After reuniting with Ace, it was time to separate.

Bai Yun failed to convince Ace not to go after Blackbeard, but to put it another way, if Ace really didn't go, then he would not be "Ace".

In the end, Bai Yun can only let Ace engrave the words "don't live up to the sacrifice of your loved ones" in his heart, hoping to resist the gears of fate.

Moreover, Bai Yun is not unplanned, if they go according to fate, they will meet Blackbeard on Gaya Island.

When encountered, what will happen, then it depends on Bai Yun's own ideas and practices.

Fei Kong left the coast of the rape flower, and Bai Yun was not in a hurry to catch up with Luffy and them.

Instead, I went to the city, bought a desert suit, and found a place to eat a late-night snack.

Just like Ace said, sitting down to eat and admire the moon, just without his share.


And Luffy on their side.

After a day of tossing during the day.

He collected a group of manatee apprentices in the Aruma oasis and persuaded them to return with food.

Originally, because it had flowed throughout the kingdom of Alabastan since ancient times, the [Santa Dora River] that irrigated this land was constantly eroded by seawater.

Simply put, the sea water is constantly replacing the Santa Dora River and flowing into Alabastan.

The Oasis of Eruma near the coast has no source of fresh water, and because the whole country has not rained for three years, it has become the first abandoned oasis city.

And within three years, the only place where it rained in Alabastan was Arubana, the capital of the kingdom, plus Klockdar let people take dancing powder (rain powder) to perform a play at the pier.

It is clear to tell the citizens that the reason why it will not rain is because the rain was snatched away by the capital of the kingdom.

The anger that had been suppressed for two years finally broke out in these days. (The dock dancing fan scene was performed two years ago, but the rain has not fallen for three years)

Vivi knew that these were all things Klockdar did, and after telling Luffy about them, it was also considered to be an angry buff on the top.

Out of Airu, Luffy and they continued on their way.

After continuing through, the fraudulent bird was tricked into taking all the luggage and water, and then saved the desert camel "Eyelash" under the mouth of the giant Santa Dora lizard.

The two ladies rode on their eyelashes, which was also much more relaxed.

It's not that Nami and Vivi are selfish, but that this satyr camel is only allowed to be ridden by girls.

There are also encounters with giant toads in the desert, Luffy walks and falls, and as a result, he is sleeping and so on.

Time passes, the sun sets and the moon rises.

Luffy and they finally arrived at the rebels' stronghold [Yoba].

At this time, Bai Yun was eating a late-night snack.

And Luffy also had an accident on their side.

Yoba of the desert oasis was now in ruins, like Aruma in front of him.

Moreover, there are sandstorms on it.

"How could it be...,"

Vivi said in disbelief.

"This is also too desolate, what is the difference with Aruma?"

Solon sighed.

"What about water!?" Luffy was so thirsty that he stuck out his tongue and looked left and right.

"Isn't this an oasis? Vivi.

Sanji asked.

Wei Wei replied with a disappointed look, "Shashuo let the ground rise and bury the oasis.

"But that's not the main problem, the question is, why did Jeoba, who was a rebel stronghold, become like this!!"

Vivi said in bewilderment, walking forward in disbelief, Luffy and they immediately followed, but saw an old grandfather in front of him who kept shoveling sand.

"Is it a desert traveler?"

"I'm sorry this city is deserted."

"But you can rest here."

"In terms of places to stay, how much there is in this city, this is the pride of this city."

Vivi covered the lower half of her face with her hat and asked.

"Excuse me, I heard that there are rebels in this city?"

Unexpectedly, when the old man heard this, the rebels suddenly changed their faces.

"Why are you looking for the rebels?"

"Are you going to join the rebels too!?"

Saying that he was still not relieved, the old man directly threw the empty wooden barrel or something.

"Those bastards aren't here anymore."

"The sandstorm just started today, and since the rain-free drought began three years ago, it has been regularly hit by sandstorms."

"The city is submerged little by little, and the oasis of the past has become what it is today."

