes. Give up thinking, follow the will of the brain, hug Diaz directly, and lock him tightly with two long legs.

Hancock locked Diaz!

"woo woo woo woo!!! Diaz patted the hospital bed,"

What's going on with this woman?"

The two of them were breathing more and more rapidly, and the door suddenly came,"Ah, you guys are having a good time.""

Xia Qi looked at the two of them and smiled.


Hancock passed out again and let go of Diaz.

"My lips hurt and were a bit swollen." Touching his lips, Diaz didn't feel good.

"Oh, it looks like little Hancock likes you very much."Xia Qi joked:"How do you feel?"

"Very moist.

Diaz replied subconsciously, and then asked:"Is Hancock dead?""

"Roughly the same."

I feel like I can't stay here any longer and I have to run away immediately. I quickly fled the scene, leaving Xia Qi and others behind. Xia Qi came to Hancock's side, took a look, and said,"It's better, I'll just say it. Just give it a kiss."

This is the experience of people who have been there!

"Okay, girl, don't pretend to be asleep."Woke up Hancock who was pretending to be faint,"How do you feel?"

"Xia Qi! Hancock woke up shyly,"What is this? I am ready to get rid of the relationship with him!""

"Yeah? I saw that you were enjoying it very much."Xia Qi didn't continue to joke. She knew that Hancock was thin-skinned, so she said,"You like him. This feeling has been hidden for a long time, hasn't it? It is precisely because you no longer want to associate with him that the love disease will break out. Hancock, an Amazon Lily woman, once she falls in love, she will love that man for the rest of her life."

Xia Qi touched Hancock's hair like a mother,"You will continue to love him, won't you?"

"Well……"Hancock buried his head in his knees like a little girl,"He already has a wife."

"And there are children."Sanda Sonia was caught off guard with her last hit.


Hancock's defense was broken by his younger sister,"So what should I do, Xia Qi, use your love experience to think of a solution!""

"My experience is... I fell in love with him! Xia Qi's words were not surprising,"Wouldn't it be great if you had children too?" If she is a girl, she can be trained to become the next emperor of Amazon Lily."

"Stop talking! I would never do such a thing!"

"Then there's nothing I can do about it. You didn't take action when he was single, and now you only regret it."Xia Qi cast a disdainful look. When she was on the island, she didn't take any action for half a year. If it were her, the child would be able to go to sea now.

"At that time, I didn’t understand what I was thinking. If I had known about it, I would have left him on the island."

I really regret it now. If I had left Diaz on the island, there would have been so many bad things. But

Xia Qi shook her head:"Hancock, you can't trap such a man, he won't Stopping at Amazon Lily is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You can't let go of this face, and he really respects his woman."Xia Qi said with a smile:"If I were younger and had not met Lao Lei, such a good man would not miss it."

Now there are only two words above Hancock's head,"Destroyed Dog!""

"Okay, Lao Lei is going to spend the rest of his life in prison. I'm going to go to Champaign Island and move the bar here. Lingling's child's island now completely belongs to little Brando."

I think they were still partners on the same boat, but now she and the Golden Lion are the only ones left.

I don't know if the Golden Lion is dead or not.

Diaz found Otto and gave the guy a good beating before returning to his own in the room.

Garrett was sitting quietly in the room, holding a parenting book in her hand, as if she had not gone out just now.

"Oops, I'm back, how does it feel?"

"……Mouth is very sweet"

"After all, he is a person with sweet fruit ability."Garrett sat in his arms,"Do you really not want to find another one? I don't mind"

"Never thought about it! If I had taken action, I would have done it when I was a teenager, when Hancock couldn't escape."Diaz hugged his wife's waist and bit her delicate earlobe.

"Ear……"Garrett's body trembled and she gasped softly:"Don't make trouble, there are still children."

"Just because you knew you had a child, you escaped, Garrett, my lovely Garrett."Smelling the fragrance in her hair, Diaz whispered love words.

"What should you do if you can't hold it in any longer? I won't help you anymore, my mouth is so sour."

"I can't hold it in"

"You can't hold it in!"

"I can't hold it in!"

"You can't hold it in! Your desire is like an abyss. Your body is getting better and better. Reiju and I can no longer bear it!"

"There is no way, he is powerful and fierce!"


The couple talked together and hugged his wife at night. Diaz had a good sleep. When he saw

Hancock and the others the next day, he asked unexpectedly:"You haven't left yet?""

"……Are you so anxious to drive me away? Hancock said unhappily:"Isn't it something you should be happy to have a beauty like me accompanying you?""

"Ah, yes, yes." Diaz nodded hurriedly and had no intention of getting entangled with Hancock. He still had other things to do, such as causing trouble for the World Government.

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