"The flow of materials here has also stopped, and the rebel army cannot fight a protracted war, so the main camp has been moved to [Catlaya]."


As soon as the old man's words came out, Wei Wei was suddenly stunned, feeling that the will of God was tricky.

"Where is that? Is it close to here? Vivi?"

Luffy turned his head and asked.

"It's an oasis close to the canola flowers."

Vivi said with a lost soul.

"What!!" Everyone was shocked.

Usopp couldn't help but complain, "So what are we here for!!"

And what the old man paid attention to was indeed the name of Vivi in Luffy's mouth.

"Vivi, you just called her Vivi!"

"It's really you! Princess Vivi! You're alive!!"

"You don't remember me? Also, I lost weight.

Wei Wei was grabbed by the old man's arms, but when she looked so closely, the face in front of her and the face in her memory began to merge, and her voice also had an impression.

"Are you... Uncle Doto!!"


It turned out that Yobari was digging sand by Toto, who had been sent by the king to develop the city of Yoba.

And his sons Kosha and Vivi also knew childhood sweethearts when they were children, but halfway through, Kosha followed Doto to develop Yoba.

It is also now that Kosha has become the leader of the rebel army, and has left the city where he grew up.

Vivi they pounced, it was really a trick.

"It's just three years without rain... How could His Majesty the King, I believe most of the people feel the same as me.

"I persuaded the rebels again and again."

"But they didn't stop anyway, and their experience reached its limit."

"They decided to go through the next attack because they were cornered and had to start desperately."

"Please, little Vivi, please stop those idiots."

Toto couldn't help but say in tears.

Vivi herself was obviously disappointed and felt that Providence was tricky, but looking at Doto like this, there were still people who were so convinced of his father, deeply believed in this country, and as a princess, how could she be lost, how could she give up.

"Uncle Doto, don't worry, I will definitely stop the rebels."

Vivi was already tired, but still tried to put on a smile.



As soon as they turned around, Solon and they arrived at the house and immediately rested, waiting for the next day.

The desert has a large temperature difference between day and night, and crossing the desert at night is simply looking for death.

Under the fight between Usopp and Choba, the atmosphere in the room finally became more relaxed.

Luffy saw that Toto was still digging sand, and couldn't help but jump down to help him, but the sand he dug went to fill the hole that Doto dug, but he also knew that he was wrong.

But in the end, there was no water in the end, Luffy slept directly at the bottom of the pit, and Doto smiled helplessly, it was the kind of grandfather's smile to his grandson, carried Luffy back to the room, and then continued to dig sand.

The Straw Hat Pirates, who crossed the desert during the day, can finally rest now.

And white luck.

A room was opened in the rape flowers.

Looking at the moon through the window, he still dispelled the urge to fight with Klockdar to the end.

"Good night."


"Good night."


"Tomorrow is destined to be a day of unrest."


The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, and the moon rises and falls in the west.

The laws of nature come out.

The next day came safely.

The chief conductors of the Baroque studio assemble in the dream [Rainland] casino.

I met their behind-the-scenes boss for so many years, Sand Crocodile Klockdar, one of the Seven Martial Seas of His Majesty.

Surprised, but also curious about His Majesty Qi Wuhai, a pirate "legal" by the government, what is he going to rob a country for?

Klockdar said that if he was not money, nor status, but [military power].

Told the chief commanders that Hades, one of the three legendary ancient weapons, is in Alabastan!

That's why he wants to snatch the whole of Alabastan over.

I gave the plan to the commanders, and after reading it, I handsomely burned it directly on the candlestick in front of me.

But at this time, Mr.3, who was still alive, appeared.

"I hope this [Ideal Township] plan can be extended.!"

Mr.3 told the pirates who were protecting Vivi that they were not dead, and none of them were dead.

They were sending Vivi back to Alabastan, so angry that Lao Sha sucked him dry and threw him into the crocodile pool, but Mr. 3 is also a future emperor, and it is not so easy to die.

"0 Zai, you make it clear, why can't I understand what happened!?"

Xiao Feng as the person who chased and killed Mr.3, but Mr.3 was still alive at this time, and he was also confused.

Until Klockdar took out Luffy's portrait.

Xiao Feng understood.

"I met them..."

Then, he changed Luffy's faces to Klockdal and them.

"Plus Vivi, that pet doesn't care, there are six people in total, how come you didn't imitate his face with this long-haired little ghost!"

"He's dead!"

Bai Yun: You are the one who dies!

Xiao Feng shook his head, "No, he's still alive, it's just that I didn't touch his face."

Klockdar nodded with a gloomy face, Mr.3 is really a waste, really no one has solved it.

He also understood what Vivi wanted to do.

"Listen, you can see these six people clearly."

"Their purpose is [to stop the rebellion], leave them alone, they will automatically appear, and if they see them, shoot and kill."

"However, 0 boy, even if Vivi is a princess, can she convince the rebels with one mouth? That's 700,000 rebels.

Xiao Feng asked, and he dared to call Klockdar "0 Zai", and Klockdar agreed to this title.

Then the question of the mystery of Klockdal's gender can be considered.

"The trouble is that I heard that Princess Vivi and Kousha, the leader of the rebels, are childhood sweethearts."

"Even if you can't convince the rebels, at least it will shake the hearts of the military."

Klockdahl said as he chewed on his cigar and slammed it on the table.

"I have sent hundreds of millions of messengers to infiltrate the rebels, and I have not received a letter to prove that the rebels have not yet begun to act."

"In short, before the action, you must not let Vivi and Kosha meet."

"Ms. All Sunday, you use the phone worm to inform those billions of messengers, and when you see this group of people, you will kill them."

Miss Robin appeared again, nodding and smiling back in the face of Klockdar's words, "Good."

"I repeat, Jedi don't let Vivi enter [Catlaya]."

"Princess Vivi and the rebel leader Kosha must not be allowed to meet the two of them."

"I don't want any more accidents."

"Remember not to be late for the [banquet], our [Ideal Town] is right in front of you."

Conductors: "It's the boss."

Klockdar picked up a cigar again and bit it, smiling, "Have fun." "



Bai Yun's side just got up and stretched to look at the clock.

"This time probably hasn't started yet."

Talking to himself, after speaking, Bai Yun got up to wash, washed, and then went downstairs for breakfast.

Then bowed slightly to the boss, "Thank you for your hospitality." "

The boss also politely went back, the mouth is not polite, just give the money and have not yet exported.

As soon as he looked up, Bai Yun was gone.

Suddenly stunned, "Eat the overlord meal? Live in the Overlord Room?"


Luffy and their side, although they had crossed the desert for a busy day, but the bamboo basket was empty.

With a small barrel of water that Uncle Toby had dug for the night and then distilled, he set out on his way to the new base camp of the rebels [Katreya].

But soon after walking out, Luffy sat directly under a dead tree, "I'm not doing it." "

You said you didn't do it?"

"What do you mean, Luffy."

"You don't want this tantrum, stand up quickly."

"We have to stop the rebels, otherwise 1 million people will fight, and the scene will be out of control."

"For Vivi."

Sanji advised.

Luffy only replied, "Boring." So

angry that Sanji turned into a shark face, "What, you bastard!"

Luffy didn't care about him, but looked at Vivi and said.

"Vivi, I'm going to beat up that crocodile."

"Stop the guy who wants to rebel, then who will stop the crocodile, besides, we will count when we get to that city, who will listen to the pirates."

Although Luffy usually grinned, he sometimes saw things more clearly than many people on the ship.

Vivi was silent, and Luffy continued.

"You don't want anyone dying in this battle, those nationals, and us pirates."

"But our opponent is one of the Seven Wuhai, or a battle of 1 million people."

"You want everyone to be safe and sound, and you want no one to die, it's too naïve."

Luffy's voice fell.

The scene was silent, and Nami, who knew how stressed Vivi was, wanted to help Vivi say something, but Sanji stopped it.

Vivi took off her hat and asked.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Is it wrong that I don't want anyone to die in this senseless war?"

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